Want to Be a Remote Software Developer? — Avoid These Things

In my opinion, being a software developer is the best job in the world. One of the reasons is the flexibility — all you need is a laptop and you can work and live anywhere in the world. I’ve had the pleasure of working from the back of an RV with a beautiful mountain backdrop in Utah, to pushing code while on a white sand beach in Thailand, overlooking crystal clear turquoise waters. I’ve worked for many years as a remote developer and have also had the opportunity to work with other remote developers at that time. While many people talk about the things you need to do as a remote developer, no one talks about the things you shouldn’t do. Today, I’ll share my top 5 things you shouldn’t do if you plan on being a successful remote software developer.

1. Don’t Treat Remote Work Any Differently Than If You Were Going Into an Office

A lot of people confuse the concept of working remotely with having unlimited freedom to do whatever they want. This is not the case at all. The developers I know who have been able to successfully transition to being fully remote always have worked at the back of their minds. Though they may not be physically in the office, they are still very committed to their jobs and the success of the company. Just because you’re remote doesn’t mean you have fewer responsibilities than your peers who are in the office or that you should act any differently.