Header design inconsistency between the Home and Blog Page

I'm using Elementor Pro to build my website, including a custom header design. However, when the same header is applied to a page built with the Kadence theme (specifically the blog page), the design breaks down.


What settings or configurations within Elementor Pro might be causing the mismatch?

Frequently Heard In My Beginning Front-End Web Development Class

I felt uninspired for a spell in 2019 and decided to enroll in a beginning-level community college course on web development as a way to “spice” things up, sort of like going backwards in order to move forwards. I had no interest in being an old dog learning new tricks; what I wanted was to look at front-end development through the eyes of a beginner in 2019 after having been a beginner in 2003.

Fast-forward five years, and I’m now teaching that class for the same college, as well as three others. What I gained by reprising my student status is an obsession with “a-ha!” moments. It’s the look in a student’s eyes when something “clicks” and new knowledge is developed. With the barrier to learning web development seemingly getting higher all the time, here I am, making merry with the basics. (That linked post to Rachel’s blog is what spurred me to go back to school.)

With several years of teaching under my belt, I have plenty of opinions about the learning landscape for web development. But what I am more interested in continues to be vicarious living through the eyes of my entry-level students and the consistent sparks of knowledge they make.

Questions are often the precursor to an “a-ha!” moment. And my students ask some pretty darn interesting questions every term, without fail, questions that have forced me to reconsider not only how I approach curriculum and instruction but also how other people think about The Web™ as a whole.

I’ve made a practice of collecting handfuls of student questions and comments. That way, I can reflect on how I might respond or answer them for future students and reference them as I write and update my lesson plans. I thought I’d share a few of them because, I hope, it will give you an idea of what those getting into the field are curious about. I think you’ll find that as many of us debate and decry the value of JavaScript frameworks, Core Web Vitals, AI, and whether Typescript is a necessary evil, the people cracking into web development are asking the most interesting questions in the field and are making way different connections than those of us who have spent forever on the front end.

These are pulled straight from students in the current Spring term. We’re only three weeks into the semester, but check out what sorts of things are already swirling around their minds as we discuss semantics, accessibility, and writing modes.

“I really never thought of this; however, code could be inclusive, and how coding could express empathy. While reading this portion of the context, I was thinking about my Kindle and how the Kindle can have audio, change my font style, larger/smaller font, and lighting. All of this helps me to read and navigate my books better depending on my surroundings and how much accessibility I will need. For example, when I am driving, I love my audiobooks, and at night, I use my dim setting and change font size because it’s the end of the day, and my eyes don’t want to do too much work reading smaller text. It’s really fascinating that coding can do all of this.”
“If we are confused about our coding and it doesn’t make sense to us, it will definitely confuse the readers, which is the opposite of our end goal, accessibility. There are also times when we might want to use <div> where we could use <article> or <nav> or any of the other important elements. It’s essential to fully understand the elements and their uses in order to write the cleanest code.”
“Tackling CSS logical properties this week felt like a juggling act, trying to keep all those new concepts in the air. Swapping left and right for inline-start and inline-end is a bit confusing, but it’s cool to see how it makes websites more welcoming for different languages.”
“What are the legal implications of website liability? I couldn’t imagine the size of a class action lawsuit that Facebook would get smacked with if a rogue developer decided to pin a gif of a strobe light to the top of the world’s newsfeeds. Are websites subject to the same legislation that requires buildings to have wheelchair ramps?”
“Sometimes, I wonder how to make all this new stuff work on old browsers that might not get what I’m trying to do. I also get stuck when my page looks great in one language but breaks in another. What’s the best way to check my work in different languages or writing modes?”
“One of the big things that really got me stoked was learning how to make content in Flexbox the same size using flex or flex-basis. This was a really big thing for me last semester when I was working on my final project. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make the content in Webflow equal in size.”
“Hearing the terms “Writing Modes” and “Logical Properties” in CSS was a bit of a concern at the beginning of this week. A lot of CSS I remember was beginning to come back, but these two were new. After going over the course modules, my concern lifted a lot, mainly because Writing Modes were the layout of text in a certain element. As simple as I thought it was, it was also very important considering how writing modes change in different countries. Learning how these writing modes change the flow of text showed how much more inclusion you could bring to a website, allowing for different languages to be filtered in.”
“Although in the previous course, we learned how flexbox and grid can be used to style interesting content on sites, we didn’t study how they were made with CSS. It was surprisingly simple to grasp the basic concepts of setting up a flexbox or grid and how their children can be positioned on a main axis and cross axis. I especially enjoyed setting up grids, as both methods are intuitive, and the concept of selecting the grid lines that an element sits in reminds me of how some programming languages implement arrays and ranges. Python, for instance, allows the user to select the last element of an array using -1 just as the grid-column: 1/-1; the property can specify that an element spans until the end of a row.”
“Logical Properties were intimidating at first, but it was just changing the code to make it make sense in a way. After learning CSS — a bit a while ago — Logical Properties seemed more modern, and I think I adapted to it quickly.”
“But as a whole, I could see the building of websites to be a very easy thing to automate, especially in this day and age. Perhaps that is why site builders do not get super specific with their semantics — I usually only find <html>, <body>, and <head>, while the rest is filled with <div>. Especially when it comes to companies that push a lot of articles or pages out onto the internet, I can see how they would not care much for being all-inclusive, as it matters more that they get the content out quickly.”
“I did not think I would enjoy coding, but so far, I like this class, and I’m learning so much. I liked getting into CSS a little and making things more customizable. I found it interesting that two elements make your content look the same but have different meanings.”

