Nacos as a Config Server

Config servers are widely used in microservices architectures as placeholders for configurations. They also provide a centralized repository for users to manage configs for multiple applications.

Today, we are going to look at an example of how to use Nacos as a config server with Spring Cloud for Alibaba. The example is a Spring Boot application, running a Nacos server locally.

WebSockets vs. Long Polling

Sometimes we need information from our servers as soon as it’s available. The usual AJAX request/response we’re all used to doesn’t keep the connection open for this sort of use case. Instead, we need a push-based method like WebSockets, long polling, server-sent events (SSE), or, the more recently created, HTTP2 push. In this article, we compare two methods: WebSockets and long polling.

An Overview of Long Polling

In 1995, Netscape Communications hired Brendan Eich to implement scripting capabilities in Netscape Navigator and, over a ten-day period, the JavaScript language was born. Its capabilities as a language were initially very limited compared to modern-day JavaScript, and its ability to interact with the browser’s document object model (DOM) was even more limited. JavaScript was mostly useful for providing limited enhancements to enrich document consumption capabilities. For example, in-browser form validation and lightweight insertion of dynamic HTML into an existing document.

Containers Are Just Another Piece of the Puzzle: Protect Them to Secure Your Business

Today, as we kicked off the 2019 Nexus User Conference, one of the first sessions tackle tough questions about the journey of containers and how they’re actually just a piece of the puzzle.

ABN AMRO, which we’ll use as the backdrop to showcase this lesson, is one of the biggest banks in the Netherlands. They have a lot of revenue and thus a lot of operations, employees, and dev teams. Specifically, they have more than 450 agile software development teams in both the Netherlands and India and more than 5,000 people in IT.

How Cloud is Boosting Global Digital Transformation

Case Study: AWS Selected by GE for App Cloud Provider

General Electronics (GE) has selected AWS for hosting more than 2,000 apps on the cloud platform, which includes the ones used by GE Power, GE Aviation, GE Healthcare, GE Transportation and GE Digital Divisions. Most of the applications have already migrated to AWS since GE undertook digital transformation in the year 2014.  More applications are suggested to be migrating to AWS, as it is a “preferred cloud provider” by the company.

The company chose AWS as the cloud provider because AWS is the industry-leading cloud services and allowed them (GE) to push their boundaries, thinking big and delivering better outcomes.

What is the Definition of DevSecOps?

What's in a Word?


Have you heard the term before? If not, you're not alone. The basic premise behind DevSecOps may even go by different names, depending on who's doing the talking (Rugged DevOps, SecDevOps, etc.) And of course, it can be difficult enough even to dig up a commonly-agreed upon definition of DevOps on its own-minus the "Sec."

Creating a simple REST application

Hi guys,
I wonder if this is something I could do on this forum.
I've never worked with REST, so I thought that it could be a good exercise to try to develop a very small and simple Java application and try to make use of REST as well.
I found a brief which seems simple enough, I'll share it with you (I'm happy to change this of course if you think it's useful as for me it's just practice).

As a Rest Client
I want to submit new orders for bricks
So I can start customers’ orders

A customer wants to buy any number of bricks
A "Create Order" request for a number of bricks is submitted
An Order reference is returned
The Order reference is unique to the submission

There will be more stuff later about retrieving an Order, but I thought this is a good start.

Now, I said above that I have no experience with REST, so I've been doing a bit of research and before I start coding I thought it might be a good idea to sort of clarify how we should proceed and the tech needed (I could also upload everything to git so that anybody else interested in it could benefit).

I guess I could start with a normal Java project, have a POJO Order class and a Brick one and a main class which would create the necessary objects, they seem to be the very minimum to start with.
As to how to proceed after that, I might need a bit of a guidance – that's providing that I started the right way of course.

In terms of storage, what's the easiest, using an SQL database of some Spring inbuilt database if there is any such a thing – I'd like to simplify the storage as much as possible so that I can concentrate more on the java code.

Is it a good idea to use Spring boot?
I know this is gonna be a very long thread, but I think it might be useful.

The Java Platform Module System

Although Java 9 is not the latest JDK release (to be more specific, it was released back in 2017), it was the biggest update in the history of the JDK. Despite that, most Java programmers hardly mention its most significant feature — the Java Platform Module System.

This is primarily because most business applications still use Java 8. For now, it has demonstrated stability and newer releases need time to spread across the IT world.

An Introduction to MVC Architecture: A Web Developer’s Point of View

MVC or Model View Controller

MVC Stands for Model View Controller and it's software architecture design pattern. The main goal of this architecture is to separate functionality, logic, and the interface of an application to promote organized programming. It also allows multiple developers to work on the same project.

Let's take a look at different components of MVC from a web developer's point of view. Let's take a look at some of the popular web frameworks that use MVC.

Bulk Geocode Addresses Using Google Maps and GeoPy

Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like a street address) into geographic coordinates (like latitude and longitude). With Woosmap you can request nearby location or display on a map a lot of geographic elements like stores or any other point of interest. To take advantages of these features, you first have to push geocoded locations to our system, as we discussed in this previous post. Most of the time, your dataset has addresses but no location information.

The following script, hosted on our Woosmap Github Organization, is a basic utility for geocoding CSV files that have address data included. It will parse the file and add coordinate information as well as some metadata on geocoded results like the location type, as discussed below. It calls the Geocoding API through the GeoPy Python client. 

Recapping Monitorama 2019 (or, Why You Should Attend Monitorama 2020)

Monitorama is the event of the year if you're in the monitoring and observability space! It's an inclusive event for speakers, attendees, and vendors alike to network and learn from each other in a safe, comfortable, and accessible environment.

Did you know? On top of accommodating travel on a case-by-case basis, Monitorama pays their speakers to ensure that anyone can speak at the conference no matter their financial situation.

Developing Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform on Blockchain

Over the last few years, blockchain has taken over global financial markets with its disruptive power to transform industries. While multiple sectors have experienced a positive impact on the blockchain, the lending market is ready to be a part of this transition.

Blockchain is all set to reconstruct the model of the peer-to-peer lending platform by bringing more trust and transparency to the system. Companies like SALT Lending, Lendoit, and Jibrel Network have already launched a peer-to-peer lending platform using blockchain and smart contracts.

A Day On-Call in A DevOps Team

It is morning. You are at your workplace and your on-call shift has just begun. The chatbot helpfully posts this information in the team channel, including the time when the shift ends and noting the next engineer to take it over from you.

You take a look at the monitoring dashboards. There are no ongoing incidents. There are no alarms firing. The application has served over 120,000 users in the last 24 hours. 0.09% of user interactions have ended in failure, and over 6% of user engagement time was wasted waiting for stuff to load. That's above normal, but the issue was already dealt with yesterday. Apparently, queries to a shared MySQL database became slow due to an ongoing table optimization. A few even timed out. Ironically, the maintenance was meant to make queries faster.

Microservice Messaging: The Event That Changed Everything

In event driven microservice architectures, the message usually only carries meaning for the event producer and end consumer(s). Any generic middleware, broker, gateway, or cache is left unable to act on the content because they don’t understand it.

What a waste of opportunity.