Chris’ Corner: Real World CSS

I enjoyed Lee Robinson’s take on How I’m Writing CSS in 2024. Rather than jump right into tools and syntax, it starts with the user:

What does a great experience look like loading stylesheets when visiting a website?

  1. Stylesheets should load as fast as possible (small file sizes)
  2. Stylesheets should not re-download unless changed (proper caching headers)
  3. The page content should have minimal or no layout shift
  4. Fonts should load as fast as possible and minimize layout shift

Agreed! Number 3, and to some degree 4, are almost more in the JavaScript bucket than CSS, but it’s a good starter list. I’d add “The page styles shouldn’t interfere with default accessibility”.

Then, after those, the developer experience is considered:

How can the DX of the styling tools we use help us create a better UX?

  1. Prune unused styles, minify, and compress CSS for smaller file sizes
  2. Generate hashed file names to enable safe, immutable caching
  3. Bundle CSS files together to make fewer network requests
  4. Prevent naming collisions to avoid visual regressions

What about to help us write more maintainable, enjoyable CSS?

  1. Easy to delete styles when deleting corresponding UI code
  2. Easy to adhere to a design system or set of themes
  3. Editor feedback with TypeScript support, autocompletion, and linting
  4. Receive tooling feedback in-editor to prevent errors (type checking, linting)

I like how the DX concerns are about making things easier that the UX demands. I want all that stuff! Although I admit I still bristle at the idea of dealing with unused styles. It’s very hard to properly detect unused styles and I worry about tools making those decisions.

Lee’s ultimate recommendations are CSS Modules, Tailwind, or StyleX (or just vanilla CSS on simple stuff), and I feel like those feel fair based on his own journey and accomplish the things he laid out. I’m a fan of the CSS Modules approach myself. It’s largely vanilla CSS, but with great scoping built in, it couples to components nicely, and is so well established it’s everywhere you need it.

Speaking of writing CSS in the real world, Ahmad Shadeed did quite a deep dive of looking at the TechCrunch Layout and approaching it with modern techniques.

Sure, it’s just a three column layout, but the different columns have all sorts of different constraints. The first is in a fixed position, the main content has a maximum width but is otherwise fluid as well as contains nested grids. There is a maximum width overall too, with the third column involving absolute positioning. That’s without getting into the (five!) major breakpoints and footer complexities. If you’re into nerding out on CSS layout, Ahmad tackles it literally five different ways, ultimately landing on a nice CSS grid powered technique. He called it easy to implement, but looking at the column declarations I think it only looks easy to someone who was on his fifth iteration. 🤣. And that’s only half the article.

To think that Ahmad’s tackling of a complex layout, in the end, only boiled down to a few lines of CSS is rather incredible. CSS is certainly more powerful. But is it easier? Geoff Graham thinks yeah, it is a little easier to write actually, in some ways.

To name a few, grouping styles is easier, centering is easier, translation needs are easier, and spacing is easier. Geoff names more. And by easier, really truly easier in all ways. Less and more direct code that is easier to reason about and does what it says.

Roman Komarov outlines The Shrinkwrap Problem, which is maybe a little niche but certainly a very interesting layout situation. The deal is that if content wraps, the element essentially takes up all available width. Not that strange, but when you look at how a wrapped title looks with text-wrap: balance;, for example, it looks a little weird. A header might only take up half the space visually, yet still take up all the available space.

Roman goes really deep on this, with solutions that involve even new tech like anchor positioning which is an awfully weird thing to invoke just for this, but hey, needs are needs. Just when you think this is all far too much for such a niche thing, Roman gets to the use-cases which are actually pretty basic and straightforward. Things like chat bubbles where full-width bubbles would look awkward. Or decorations on either side of a header.

David Bushell has a fun and illuminating post about button-specific CSS styles.

Have you ever repeatedly tapped on a button only for the page to zoom in unexpectedly? Rewind and fast-forward buttons in an audio player for example. This unwanted side effect can be removed with touch-action.

There are four others in there that are all in the decent-chance-you-hadn’t-thought-of-it category.

How to Highlight New Posts for Returning Visitors in WordPress

Are you wondering how to highlight new posts for returning visitors in WordPress?

Showing off the posts that were newly published on your website is one way to keep your readers updated and make sure they don’t miss out on your latest content.

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to highlight new posts for returning visitors in WordPress.