I want to end things with a few choice quotes from students who completed my course in the last term. I share them not as ego boosters but as a reminder that simplicity is still alive, well, and good on the web. While many new developers feel pressured to earn their “full stack” merit badge, the best way to learn the web — and make people excited about it — is still the simple “a-ha!” moment that happens when someone combines HTML with CSS for the first time in a static file.

“I can confidently say that among all the courses I’ve taken, this is the first one where I thoroughly read all the content and watched all the videos in detail because it is so well-structured. Despite the complexity of the subject, you made this course seem surprisingly easy to grasp.”
“Man, I’ve learned so much in this class this semester, and it’s finally over. This final project has given me more confidence and ability to troubleshoot and achieve my vision.”
“Even though I did not pass, I still truly did enjoy your class. It made me feel smart because coding had felt like an impossible task before.”
“I especially appreciate Geoff’s enthusiasm for multiple reasons. I am hoping to change careers, and the classes are helping me get closer to that reality.”

These are new people entering the field for the first time who are armed with a solid understanding of the basics and a level of curiosity and excitement that easily could clear the height of Mount Elbert.

Isn’t that what we want? What would the web look like if we treat the next wave of web developers like first-class citizens by lowering the barriers to entry and rolling out the red carpet for them to crack into a career in front-end? The web is still a big place, and there is room for everyone to find their own groove. Some things tend to flourish when we democratize them, and many of us experienced that first-hand when we first sat down and wrote HTML for the very first time without the benefit of organized courses, bootcamps, YouTube channels, or frameworks to lean on. The same magic that sparked us is still there to spark others after all this time, even if we fail to see it.

I need help with Twitter API v1.1

I am trying to create my first successful API request.
I want to post on my twitter account.
I have created the developer account and generated consumer key and secret as well as access token and secret.
I have also obtained the bearer token.

I want to post on Twitter using the 1.1 version API.
I want to do it with no framework or library. Just good old cURL and PHP.

Here is what I have come up with ...

$api_endpoint = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json";
$authorization = "Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"{$settings['consumer_key']}\", oauth_consumer_secret=\"{$settings['consumer_secret']}\", oauth_token=\"{$settings['access_token']}\", oauth_token_secret=\"{$settings['access_token_secret']}\"";

$status = 'Hello World';

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json' , $authorization ));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api_endpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, [
   'status' => $status

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

$response = curl_exec($ch);


$result = json_decode($response, true);

It's returning: Array ( [errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [code] => 215 [message] => Bad Authentication data. ) ) )

How to disable the automatic swipe effect on the product page?

