What Matters In Goals?

In most organizations, big-picture thinking comes off as a seasonal flavor often appearing every few months. Mental gymnastics that goes with determining the “why” — meaning or purpose of goals, the promise of a better future, and the excitement of doing something new definitely gets the creative juices flowing. Though not for all, most people in the organization find this phase highly energizing and exhilarating. But does this motivation last long? 

The big picture thinking soon goes out of the picture, being replaced by its nitty-gritty sister who’s only concerned with the “what” — the actual mechanics of getting from point A to point B, steps in the process. With the hostile takeover of the nitty-gritty thinking that’s only concerned with the “what”, the memory of big picture thinking with its “why” soon fades away. What happens then?

Block Patterns Will Change Everything, Part 2: Headers and Footers

It is hard to believe that it was over a year ago — March 23, 2020, to be exact — that I wrote a post on why block patterns would be the future of WordPress. It has been a slow process as I have patiently waited for the feature to mature into a powerful tool for end-users. I am still as much a believer now as I was then.

WordPress is betting big on patterns too. The feature is now a top-level site-editing component with several sub-features under development. As Gutenberg project lead Matias Ventura noted, “From directory browsing to placeholder setup to transformations, patterns are crucial component of the entire site editing scope.”

A year ago, patterns were just an idea, almost a footnote compared to other upcoming features. Since WordPress 5.5 included the Patterns API for developers, over 100 themes in the official directory bundle them.

A new pattern directory is launching on WordPress.org next month alongside the version 5.8 release. There are already over 30 community-contributed patterns approved. More are likely to land in the coming weeks. The directory will also eventually be open to anyone who wants to submit new designs. Any WordPress user will have the choice to select from this collection directly from their WordPress admin interface.

These ideas are just scratching the surface.

At its core, the block patterns feature is a simple way of bundling one or more blocks into a preconfigured design. Users can point and click to insert them into their post or page content. The goal of the block system is not just to be a page builder where users must create everything from scratch. While we want it to be flexible enough to do that, most users should have the ability to simply insert sections of a design and customize them. This could be as simple as an audio player with a background to a portfolio layout that showcases their latest projects.

Right now, the user experience is only set up to handle a dozen or patterns at a time — too many choices can be a less-than-ideal adventure. As the library grows, the interface will need to evolve with it.

How can we build experiences on top of this foundation that mitigates some of the complexity?

The Gutenberg development team is already working on multiple solutions, such as contextual suggestions for a selected block. However, one of the more promising features is patterns registered for specific block types. In this case, template parts.

For example, if a user wants to select a new pattern for the header of their website, they should not have to sort through every option to find something. With Header patterns, the editor presents the user with a carousel of choices to scroll through specific to that template part.

This same feature is possible with footers too:

Site editor with the footer pattern carousel open.
Selecting a footer pattern.

Those who have been beta testing WordPress 5.8 or running the Gutenberg plugin in the last few months may have noticed some similarities to the Query Loop block (formerly named Query). It is the same underlying system that allows developers to attach patterns to a specific block.

Users can already select from multiple Query Loop patterns when first inserting the block:

Query Loop pattern selector in the WordPress editor.
Selecting a Query Loop pattern.

“Recent improvements to the Template Part and Query Loop blocks has opened up a whole new world for how patterns can be used,” wrote Kjell Reigstad in a recent ThemeShaper blog post. “Both blocks can now display a carousel of block patterns in their setup state, allowing users to choose between a menu of pre-designed versions of these blocks. These patterns can be bundled with your theme, so that users have a wide range of pre-designed header, query, and footer options available to choose from in the Site Editor.”

Reigstad has an open ticket for several core header and footer patterns. The following is a short video clip of how this works:

As any theme developer knows, you cannot simply plop anything into the header and make it look good. It is one of the most specialized areas of theme design. One wrong turn and the entire design falls apart. The downside to this feature will be third-party patterns coming from the directory. Some will work. Others will not fit into every theme design, but they are not necessarily meant to. It could be a support nightmare for theme authors or an opportunity.

Theme developers will be able to steer their own ship, offering a range of choices that are perfectly molded to their designs.

I can already see it…multipurpose themes with 50+ header patterns listed in their marketing material.

