How to Lower Call Center Shrinkage (And a Better Option)

Call center shrinkage refers to the lost productivity and efficiency that call centers experience due to factors like high employee turnover, absenteeism, and poor training. It’s estimated that the average rate of call center shrinkage falls between 30% and 35%, leaving a big impact on a given center’s productivity. Naturally, …

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The Role of DevOps in Enhancing the Software Development Life Cycle

Software development is a complex and dynamic field requiring constant input, iteration, and collaboration. The need for reliable, timely, and high-quality solutions has never been higher in today's fiercely competitive marketplace. Enter DevOps, a revolutionary approach that serves as the foundation for addressing such challenges. 

DevOps is more than just a methodology; it combines practices seamlessly integrating software development and IT operations for streamlining workflow. DevOps, with its emphasis on improving communication, promoting teamwork, and uniting software delivery teams, acts as a trigger for a development process that is more responsive and synchronized. 

Optimize ASP.NET Core MVC Data Transfer With Custom Middleware

In ASP.NET Core, middleware components are used to handle requests and responses as they flow through the application's pipeline. These middleware components can be chained together to process requests and responses in a specific order. Transferring data between middleware components can be achieved using various techniques. Here are a few commonly used methods.


The HttpContext class in ASP.NET Core provides a dictionary-like collection (Items) that allows you to store and retrieve data within the scope of a single HTTP request. This data can be accessed by any middleware component in the request pipeline.

WebRTC vs. RTSP: Understanding the IoT Video Streaming Protocols

At the moment, there is a constantly increasing number of smart video cameras collecting and streaming video throughout the world. Of course, many of those cameras are used for security. 

In fact, the global video surveillance market is expected to reach $83 billion in the next five years. But there are lots of other use cases besides security, including remote work, online education, and digital entertainment. 

Advanced CI/CD Pipelines: Mastering GitHub Actions for Seamless Software Delivery

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) stand out as crucial practices that streamline the process from code development to deployment. GitHub Actions, a powerful automation tool integrated into GitHub, has transformed how developers implement CI/CD pipelines, offering seamless software delivery with minimal effort. This article delves into mastering GitHub Actions and provides an overview of a self-hosted runner to build advanced CI/CD pipelines, ensuring faster, more reliable software releases.

Understanding GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions enables automation of workflows directly in your GitHub repository. You can automate your build, test, and deployment phases by defining workflows in YAML files within your repository. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the potential for human error, making your software delivery process more efficient and reliable.

The Future Is Cloud-Native: Are You Ready?

Why Go Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native technologies empower us to produce increasingly larger and more complex systems at scale. It is a modern approach to designing, building, and deploying applications that can fully capitalize on the benefits of the cloud. The goal is to allow organizations to innovate swiftly and respond effectively to market demands.

Agility and Flexibility

Organizations often migrate to the cloud for the enhanced agility and the speed it offers. The ability to set up thousands of servers in minutes contrasts sharply with the weeks it typically takes for on-premises operations. Immutable infrastructure provides confidence in configurable and secure deployments and helps reduce time to market.

Software-Defined Networking in Distributed Systems: Transforming Data Centers and Cloud Computing Environments

In the changing world of data centers and cloud computing, the desire for efficient, flexible, and scalable networking solutions has resulted in the broad use of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). This novel method to network management is playing an important role in improving the performance, agility, and overall efficiency of distributed systems.

Understanding Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

At its core, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) represents a fundamental shift in the way we conceptualize and manage network infrastructure. Traditional networking models have a tightly integrated control plane and data plane within network devices. This integration often leads to challenges in adapting to changing network conditions, scalability issues, and limitations in overall network management.

IVR Testing Tools Are Time Consuming. But Are They Worth It?

If you’re busy managing or running a business, the last thing you want to be stuck doing is manually testing your IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. Fortunately, there are several IVR testing tools that can do it for you. This means you won’t have to conduct your own simulated phone …

IVR Testing Tools Are Time Consuming. But Are They Worth It? Read More

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