How to Be a Better Programmer: Take Care of Yourself!

If you want to be a better programmer, stop this. Now.
Photo credit by Flickr/osseous

A decade ago, a book called Death March was listed as a bestseller. The book described how insane hours of programming led to health issues:

“Death March is a type of project in which the employees need to overwork for unsustainable number of hours. The project starts feeling like an actual death march as the superiors force their employees to keep on working against their better judgment. The projects had so many parameters that the only way to succeed was by coding more than 16 hours a day, seven days a week—with no break until the project is finished.”

Some years later, another story went viral from a spouse of a programmer who worked at Rockstar games. She said the company expected the developers to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, damaging the programmers’ health.