Routing Instana Events to Humio

Logging is a natural part of coding. Believe it or not, we’ve all programmed logging into our code. After all, who hasn’t written a “Hello World” program?

It’s not just your code that writes out log messages, every other piece of software does, from the operating system all the way up the stack. Tools to ship, aggregate and index logs have been around for a long time; it’s a mature market. That does not mean that there is no room for a new startup to disrupt the market. Humio received $9M in Series A funding from Accel at the beginning of 2019 and is aiming to do just that. The Humio log management platform is lightning fast, flexible, and built to scale — all at an affordable price. Integrating data sources between Humio and Instana is useful because DevOps, IT Ops and Security professionals need many types of data and information to optimise their applications and speed up software development. Correlating APM performance data with log data helps teams build better software faster.