While it is unlikely that many people had this in mind during the conceptual stages of block patterns, they are evolving. They will be more than just something users can stick into their post content at random. They are that semi-controlled experience that will give users the flexibility of choice, but the theme serves as a guide for making intelligent decisions.

If a theme author offers four or five well-designed Header or Footer template patterns, users are more likely to select from those. It is easier than building from the ground up.

Such a system also opens more commercial opportunities. Imagine upselling specialized pattern collections for niches. A restaurant site header might want to focus on an “order online” button. A news website could feature a “latest stories” ticker above the site title and navigation. There are endless ideas, all awaiting a savvy theme developer to implement and monetize them.

As always, I am eager to see where patterns go. They are still the most exciting WordPress feature, offering the API that theme authors have needed for the past decade.

The Unknown Design Pattern

If you care about software, you have probably heard about design patterns: MVC, decorators, factories, etc. But there's an awesome design pattern that’s perfect for modeling complex behaviors, but it’s not well-known outside of the game industry.

We’ve built a narrative sci-fi MMORPG named Tau Station. Like many devs, we were quickly hit with the problem of developing complex items. At first, it looked like we wanted to create an Item class and inherit from that.

How Are Zoom, Spotify, etc Slashing Their Cloud Costs by Millions?

In Q1 2021, Zoom reported that its gross margin widened to 73.9% from 69.4% in the previous quarter, primarily thanks to the optimization of public cloud resources. And Zoom is certainly not the only company that realized the value of optimizing the cloud infrastructure. As businesses migrate their workloads to the cloud and build cloud-native applications, they’re starting to realize that overprovisioning and cloud sprawl aren’t just urban legends. 

For startups, the cloud is an essential technology because of its unparalleled support for scalability. But the cloud may quickly turn into a struggle because of growing costs. Here's what a16z wrote in a recent analysis:

How to Improve Value Stream Performance with Automation

There are many ways an organization practicing DevOps can capture value with a software product or service. These range from giving it amazing features to providing troubleshooting tips and instant in-built support when a software system malfunctions.

DevOps brings development and operations teams together to deliver maximum value in the shortest time possible. As this string of activities eventually benefits the customer, they can be considered a value stream.

Schedule Pipelines in Azure DevOps Using Cron Expressions

Azure DevOps UI provides an option to trigger multiple days or once a week. We know that many times we need to execute Azure DevOps pipeline triggers once a month, or twice a month, and this can be done using Cron Expressions in Azure DevOps.

Azure DevOps uses NCronTab to evaluate cron expressions, so advanced expressions are not fully supported by Azure DevOps. However, most of the expression is supported so it does the job.

Distributed Databases: An Overview

A single database server for a small set of applications and data has historically worked well. However, when exposed to a large, public user base, the only way to increase the capacity of these servers is to upgrade them to a more expensive server.

To improve capacity, move the database software to another single machine with more memory, more disk space, and more processors. This is "vertical scaling". The drawback to this approach is that it may require downtime. There's also a ceiling on the performance that can be obtained from a single machine. (See Herb Sutter's The Free Lunch is Over).

Geospatial Basics, Spatial Databases, and NoSQL Examples

This brief intro to several geospatial data concepts covers spatial databases, spatial indexing, and using GeoJSON data in NoSQL.

What Is Spatial Data?

Spatial data are data types (files, databases, web services) that encode geographic information for use in location-aware applications.

When writing a book on web-based mapping 15 years ago, my readers were forced to learn a stack of mostly new technology. Geographers had to learn the tech and developers had to learn the domain. That included web servers, SQL applications, and a bit of PHP. But the big "new thing" was using spatial data. Although more prevalent today, application developers still need to understand how to work with this domain-specific spatial data type.

python to c/c++ convert


import sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Load the dataset

bos_hou = load_boston()

Create the dataframe

column_name = bos_hou.feature_names
df_boston = pd.DataFrame(bos_hou.data)
df_boston.columns = column_name

Writing a Resume with Core Competencies

A good job seeker would spare no effort to keep his recruiter reading his resume a little more than six seconds. He, just like you, would treat the core competencies section as crucial as the professional summary and career objective in his/her resume. 

Additionally, adding effective resume core competencies would help your resume pass the ATS scans and other resume examining bots. Next are the best ways to incorporate core qualifications in your resume!

