How is Website Framework detected

Hello guys, please can someone explain to me how i can know the framework of any website on the internet. I know how i can detect wordpress but other framework are hard for me. Please i need assistance on this.

APIs and SDKs in a PHP project

I want to understand how I can add an SDK to my PHP projects to make APIs calls. I noticed that every software company have an SDK. I also noticed that most SDKs use Composer. I don't know what composer is and do I need to have it for every SDK?

I am also using PHP procedural programming and I noticed that these SDKs use OOP.

Can someone help me make my first API call using an SDK?

AirTM API: How to Build a Form?


I am somewhat new to APIs. I have integrated PayPal payments successfully. With PayPal, I can send the user to the payment page using an HTML form. Here is an example ...

<!-- PAYPAL -->
<form action="" method="POST" name="_cart">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" />
    <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" />
    <input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="amount_1" id="amount" value="1.00" />
    <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
    <input type='hidden' name='notify_url' value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="" />
    <input type="submit" class="submit" value="Deposit Money Via PayPal">
<!-- PAYPAL -->

I want to do the same thing for AirTM. Here is their developer page:

I am not sure where to include the Header information.

Can you help?

What would you like to see in a business directory?

Hello webmasters,

I am currently building a template that I am going to sell on different websites like Codester and CodeGrape.
I want to build a business directory.

Here is what I have come up with ...

  1. users can register and add listings.
  2. admin can create categories for users to select from.
  3. admin can create sub categories if necessary.
  4. users can submit a review for listings ranging from 1 to 5 stars with comments.
  5. users can buy a featured listings for more traffic.
  6. admin can set listings parameters like website url and email address or phone number.

What else should I include?
I am not sure if I am missing something important.
Any suggestions?

Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info

About a year ago, I had a similar issue except then system would crash after pressing Submit. The issue was caused because of PHP 8 incompatibility problems. However, got the coding to fix all of that and things worked good again and with PHP 8. But now something new is happening. Now, when Submit is pressed, system doesn't crash and goes to the after submission screen like its supposed to. Everything appears to be working fine except for one thing. No emails are being received. Last on line submission form I received was on 2/6/2024. No coding was changed at all, just nothing sends at all. I tested multiple on line submission forms on several websites. Same thing, nothing is sending. The coding I used to fix everything before is the same on all the on-line submission pages. It appears to be an issue with PHP. The coding for 1 of these pages is below.

// grab recaptcha library
// require_once "recaptchalib.php";
// foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    //echo '<p><strong>' . $key.':</strong> '.$value.'</p>';
// your secret key
$recaptcha_secret_key = "6LeW4RQUAAAAAJ4NvgWIKJc4b-AeKp6LcLFCFQoS";

// empty response
$recaptcha_response = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];

$recaptcha_url = '';
$recaptcha_data = array(
    'secret' => $recaptcha_secret_key,
    'response' => $recaptcha_response

$recaptcha_options = array(
    'http' => array(
        'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
        'method' => 'POST',
        'content' => http_build_query($recaptcha_data)

$recaptcha_context = stream_context_create($recaptcha_options);
$recaptcha_result = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url, false, $recaptcha_context);
$recaptcha_json = json_decode($recaptcha_result);

if ($recaptcha_json->success) {
    // ReCaptcha validation successful, process the form submission
    // Your form processing code goes here

$subject = "Showing Scheduling";
$message = " Showing Scheduling" . "\r\n" . "\r\n" .
"Name: " . $_POST['ShowingName'] . "\r\n" .

"Phone Number : " . $_POST['ShowingPhone1'] . "\r\n" .

"E-mail Address: " . $_POST['ShowingEmail'] . "\r\n" .
"Properties wants to see: " . $_POST['ShowingHomes'] . "\r\n" .
"Date(s)/Time(s) wants to see them: " . $_POST['ShowingTimes'] . "\r\n" .

"Questions or Comments: " . $_POST['ShowingQuestions'] . "\r\n" .

"How Heard About Us: " . $_POST['ShowingHearing'] . "\r\n" .

$from = $_POST['ShowingEmail'];
$headers = "From: $from" . "\r\n";

$to = "";
$to = "";

} else {
    // ReCaptcha validation failed, display an error message or take appropriate action
    // Example: redirect back to the form page with an error message
    header('Location: form.php?error=recaptcha');




DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn

I think that I understand the difference between:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback_fn);


window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { ... });

However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn?

