Code Complexity in Practice

Imagine entering a bustling workshop - not of whirring machines, but of minds collaborating. This is the true essence of software programming at its core: a collective effort where code serves not just as instructions for machines, but as a shared language among developers. However, unlike spoken languages, code can often become an obscure dialect, shrouded in complexity and inaccessible to newcomers. This is where the art of writing code for humans comes into play, transforming cryptic scripts into narratives that others can easily understand. 

After all, a primary group of users for our code are software engineers; those who are currently working with us or will work on our code in the future. This creates a shift in our software development mindset. Writing code just for the machines to understand and execute is not enough. It's necessary but not sufficient. If our code is easily human-readable and understandable then we've made a sufficient step towards manageable code complexity.
