Refactoring CSS: Introduction (Part 1)

CSS is a simple stylesheet language for defining a website or document’s presentation. However, this simplicity leaves the door open for many potential issues and technical debt — bloated code, specificity hell, duplicated code blocks with very little to no difference, leftover unused selectors, unnecessary hacks, and workarounds, to name a few.

That kind of technical debt, if not paid on time, can accumulate and lead to severe issues down the line. Most commonly, it can lead to unexpected side-effects when adding new UI components and making the codebase difficult to maintain. You’ve probably worked on a project with a poor CSS codebase before and thought how you’d written the code differently, given the opportunity to refactor or rewrite everything from scratch.

Refactoring large parts of CSS code is not an easy task by any measure. At times, it may seem that it’s just a case of “deleting the poor quality code, writing better CSS, and deploying the shiny improved code”. However, there are many other factors to consider, like the difficulty of refactoring a live codebase, expected duration and team utilization, establishing refactoring goals, tracking refactor effectiveness and progress, etc. There is also the matter of convincing the management or project stakeholders to invest the time and resources into the refactoring process.

In this three-part series, we are going to go through the CSS refactor process from the beginning to the end, starting with knowledge on how to approach it and some general pros and cons of refactoring, then moving onto the refactoring strategies themselves and ending with some general best practices on CSS file size and performance.

Side-Effects Of Poor-Quality CSS

For all its flexibility and simplicity, CSS itself has some fundamental issues that allow developers to write poor-quality code in the first place. These issues originate from its specificity and inheritance mechanisms, operating in global scope, source order dependency, etc.

On a team-level level, most of the CSS codebase issues usually originate from the varying skill levels and CSS knowledge, different preferences and code styles, lack of understanding of the project structure and existing code and components, absence of project-level or team-level standards and guidelines, and so on.

As a result, poor-quality CSS can cause issues that go beyond the simple visual bugs and can produce various severe side-effects that can affect the project as a whole. Some such examples include:

  • Decreasing code quality as more features are added due to the varying CSS skill levels within a development team and lacking internal rules, conventions, and best practices.
  • Adding new features or extending existing selectors causes bugs and unexpected side-effects in other parts of the code (also known as a regression).
  • Multiple different CSS selectors with duplicated code blocks or chunks of CSS code can be separated into a new selector and extended by variation.
  • Leftover, unused chunks of code from deleted features. The development team has lost track of which CSS code is used and which can be safely removed.
  • Inconsistency in the file structure, CSS class naming, overall quality of CSS, etc.
  • “Specificity hell” where new features are added by overriding instead of existing the CSS codebase.
  • Undoing CSS where higher-specificity selectors “reset” the lower-specificity selector style. Developers are writing more code to have less styling. This results in redundancy and a lot of waste in code.

In worst-case scenarios, all aforementioned issues combined can result in a large CSS file size, even with the CSS minification applied. This CSS is usually render-blocking, so the browser won’t even render the website content until it has finished downloading and parsing the CSS file, resulting in a poor UX and performance on slower or unreliable networks.

These issues not only affect the end-user but also the development team and project stakeholders by making the maintenance and feature development difficult, time-consuming and costly. This is one of the more useful arguments to bring up when arguing for CSS refactor or rewrite.

The team at Netlify noted that the reason behind their large-scale CSS refactoring project was the decreasing code quality and maintainability as the project grew in complexity with more and more UI components added. They’ve also noticed that the lack of internal CSS standards and documentation led to the decreasing code quality as more and more people were working on the CSS codebase.

“(…) what started with organized PostCSS gradually grew to become a complex and entangled global CSS architecture with a lot of specificities and overrides. As you might expect, there’s a point where the added tech debt it introduces makes it difficult to keep shipping fast without adding any regressions. Besides, as the number of frontend developers contributing to the codebase also grows, this kind of CSS architecture becomes even more difficult to work with.”
Refactor Or Rewrite?

Refactoring allows developers to gradually and strategically improve to the existing codebase, without changing its presentation or core functionality. These improvements are usually small in scope and limited, and don’t introduce breaking, wide-ranging architectural changes or add new behavior, features, or functionality to the existing codebase.