How to Highlight New Posts for Returning Visitors in WordPress

Why Highlight New Posts on Your WordPress Site?

Highlighting new posts on your WordPress site helps returning visitors easily discover your new content. This way, they won’t miss out on any fresh information or updates you’ve added to your blog.

Labeling new posts improves the user experience on your WordPress website. When a returning visitor reaches your website, they can easily spot which posts they haven’t read yet, saving them a lot of time and increasing your pageviews.

A good user experience on your site not only keeps visitors happy but also helps with SEO. When your site is easy to use, it improves your search engine rankings and increases the likelihood of visitors finding your content.

With that in mind, let’s see how you can highlight new posts for returning visitors in WordPress.

We will show you two methods: one with a WordPress plugin and the other with code. You can jump to a specific method using the quick links below:

Method 1: Highlight New WordPress Posts With a WordPress Plugin

This first method uses the Mark New Posts plugin. We recommend it for complete beginners because it’s very simple. This plugin will add a label to show which blog posts your site visitors haven’t seen yet.

Firstly, you need to install and activate the Mark New Posts plugin. If you need guidance, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

After that, go to Settings » Mark New Posts from the WordPress admin area. You will now see the plugin’s settings page.

What you want to do now is select where to display the ‘New’ label. You can select After post title, Before post title, or Before and after post title.

We find that adding the label after the post title will look like a notification and grab users’ attention the most, so that’s what we’ve chosen.

Selecting the new post marker placement in Mark New Posts plugin

Next, you need to choose what the marker looks like in the Marker type setting. The options include “New” text, “New” text legacy, Orange circle, Flag, Picture, or None.

Be sure to explore each option to see which one looks best with your website design.

Selecting a new post marker type in Mark New Posts plugin

Another setting you can configure is the background color for the new post’s title. If you enable this, then when a reader visits a new post, they will see that the post title section has a background color. We didn’t find this setting necessary, so we disabled it.

In the ‘Consider a post as read’ setting, you can choose when to turn off the new post label: after it was opened, after it was displayed in the list, or after any web page of the blog was opened.

We suggest going with ‘after it was opened.’ This means that if a visitor hasn’t read several posts and opens one, then the new post label for the other articles won’t disappear.

Next, you can select how many days the post should stay highlighted as new, show all existing posts as new to new visitors, and disable the new label for custom post types.

The Mark New Posts plugin settings page

The last two settings are pretty advanced.

One is to ‘Allow outside the post list,’ which means you can highlight posts outside of the loop, like in widget-ready sidebar areas. Be cautious about enabling this setting, as it may create unwanted WordPress errors.

The other is ‘Use JavaScript for showing markers’, which is only recommended if the plugin is not compatible with the theme or other plugins being used on your blog. In most cases, you will want to keep this setting disabled.

Once you are done configuring the plugin settings, just click ‘Save.’

Clicking the Save button in Mark New Posts plugin

And that’s it! Go ahead and visit your website in incognito mode to see if the new labels for recent posts are live.

Here’s what it looks like on our demo website:

Example of the new post marker made by Mark New Posts plugin

Method 2: Highlight New Posts by Adding Custom Code

Are you unhappy with the new post label options given by the previous plugin? If so, then you can highlight new posts using custom code instead.

For beginners, this method may seem intimidating. But don’t worry because we will use the WPCode plugin to safely insert code snippets in WordPress without breaking your website.

WPCode also makes it easy to manage multiple custom code snippets, which will be handy in our case since we will be using more than one.

WPCode - Best WordPress Code Snippets Plugin

Note: While there is a free version of WPCode, we will use WPCode Pro because it allows you to insert the code snippets into the proper locations for this tutorial.

The first thing you need to do is install WPCode in WordPress. For setup instructions, go ahead and check out our article on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, go to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet from your WordPress dashboard. After that, select ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ and click the ‘Use snippet’ button.

Adding custom code in WPCode

Now, let’s add a title to your code snippet so that it’s easier to find it later on if needed. For this, you can name it something like ‘WordPress Last Visit Title Modifier.’

Then, select ‘PHP Snippet’ in the Code Type dropdown.