Htaccess Problem Url Friendly

I have problem with this htaccess in STATIC URL

RewriteEngine On    
RewriteRule ^readlex/(.*)$/?$          readlex.php?slug=$1 [NC,L]

DINAMIC URL work fine only with defined CONSTANT: Example

<a href="<?php echo BASE_URL.READ_LEX ?>Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca</a>

Result = localhost/mysite/readlex/Le-mura-di-Lucca

STATIC URL not work (??)

<a href="localhost/mysite/readlex.php?slug=Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca</a>

Result = localhost/mysite/readlex.php?slug=Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca

***Unfortunately I can't insert the php CONSTANTS in mysql varchar/text

What’s up with XOAuth?

What was wrong with good ole using SMTP?

Has anyone here successfully used an XOAuth library for PHP? Specifically, I'm looking to connect to my Office 365 mailbox.

How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140,

The error message I've encountered is; ERROR:root:Error generating model response: exception: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, which seems to be indicative of an access violation exception that occurred within my application. This type of error apparently usually points to a problem where the code attempted to write to a protected memory address it does not have permission to access!?

I am attempting to create an interactive web application In Python Flask where users can input text and receive responses generated by a machine learning model, specifically using a model from gpt4all. The application uses Flask, a Python web framework, for the backend, and jQuery for the frontend to handle user interactions. Here's a breakdown of how they function together

Integration and Functionality The frontend sends user input to the backend via AJAX, ensuring a smooth, asynchronous interaction without needing to reload the page. The backend receives this input, processes it through the machine learning model, and sends back a generated response. The frontend then displays this response to the user in the #responseBox. At least that's my intend!

The Codes that produces the issue is somewhere in the below text, which I seem to not be able to find and correct, advice is highly appreciated: file: from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify import logging from gpt4all import GPT4All

app = Flask(name)

Load the model name from an environment variable or default to a specific model
model = GPT4All('nous-hermes-llama2-13b.Q4_0.gguf')


@app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html')

def make_request(user_input):"Received user input: {user_input}") # Log the received input try: with model.chat_session('You are a geography expert.\nBe terse.', '### Instruction:\n{0}\n### Response:\n') as session: response = session.generate(user_input, temp=0) return response except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error generating model response:'{user_input}': {e}") return "Error processing your request."

@app.route('/chat', methods=['POST']) def chat(): user_input = request.form.get('inputPrompt') response = make_request(user_input) return jsonify({"response": response})

if name == 'main':

In html file:

$(document).ready(function(){ $('#enterButton').click(function(){ var user_input = $('#inputPrompt').val(); $.post('/chat', {inputPrompt: user_input}, function(data){ var response = $('#responseBox').html(data); $('#inputPrompt').val(''); // Clear input box after sending the message }); }); });
I have been struggling with finding the problem and thus the solution to the issue. I'm a new, as green as can be, so please be gentle and pardon me for my ignorance on the matter. I've had a hard time with the issue and simply cant figure it out. All help and advice would be much appreciated. thank you in advance.

Add property to standard object

I, very hackily, create an object of type stdClass as so:

$arr = array(
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => 'bat'

$obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr));

How can I now quickly add a third property to $obj without PHP getting angry?

Will WordPress Replace Web Developers? (Expert Insights)

As WordPress grows in popularity and usage, we are often asked by our readers: will WordPress eventually replace web developers?

WordPress has become the go-to solution to make websites without needing to write code or learn web development. This may give the impression that WordPress is going to replace web developers altogether.

This article will debunk the myth that WordPress will replace web developers. We will also explain the role of web developers in the WordPress ecosystem.

Debunking the myth that WordPress will replace web developers

We will cover a few different topics in this article, and you can use the quick links below to jump to the section you want to read:

The Rise of WordPress

WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder, powering more than 43% of all websites on the internet.

Its incredible success is due to the balance between ease of use and the flexibility to customize.

It started as a simple blogging tool in 2003 and soon became a robust content management system.

WordPress introduced plugins, which are like apps for your WordPress website. These plugins allow users to add more features to their websites. Currently, there are over 59,000+ free plugins in the’s plugin directory alone.

WordPress also lets you customize the appearance of your site using themes. A typical WordPress theme contains web design templates that allow you to have a professional-looking website within minutes.

Then came the WordPress page builders. These are powerful drag-and-drop design tools that enable you to create your own custom layouts, choose colors, use background images, and more.

WordPress, then introduced the block editor and full site editing features, giving users more tools to create beautiful websites without learning web development.

All these tools make it easy for users to make websites without hiring a developer. This ultimately leads some users to believe that WordPress will eventually replace web developers altogether.

Learn more: Complete history of WordPress

The Role of Web Developers

Web developers are like the builders of the internet. They play a very important role in creating and maintaining websites, ensuring they work smoothly and look great.