For example, the current codebase features two variations of a card component — the first one was implemented early in project development by an experienced developer and the second one was added sometime after the project was launched by a less experienced developer on a short deadline, so it features duplicated code and wide-ranging selectors with high-specificity.

A third card variation needs to be added, which shares some styles from the other two card variations. So in order to avoid bugs, duplicated code and complex CSS classes, and HTML markup down the line, the team decides to refactor the card component CSS before implementing a new variation.

Rewriting allows developers to make substantial changes to the codebase and assumes that most if not all code from the current codebase will be changed or replaced. Rewrite allows developers to build the new codebase from scratch, tackle core issues from the current codebase that were impossible or expensive to fix, improve the tech stack and architecture and establish new internal rules and best practices for the new codebase.

For example, the client is in process of rebranding and the website needs to be updated with a new design and revamped content. Since this is a site-wide change out of the box, developers decide to start from scratch, rewrite the project, and take this opportunity to address the core issues current CSS codebase has but cannot be solved with code refactor, update the CSS tech stack, use the newest tools and features, establish new internal rules and best practices for styling, etc.

Let’s summarize the pros and cons of each approach.

Refactor Rewrite
  • Incremental and flexible process
  • Working with a single codebase
  • The team is not locked by the refactor tasks
  • Easier to convince the stakeholder and project leaders to do a refactor
  • Can address core issues; outdated tech stack, naming conventions, architectural decisions, internal rules, and so on.
  • Independent from the current codebase (existing features and weaknesses...)
  • Long-term plans for the codebase extensibility and maintainability
  • Depends on the current codebase and core architecture
  • Cannot address core issues
  • Architectural decisions, existing internal rules and best practices, wide-ranging issues, etc.
  • May be complicated to execute, depending on the project setup and codebase health
  • Expensive and time-consuming
  • Needs to be fully implemented before launch
  • Maintaining the current codebase while developing new codebase
  • Harder to convince the stakeholders and project leaders to do a complete rewrite

When To Refactor CSS?

Refactoring is a recommended approach for incrementally improving the CSS codebase while maintaining the current look and feel (design). Team members can work on addressing these codebase issues when there aren’t any higher priority tasks. By incrementally improving the current codebase user experience will not be affected directly in most cases, however, a cleaner and more maintainable codebase will result in easier feature implementation and fewer unexpected bugs and side-effects.

Project stakeholders will probably agree to invest limited time and resources into refactoring, but they’ll expect these tasks to be done quickly and will expect the team to be available for the primary tasks.

Refactoring CSS should be done at regular intervals when no wide-ranging design or content changes aren’t planned for the near future. Teams should proactively seek the previously mentioned weak points in the current CSS codebase and work on addressing them whenever there aren’t higher priority tasks available.

Lead frontend developer or the developer with the most experience with CSS should raise issues and create refactor tasks to enforce CSS code quality standards in the codebase.

When To Rewrite The CSS?

Rewriting the complete CSS codebase should be done when the CSS codebase has core issues that cannot be addressed with refactoring or when refactoring is a more expensive option. Speaking from personal experience, when I’ve started working for clients that moved from another company and the aforementioned CSS issues and it was obvious that it’ll be a difficult job to refactor, I’d start by recommending a full rewrite and see what the client thinks. In most cases, those clients were dissatisfied with the state of the codebase and were happy to proceed with the rewrite.

Another reason for full CSS rewrite is when a substantial change is planned for the website — rebranding, redesign, or any other significant change that affects most of the website. It’s safe to assume that the project stakeholders are aware that this is a significant investment and it will take some time for the rewrite to be complete.

Auditing CSS Codebase Health

When the development team has agreed on the fact that CSS code needs to be refactored to either streamline the feature development workflow or eliminate unexpected CSS side-effects and bugs, the team needs to bring this suggestion up to the project stakeholders or a project manager.

It’s a good idea to provide some hard data alongside the subjective thoughts on the codebase and the general code review. This will also give the team a measurable goal that they can be aware of while working on the refactor — target file size, selector specificity, CSS code complexity, number of media queries…

When doing a CSS audit or preparing for a CSS refactor, I rely on several of many useful tools to get a general overview and useful stats about the CSS codebase.

My personal go-to tool is CSS Stats, s a free tool that provides a useful overview of the CSS codebase quality with lots of useful metrics that can help developers catch some hard-to-spot issues.

