Serverless Computing: The Future of Scalable Cloud Applications?

The landscape of cloud computing has evolved dramatically over the last decade, culminating in the revolutionary concept of serverless computing. No longer are applications bound to the rigid framework of traditional server infrastructures; serverless computing has paved the way for developers to build and run applications without the need to manage servers. This approach to cloud services is rapidly reshaping how businesses deploy and scale applications, making serverless architectures a focal point of modern IT strategies.

What Is Serverless Computing?

In essence, serverless computing enables developers to write and deploy code without dealing with the underlying infrastructure. The cloud provider dynamically manages the allocation and provisioning of servers. A serverless architecture is highly scalable and event-driven, typically running code in response to HTTP requests, database events, queuing services, or file uploads.

Help with functions – basics

So im working on functions for the first time in vscode using c++. i'm want to declare functions and having trouble understanding some things. i'm very new to programming so i still don't understand commands like str, file, value, void, readName, and so forth but i know i need to learn them to declare functions. any tips on how to use these and what they mean when working w functions would be very helpful. Thanks guys

GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters

RE: ffmpeg-4.4
Host Macbook Pro, macOS Monterey

Click Here

DJGPP Cross Compiler 12.2.0 Fails to Recognize "certain" Parameters in FFmpeg Source Code
I am using the DJGPP cross compiler 12.2.0, developed by Andrew Wu, github, to build the FFmpeg source code, and it's failing to recognize certain parameters and the script I used to build FFmpeg source code follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Path to DJGPP cross compiler
export DJGPP_PREFIX="/Users/owner/djcc"
# export DJGPP_PREFIX=${DJGPP_PREFIX-/Users/owner/djcc}
export DJGPP_PREFIX2=${DJGPP_PREFIX2-/Users/owner/ffcc}
# export 
# system path

# Your cross compilation target
# set C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="#DJGPP_PREFIX/i586-pc-msdosdjgpp/sys-include"

# Download FFmpeg source code

# Download FFmpeg source
echo "Downloading FFmpeg source..."
wget -c "$FFMPEG_ARCHIVE" || exit 1
tar -xf "ffmpeg-${FFMPEG_VERSION}.tar.gz" || exit 1
cd "$FFMPEG_SOURCE_DIR" || exit 1

# clean debri
gmake clean

# Redirect both stdout and stderr to separate .err files
exec > >(tee -ia gcca.txt) 2> >(tee -ia gcc_err.err >&2)

# Configure FFmpeg for cross-compilation
echo "Configuring FFmpeg for cross-compilation..."
./configure --enable-cross-compile \
           --prefix="$DJGPP_PREFIX2" \
           --target-os=ms-dos \
           --arch=i486 \
           --cross-prefix="$TARGET_ARCH-" \
           --extra-cflags="-I$DJGPP_PREFIX/i586-pc-msdosdjgpp/sys-include -I$DJGPP_PREFIX/include -I$DJGPP_PREFIX3/inc2 -I$DJGPP_PREFIX3/inc3" \
           --extra-ldflags="-L$DJGPP_PREFIX/i586-pc-msdosdjgpp/lib -L$DJGPP_PREFIX/lib -L$DJGPP_PREFIX3/lib2 -L$DJGPP_PREFIX3/lib3" \
           --enable-debug \
           --disable-shared \
           --enable-static \
           --disable-doc \
           --disable-programs \
           || exit 1

# Compile a hello world program for testing
echo "Compiling hello world program for testing..."
cat > helloai.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, world!\\n");
    return 0;

"$TARGET_ARCH-gcc" helloai.c -o helloai || exit 1

# Compile FFmpeg
echo "Compiling FFmpeg..."
gmake CC="$DJGPP_PREFIX/bin/i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-gcc" || exit 1 
# gmake install || exit 1

echo "Compilation complete."

The following 36 issues surfaced compiling FFmpeg DJGPP 'make' cross compile, stating, "error: declaration for parameter 'XX_XXXX_XX_XXXX' but no such parameter:".