Hello everyone i want to disable the automatic swipe effect on my product page on this site https://kupisi.mk
the lib is called lightgallery i am not able to find the line of code to turn it off for 2 days i need fresh pair of eyes !! :S

i made the link accessible for the libraries i use on the site

the theme is called Mooncart and their customer support is non-existent i am trying to reach them for 1 week via messanger, phone, email ... but they never reply back .. I NEED HELP!! :S

Boosting ROI: The Impact of Hire Salesforce Developers


In the dynamic landscape of today's business environment, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition. One strategy that has gained considerable traction is harnessing the capabilities of Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. To truly maximize the potential of Salesforce, organizations are increasingly recognizing the crucial role played by skilled professionals - enter the realm of Salesforce Developers.


The Significance of Hiring the Best Salesforce Developers


1. Customization Expertise: One of the key advantages of bringing on board a proficient team of Salesforce Developers is their ability to tailor the CRM platform to align seamlessly with specific business needs. This level of customization ensures that every feature and functionality serves a purpose, fostering a more efficient and streamlined workflow.

2. Enhanced User Experience: Hiring Salesforce Consultants can significantly enhance the overall user experience for both employees and clients. A skilled developer can create intuitive interfaces, ensuring that users can navigate the platform effortlessly, thereby boosting productivity and satisfaction.

3. Integrating Third-Party Apps: Salesforce is a robust platform, but its true power lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with other applications. Expert Salesforce Developers can integrate third-party apps and tools, providing a comprehensive solution that consolidates various aspects of business operations under one umbrella.


Unlocking ROI Through Strategic Hiring


1. Accelerated Deployment: Time is money, and the faster a company can implement and optimize Salesforce, the quicker they can start reaping the rewards. By choosing to hire the best Salesforce developer, organizations can expedite the deployment process, ensuring a swift transition to a more efficient CRM system.

2. Maximizing Feature Utilization: Salesforce is a feature-rich platform, but without a skilled developer, businesses may only scratch the surface of its capabilities. The right talent can unlock the full potential of Salesforce, ensuring that every feature is leveraged to its maximum capacity.

3. Continuous Improvement: The business landscape is ever-evolving, and so should your CRM strategy. A dedicated team of Salesforce Developers doesnt just set up the system; they continuously analyze its performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement updates to ensure it remains aligned with business goals.

The Competitive Edge

In a world where customer experience is paramount, having the expertise of Salesforce Developers on your side can be a game-changer. The customization capabilities, seamless integration, and continuous improvement offered by a skilled team provide companies with a competitive edge. In essence, the investment in hire Salesforce developers translates to a significant boost in Return on Investment (ROI).

How to Hire Salesforce Developers

1. Define Your Requirements: Before embarking on the hiring process, clearly define your business requirements. Knowing what you need will enable you to find a developer whose skills align with your specific goals.

2. Look for Certification: Salesforce offers various certifications that validate a developer's expertise. Prioritize candidates who hold certifications relevant to your business needs.

3. Evaluate Experience: Hands-on experience is invaluable in the realm of Salesforce development. Look for candidates with a proven track record of successful implementations and a deep understanding of the platform.

4. Cultural Fit: Beyond technical skills, consider the cultural fit of the candidate within your organization. A developer who understands your business ethos and values can integrate more seamlessly into your team.



In conclusion, the impact of hiring Salesforce Developers on your organization's ROI cannot be overstated. The level of customization, user experience enhancement, and strategic utilization of Salesforce features contribute to a more efficient and competitive business environment. As businesses continue to navigate the challenges of a digital age, investing in the right talent is undoubtedly a key driver for success. So, if you're looking to supercharge your CRM strategy and boost your ROI, it's time to consider the invaluable contribution of the best Salesforce Developers.