Back in 2016, trivago has done a large-scale refactor for their CSS codebase and used the metrics from CSS Stats to set some concrete, measurable goals like reducing specificity and reducing the number of color variations. In just three weeks, they’ve managed to improve the overall health of the CSS codebase, reduce the CSS file size, improve render performance on mobile, etc.

“A tool like CSS Stats can easily help you figure out consistency issues within your codebase. Indicating what can happen when everybody has different opinions on how a grey tone should look like, you will end up with 50 shades of grey. Moreover, Specificity Graph gives you a good overall indication of your CSS base’s health.”

As for CLI tools, Wallace is a handy tool that provides somewhat basic, but useful CSS stats and overview which can be used to identify issues related to file size, number of rules and selectors, selector types and complexity, etc.

Wallace also offers a free analyzer tool on the Project Wallace Website which uses a seemingly more advanced version of Wallace in the backend to provide some useful data visualizations and few more metrics that are not available in the Wallace CLI.

Project Wallace also offers a complete paid solution for CSS codebase analytics. It features even more useful features and metrics that can help developers catch some hard-to-spot issues and keep track of CSS stats changes on a per-commit basis. Although the paid plan includes more features, the free plan, and the basic CSS analyzer tool are more than enough for auditing the CSS codebase quality and getting a general overview to make plans for refactoring.

Writing High-Quality CSS

We’ve seen how the simplicity and flexibility of the CSS codebase can cause a lot of issues with code quality, performance, and visual bugs. There is no silver-bullet automatic tool that will make sure that we write CSS in the best possible way and avoid all possible architectural pitfalls along the way.

The best tools that will ensure that we write high-quality CSS code are discipline, attention to detail, and general CSS knowledge and skillset. Developer needs to be constantly aware of the bigger picture and understand what role their CSS plays in that bigger picture.

For example, by overspecifying selectors, a single developer can severely limit the usability, leading to other developers having to duplicate the code in order to use it for other, similar components with different markup. These issues often occur when developers lack understanding and not leveraging the underlying mechanisms behind CSS (cascade, inheritance, browser performance, and selector specificity). These early decisions can lead to major repercussions in the future, so the CSS codebase's health and maintainability rest on the developer’s knowledge, skills, and understanding of the CSS fundamentals.

Automated tools are not aware of the bigger picture or how the selector is used, so they cannot make these crucial architectural decisions, besides enforcing some basic, predictable, and rigid rules.

Speaking from personal experience, I’ve found the following helped me to significantly improve how I worked with CSS:

  • Learning the architectural patterns.
    CSS Guidelines provide a great knowledge base and best practices for writing high-quality CSS based on general programming patterns and architectural principles.
  • Practice and improve.
    Work on personal projects or tackle a challenge from Frontend Mentor to improve your skills. Start with simple projects (a single component or a section) and focus on writing the best CSS you can, try out various approaches, apply various architectural patterns, gradually improve the code, and learn how to write high-quality CSS efficiently.
  • Learning from mistakes.
    Trust me, you’ll write some really poor-quality CSS when you are starting out. It will take you a few tries to get it right. Take a moment and think about what went wrong, analyze the weak spots, think about what you could have done differently and how, and try to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

It’s also important to establish rules and internal CSS standards within a team or even for the whole company. Clearly defined company-wide standards, code style, and principles can yield many benefits such as:

  • Unified and consistent code style and quality
  • Easier to understand, robust codebase
  • Streamlined project onboarding
  • Standardized code reviews that can be done by any team member, not just the lead frontend developer or the more experienced developers

Kirby Yardley has worked on refactoring the Sundance Institute design system and CSS and has pointed out the importance of establishing internal rules and best practices.

“Without proper rules and strategy, CSS is a language that lends itself to misuse. Often developers will write styles specific to one component without thinking critically about how that code could be reused across other elements (…) After lots of research and deliberation about how we wanted to approach architecting our CSS, we decided to use a methodology called ITCSS.“

Going back to the previous example from the team at trivago, establishing internal rules and guidelines proved to be an important step for their refactoring process.

“We introduced a pattern library, started utilizing atomic design in our workflow, created new coding guidelines, and adapted several methodologies like BEM and ITCSS in order to support us in maintaining and developing our CSS/UI on a large scale.”

