The Future of Incident Response: SOAR’s Impact on Cybersecurity Defense

In February 2024, a slew of notable entities fell victim to cybercrime, ranging from UnitedHealth and the personal accounts of Axie Infinity's co-founder to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, AnyDesk, and various French healthcare payment service providers like Viamedis and Almerys. Even critical institutions such as Integris Health, Schneider Electric, Lurie Children's Hospital, and a California union, alongside infrastructure like Trans-Northern Pipelines, were not spared from these attacks.

These incidents underscore a stark reality: in today's digital landscape, no organization, regardless of its size or stature, is impassable to cyber threats. The past three months alone have witnessed a surge in cyber and ransomware attacks, showcasing the indiscriminate nature of such malicious activities.