Mysidia Adoptables PHP Help

Trying to call imagemagick using this code. The errors are with the appcontroller, myadoptscontroller, and index. I have been talking to someone who also uses the Mysidia Adoptables code and they provided me their code to edit, I edited their code but it is throwing these errors and Im not well versed in coding enough to fix them. I have tried myself and using ai tools but the issues still remain. I have been trying to get the site running for weeks now so any help would be greatly appreciated. The full paragraph of errors is too confusing for me to fix, but I tried to fix the two above it. Im wondering if ther $adopt variable is due to me removing the $species in the original code but Im not sure. I tried looking up the attempt to read property aid on null but couldnt find anything useful on how to fix it in regards to my problem.

The error:

Warning: Undefined variable $adopt in /home/pixellat/public_html/model/domainmodel/ownedadoptable.php on line 132

Warning: Attempt to read property "aid" on null in /home/pixellat/public_html/model/domainmodel/ownedadoptable.php on line 132

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ResourceCoreAppController::setField(): Argument #2 ($value) must be of type ?ResourceNativeObjective, string given, called in /home/pixellat/public_html/controller/main/myadoptscontroller.php on line 47 and defined in /home/pixellat/public_html/resource/core/appcontroller.php:183 Stack trace: #0 /home/pixellat/public_html/controller/main/myadoptscontroller.php(47): ResourceCoreAppController->setField('image', '/adoptimage/vie...') #1 [internal function]: ControllerMainMyadoptsController->manage('1') #2 /home/pixellat/public_html/resource/core/frontcontroller.php(196): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(ControllerMainMyadoptsController), Array) #3 /home/pixellat/public_html/controller/main/indexcontroller.php(13): ResourceCoreFrontController->triggerAction() #4 /home/pixellat/public_html/resource/core/frontcontroller.php(142): ControllerMainIndexController->triggerAction() #5 /home/pixellat/public_html/index.php(75): ResourceCoreFrontController->handleRequest() #6 /home/pixellat/public_html/index.php(84): IndexController->run() #7 /home/pixellat/public_html/index.php(88): IndexController::main() #8 {main} thrown in /home/pixellat/public_html/resource/core/appcontroller.php on line 183



namespace Resource\Core;
use ReflectionException, ReflectionMethod;
use Resource\Collection\HashMap;
use Resource\Exception\AlreadyLoggedinException;
use Resource\Exception\GuestNoaccessException;
use Resource\Exception\InvalidActionException;
use Resource\Native\MysString;
use Resource\Native\Objective;

 * The Abstract AppController Class, extends from abstract controller class.
 * It is parent to all application controller type classes, they are vast in numbers.
 * @category Controller
 * @package Controller
 * @author Hall of Famer
 * @copyright Mysidia Adoptables Script
 * @link http://www.mysidiaadoptables.com
 * @since 1.3.2
 * @todo Not much at this point.
 * @abstract

abstract class AppController extends Controller{

     * The access property, specifies the access control of this controller.
     * @access protected
     * @var String
    protected $access;

     * The fields property, stores a map of key-value pairs to be passed to View.
     * @access protected
     * @var HashMap
    protected $fields;

     * The frontController property, holds a reference to the front-controller that delegates to this app-controller.
     * @access protected
     * @var frontController
    protected $frontController;         

     * The subController property, holds a reference to the sub-controller available for this app-controller.
     * @access protected
     * @var SubController
    protected $subController;     

     * Constructor of AppController Class, which initializes basic controller properties.
     * @param String  $access
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function __construct($access = ""){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $this->access = $access;
        $this->frontController = $mysidia->input->get("frontcontroller");
        $this->action = $mysidia->input->action();
        $this->name = $mysidia->input->get("appcontroller");
        $this->fields = new HashMap;

            throw new InvalidActionException("global_action");
        if(!empty($this->access)) $this->handleAccess();       

     * The getAccess method, getter method for property $access.
     * @access public
     * @return String
    public function getAccess(){
        return $this->access;

     * The getFields method, getter method for property $fields.
     * @access public
     * @return HashMap
    public function getFields(){
        return $this->fields;

