BankNext Microservices: A Case Study

Business Objective 

BankNext” is on an ambitious digital transformation phase and desires to make its customer onboarding process seamless. After an elaborate functional flow analysis, BankNext implemented an orchestration architecture to collaborate between various microservices.

 Business Flow

  1. Initiation: Prospective customer initiates the joining process on BankNext
  2. Prechecks: BankNext first invokes a Screening MSvc and a Deduplication Msvc to study the prospect and ensure that this entity is not already present in the system
  3. Processing (after prechecks pass): CustomerMgt Msvc to create the Customer entity and AccountMgt Msvc to create the Account entity for this customer.
  4. Compliance: Monitoring Msvc for the initial period to check suspicious activities and Recommendation Msvc to provide customer delight based on customer preferences.

Architecture Positives 

BankNext is quite happy with this architecture due to the following: