Getting Rid of EXTENDED STRING Data Type

As you may have noticed in our release history, the EXTENDED STRING data type was removed almost a year ago. To be precise, it was more a merge of the STRING and EXTENDED STRING data than the removal of the latter. This means now you can safely use STRING data type for any kind of characters (including emojis??) without worrying if the column would support it. In addition, the sorting order for multiple non-Latin languages has been fixed automatically.

Relieving developers from the hassle of two string types has always been one of our main goals, and this is another small step in that direction.

Reactive REST API Using Spring Boot and RxJava

I’m not going to explain what reactive programming is or why you should use it. I hope you’ve already read about it somewhere, and if not, you can Google it. In this post, I’m going to tell you how to use reactive programming specifically with Spring Boot and RxJava. Let's get started.


Before you continue reading, I expect you understand how to create simple REST API using Spring Boot and RxJava. If you haven’t, you can learn more about Spring Boot on Baeldung and you can learn more about RxJava on AndroidHive. They explain those two materials really well.

Cloud-Native Offerings Address Top Developer Challenges

During the TIBCO NOW 2019 keynote in Chicago, Rajeev Kozhikkattuthodi, vice president, product management and strategy, TIBCO announced the expansion of cloud-native offering to address developers' challenges.

According to Rajeev, in this the age of the customer, companies are getting tired of customer experience (CX) which is sad given how poor a job they are doing improving it. It's like they are clueless. Perhaps they need to better understand the customer journey? TIBCO is trying to help with connected intelligence CX.

Running a RavenDB Cluster With Two Nodes

Recently, we got a couple of questions in the mailing list about running a RavenDB 4.x cluster with just two nodes in it. This was a fairly common topology in RavenDB 3.x days because each of the nodes was mostly independent, but that added a lot of operational complexity to the system. In RavenDB 3.x you had to do a lot of stuff on each of the nodes in the system. RavenDB 4.x has brought us a unified cluster management and greatly simplified a lot of operational tasks. But one of the results of this change is that we now have a cluster rather than just a bunch of nodes.

In particular, in order to be able to operate correctly, a RavenDB cluster needs a majority of the voting nodes to operate successfully. In a typical cluster setup, you are going to have three to five nodes and you’ll need two or three of them to be accessible for the cluster to be healthy.