At my wits end… I think I’m being targetted.

So I've been plagued by things like this for almost three years now.

Anything I do online. If its related to money or employment, I cannot do it. Why? Because of things like these (screenshots).

Lets see if I can explain whats going on.

Anything employment related inevitably fails.

I did doordash for about 8 months into 2020. Until I shut down my account and when I called the company they told me there was no way that I could have done that. I tried desperately to restart working for them but I could never login nor reset my credentials. Emails for credential resets didn't arrive, ever.

When I tried to sign up for uber the same thing happened. That was prior to Doordash being bought out by Uber. I've tried many other options and I just can't do anything because it all online and this stupid technical problem keeps rearing its hideous head!!! I know I'm not crazy!!

For a time I could not even login to my Navient student loans portal, and that was terrifying considering I hadn't gone into repayment yet having not yet graduated.

The most curious part is that this occurs across multiple devices. My phone. My two computers. Anything I log into with my personal accounts. Myself being geek with a CS degree I dont understand it. I want to say that some nation state hacker is getting its tendrils in my devices, but that is insane! I dont understand why I would be a target. I really don't. But its the only explanation I can think of, because apparently I am the only person on this entire planet experiencing this.

I'm seeing variations of this problem start to reoccur and its infuriating! Here's a link to my YT showcasing the problem.

If someone could shed some friggin light on this I would be very appreciative. I don't know whats causing this but it has got to stop!!