Giving the custom code snippet a title and selecting the PHP code type in WPCode

After that, you can copy and paste the code snippet below:

// Define a function to modify post titles based on the last visit
function wpb_lastvisit_the_title($title, $id) {

    // Check if not in the loop, a singular page, or a page post type; if true, return the original title
    if (!in_the_loop() || is_singular() || get_post_type($id) == 'page') return $title;

    // Check if no 'lastvisit' cookie is set or if it is empty; if true, set the cookie with the current timestamp
    if (!isset($_COOKIE['lastvisit']) || $_COOKIE['lastvisit'] == '') {
        $current = current_time('timestamp', 1);
        setcookie('lastvisit', $current, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);

    // Retrieve the 'lastvisit' cookie value
    $lastvisit = $_COOKIE['lastvisit'];

    // Get the publish date of the post (in Unix timestamp format)
    $publish_date = get_post_time('U', true, $id);

    // If the post was published after the last visit, append a new span to the title
    if ($publish_date > $lastvisit) $title .= '<span class="new-article">New</span>';

    // Return the modified or original title
    return $title;

// Add a filter to apply the 'wpb_lastvisit_the_title' function to 'the_title' hook with priority 10 and 2 parameters
add_filter('the_title', 'wpb_lastvisit_the_title', 10, 2);

What this snippet does is modify WordPress post titles based on a user’s last visit.

It checks if the page is a blog post or not, and if not, then it will display the original title as is. But if it is a blog post, then the title will be modified.

Then, the snippet ensures the lastvisit cookie exists. If it doesn’t, then the code creates it and sets it to the current time. The function then compares this lastvisit time with the post’s publish date and adds a ‘New’ label to the title if the post is newer than the last visit.

Once you have inserted the code snippet, just scroll down and select ‘Auto Insert’ for the Insert Method.

Other than that, make sure to choose ‘Frontend only’ for the Location. This means the code will only run on the part of your WordPress blog that visitors interact with and not in your admin panel or other places.

Modifying the insertion settings in WPCode and activating and publishing the code

With that done, you can make the code ‘Active’ and click ‘Save Snippet.’

Now, repeat the step to add a new custom code snippet. This time, the code will style the ‘New’ label that is added to recent post titles based on the last visit of a user.

So, you can name it something like ‘Post Title New Label Style’ and the Code Type should be ‘CSS Snippet.’

Creating a CSS code to customize the new post label in WPCode

You can then copy and paste the following lines of code into the Code Preview box:

/* CSS to style the "New" label in blog post titles */
.new-article {
    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green background color */
    color: #ffffff; /* White text color */
    padding: 2px 5px; /* Padding around the label */
    margin-left: 5px; /* Adjust the margin to your preference */
    border-radius: 3px; /* Rounded corners for the label */
    font-size: 12px; /* Adjust the font size to your preference */

This code snippet essentially customizes the ‘New’ post label using a custom background color, text color, padding, margin, border radius, and font size.

Feel free to adjust these elements to your preferences as you go along. Just make sure to use hex color codes or RGB values for the background and text colors.

In the Insertion section, select ‘Site Wide Header’ as the Location. After that, make the code ‘Active’ and click ‘Save Snippet.’

Choosing Site Wide Header as the code location in WPCode

And that’s it! To see if the code works, you can publish a new blog post and visit your website in incognito mode.

If the code is successful, then you should see a ‘New’ label next to your recent post titles.

Example of the new post label made with WPCode

Besides highlighting new posts for your returning visitors, there are many other ways to keep your readers engaged.

Ideally, you want visitors to check out not just one but three or more blog posts in one sitting. This shows that they are enjoying your content and are taking part in the community you are building.

However, sometimes, it can be hard for readers to find content that’s relevant to their interests. That’s where internal linking comes in.

Internal links are links that direct users to other pages or posts on your website.

You can use them directly within your blog posts. Or you can create a section under the post to show which blog posts are currently popular among your readers.

If you are not sure which internal links to use in a blog post, then All in One SEO (AIOSEO) has a link assistant feature that can give you some ideas.

View links details

For more information about internal linking, see our ultimate internal linking guide for SEO.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to highlight new posts for returning visitors in WordPress. You may also want to check out our WordPress SEO checklist for beginners and easy ways to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Highlight New Posts for Returning Visitors in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

The Future of Kubernetes: Potential Improvements Through Generative AI

Kubernetes, the open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, has revolutionized the IT industry. However, like all innovative technology, it continuously seeks enhancements to improve efficiency, usability, and functionality. One such area promising potential improvements is Generative AI. This sophisticated technology can generate new data that shares the same characteristics as the original data, such as images, music, text, or code. As we delve into the possibilities, we realize the potential improvements in Kubernetes as part of Generative AI.