Here’s a simple breakdown of what web developers do:

1. Design

Designing a website requires more work than just adding colors and making it look pretty. Web developers design websites to serve the purpose of a specific business.

This involves wireframing and designing in advanced tools such as Figma or creating graphics and logos using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Designers decide where the buttons go, which colors to use, and how the information is displayed to reach the goals that the website is trying to achieve.

2. Coding

Developers write code to make a website function. This code may not be available as a built-in feature in WordPress, or the design may require additional coding.

To achieve this may choose a WordPress theme framework and create a custom WordPress theme on top of it.

They give websites superpowers to perform additional tasks, display things dynamically, store custom data, and enhance the usability and user experience of a website.

3. Maintenance

One of the crucial tasks of a web developer is website maintenance for an existing site. This includes:

  • Ensuring that the code doesn’t become outdated or cause conflicts with WordPress or other installed plugins and themes.
  • Creating backups and restore points in case of an emergency or disaster.
  • Ensuring that security best practices are followed. This might include deploying a website application firewall and securing website and user data.
  • Installing updates and maintaining the software stack up-to-date.

The Popularity of Web Development

In the earlier days of the internet, businesses needed to hire web developers even to create smaller websites. These were professional technicians who were fluent in writing code to make websites.

Due to high demand, many people joined the profession, and the industry grew exponentially.

Then came WordPress and the era of blogs. This made it easier for hobbyists to make their own personal sites without hiring developers.

This trend grew, and even small businesses and eCommerce stores became easier for non-developers to create and maintain.

However, as WordPress and other no-code solutions changed the web, web developers also broadened their skills. This includes everything from simple HTML / CSS page developers to multi-stack programmers and engineers.

And then, over time, the things that worked with WordPress began spilling into mainstream web development and vice versa. This includes the use of JavaScript and libraries like React that gave overlap between WordPress and other development, as well as page builders becoming the norm on non-WP platforms like Squarespace and Weebly.

That’s why when you are browsing freelancer websites like Upwork, you will commonly see tens of thousands of jobs listed for web developers.

Web developer jobs on freelancing websites

Even big-name brands using WordPress are employing developers to design, develop, and maintain their websites.

In fact, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 16% growth in web developer jobs from 2022-2032. This is especially impressive when you consider that the average projected growth for most professions is 3%.

Web development growth chart

Importance of Coding Skills in WordPress

While WordPress does not require coding skills or any programming knowledge, having these skills gives you incredible powers.

Understanding code allows web developers to add unique features to a site. They can customize the existing code to do different things or write fresh code to facilitate that.

Coding skills also give users enhanced WordPress troubleshooting skills. Developers are likely to know where a problem may occur and will be able to find efficient solutions to fix that.

It can be argued that a non-developer or a DIY user with no coding skills can also troubleshoot issues, fix common WordPress errors, and add new features using plugins.

However, to do this efficiently and without breaking your website requires some understanding of the code behind it.

For example, DIY users can install a plugin to add a new feature, while a web developer can do the same thing with a smaller code snippet or custom CSS.

DIY WordPress Users vs. Professional Web Developers

The core WordPress mission is to democratize publishing, and it has been incredibly successful in this mission by making WordPress so easy that even non-developer users can create websites.

DIY WordPress users are bloggers, publishers, small business owners, and online stores. These users can build their websites without hiring a web developer to write custom code for them.

But does that mean they don’t need to hire professional web developers?

They actually do. Most of the code they use is written by professional web developers and made available to them as WordPress core or WordPress themes and plugins.

As their businesses grow, many DIY users want to hire developers to design a custom WordPress theme or to outsource development for smaller features their business needs.

On the other hand, WordPress provides more jobs to independent web developers than any other website builder on the market.

WordPress web development jobs on Upwork

Due to its immense popularity, there are always plenty of jobs posted on freelancing websites for WordPress web developers.

Apart from these jobs, most top WordPress companies like Awesome Motive are always looking for talented web developers as full-time employees with excellent perks and competitive salaries.

Awesome Motive jobs

A ton of web development agencies from all over the world work specifically on WordPress and offer many job opportunities for developers.

Plus, many DIY WordPress users often develop enough skills that they start exploring WordPress career options for their full-time livelihood.

Conclusion: Is WordPress Going to Replace Web Developers?

No. WordPress is not going to replace web developers. Instead, WordPress is creating more jobs and business opportunities for web developers than any other platform.

Even DIY WordPress users rely on free and paid solutions created by independent web developers. Many WordPress development jobs are also available, both as freelancers and full-time employees.

