Beware of This find Command Gotcha

find is a useful basic command that Linux users run all the time. The command searches a file system from a given starting location and returns all matches based on input filters that you provide as arguments.

The Gotcha

The gotcha is when you try to narrow the search by pruning a sub-directory from the search (including the directory itself and everything under it). For instance, suppose you want to find all files under the directory /data that are owned by root, excluding the sub-directory /data/keepit and all files underneath.

Node + Express for a Simple Security Model

In this article, we’re going to add a simple security model to the application, which will accept a login, validate a user, redirect to a secure page, enable a logout, and catch any errors which occur during the process. Let’s get started.

Creating a Security Model

The first thing we’re going to do is create a service for the Node server. This will perform our authentication of a user, expose our logged-in user information to the application, and handle the invalidation of the user once they log out of the system.

RSocket vs. gRPC Benchmark

Almost every time I present RSocket to an audience, there will be someone asking the question: "How does RSocket compare to gRPC?"

Today we are going to find out.

Is Your Test Data Waiting on Your DevOps Team?

Is there anything more frustrating than to be stuck waiting? Regardless of what you are waiting for, it’s not a good place to be. According to the 2018-2019 World Quality Report (WQR) published by Capgemini, “…the lack of test environments and data is the number-one challenge in applying testing to Agile development." That means a lot of waiting and a lot of frustration.

Businesses need applications, enhancements, and fixes to be deployed at a velocity never before seen. Once the domain of small, nimble start-ups, even the largest of the large IT shops are getting in on the DevOps act, all for the promise of speed-of-delivery. As more and more organizations implement DevOps and CI/CD processes in order to keep pace with business demands, these issues are becoming more acute.

11 Top News APIs of 2021

Editor's Note: This article was published in it's original form in April of 2019. It has been updated to provide the current most popular News APIs based on page visits to ProgrammableWeb.

The vast number of news outlets in print, TV, and radio and the Internet can be overwhelming. So developers looking to captivate news consumers with a streamlined application need to discovery News APIs that are suitable for their use.

Tom’s Tech Notes: Automated Testing Advice for Devs [Podcast]

Welcome to our latest episode of Tom's Tech Notes! In this episode, we'll hear advice from a host of industry experts on how to best implement automated testing, including general best practices, QA advice, and how to maintain speed, security, and proper testing.

The Tom's Tech Notes podcast features conversations that our research analyst Tom Smith has had with software industry experts from around the world as part of his work on our research guides. We put out new episodes every Sunday at 11 AM EST.

Update on DW usage

Just wondering how DW is doing re posts. I pass by from time to time and peruse the webdev forum. Apart from code snippets from Dani, I see very little new stuff. Am I missing something? Is it just that forum that's showing old posts? Even when I turn off the filter, it seems pretty quiet.