How Can Generative AI Enhance Kubernetes?

1. Automated Configuration and Deployment

Generative AI can automate the configuration and deployment of applications in Kubernetes. By learning from historical deployment patterns and configurations, generative models can predict the optimum configuration for a new application. Generative AI can also help to scale applications automatically based on traffic patterns, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A More Reliable Approach

In the rapidly changing world of artificial intelligence, it has evolved far more than just predictions based on data analysis. It is now emerging with limitless potential for generating creative content and problem-solving models. With generative AI models such as ChatGPT in place, chatbots are presenting improvements in language recognition abilities. According to the Market Research Report, the global Generative AI market is poised for exponential growth, expected to surge from USD 8.65 billion in 2022 to USD 188.62 billion by 2032, with a staggering CAGR of 36.10% during the forecast period of 2023-2032. The dominance of the North American region in the market in 2022 underscores the widespread adoption and recognition of the potential of Generative AI.

Why Is RAG Important?

Every industry hopes to evolve AI implementation, such as Generative AI, which can exploit big data to bring meaningful insights and solutions or provide more customization and automation to capitalize on AI potential. However, Generative AI leveraging neural network architectures and large language models (LLMs) helps businesses to improve with the limitation of producing content or analysis that may be factually wrong given the scope of data fed to the developed model, also known as “hallucinations” or providing outdated information.

C4 PlantUML: Effortless Software Documentation

Documentation plays a crucial role in any project, serving as a compass for development teams, and as a good way for the new joiners to know how the project is done. More often than not, documentation becomes a task that is either indefinitely postponed or completed once and never updated, leaving it outdated and potentially counterproductive.

An effective strategy for developers is to leverage a tool seamlessly integrated into their IDE. This eliminates friction caused by the need to switch between different tools, ensuring convenience, ease of use, and the ability to effortlessly update documentation. An excellent way to approach it is with C4 PlantUML — a powerful tool that allows developers to generate comprehensive system architecture documentation with just a few lines of code, making the documentation process not only efficient but also an integral part of the development workflow.

Setting And Persisting Color Scheme Preferences With CSS And A “Touch” Of JavaScript

Many modern websites give users the power to set a site-specific color scheme preference. A basic implementation is straightforward with JavaScript: listen for when a user changes a checkbox or clicks a button, toggle a class (or attribute) on the <body> element in response, and write the styles for that class to override design with a different color scheme.

CSS’s new :has() pseudo-class, supported by major browsers since December 2023, opens many doors for front-end developers. I’m especially excited about leveraging it to modify UI in response to user interaction without JavaScript. Where previously we have used JavaScript to toggle classes or attributes (or to set styles directly), we can now pair :has() selectors with HTML’s native interactive elements.

Supporting a color scheme preference, like “Dark Mode,” is a great use case. We can use a <select> element anywhere that toggles color schemes based on the selected <option> — no JavaScript needed, save for a sprinkle to save the user’s choice, which we’ll get to further in.

Respecting System Preferences

First, we’ll support a user’s system-wide color scheme preferences by adopting a “Light Mode”-first approach. In other words, we start with a light color scheme by default and swap it out for a dark color scheme for users who prefer it.

The prefers-color-scheme media feature detects the user’s system preference. Wrap “dark” styles in a prefers-color-scheme: dark media query.

selector {
  /* light styles */

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    /* dark styles */

Next, set the color-scheme property to match the preferred color scheme. Setting color-scheme: dark switches the browser into its built-in dark mode, which includes a black default background, white default text, “dark” styles for scrollbars, and other elements that are difficult to target with CSS, and more. I’m using CSS variables to hint that the value is dynamic — and because I like the browser developer tools experience — but plain color-scheme: light and color-scheme: dark would work fine.

:root {
  /* light styles here */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles here */
Giving Users Control

Now, to support overriding the system preference, let users choose between light (default) and dark color schemes at the page level.

HTML has native elements for handling user interactions. Using one of those controls, rather than, say, a <div> nest, improves the chances that assistive tech users will have a good experience. I’ll use a <select> menu with options for “system,” “light,” and “dark.” A group of <input type="radio"> would work, too, if you wanted the options right on the surface instead of a dropdown menu.

