Using ‘Critical Uncertainties’ to Quickly Respond to Future Challenges

Critical Uncertainties make planning for the future a little bit easier.
Liberating Structures are a collection of interaction patterns that allow you to unleash and involve everyone in a group - from extroverted to introverted and from leaders to followers. In this series of posts, we show how Liberating Structures can be used with Scrum.

Scrum is a framework that thrives on complexity. This could be complexity related to software development, product development, or something else in which there is more unknown than known. By working empirically, the unknown is discovered by building small increments in an iterative rhythm, continuously validating assumptions about what to build and how to build it.

Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Agile

This complexity should also be taken into account when defining the strategies  --  the sequence of steps - - we follow to be successful. Although everyone agrees that it's difficult (impossible?) to predict the future, strategies are commonly defined in a way that ignores this reality.