An Introduction to Edge Computing

Internet of Things (IoT) is taking the world by storm, as it has become one of the most influential buzzwords not only in tech sector, but also many other businesses. From farms and factories to smart cities and homes, IoT technology is a continually expanding set of connected systems and devices. According to Statista, the installed base of IoT devices is forecasted to grow to almost 31 billion worldwide. As a result, cloud computing will emerge as an increasingly dominant trend as the enormous amount of data generated by billions of connected IoT devices need to be stored for processing and retrieval. Both the technologies -IoT and cloud computing are interconnected, with one providing the other a platform for success. 

In a traditional IoT architecture, data are collected from geographically dispersed sensors and transported to a central repository where it is combined and processed collectively. Increasing efficiency, scalability and performance in everyday tasks, integration of cloud computing with Internet of Things enables enterprises to make better business decisions faster and respond to changing market conditions in real time.