     * The getFrontController method, getter method for property $frontController.
     * @access public
     * @return FrontController
    public function getFrontController(){
        return $this->frontController;

     * The getSubController method, getter method for property $subController.
     * @access public
     * @return SubController
    public function getSubController(){
        return $this->subController;

     * The getView method, getter method for property $view.
     * @access public
     * @return View
    public function getView(){
            if($this->subController instanceof SubController) $this->view = $this->subController->getView();
            else $this->loadView($this->name);
        return $this->view;

     * The loadView method, it loads the corresponding view for the controller.
     * @param String  $name
     * @access public
     * @return View
    public function loadView(MysString $name){
        $viewClass = "View\\{$this->frontController}\\{$name->capitalize()}View";
        $this->view = new $viewClass($this);

     * The handleAccess method, carries out basic access control
     * At this point it only distinguishes member-only and guest-only pages, but in future it will handle more.
     * This method is protected since AppController::handleAccess() can be invoked by child classes at any time.
     * @access protected
     * @return void
    protected function handleAccess(){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        if($this->access == "member" && !$mysidia->user->isLoggedIn()){
            throw new GuestNoaccessException($mysidia->lang->global_guest);
        if($this->access == "guest" && $mysidia->user->isLoggedIn()){
            throw new AlreadyLoggedinException($mysidia->lang->global_login);

     * The hasAction method, checks if an action exists in this controller.
     * @access private
     * @return Boolean
    private function hasAction(){
            $method = new ReflectionMethod($this, $this->action);
            return $method->isPublic();
        catch(ReflectionException $rle){
            return FALSE;

     * The index method, construct a default index page.
     * The actual view construction is delegated to view class, this method exists for the sole purpose for reflection method to work.
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function index(){}

     * The setField method, inserts a specific key-value pair into the field map.
     * @param String  $key
     * @param Objective  $value
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function setField($key, Objective $value = NULL){
        $this->fields->put(new MysString($key), $value);

     * The setFields method, setter method for property $fields.
     * @param HashMap  $fields
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function setFields(HashMap $fields){
        $this->fields = $fields;

     * The setFlags method, setter method for property flags.
     * @param String  $param
     * @param String  $param2
     * @access protected
     * @return void
    public function setFlags($param, $param2 = NULL){
        $this->frontController->setFlags($param, $param2);

     * The setFrontController method, setter method for property $frontController.
     * @param FrontController  $frontController
     * @access public
     * @return FrontController
    public function setFrontController(FrontController $frontController){
        $this->frontController = $frontController;

     * The setSubController method, setter method for property $subController.
     * @param SubController  $subController
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function setSubController(SubController $subController){
        $this->subController = $subController;



namespace Controller\Main;
use Model\DomainModel\AdoptNotfoundException;
use Model\DomainModel\OwnedAdoptable;
use Model\DomainModel\PoundAdoptable;
use Model\DomainModel\Vote;
use Model\Settings\PoundSettings;
use Model\ViewModel\OwnedAdoptableViewModel;
use Resource\Collection\ArrayList;
use Resource\Core\AppController;
use Resource\Core\Model;
use Resource\Core\Pagination;
use Resource\Core\Registry;
use Resource\Exception\NoPermissionException;
use Resource\Native\MysString;

class MyadoptsController extends AppController{

    private $adopt;

    public function __construct(){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        if($mysidia->systems->adopts != "enabled") throw new NoPermissionException("The admin has turned off adoption feature for this site, please contact him/her for detailed information.");

    public function index(){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $total = $mysidia->user->countOwnedAdopts();
        if($total == 0) throw new AdoptNotfoundException($mysidia->lang->empty);
        $pagination = new Pagination($total, $mysidia->settings->pagination,
                                     "myadopts", $mysidia->input->get("page"));
        $stmt = $mysidia->db->join("adoptables", "adoptables.id = owned_adoptables.adopt")
                           ->select("owned_adoptables", [], "owner ='{$mysidia->user->getID()}' ORDER BY totalclicks LIMIT {$pagination->getLimit()},{$pagination->getRowsperPage()}");
        $ownedAdopts = new ArrayList;
        while($dto = $stmt->fetchObject()){
            $ownedAdopts->add(new OwnedAdoptableViewModel(new OwnedAdoptable($dto->aid, $dto)));
        $this->setField("pagination", $pagination);
        $this->setField("ownedAdopts", $ownedAdopts);