Not all rules and standards need to be manually checked and enforced. CSS linting tools like Stylelint provide some useful rules that will help you check for errors and enforce internal standards and common CSS best practices like disallowing empty CSS code blocks and comments, disallowing duplicate selectors, limiting units, setting selector maximum specificity and nesting depth, establishing selector name pattern, etc.


Before deciding to propose a granular codebase refactor or a full CSS rewrite, we need to understand the issues with the current codebase so we can avoid them in the future and have measurable data for the process. CSS codebase may contain lots of complex high-specificity selectors which cause unexpected side-effects and bugs when adding new features, maybe the codebase is suffering from lots of repeated code chunks that can be moved into a separate utility class, or maybe the mix of various media queries are causing some unexpected conflicts.

Useful tools like CSS Stats and Wallace can provide a general high-level overview of the CSS codebase and give a detailed insight into codebase state and health. These tools also provide measurable stats that can be used for setting the goals for the refactoring process and keep track of the refactoring progress.

After determining refactoring goals and scope, it’s important to set internal guidelines and best practices for CSS codebase — naming convention, architectural principles, file, and folder structure, etc. This ensures code consistency, establishes a core foundation within the project which can be documented and which can be used for onboarding and CSS code review. Using linting tools like Stylelint can help to enforce some common CSS best practices to partially automate the code review process.

In the next article from this three-part series, we’re going to dive into a bulletproof CSS refactoring strategy which ensures a seamless transition between the current codebase and refactored codebase.


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How to Change Your WordPress Logo Size (Works with Any Theme)

Recently one of our readers asked if it was possible to change your logo size in WordPress?

Your website logo is an important part of your brand. Depending on the WordPress theme you use, sometimes it’s not clear on how to change your logo size to make it bigger or smaller.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily change the WordPress logo size , step by step.

How to change your WordPress logo size (works with any theme)

Why Change the Size of the Logo in WordPress?

When you upload your logo to WordPress, it might not always be the right size.

A logo that’s too small won’t stand out. While, a logo that’s too big can end up negatively impacting the design of your website.

If you’ve invested in a custom logo design, then you want to make sure your logo appears as the right size in your website header.

For those still in the logo design process, see our picks of the best free logo makers.

That being said, we’ll show you a few different ways that you can use to change the logo size in WordPress.

The method you choose will depend on the WordPress theme you are using, and your comfort level with editing CSS code.

Method 1. Change the WordPress Logo Size with WordPress Customizer

The simplest and easiest way to change the logo size in WordPress is by using the theme customizer. However, this method only works if your WordPress theme supports it.

A lot of popular themes like Divi, Astra, Ultra, and others have a built-in logo size changer tool.

When you upload your logo in WordPress, these themes make it easy to adjust the logo with a simple slider that you can use to adjust the width and height.

Note: your logo size will only be as big as the image you upload, so you want to make sure you upload a larger logo image, if your goal is to make it bigger.

For the sake of the tutorial, we’ll be showing how to change your logo in Divi, Astra, and Ultra theme, but the method is similar for most popular WordPress themes. If your theme doesn’t have this option, then you need to use the method 2 or 3 of this tutorial.

Change the WordPress Logo Size in Divi WordPress Theme

First, navigate to Divi » Theme Customizer and click on the ‘Header & Navigation’ menu option.

Select Divi theme customizer

After that, click the ‘Primary Menu Bar’ drop down option.

Here you can change the size of your logo.

Select Divi primary menu bar

First, you need to adjust the ‘Menu Height’ setting. This controls the height of your entire navigation menu and will define how big you can make your logo.

After that, you can change the ‘Logo Max Height’ setting, which is a percentage of the total menu height.

Adjust logo height

You can adjust the ‘Logo Max Height’ slider up and down until you find the perfect logo size for your WordPress blog.

Make sure to click the ‘Publish’ button to save your changes before exiting the screen.

Change the WordPress Logo Size in Astra WordPress Theme

First thing you need to do is navigate to Appearance » Customize and then click the ‘Header’ menu option.

Astra theme customize

After that, click the ‘Site Identity’ menu option.

Here you can easily adjust the size of your logo.

Click site identity in Astra

All you have to do is move the ‘Logo Width’ slider to the left or right.