<select id="color-scheme">
  <option value="system" selected>System</option>
  <option value="light">Light</option>
  <option value="dark">Dark</option>

Before CSS gained :has(), responding to the user’s selected <option> required JavaScript, for example, setting an event listener on the <select> to toggle a class or attribute on <html> or <body>.

But now that we have :has(), we can now do this with CSS alone! You’ll save spending any of your performance budget on a dark mode script, plus the control will work even for users who have disabled JavaScript. And any “no-JS” folks on the project will be satisfied.

What we need is a selector that applies to the page when it :has() a select menu with a particular [value]:checked. Let’s translate that into CSS:

:root:has(select option[value="dark"]:checked)

We’re defaulting to a light color scheme, so it’s enough to account for two possible dark color scheme scenarios:

  1. The page-level color preference is “system,” and the system-level preference is “dark.”
  2. The page-level color preference is “dark”.

The first one is a page-preference-aware iteration of our prefers-color-scheme: dark case. A “dark” system-level preference is no longer enough to warrant dark styles; we need a “dark” system-level preference and a “follow the system-level preference” at the page-level preference. We’ll wrap the prefers-color-scheme media query dark scheme styles with the :has() selector we just wrote:

:root {
  /* light styles here */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "system", and system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    &:has(#color-scheme option[value="system"]:checked) {
      --color-scheme: dark;
      /* any additional dark styles, again */

Notice that I’m using CSS Nesting in that last snippet. Baseline 2023 has it pegged as “Newly available across major browsers” which means support is good, but at the time of writing, support on Android browsers not included in Baseline’s core browser set is limited. You can get the same result without nesting.

:root {
  /* light styles */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "dark" */
  &:has(#color-scheme option[value="dark"]:checked) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles */

For the second dark mode scenario, we’ll use nearly the exact same :has() selector as we did for the first scenario, this time checking whether the “dark” option — rather than the “system” option — is selected:

:root {
  /* light styles */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "dark" */
  &:has(#color-scheme option[value="dark"]:checked) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles */

  /* page preference is "system", and system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    &:has(#color-scheme option[value="system"]:checked) {
      --color-scheme: dark;
      /* any additional dark styles, again */

Now the page’s styles respond to both changes in users’ system settings and user interaction with the page’s color preference UI — all with CSS!

But the colors change instantly. Let’s smooth the transition.

Respecting Motion Preferences

Instantaneous style changes can feel inelegant in some cases, and this is one of them. So, let’s apply a CSS transition on the :root to “ease” the switch between color schemes. (Transition styles at the :root will cascade down to the rest of the page, which may necessitate adding transition: none or other transition overrides.)

Note that the CSS color-scheme property does not support transitions.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

Not all users will consider the addition of a transition a welcome improvement. Querying the prefers-reduced-motion media feature allows us to account for a user’s motion preferences. If the value is set to reduce, then we remove the transition-duration to eliminate unwanted motion.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

  @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
    transition-duration: none;

Transitions can also produce poor user experiences on devices that render changes slowly, for example, ones with e-ink screens. We can extend our “no motion condition” media query to account for that with the update media feature. If its value is slow, then we remove the transition-duration.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

  @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow) {
    transition-duration: 0s;

Let’s try out what we have so far in the following demo. Notice that, to work around color-scheme’s lack of transition support, I’ve explicitly styled the properties that should transition during theme changes.

See the Pen CSS-only theme switcher (requires :has()) [forked] by Henry.

Not bad! But what happens if the user refreshes the pages or navigates to another page? The reload effectively wipes out the user’s form selection, forcing the user to re-make the selection. That may be acceptable in some contexts, but it’s likely to go against user expectations. Let’s bring in JavaScript for a touch of progressive enhancement in the form of…


Here’s a vanilla JavaScript implementation. It’s a naive starting point — the functions and variables aren’t encapsulated but are instead properties on window. You’ll want to adapt this in a way that fits your site’s conventions, framework, library, and so on.

When the user changes the color scheme from the <select> menu, we’ll store the selected <option> value in a new localStorage item called "preferredColorScheme". On subsequent page loads, we’ll check localStorage for the "preferredColorScheme" item. If it exists, and if its value corresponds to one of the form control options, we restore the user’s preference by programmatically updating the menu selection.