    public function manage($aid){
        $this->setField("ownedAdopt", $this->adopt);   
        $this->setField("image", $this->adopt->getImage(Model::GUI));       

    public function stats($aid){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $stmt = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", [], "adoptableid='{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");
        $votes = new ArrayList;
        while($dto = $stmt->fetchObject()){
            $votes->add(new Vote(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $dto));
        $this->setField("ownedAdopt", new OwnedAdoptableViewModel($this->adopt));   
        $this->setField("votes", $votes);

    public function bbcode($aid){
        $this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);   

    public function rename($aid){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
                $this->setFlags("rename_error", "rename_empty");

            $poundsettings = new PoundSettings($mysidia->db);
            $isPounded = $mysidia->db->select("pounds", ["aid"], "aid='{$this->adopt->getAdoptID()}'")->fetchColumn();
            if($isPounded && $poundsettings->rename == "yes"){
                $poundAdopt = new PoundAdoptable($aid);
                if($poundAdopt->getFirstOwner() != $mysidia->user->getID()){
                    $this->setFlags("rename_error", "rename_owner");
            $this->adopt->setName($mysidia->input->post("adoptname"), Model::UPDATE);
        $this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);       
        $this->setField("image", $this->adopt->getImage(Model::GUI));           

    public function trade($aid, $confirm = NULL){
            $tradeStatus = ($this->adopt->getTradeStatus() == "fortrade") ? "notfortrade" : "fortrade";
            $this->adopt->setTradeStatus($tradeStatus, Model::UPDATE);
        $this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);
        $this->setField("image", $this->adopt->getImage(Model::GUI));   
        $this->setField("confirm", $confirm ? new MysString($confirm) : NULL);               

    public function freeze($aid, $confirm = NULL){
            $frozen = ($this->adopt->isFrozen() == "yes") ? "no" : "yes";
            $this->adopt->setFrozen($frozen, Model::UPDATE);               
        $this->setField("adopt", $this->adopt);
        $this->setField("image", $this->adopt->getImage(Model::GUI));   
        $this->setField("confirm", $confirm ? new MysString($confirm) : NULL);

    private function initOwnedAdopt($aid){
        $mysidia = Registry::get("mysidia");
        $this->adopt = new OwnedAdoptable($aid);   
        if(!$this->adopt->isOwner($mysidia->user)) throw new NoPermissionException("permission");               

Understanding the Significance of IT Asset

In the digital era, where technology forms the backbone of organizations, managing IT assets efficiently is crucial. Enter IT Asset Management (ITAM) softwarea robust solution designed to track, organize, and optimize an organization's IT assets throughout their lifecycle. From hardware to software, this software is the linchpin that ensures optimal resource utilization, compliance, and cost-effectiveness.

The Core Functionality of ITAM Software
At its essence, IT Asset Management software serves as a centralized repository, providing a comprehensive overview of an organization's IT assets. It encompasses a spectrum of resources, including hardware components like computers, servers, and mobile devices, as well as software licenses, applications, and digital resources.

Benefits of IT Asset Management Software

  1. Inventory Control and Visibility: One of the primary functions is maintaining a . This provides visibility into what assets are present, their location, and how they're utilized, aiding informed decisions on resource allocation.

  2. Lifecycle Management: IT assets have a lifecycle from procurement to disposal. ITAM software tracks this journeypurchase, deployment, updates, and decommissioningensuring optimal utilization and reducing the risk of obsolete resources.

  3. Cost Optimization: By providing insights into usage patterns, license compliance, and maintenance needs, ITAM software identifies areas for cost reduction and enables efficient resource allocation.

