What would you like to see in a business directory?

Hello webmasters,

I am currently building a template that I am going to sell on different websites like Codester and CodeGrape.
I want to build a business directory.

Here is what I have come up with ...

  1. users can register and add listings.
  2. admin can create categories for users to select from.
  3. admin can create sub categories if necessary.
  4. users can submit a review for listings ranging from 1 to 5 stars with comments.
  5. users can buy a featured listings for more traffic.
  6. admin can set listings parameters like website url and email address or phone number.

What else should I include?
I am not sure if I am missing something important.
Any suggestions?

Understanding the 2024 Cloud Security Landscape

With technology and data growing at an unprecedented pace, cloud computing has become a no-brainer answer for enterprises worldwide to foster growth and innovation. As we swiftly move towards the second quarter of 2024, predictions by cloud security reports highlight the challenges of cloud adoption in the cloud security landscape.


Gartner Research forecasts a paradigm shift in adopting public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings. By 2025, a staggering 80% of enterprises are expected to embrace multiple public cloud IaaS solutions, including various Kubernetes (K8s) offerings. This growing reliance on cloud infrastructure raises the critical issue of security, which the Cloud Security Alliance painfully highlights. 

Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info

About a year ago, I had a similar issue except then system would crash after pressing Submit. The issue was caused because of PHP 8 incompatibility problems. However, got the coding to fix all of that and things worked good again and with PHP 8. But now something new is happening. Now, when Submit is pressed, system doesn't crash and goes to the after submission screen like its supposed to. Everything appears to be working fine except for one thing. No emails are being received. Last on line submission form I received was on 2/6/2024. No coding was changed at all, just nothing sends at all. I tested multiple on line submission forms on several websites. Same thing, nothing is sending. The coding I used to fix everything before is the same on all the on-line submission pages. It appears to be an issue with PHP. The coding for 1 of these pages is below.

// grab recaptcha library
// require_once "recaptchalib.php";
// foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    //echo '<p><strong>' . $key.':</strong> '.$value.'</p>';
// your secret key
$recaptcha_secret_key = "6LeW4RQUAAAAAJ4NvgWIKJc4b-AeKp6LcLFCFQoS";

// empty response
$recaptcha_response = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];

$recaptcha_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
$recaptcha_data = array(
    'secret' => $recaptcha_secret_key,
    'response' => $recaptcha_response

$recaptcha_options = array(
    'http' => array(
        'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
        'method' => 'POST',
        'content' => http_build_query($recaptcha_data)

$recaptcha_context = stream_context_create($recaptcha_options);
$recaptcha_result = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url, false, $recaptcha_context);
$recaptcha_json = json_decode($recaptcha_result);

if ($recaptcha_json->success) {
    // ReCaptcha validation successful, process the form submission
    // Your form processing code goes here

$subject = "Showing Scheduling";
$message = "RadiantNewHorizonHomes.com Showing Scheduling" . "\r\n" . "\r\n" .
"Name: " . $_POST['ShowingName'] . "\r\n" .

"Phone Number : " . $_POST['ShowingPhone1'] . "\r\n" .

"E-mail Address: " . $_POST['ShowingEmail'] . "\r\n" .
"Properties wants to see: " . $_POST['ShowingHomes'] . "\r\n" .
"Date(s)/Time(s) wants to see them: " . $_POST['ShowingTimes'] . "\r\n" .

"Questions or Comments: " . $_POST['ShowingQuestions'] . "\r\n" .

"How Heard About Us: " . $_POST['ShowingHearing'] . "\r\n" .

$from = $_POST['ShowingEmail'];
$headers = "From: $from" . "\r\n";

$to = "david.tigner@radiantnewhorizonhomes.com";
$to = "Agents1@radiantnewhorizonhomes.com";

} else {
    // ReCaptcha validation failed, display an error message or take appropriate action
    // Example: redirect back to the form page with an error message
    header('Location: form.php?error=recaptcha');




OpenTofu Vs. Terraform: The Great IaC Dilemma

Terraform, the leading IaC (Infrastructure as Code orchestrator), was created 9 years ago by HashiCorp and is considered today as the de facto tool for managing cloud infrastructure with code. What started as an open-source tool quickly became one of the largest software communities in the world, and for every problem you may encounter, someone has already found and published a solution.

At the end of the day, DevOps managers are looking for a simple, predictable, drama-free way to manage their infrastructure, and this is probably why many have chosen Terraform, which is a well-known, well-established tool with a very large community.