How to Create an Org Chart

Organizational charts—better known as org charts—are a visual representation of a company’s internal structure.

Sometimes it’s challenging for people within an organization to understand who they should be reporting to or who they should be communicating with about critical updates or deliverables.

Org charts solve these types of problems by showcasing the complete hierarchy of different teams, departments, and the business as a whole.

In addition to the role and hierarchical position of each employee, it’s common for org charts to contain things like phone numbers, email addresses, office locations, and even employee photos.

So when someone in the organization looks up a colleague on the org chart, contacting that person is a breeze.

The Easy Parts of Creating an Org Chart

The easiest part of creating an org chart is getting started. Instead of starting with a blank canvas, Word document, or spreadsheet, modern software makes it easy for anyone to create these from scratch.

In fact, lots of the best HR software options on the market have built-in tools for org charts. Since these solutions already contain your employee data, there’s no need to manually input information.

Once they are created, it’s easy to share and distribute org charts with the appropriate parties within the business.

Some digital org charts are interactive, meaning more details about the employee won’t be displayed on the chart itself until you click the name or position. This helps de-clutter the page, so it’s easier to read and digest.

The Difficult Parts of Creating an Org Chart

The biggest challenge with org charts is that they can quickly become outdated. This is especially true for large companies with a high employee turnover rate.

It’s easier to update a digital chart compared to one that’s been printed and handed out in person. But if someone isn’t actively monitoring and updating the chart to reflect new hires, promotions, and terminations, the chart quickly loses its effectiveness.

Also, org charts only show formal relationships and lines of authority. But those don’t necessarily reflect informal relationships or management style, which means there may well be unofficial hierarchies and connections within the org that the chart won’t identify.

Finally, sometimes the org charts for a large organization can be a bit overwhelming. This is especially true if the authority that comes with certain job titles hasn’t been previously established. The person creating the org chart could potentially create problems by placing a role on the wrong hierarchical line of the chart.

Step 1 – Determine What Type of Org Chart to Create

There are several different kinds of org charts to consider. Each has its pros and cons. We’ll take a closer look at some of the most common options below so you can decide which one works best for your organization.

Hierarchical Structure Org Chart

This type of org chart starts at the top and works its way down. They typically begin with the CEO at the top and the rest of the C-suite directly below.

Positions in the org chart are connected by either a horizontal or vertical line. A vertical line between two roles indicates that the person on top directly supervises the person below. If there’s a horizontal line between two roles, those people are equal but may work within different departments.

For example, the CEO could have a vertical line to the CFO and CTO. But there would be a horizontal line between the CFO and CTO, as these positions have equal authority.

Most businesses use a hierarchical org chart because it’s the easiest to follow and understand. It works for organizations of all shapes and sizes.

Functional Business Org Chart

A functional business org chart is similar to a hierarchical org chart in the sense that the formatting and concepts are the same. But functional charts put a stronger emphasis on different departments, which is useful for larger businesses.

These charts start by displaying the head of each department followed by who reports to who.

The structure may vary slightly for each department as well. For example, a marketing department might have several lines of authority between the department head and employees at the bottom of the chart. But an IT project team might just have a single project manager at the top with all developers, designers, QA reps displayed with equal footing below.

Matrix Org Chart

Matrix org charts work well for employees who have multiple supervisors. These charts are set up in a way for cross-functional relationships between teams and departments.

Similar to hierarchical and functional org charts, relationships between different roles will be represented by solid vertical or horizontal lines. But matrix org charts commonly include dotted lines, used to display a less direct but still important connection between two roles.

Companies that want to promote employee innovation and creativity tend to use matrix org charts. That’s because the hierarchy is less prominent, and the departments don’t feel so segregated.

The biggest advantage of a matrix org chart is that it encourages communication between different departments that can ultimately build relationships and expose employees to different projects or initiatives.

Division Org Charts

A division org chart organizes the structure of a business around specific business activities. This could include a market, region, or product group.

Multinational enterprises and big companies tend to use these types of org charts if they have different product or service lines.

In this situation, each division operates separately, and the org chart reflects that connection.

For example, one division could be for frozen foods in North America. Another division could be beverages in Europe. Within each division, there will be different roles and departments related to sales, production, accounting, R&D, advertising, customer service, etc.

