UPS tracking – make a field be a link to the ups tracking website

I have to take over a php project and I am totally new to php. I have this webpage that displays all packages sent to a customer and I want them to be able to click on the tracking number to do UPS website tracking.

The code:


$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

if (!$result) {

} else {

    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

            echo "<tr>";

            echo "<td><strong>";
            echo $row['trackingno'];
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo $row['date_shipped'];
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo $row['desc_reference2'];
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo $row['status'];
            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo $row['date_delivered'];
            echo "</td>";

            echo "</tr>";
    } else {
        echo "There are no Returns matching search!";

I need the "trackingno" to display the number but be able to clik on it and be a link to

Any suggestions will be highly apprecited.