Export Kubernetes Logs to Azure Log Analytics With Fluent Bit

Every container you run in Kubernetes is going to be generating log data. No one has time to go through and regularly check individual container logs for issues, and so in production environments, it is often required to export these logs to an aggregator for automated analysis.

If you're using Azure, then Log Analytics may be your log aggregator of choice, and so you need a way to export your container logs into Log Analytics. If you are using AKS, you can deploy the Azure Monitor solution which does this for you, however, if you are running your own cluster, or even using another cloud provider and still want to use Log Analytics, then that it's not quite so simple. This is where Fluent Bit can help.

Microservices on Rails

In the intro to this blog series, I promised to reconcile the apparent incongruence of strategic business objectives (move fast) with traditional IT must have paradigms (be safe). In the last post, we chugged away at the surrounding ecosystem that's needed to support the velocity promised by the former. In this post, I pause at the pre-production station to discuss some of those system safety properties that we can't leave behind.

The Pragmatic Conductor

Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of values.

Take any CEO in any industry, and they will likely say that they have three primary goals:

Build a Blockchain PoC Application Using Hyperledger Fabric

This piece is about my experience in creating a blockchain PoC application for land and title recording on blockchain leveraging Hyperledger Fabric (HF) blockchain platform. It may benefit those who just got started on HF or intend to learn it, and for those who are already experienced in HF, it may offer another equally viable option. It’s pretty long, but for readers who are interested in blockchain technology, your time will be well spent.

Let us first set up our goal and see how we can achieve it.

Tips On Choosing A Good WordPress Host

When running an online business, it’s essential to have your business plan figured out. Part of that plan is to pool resources together and manage a successful WordPress site. To do that, you need an...