Project Org Charts

As the name implies, project org charts coordinate the roles of a specific activity. In many cases, the project will include individuals from different departments or areas of an organization that may not normally work together.

Rather than creating confusing lines or arrows on an already clean org chart, it makes sense to create a completely new chart for the specific project.

This helps everyone understand the roles and relationships between different team members. So there’s no confusion on who is in charge and who has the authority to give orders related to the project.

In many cases, project org charts are temporary and only valid for the duration of a predefined project.

Step 2 – Get Org Chart Software

Next, find software that supports the type of org chat you’ve decided to create in the first step.

Rather than using a standalone solution for org charts, I strongly recommend using HR software with built-in tools for this process. HR software already has all of your employee information, and it limits the need to bounce back and forth between multiple platforms.

It’s more efficient than using spreadsheets, and it will be easier to update the chart as roles and employees change over time.

Freshteam is our top recommendation here. It’s an all-in-one solution for HR, recruiting, employee information, and more.

The software is trusted by over 5,000+ businesses across a wide range of industries.

Freshteam simplifies the way you update org charts. The software comes with an intelligent employee database. So whenever you add a new employee or update someone’s role, Freshteam automatically adds them to the org chart in the right position.

If you’re on the fence about using a new tool, Freshteam makes it really easy to get started. There’s a free forever plan, called Sprout, that supports organizations with up to 50 employees. Even this entry-level free plan comes with the ability to create an organizational chart.

Paid plans start at $50 per month, and you can try them for free with a 21-day trial. It takes less than a minute to sign up, and you can immediately start creating your org chart.

While the interface and exact buttons will look slightly different if you’re using another tool, we’ll continue using Freshteam for the remainder of this tutorial. The core steps remain the same, regardless of the solution you’re using.

Step 3 – Customize Your Org Chart

Freshteam will automatically populate your org chart with your own information when you sign up. So if you’re the HR manager, you’ll be placed accordingly in the chart. If you’re the CEO, you’ll be placed at the top.

Then it’s just a matter of adding new employees, roles, and other information that will improve the chart. Here’s how you do it:

Select Org Chart From The Employees Menu

Navigate to the left side of your Freshteam dashboard. The fourth icon from the top is your Employees menu.

Hover the mouse over this icon and select Org Chart from the dropdown list.

Edit the Default Org Chart

An org chart doesn’t exist with a single person. So in addition to your name and role, Freshteam adds a few sample positions to the org chart as well to get you started.

Remove those positions, or simply edit the names so they match. Here’s a sample org chart that includes the CEO, Director of Sales, and two sales reps:

By default, the person’s contact information and additional details aren’t displayed unless you click on them. The number below the contact card represents how many subordinates report directly to that position.

In the example above with Stuart Errol, he has two sales reps that report to him.

The sales reps positioned directly below Stuart don’t have any numbers below their contact card—meaning they aren’t in charge of any other employees.

To make changes to someone’s information, start by clicking their name on the chart. From here, you’ll automatically be directed to the employee’s profile.

Click Edit Profile at the top right corner of the screen to edit this information.

Changes made here will automatically be reflected in the company org chart.

Step 4 – Add All Employees to the Org Chart

This will potentially be the most time-consuming step of the process. It depends on what information you already have on hand.

If you currently have a file containing employee names, positions, and contact info, then you can upload that employee data to your Freshteam employee directory. Alternatively, you’ll need to add each new employee manually.

I’ll show you how to do each below:

Add Using an Import of Existing Employee Data

Navigate to the Employee menu on the left side of your Freshteam dashboard (just like we did at the beginning of step #3). Then select Employee Directory from the list of options.

Next, click Import at the top right of the screen.

From here, you can take employee data from a CSV file, G Suite directory, or Office 365 directory and bring it into Freshteam. The software will use that info to create the org chart automatically.

Your existing data probably won’t include everything offered in Freshteam. So you may need to verify the data’s accuracy after the import. You can always make changes and add information from here as well.

Add New Employees Manually

If you don’t already have an employee database to import into Freshteam, that’s fine. But depending on the size of your organization, this process might take a while.

For startups and small businesses, you might find this process easy enough that it’s not worth importing data anyway. Then you can ensure everything is accurate initially and limit the number of edits you need to do later on.

