The Importance of Persistent Storage in Kubernetes- OpenEBS

Containers are not built to persist data. When a container is created, it only runs the process it hosts and terminates. Any data that it creates or processes are also discarded when the container exits. Containers are built to be ephemeral as this makes them lightweight and helps to keep containerized workloads independent of a host’s filesystem which results in flexible, portable and platform-agnostic applications. These benefits, however, creates a few challenges as well when it comes to orchestrating storage for containerized workloads: 

  • The need for appropriate tools that enable data sharing across immutable containers
  • Options for backup and discovery in the event of application failure
  • Means to get rid of stored data once it is no longer needed so that hosts can efficiently handle newer workloads 

In Kubernetes, PODs are also ephemeral. Kubernetes supports various options to persist data for containerized workloads in different formats. This article explores various tools and strategies that facilitate persistent data storage in Kubernetes.