#224: Community Roundup

Show Description

Cassidy and Marie share some of the fun things CodePen community members are doing around the web including newsletters, Pass the Pen, JSConfEU, and Zdog.

Time Jumps

  • 00:54 Zdog
  • 05:05 Christina Gorton UI Design Course
  • 11:01 Sponsor: Discover.bot
  • 12:00 Taking time to mess around with things
  • 18:21 Andy Bell's newsletter
  • 22:20 JS Conf

Sponsor 11:01: Discover.bot

Discover.bot – a digital space for bot developers and enthusiasts of all skill levels to learn from one another, share stories, and move the bot conversation forward. Want to learn more about building bots? Get started with their Guide to Bot Building Frameworks.

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The post #224: Community Roundup appeared first on CodePen Blog.