You can automatically see your logo size changes in real time, as you move the slider.

Astra logo width slider

Once you’re satisfied with the size of your logo, make sure to click ‘Publish’ before exiting the page.

Change the WordPress Logo Size in Ultra WordPress Theme

To customize the logo size in Ultra theme, navigate to Appearance » Customize, and click the ‘Site Logo & Tagline’ navigation item.

Ultra click site logo and tagline

After that click the ‘Site Logo’ drop down.

Then, select the ‘Logo Image’ radio button that appears.

Ultra click site logo button

Now, you can change the size of the logo by entering new dimensions into the boxes to the right of your logo image. If you want the image to scale based on the original size, then only enter new logo dimensions into one box.

You can change the width with the box on the left, and the height with the box on the right.

Change logo height and width

As you enter new dimensions, you’ll see the size of your logo change in real time.

Once you’re done customizing the size of your logo, make sure to click the ‘Publish’ button.

If your theme isn’t highlighted above, then there’s still a chance that you can customize the size of your logo by using the WordPress customizer.

Simply go to Appearance » Customize on whatever theme you are using and see what customization options are available for your logo or header.

Method 2. Change the WordPress Logo Size by Editing CSS

If your WordPress theme doesn’t support changing the logo size using the WordPress theme customizer, then you can change the size by adding custom CSS.

First thing you need to do is navigate to your website homepage.

Then, right-click anywhere on the page and select the ‘Inspect’ option. This will bring up an Inspect menu that shows all of the code for the page.

Right click inspect

After that, you need to click the ‘Select an element’ icon that looks like a mouse pointer.

This will let you select the logo element of your website and view the code.

Click select an element icon

Next, simply hover over your website logo until the CSS class pops up. It will look similar to the image below.

You’ll use this CSS class to customize the size of your WordPress logo. So, write this down in a text editor like Notepad.

Logo CSS class

Now you can head back to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Appearance » Customize. You need to click the ‘Additional CSS’ menu option.

This will bring up a drop-down where you can add custom CSS code.

Select additional CSS

Simply add the CSS class you found earlier and specify the new image dimensions. You can use the CSS code below as an example.

img.custom-logo {
     max-height: 100px !important;

You need to change the img.custom-logo CSS class above to the CSS class your theme uses.

You can also change the max-height to whatever size you want.

Here is how it looks inside the WordPress customizer.

Additional CSS WordPress customizer

Once you’ve made your changes, simply click the ‘Publish’ button to make your changes live.

Method 3. Change the WordPress Logo Size Without Editing CSS

If you aren’t comfortable editing theme files or adding custom CSS, then this method is for you.

By using a WordPress styling plugin, you can make visual changes to your site similar to using a drag and drop page builder.

We recommend using CSS Hero. It’s a styler plugin that lets you edit almost every CSS style on your WordPress site without writing a single line of CSS code.

Deal: WPBeginner reader’s can get a 34% discount through our CSS Hero coupon code.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to click the ‘Proceed to Product Activation’ button to activate the plugin. It’s located right above your list of installed plugins.

Activate CSS Hero plugin

This will bring you to a screen where you can enter your username and password. Simply follow the on-screen instructions, and you will be redirected back to your site once your account is verified.

After that, click the ‘Customize with CSS Hero’ button at the top of your WordPress admin toolbar.

Customize with CSS Hero

This will take you to your website with CSS Hero running on top of it. CSS Hero uses a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor.

When you click on any element of your page, it will bring up a toolbar on the left to make customizations.

CSS Hero preview

Next, click on your WordPress logo at the top of the page.

After that, click the ‘Show Advanced Props’ link.

Click show advanced props

This gives you even more CSS customization options.

Then, locate the ‘Measures’ box. Here you’ll find options called ‘Max Width’ and ‘Max Height’.

You want to change these to the image size you prefer. If you want the image to keep the same dimensions, then only change the height or the width.

Define logo width and height

The changes you make will show up automatically on your page.

Once you’re done changing the size of your logo, you need to click ‘Save and Publish’ to make your changes live.

We hope this article helped you change your WordPress logo size. You may also want to see our expert picks for the best live chat software for small businesses, and our list of the must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Change Your WordPress Logo Size (Works with Any Theme) appeared first on WPBeginner.