In fact, interest in WordPress developer searches has steadily grown during the last ten years, showing no signs of decline. That’s why we think that both WordPress and web developer jobs will continue to be very popular in the future.

Google Trends interest over time for WordPress developer keyword

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress and Web Development.

You may still have some questions about whether WordPress will replace web developers. We will answer them here.

1. Will WordPress kill web development?

No. WordPress is not going to replace web development. Instead, WordPress offers web developers another platform they can develop for.

2. Is knowing WordPress enough to be a web developer?

Learning to use WordPress to make websites is not the same as being a web developer. Web developers can plan, design, extend, maintain, and secure a website. This involves knowledge and expertise in several programming languages, web servers, design tools, and more.

3. Do real web developers use WordPress?

Yes. All the time. As the world’s most popular website builder, WordPress provides an excellent platform to use as a solid code base upon which to build. This cuts web development time for developers, which they can use to implement their projects more efficiently.

4. Are WordPress developers still in demand?

Yes. More than ever, WordPress developers are in demand. They are needed for everything from small gigs like fixing bugs on a website to big projects like creating entire websites for medium to large businesses. Countless web development agencies, software companies, and businesses are hiring WordPress developers full-time.

We hope this article helped debunk the myth that WordPress is going to replace web developers. You may also want to see our article on how to learn WordPress basics for free or look at our pick of the best WordPress training courses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Will WordPress Replace Web Developers? (Expert Insights) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row

Hello I am trying to query a database to show records only for the current user using variable I get the correct data but only 1 row with results any guidance?

// Query database to retrieve records associated with the user
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE variable_name = :variable_name";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':variable_name', $variable_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$records = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

How can I create a meme generator using js canvas?

I am trying to create a meme generator similar to
I know javascript but not sure how to implement this.
I want users to be able to move text around the canvas using mousemove event listener.
But I am not sure if they are moving the text on the canvas or are they creating an overlay div then transform the dimension's to canvas?

Header design inconsistency between the Home and Blog Page

I'm using Elementor Pro to build my website, including a custom header design. However, when the same header is applied to a page built with the Kadence theme (specifically the blog page), the design breaks down.


What settings or configurations within Elementor Pro might be causing the mismatch?

Frequently Heard In My Beginning Front-End Web Development Class

I felt uninspired for a spell in 2019 and decided to enroll in a beginning-level community college course on web development as a way to “spice” things up, sort of like going backwards in order to move forwards. I had no interest in being an old dog learning new tricks; what I wanted was to look at front-end development through the eyes of a beginner in 2019 after having been a beginner in 2003.

Fast-forward five years, and I’m now teaching that class for the same college, as well as three others. What I gained by reprising my student status is an obsession with “a-ha!” moments. It’s the look in a student’s eyes when something “clicks” and new knowledge is developed. With the barrier to learning web development seemingly getting higher all the time, here I am, making merry with the basics. (That linked post to Rachel’s blog is what spurred me to go back to school.)

With several years of teaching under my belt, I have plenty of opinions about the learning landscape for web development. But what I am more interested in continues to be vicarious living through the eyes of my entry-level students and the consistent sparks of knowledge they make.

Questions are often the precursor to an “a-ha!” moment. And my students ask some pretty darn interesting questions every term, without fail, questions that have forced me to reconsider not only how I approach curriculum and instruction but also how other people think about The Web™ as a whole.

I’ve made a practice of collecting handfuls of student questions and comments. That way, I can reflect on how I might respond or answer them for future students and reference them as I write and update my lesson plans. I thought I’d share a few of them because, I hope, it will give you an idea of what those getting into the field are curious about. I think you’ll find that as many of us debate and decry the value of JavaScript frameworks, Core Web Vitals, AI, and whether Typescript is a necessary evil, the people cracking into web development are asking the most interesting questions in the field and are making way different connections than those of us who have spent forever on the front end.

These are pulled straight from students in the current Spring term. We’re only three weeks into the semester, but check out what sorts of things are already swirling around their minds as we discuss semantics, accessibility, and writing modes.

