Tools to Help Manage Microservices

By 2018, microservices architecture, a variant of service oriented architecture, had made itself the leading choice for developing any enterprise application. It’s not a jargon anymore; in fact it’s today’s reality for many products. We are very well aware of the driving forces behind the microservices architecture. Here, I am referring to the different driving forces such as tremendous agility, team autonomy, having a database per service, and so on.

I have designed microservices architectures from scratch and migrated enormous monoliths to microservices. In the last few years, I have witnessed the journey of a microservice technology stack. I have evaluated Netflix OSS, Spring Cloud, and Java’s native microservices stacks. However, this world is dominated by Kubernetes. In reality, Kubernetes was not conceptualized for microservices. However, the field has evolved in such a way that the Kubernetes ecosystem provides a comprehensive platform for microservices. Over the past few years, a state of the art has been established for microservices. This state of the art of governed by Kubernetes, Docer, Kafka, REST + JSON, GRPC + Protocol buffer and the cherry on the cake is Golang.