  4. License Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Managing software licenses is complex. ITAM software ensures compliance with vendor agreements, mitigating the risk of penalties while providing a clear picture of software usage.

  5. Security Enhancement: Maintaining an accurate inventory helps promptly identify and address security vulnerabilities, ensuring systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Key Features of ITAM Software
User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive interfaces enable easy navigation and quick access to asset information.

Automation: Automated tracking and updates streamline inventory management, reducing manual efforts.

Integration: Seamless integration with other systems like Service Desk and Configuration Management ensures a holistic approach to IT management.

Scalability: The software adapts to changing business needs, accommodating the growth and evolution of IT infrastructures.

Future Trends in ITAM Software
As technology advances, ITAM software evolves. Emerging trends include AI and ML integration for predictive analytics, automation of routine tasks, and deeper insights into asset performance and utilization.

IT Asset Management Software has become indispensable in the digital landscape. Its role in optimizing IT resources, ensuring compliance, and enhancing security underscores its significance. As businesses navigate technology-driven landscapes, robust ITAM software stands as a linchpin, ensuring that IT assets are strategically leveraged for organizational success and efficiency.

Introduction to Ecommerce Software Development

What is e-commerce software development?
The term eCommerce was coined in 1972 and it has slowly gained popularity as a buzzword since then. Today, we understand it as an umbrella term that covers all online buying and selling, including everything from selling physical products to providing digital services. There are no hard and fast rules for custom ecommerce website. However, some important trends are emerging that you should be aware of if you plan to pursue or invest in an eCommerce business model.

Types of e-commerce businesses or main e-commerce business models:
Business-to-business (B2B): B2B e-commerce, or business-to-business, is a type of e-commerce in which a business sells goods and services directly to other companies.
Business to Consumer (B2C): In a B2C company, a company sells its products directly to consumers. If you own an online store that primarily sells phone accessories, your customers will be end users, not other businesses.
Business to Administration (B2A): This involves transactions between companies and public administrations. There are many different ways to deliver products and services: finance, transportation, logistics, information technology, etc.
Consumer to Administrator (C2A): This involves business transactions between government agencies and local consumers or the general public.

The top 3 ecommerce web development software options
Magento is a famous open-source e-commerce platform with roots in modern and traditional e-commerce. This is an agile, intuitive solution with a reputation for professional-grade features.
WooCommerce: The WooCommerce plug-in allows you to create online stores through WordPress. You can hire WordPress developers to set up and customize plug-ins to meet your business needs. In addition, you can also use WooCommerce with other blog platforms, such as Tombole and SquareSpace.
Shopify: This is one of many different eCommerce platforms available on the market. It makes sense that you might be wondering which software package you should use to get your business online! Shopify is known for its quality design, easy setup, and powerful backend management.

The focus of ecommerce software development is to bring the store from the concept stage to the point where it can handle millions of different products purchased by millions of customers through the central store.
The challenge for any online retailer is to find the best way to achieve all these goals and ensure that each goal is achieved correctly.
AHT's e-commerce solutions focus on providing superior omnichannel customer experience, how to build an e-commerce website and intelligent support. We help you deliver on your brand promise, drive operational improvements, and deliver memorable customer experiences while connecting your systems, employees, and customers across both physical and online channels.

Need help with web app performance. Any advice appreciated!

I am facing a lot of issues in the performance optimization of my web application. Can anybody help?
I have heard about reducing page load time, minimizing render-blocking resources, and optimizing images. But I don't know how to do it. Can anyone please share some techniques or tools you would use or are using to achieve these optimizations?"

Invalid robots.txt but don’t understand why

The new robots.txt tester that is now built into Google Search Console is finding errors with the last two rows of my robots.txt file:

Sitemap: https://www.daniweb.com/latest-sitemap.xml
Sitemap: https://www.daniweb.com/sitemap.xml

The error is: Invalid sitemap URL detected; syntax not understood

Any idea what could be wrong here?