 * If a color scheme preference was previously stored,
 * select the corresponding option in the color scheme preference UI
 * unless it is already selected.
function restoreColorSchemePreference() {
  const colorScheme = localStorage.getItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName);

  if (!colorScheme) {
    // There is no stored preference to restore

  const option = colorSchemeSelectorEl.querySelector([value=${colorScheme}]);
if (!option) { // The stored preference has no corresponding option in the UI. localStorage.removeItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName); return; } if (option.selected) {
// The stored preference's corresponding menu option is already selected return; } option.selected = true; } /* * Store an event target's value in localStorage under colorSchemeStorageItemName */ function storeColorSchemePreference({ target }) { const colorScheme = target.querySelector(":checked").value; localStorage.setItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName, colorScheme); } // The name under which the user's color scheme preference will be stored. const colorSchemeStorageItemName = "preferredColorScheme"; // The color scheme preference front-end UI. const colorSchemeSelectorEl = document.querySelector("#color-scheme"); if (colorSchemeSelectorEl) { restoreColorSchemePreference(); // When the user changes their color scheme preference via the UI, // store the new preference. colorSchemeSelectorEl.addEventListener("input", storeColorSchemePreference); }

Let’s try that out. Open this demo (perhaps in a new window), use the menu to change the color scheme, and then refresh the page to see your preference persist:

See the Pen CSS-only theme switcher (requires :has()) with JS persistence [forked] by Henry.

If your system color scheme preference is “light” and you set the demo’s color scheme to “dark,” you may get the light mode styles for a moment immediately after reloading the page before the dark mode styles kick in. That’s because CodePen loads its own JavaScript before the demo’s scripts. That is out of my control, but you can take care to improve this persistence on your projects.

Persistence Performance Considerations

Where things can get tricky is restoring the user’s preference immediately after the page loads. If the color scheme preference in localStorage is different from the user’s system-level color scheme preference, it’s possible the user will see the system preference color scheme before the page-level preference is restored. (Users who have selected the “System” option will never get that flash; neither will those whose system settings match their selected option in the form control.)

If your implementation is showing a “flash of inaccurate color theme”, where is the problem happening? Generally speaking, the earlier the scripts appear on the page, the lower the risk. The “best option” for you will depend on your specific stack, of course.

What About Browsers That Don’t Support :has()?

All major browsers support :has() today Lean into modern platforms if you can. But if you do need to consider legacy browsers, like Internet Explorer, there are two directions you can go: either hide or remove the color scheme picker for those browsers or make heavier use of JavaScript.

If you consider color scheme support itself a progressive enhancement, you can entirely hide the selection UI in browsers that don’t support :has():

@supports not selector(:has(body)) {
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root {
      /* dark styles here */

  #color-scheme {
    display: none;

Otherwise, you’ll need to rely on a JavaScript solution not only for persistence but for the core functionality. Go back to that traditional event listener toggling a class or attribute.

The CSS-Tricks “Complete Guide to Dark Mode” details several alternative approaches that you might consider as well when working on the legacy side of things.

I Built My First Go Application and Deployed It to Heroku

Go (aka Golang) came to life at Google in 2009. It was designed by a few big names:

  • Robert Griesemer, who had a large hand in the development of the Java Virtual Machine.
  • Rob Pike, who holds the U.S. patent for windowing UI systems as well as helped build the Plan 9 operating system at Bell Labs. (In fact, the mascots for Plan 9 and for Golang are remarkably similar because Pike’s wife, Renée French, is a renowned illustrator.)
  • Ken Thompson, who designed and implemented a little thing called Unix.

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how simple it is to build a RESTful web service in Go. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to deploy this application with Heroku. But before we embark on this journey, let’s talk briefly about why you might want to use Go.

Distributed Caching: Enhancing Performance in Modern Applications

In an era where instant access to data is not just a luxury but a necessity, distributed caching has emerged as a pivotal technology in optimizing application performance. With the exponential growth of data and the demand for real-time processing, traditional methods of data storage and retrieval are proving inadequate. This is where distributed caching comes into play, offering a scalable, efficient, and faster way of handling data across various networked resources.

Understanding Distributed Caching

What Is Distributed Caching?

Distributed caching refers to a method where information is stored across multiple servers, typically spread across various geographical locations. This approach ensures that data is closer to the user, reducing access time significantly compared to centralized databases. The primary goal of distributed caching is to enhance speed and reduce the load on primary data stores, thereby improving application performance and user experience.