How to Be An Effective Engineering Manager By Investing In The Right Tools

After working with a diverse set of software engineering teams, we at Moesif have gained a unique perspective on what traits enable engineers to take on leadership positions and become outstanding managers vs others who have a harder time rising through the ranks. Gaining an advanced title and responsibility is not an easy task. After all, there are far more software engineers than executives at a company regardless of size. So how do you stand out to land that awesome VP or C-suite role? To understand what makes a great leader, it’s best to understand from the perspective of the person driving the promotion.

The mindset of leadership

Engineering naturally applies logical reasoning to a set of problems or challenges. Whether it’s to build and scale a new data platform, or how to gain a leadership title. Engineers love to “grade” a system on metrics such as performance or defect rate. This can even manifest into orchestrated mass testing activities such as the familiar Hackathon. Yet, the CEO or CTO probably doesn’t care how fast you can code an Uber clone or hook up some API. Even the usual textbook items of soft skills matter less. While it’s handy to have great communication and speaking skills, there are many executives who dread going up on a stage to present some eye candy. So what is it?