  1. ff_log_net_error

  2. ff_socket

  3. ff_http_match_no_proxy

  4. ff_listen_connect

  5. ff_accept

  6. ff_listen

  7. ff_listen_bind

  8. ff_is_multicast_address

  9. ff_gai_strerror

  10. ff_getnameinfo

  11. ff_freeaddrinfo

  12. ff_getaddrinfo

  13. sockaddr_union

  14. ff_network_sleep_interruptible

  15. ff_network_wait_fd_timeout

  16. ff_network_wait_fd

  17. ff_tls_deinit

  18. ff_tls_init

  19. ff_network_close

  20. ff_network_init

  21. ff_socket_nonblock

  22. ff_connect_parallel

  23. ff_log_net_error

  24. ff_socket

  25. ff_http_match_no_proxy

  26. ff_listen_connect

  27. ff_accept

  28. ff_listen

  29. ff_listen_bind

  30. ff_is_multicast_address

  31. ff_gai_strerror

  32. ff_getnameinfo

  33. ff_freeaddrinfo

  34. ff_getaddrinfo

  35. sockaddr_union

  36. ff_network_sleep_interruptible`

The "no such parameter", observed in "libavformat/network.h", has now shown up in
"/libavformat/avio.c", giving credence to starting this thread:

`libavformat/avio.c:57:23: error: declaration for parameter "options" but no such parameter

libavformat/avio.c:64:15: error: declaration for parameter "ffurl_context_class" but no such parameter`

// libavformat/avio.c
#include "libavutil/avstring.h"
#include "libavutil/dict.h"
#include "libavutil/opt.h"
#include "libavutil/time.h"
#include "libavutil/avassert.h"
#include "os_support.h"
#include "avformat.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "url.h"

/** @name Logging context. */
static const char *urlcontext_to_name(void *ptr)
    URLContext *h = (URLContext *)ptr;
    if (h->prot)
        return h->prot->name;
        return "NULL";

static void *urlcontext_child_next(void *obj, void *prev)
    URLContext *h = obj;
    if (!prev && h->priv_data && h->prot->priv_data_class)
        return h->priv_data;
    return NULL;

#define OFFSET(x) offsetof(URLContext,x)
static const AVOption options[] = { // L57:23
    {"protocol_whitelist", "List of protocols that are allowed to be used", OFFSET(protocol_whitelist), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = NULL },  0, 0, D },
    {"protocol_blacklist", "List of protocols that are not allowed to be used", OFFSET(protocol_blacklist), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = NULL },  0, 0, D },
    {"rw_timeout", "Timeout for IO operations (in microseconds)", offsetof(URLContext, rw_timeout), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, INT64_MAX, AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM | AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM },
    { NULL }

const AVClass ffurl_context_class = { // L64:15
    .class_name       = "URLContext",
    .item_name        = urlcontext_to_name,
    .option           = options,
    .version          = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT,
    .child_next       = urlcontext_child_next,
    .child_class_next = ff_urlcontext_child_class_next,
    .child_class_iterate = ff_urlcontext_child_class_iterate,

Therefore, since this source code compiled like a charm on macOS Monterey, please explain the root cause, thanks?

From Batch ML To Real-Time ML

Real-time machine learning refers to the application of machine learning algorithms that continuously learn from incoming data and make predictions or decisions in real-time. Unlike batch machine learning, where data is collected over a period and processed in batches offline, real-time ML operates instantaneously on streaming data, allowing for immediate responses to changes or events.

Common use cases include fraud detection in financial transactions, predictive maintenance in manufacturing, recommendation systems in e-commerce, and personalized content delivery in media. Challenges in building real-time ML capabilities include managing high volumes of streaming data efficiently, ensuring low latency for timely responses, maintaining model accuracy and performance over time, and addressing privacy and security concerns associated with real-time data processing. This article delves into these concepts and provides insights into how organizations can overcome these challenges to deploy effective real-time ML systems.

A Web Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit

Web accessibility can be challenging, particularly for clients unfamiliar with tech or compliance with The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). My role as a digital designer often involves guiding clients toward ADA-compliant web designs. I’ve acquired many strategies over the years for encouraging clients to adopt accessible web practices and invest in accessible user interfaces. It’s something that comes up with nearly every new project, and I decided to develop a personal toolkit to help me make the case.

Now, I am opening up my toolkit for you to have and use. While some of the strategies may be specific to me and my work, there are plenty more that cast a wider net and are more universally applicable. I’ve considered different real-life scenarios where I have had to make a case for accessibility. You may even personally identify with a few of them!

