A Look at Micro Front-Ends, Their Architecture, and More

There has been much buzz about micro front-ends as of late, but have you been wondering what it is? Well, allow us to explain. Simply put, a micro front-end is akin to the concept of microservices, just applied to a web app's front-end. With micro front-ends, web apps are integrated into modules to achieve a specific business-related need that is owned by various teams. Also, every team develops the feature end-to-end, from the UI, all the way to the database and backend. As you can see, the concept remains the same as with microservices — you make smaller independent services work in unison to serve a more significant application.

More often than not, when organizations take on a microservice architecture on the backend, the front-end apps are left as monoliths. What is that, you ask? Well, unified architecture refers to when you use a single team to build web apps with unique technology, and all of the development is completed altogether. Here the backend is organized following the business's needs, but the front-end continues to be jammed into just one app. It can throw up various issues over time. Thankfully, micro front-end architectures allow the entire application to be divided up across the complete stack according to the business domain. It provides the front-end development teams with similar levels of speed, testability, and flexibility as the ones available to the backend team via microservices.