Top React Libraries for Data-Driven Dashboard App Development

The demand for dashboard and visualization app development is rising in a data-driven landscape. Visual dashboards show critical metrics, providing modern enterprise application owners and administrators with the latest insights. Furthermore, these insightful data and information help businesses monitor performance, spot trends, and identify issues.

“But how to build a data-driven dashboard application?”

Is Your RPA Implementation Doomed? Here Are 7 Reasons Why

No matter how many benefits RPA implementation brings to your organization, success cannot be achieved if not done correctly; success can not be achieved. This guest post highlights the reasons why your RPA implementation might fail!

Robotic process automation is central to the digital transformation that pushes digitization across industry sectors. 

How to Make Chatbots More Intelligent With Contextual Intelligence

Chatbots need to have contextual awareness if they have to adequately resolve a query. This contextual awareness leads to intelligence over time, by handling millions of queries over significant periods. Conversational UX relies on effective contextual intelligence to create more meaningful relationships with customers. From banking to health services, each industry has unique requirements from contextual chatbots that work with large data sets. 

Designing a Contextual Chatbot

Designing a contextual chatbot requires strategically planning out key characteristics and use-cases for the technology. This includes any critical data points that it needs to analyze first, as well as any customer-based interactions it can start having early on. When designing the right chatbot, embedding contextual analysis is important from the get-go.

13 of the Best React JavaScript Frameworks

If you're using React.js or React Native to create user interfaces, try these frameworks.

React.js and React Native are popular open source platforms for developing user interfaces (UIs); both rank well for desirability and use in StackOverflow's 2019 Developer Survey. React.js was developed by Facebook in 2011 as a JavaScript library to address the need for cross-platform, dynamic, and high-performing UIs, while React Native, which Facebook released in 2015, is used for building native applications using JavaScript.

How to Be a Better Programmer: Take Care of Yourself!

If you want to be a better programmer, stop this. Now.
Photo credit by Flickr/osseous

A decade ago, a book called Death March was listed as a bestseller. The book described how insane hours of programming led to health issues:

“Death March is a type of project in which the employees need to overwork for unsustainable number of hours. The project starts feeling like an actual death march as the superiors force their employees to keep on working against their better judgment. The projects had so many parameters that the only way to succeed was by coding more than 16 hours a day, seven days a week—with no break until the project is finished.”

Some years later, another story went viral from a spouse of a programmer who worked at Rockstar games. She said the company expected the developers to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, damaging the programmers’ health.

If Waterfall and Agile Got Into a Bar Fight, Who Would Win?

Agile man vs. waterfall

While each methodology focuses on efficient resource management and code development, both have their own advantages. One is seen from a traditional perspective, while the other is more innovative and fast-paced. Depending on the scope of the project, managers may opt for either one to reach key checkpoints on time.

Managers need to start with the right strategy and then use the appropriate methodology to produce a technological solution. Research from PwC consulting suggests that Agile projects outperform traditional ones by 28 percent. However, Waterfall provides the structure and stability needed for effective development. Depending on the goal of the project, managers can opt for either approach to develop code more effectively.

3 Effective IoT Practices to Get Ahead of the Competition

Companies are investing in IoT at a rapid speed, with innovation occurring across industries. There are brands launching their own versions of smart delivery, wearables, and health monitoring devices. On a larger scale, companies are using IoT applications to gain logistics and supply chain advantages over their competitors. This has given rise to a new industry that focuses on IoT as the core platform.

What’s critical is the need for a strategic overview of the IoT market in general. Companies can create significant value when they leverage IoT from a strategic perspective. That’s what differentiates the market leaders from the industry. They understand the scope of IoT and how it can impact the overall business model.

DevOps: 11 Things You’re Forgetting to Do

DevOps is a critical component of an effective development strategy and an integration tool that all companies can leverage. It sets apart quality production mechanics from generic-level outputs. That’s why the DevOps market is set to be worth around $12.85 billion by 2025 (CAGR: 18.60%) according to estimates. Engineers need to focus on these 11 areas so that they can maximize the potential of the core framework. These are key areas within DevOps that can be optimized keeping best practices in mind.

1. Integrated Communication

One of the most challenging aspects of introducing new products in the market is communication errors. The development and operations teams aren’t on the same page many times, which leads to launch-time errors and running bugs that need fixes. In certain areas, there is a lack of communication in the way that the features are integrated. Having a coherent communication strategy is essential to building a successful product under the DevOps framework.