How to Use Golden Masters to Check Web Apps With ReCheck

Check everything at once and create unbreakable tests. Recheck is a Golden Master-based, open-source test framework on top of Selenium that comes with powerful features. Let's take a closer look.


  • Easy creation and maintenance of checks for web
  • Semantic comparison of contents
  • Easily ignore volatile elements, attributes, or sections
  • One-click maintenance to update Golden Masters with intended changes
  • No unexpected changes go unnoticed
  • Operates on top of Selenium
  • Makes your tests unbreakable
  • The Git for your GUI


Instead of manually defining individual aspects that you want to check, check everything at once. So instead of writing many assert statements — and still not have complete checks — write a single re.check(). This saves a lot of effort when creating tests. And it makes sure to not miss unexpected changes.