Head back to your org chart and click Add New at the top right corner. Then select Employee from the dropdown menu.

From here, you can add information like:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Employee ID
  • Department
  • Job Title
  • Office Location
  • Primary Team
  • Shift
  • Start Date

In terms of the org chart features, you’ll want to focus on the Reporting Information section on the page.

Once you add a reporting manager, the employee will be positioned directly below that person on the org chart.

If you refer back to the sample org chart we’ve been using thus far, you’ll remember that the two sales reps both report to Stuart Errol, the Director of Sales.

So if you click on the profile of either sales rep, you’ll see Stuart listed as the reporting manager.

You’ll also have the ability to add additional managers and HR partners associated with each employee. This only applies to larger organizations, as smaller companies would usually leave these sections blank.

Step 5 – Plan For The Future

As previously mentioned, org charts are useless if they’re inaccurate. So it’s important for you to understand how they’ll change over time.

Freshteam already simplifies this process by automatically updating the chart every time you add, remove, or edit an employee.

But you can customize the chart even further from the Settings menu.

This part of the screen lets you manage locations, departments, sub-departments, teams, and more. You can even change employee roles and permissions within Freshteam to control who has access to different parts of the software, including the org chart.

Just understand that creating an org chart isn’t a one-and-done task. There will always be moving parts that change as your organization scales and evolves over time.

That’s why it’s so important to use reliable HR software that can grow with these changes.

5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Code

Have you ever thought about the benefits of coding apart from the fact that it is one of the most essential 21st-century skills? If your answer is yes, then you should know more about the wide range of benefits of coding. If not, then you’re in the right place to discover them.

In this blog, you will learn more about the benefits of coding that range beyond just learning to code. And, you’ll realize how coding enables kids to improve academic performance and acquire life skills.

3 Ways to Find Work-Life Balance in Your New Normal

You want to find the right work-life balance — but balance too often implies separating work and life into equal halves, which is nearly impossible to do in an age where they so easily bleed into one another. Who hasn’t booked a vacation from the office, or conversely, responded to a work email on vacation?

The recent shift to remote work has made it even more difficult to keep your personal and professional selves separate. You can no longer rely on a commute or the confines of office walls to divide your lives into parts. If this is really the new normal, your wellness relies on throwing away the notion of life and work as separate halves.

OWASP, Vulnerabilities, and Taint Analysis in PVS-Studio for C#. Stir, but Don’t Shake

We continue to develop PVS-Studio as a SAST solution. Thus, one of our major goals is expanding OWASP coverage. You might ask, what's the use when there's no taint analysis? That's exactly what we thought - and decided to implement taint analysis in the C# analyzer. Curious about what we accomplished? Read on!

Note. This article briefly touches upon the topics of SQL injections and working with SQL in C#. This theory serves as context. For in-depth information on these topics, do additional research.

jQuery vs Vue.js

jQuery in project

Why using jQuery? Why bothering? Isn’t it dead? Isn’t it way too messy? Is it still being used in nowadays projects? Is it still…

and so on and on…

How do you make a layout with pictures down one side of a page matched up with paragraphs on the other side?

I got this exact question in an email the other day, and I thought it would make a nice blog post because of how wonderfully satisfying this is to do in CSS these days. Plus we can sprinkle in polish to it as we go.

HTML-wise, I’m thinking image, text, image, text, etc.

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

<img src="..." alt="..." height="" width="" />
<p>Text text text...</p>

If that was our entire body in an HTML document, the answer to the question in the blog post title is literally two lines of CSS:

body {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr;

It’s going to look something like this…

Not pretty but we got the job done very quickly.

So cool. Thanks CSS. But let’s clean it up. Let’s make sure there is a gap, set the default type, and reign in the layout.

body {
  display: grid;
  padding: 2rem;
  grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
  gap: 1rem;
  align-items: center;
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  font: 500 100%/1.5 system-ui;
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

I mean… ship it, right? Close, but maybe we can just add a quick mobile style.

@media (max-width: 650px) {
  body {
    display: block;
    font-size: 80%;
  p {
    position: relative;
    margin: -3rem 0 2rem 1rem;
    padding: 1rem;
    background: rgba(white, 0.8);

OK, NOW ship it!

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