Please enjoy. As you do, remember that there is no silver bullet for “selling” accessibility. We can’t win everyone over with cajoling or terse arguments. My hope is that you are able to use this collection to establish partnerships with your colleagues and clients alike. Accessibility is something that anyone can influence at various stages in a project, and “winning” an argument isn’t exactly the point. It’s a bigger picture we’re after, one that influences how teams work together, changes habits, and develops a new level of empathy and understanding.

I begin with general strategies for discussing accessibility with clients. Following that, I provide specific language and responses you can use to introduce accessibility practices to your team and clients and advocate its importance while addressing client skepticism and concerns. Use it as a starting point and build off of it so that it incorporates points and scenarios that are more specific to your work. I sincerely hope it helps you advance accessible practices.

General Strategies

We’ll start with a few ways you can position yourself when interacting with clients. By adopting a certain posture, we can set ourselves up to be the experts in the room, the ones with solutions rather than arguments.

Showcasing Expertise

I tend to establish my expertise and tailor the information to the client’s understanding of accessibility, which could be not very much. For those new to accessibility, I offer a concise overview of its definition, evaluation, and business impact. For clients with a better grasp of accessible practices, I like to use the WCAG as a point of reference for helping frame productive discussions based on substance and real requirements.

Aligning With Client Goals

I connect accessibility to the client’s goals instead of presenting accessibility as a moral imperative. No one loves being told what to do, and talking to clients on their terms establishes a nice bridge for helping them connect the dots between the inherent benefits of accessible practices and what they are trying to accomplish. The two aren’t mutually exclusive!

In fact, there are many clear benefits for apps that make accessibility a first-class feature. Refer to the “Accessibility Benefits” section to help describe those benefits to your colleagues and clients.

Defining Accessibility In The Project Scope

I outline accessibility goals early, typically when defining the project scope and requirements. Baking accessibility into the project scope ensures that it is at least considered at this crucial stage where decisions are being made for everything from expected outcomes to architectural requirements.

User stories and personas are common artifacts for which designers are often responsible. Use these as opportunities to define accessibility in the same breath as defining who the users are and how they interact with the app. Framing stories and outcomes as user interactions in an “as-when-then-so” format provides an opening to lead with accessibility:

As a user, when I __, then I expect that __, so I can _.

Fill in the blanks. I think you’ll find that user’s expected outcomes are typically aligned with accessible experiences. Federico Francioni published his take on developing inclusive user personas, building off other excellent resources, including Microsoft’s Inclusive Design guidelines.

Being Ready With Resources and Examples

I maintain a database of resources for clients interested in learning more about accessibility. Sharing anecdotes, such as clients who’ve seen benefits from accessibility or examples of companies penalized for non-compliance, can be very impactful.

Microsoft is helpful here once again with a collection of brief videos that cover a variety of uses, from informing your colleagues and clients on basic accessibility concepts to interviews with accessibility professionals and case studies involving real users.

There are a few go-to resources I’ve bookmarked to share with clients who are learning about accessibility for the first time. What I like about these is the approachable language and clarity. “Learn Accessibility” from is especially useful because it’s framed as a 21-part course. That may sound daunting, but it’s organized in small chunks that make it manageable, and sometimes I will simply point to the Glossary to help clients understand the concepts we discuss.

And where “Learn Accessibility” is focused on specific components of accessibility, I find that the Inclusive Design Principles site has a perfect presentation of the concepts and guiding principles of inclusion and accessibility on the web.

Meanwhile, I tend to sit beside a client to look at The A11Y Project. I pick a few resources to go through. Otherwise, the amount of information can be overwhelming. I like to offer this during a project’s planning phase because the site is focused on actionable strategies that help scope work.

Leveraging User Research

User research that is specific to the client’s target audience is more convincing than general statistics alone. When possible, I try to understand those user’s needs, including what they expect, what sort of technology they use to browse online, and where they are geographically. Painting a more complete picture of users — based on real-life factors and information — offers a more human perspective and plants the first seeds of empathy in the design process.

Web analytics are great for identifying who users are and how they currently interact with the app. At the same time, they are also wrought with caveats as far as accuracy goes, depending on the tool you use and how you collect your data. That said, I use the information to support my user persona decisions and the specific requirements I write. Analytics add nice brush strokes to the picture but do not paint the entire view. So, leverage it!

