How i can code and visualize each steps what is going on my code ?

Like: if i Can saw what is Happening inside of my code i will understand what type of method i'm actually using ..Like: binary search or stack or Dynamic programming or using special type of algorithm which already developed by someone? Did you guys know i can solve this type of issue? I know i need more practice than i can tell which process i'm using or not .. Is there any other option to recognize how to solve a Programming Problems?? If there was any it will be helpful.Thanks for your time and Experience .

How to Create an Editable Table with jQuery & Pure CSS

Using open-source components makes it really easy and quick to build powerful front-end elements for websites or apps. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to easily create an editable table using PureCSS and jQuery. There’s a demo available for this tutorial, click here to see. Getting Started The very first thing to do, indeed, is […]