“I really never thought of this; however, code could be inclusive, and how coding could express empathy. While reading this portion of the context, I was thinking about my Kindle and how the Kindle can have audio, change my font style, larger/smaller font, and lighting. All of this helps me to read and navigate my books better depending on my surroundings and how much accessibility I will need. For example, when I am driving, I love my audiobooks, and at night, I use my dim setting and change font size because it’s the end of the day, and my eyes don’t want to do too much work reading smaller text. It’s really fascinating that coding can do all of this.”
“If we are confused about our coding and it doesn’t make sense to us, it will definitely confuse the readers, which is the opposite of our end goal, accessibility. There are also times when we might want to use <div> where we could use <article> or <nav> or any of the other important elements. It’s essential to fully understand the elements and their uses in order to write the cleanest code.”
“Tackling CSS logical properties this week felt like a juggling act, trying to keep all those new concepts in the air. Swapping left and right for inline-start and inline-end is a bit confusing, but it’s cool to see how it makes websites more welcoming for different languages.”
“What are the legal implications of website liability? I couldn’t imagine the size of a class action lawsuit that Facebook would get smacked with if a rogue developer decided to pin a gif of a strobe light to the top of the world’s newsfeeds. Are websites subject to the same legislation that requires buildings to have wheelchair ramps?”
“Sometimes, I wonder how to make all this new stuff work on old browsers that might not get what I’m trying to do. I also get stuck when my page looks great in one language but breaks in another. What’s the best way to check my work in different languages or writing modes?”
“One of the big things that really got me stoked was learning how to make content in Flexbox the same size using flex or flex-basis. This was a really big thing for me last semester when I was working on my final project. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make the content in Webflow equal in size.”
“Hearing the terms “Writing Modes” and “Logical Properties” in CSS was a bit of a concern at the beginning of this week. A lot of CSS I remember was beginning to come back, but these two were new. After going over the course modules, my concern lifted a lot, mainly because Writing Modes were the layout of text in a certain element. As simple as I thought it was, it was also very important considering how writing modes change in different countries. Learning how these writing modes change the flow of text showed how much more inclusion you could bring to a website, allowing for different languages to be filtered in.”
“Although in the previous course, we learned how flexbox and grid can be used to style interesting content on sites, we didn’t study how they were made with CSS. It was surprisingly simple to grasp the basic concepts of setting up a flexbox or grid and how their children can be positioned on a main axis and cross axis. I especially enjoyed setting up grids, as both methods are intuitive, and the concept of selecting the grid lines that an element sits in reminds me of how some programming languages implement arrays and ranges. Python, for instance, allows the user to select the last element of an array using -1 just as the grid-column: 1/-1; the property can specify that an element spans until the end of a row.”
“Logical Properties were intimidating at first, but it was just changing the code to make it make sense in a way. After learning CSS — a bit a while ago — Logical Properties seemed more modern, and I think I adapted to it quickly.”
“But as a whole, I could see the building of websites to be a very easy thing to automate, especially in this day and age. Perhaps that is why site builders do not get super specific with their semantics — I usually only find <html>, <body>, and <head>, while the rest is filled with <div>. Especially when it comes to companies that push a lot of articles or pages out onto the internet, I can see how they would not care much for being all-inclusive, as it matters more that they get the content out quickly.”
“I did not think I would enjoy coding, but so far, I like this class, and I’m learning so much. I liked getting into CSS a little and making things more customizable. I found it interesting that two elements make your content look the same but have different meanings.”

I want to end things with a few choice quotes from students who completed my course in the last term. I share them not as ego boosters but as a reminder that simplicity is still alive, well, and good on the web. While many new developers feel pressured to earn their “full stack” merit badge, the best way to learn the web — and make people excited about it — is still the simple “a-ha!” moment that happens when someone combines HTML with CSS for the first time in a static file.

“I can confidently say that among all the courses I’ve taken, this is the first one where I thoroughly read all the content and watched all the videos in detail because it is so well-structured. Despite the complexity of the subject, you made this course seem surprisingly easy to grasp.”
“Man, I’ve learned so much in this class this semester, and it’s finally over. This final project has given me more confidence and ability to troubleshoot and achieve my vision.”
“Even though I did not pass, I still truly did enjoy your class. It made me feel smart because coding had felt like an impossible task before.”
“I especially appreciate Geoff’s enthusiasm for multiple reasons. I am hoping to change careers, and the classes are helping me get closer to that reality.”

These are new people entering the field for the first time who are armed with a solid understanding of the basics and a level of curiosity and excitement that easily could clear the height of Mount Elbert.

Isn’t that what we want? What would the web look like if we treat the next wave of web developers like first-class citizens by lowering the barriers to entry and rolling out the red carpet for them to crack into a career in front-end? The web is still a big place, and there is room for everyone to find their own groove. Some things tend to flourish when we democratize them, and many of us experienced that first-hand when we first sat down and wrote HTML for the very first time without the benefit of organized courses, bootcamps, YouTube channels, or frameworks to lean on. The same magic that sparked us is still there to spark others after all this time, even if we fail to see it.