The big caveat with web analytics? There’s no way to identify traffic that uses assistive tech. That’s a good thing in general as far as privacy goes, but it does mean that researching the usability of your site is best done with real users — as it is with any user research, really. The A11Y Project has excellent resources for testing screen readers, including a link to this Smashing Magazine article about manual accessibility testing by Eric Bailey as well as a vast archive of links pointing to other research.

That said, web analytics can still be very useful to help accommodate other impairments, for example, segmenting traffic by age (for improving accessibility for low vision) and geography (for improving performance gaps for those on low-powered devices). WebAIM also provides insights in a report they produced from a 2018 survey of users who report having low vision.

Leaving Room For Improvements

Chances are that your project will fall at least somewhat short of your accessibility plans. It happens! I see plenty of situations where a late deadline translates into rushed work that sacrifices quality for speed, and accessibility typically falls victim to degraded quality.

I keep track of these during the project’s various stages and attempt to document them. This way, there’s already a roadmap for inclusive and accessible improvements in subsequent releases. It’s scoped, backlogged, and ready to drop into a sprint.

For projects involving large sites with numerous accessibility issues, I emphasize that partial accessibility compliance is not the same as actual compliance. I often propose phased solutions, starting with incremental changes that fit within the current scope and budget.

And remember, just because something passes a WCAG success criterion doesn’t necessarily mean it is accessible. Passing tests is a good sign, but there will always be room for improvement.

Commonly Asked Accessibility Questions

Accessibility is a broad topic, and we can’t assume that everyone knows what constitutes an “accessible” interface. Often, when I get pushback from a colleague or client, it’s because they simply do not have the same context that I do. That’s why I like to keep a handful of answers to commonly asked questions in my back pocket. It’s amazing how answering the “basics” leads to productive discussions filled with substance rather than ones grounded in opinion.

What Do We Mean By “Web Accessibility”?

When we say “web accessibility,” we’re generally talking about making online content available and usable for anyone with a disability, whether it’s a permanent impairment or a temporary one. It’s the practice of removing friction that excludes people from gaining access to content or from completing a task. That usually involves complying with a set of guidelines that are designed to remove those barriers.

Who Creates Accessibility Guidelines?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are created by a working group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) called the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The W3C develops guidelines and principles to help designers, developers, and authors like us create web experiences based on a common set of standards, including those for HTML, CSS, internationalization, privacy, security, and yes, accessibility, among many, many other areas. The WAI working group maintains the accessibility standards we call WCAG.

Who Needs Web Accessibility?

Twenty-seven percent of the U.S. population has a disability, emphasizing the widespread need for accessible web design. WCAG primarily focuses on three groups:

  1. Cognitive or learning disabilities,
  2. Visual impairments,
  3. Motor skills.

When we make web experiences that solve these issues based on established guidelines, we’re not only doing good for those who are directly impacted by impairment but those who may be impaired in less direct ways as well, such as establishing large target sizes for those tapping a touchscreen phone with their hands full, or using proper color contrast for those navigating a screen in bright sunlight. Everyone needs — and benefits from — accessibility!

Further Reading

How Is Web Accessibility Regulated?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is regulated by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, which was established by the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Even though there is a lot of bureaucracy in that last sentence, it’s reassuring to know the U.S. government not only believes in web accessibility but enforces it as well.

Non-compliance can result in legal action, with first-time ADA violations leading to fines of up to $75,000, increasing to $150,000 for subsequent violations. The number of lawsuits for alleged ADA breaches has surged in recent years, with more than 4,500 lawsuits filed in 2023 against sites that fail to comply with WCAG AA 2.1 alone — roughly 500 more lawsuits than 2022!

Further Reading

How Is Web Accessibility Evaluated?

Web accessibility is something we can test against. Many tools have been created to audit sites on the spot based on WCAG success criteria that specify accessible requirements. That would be a standards-based evaluation using WCAG as a reference point for auditing compliance.

WebAIM has an excellent page that compares different types of accessibility testing, reporting, and tooling. They are also quick to note that automated testing, while convenient, is not a comprehensive way to audit accessibility. Automated tools that scan websites may be able to pick up instances where mistakes in the HTML might contribute to accessibility issues and where color contrasts are insufficient. But they cannot replace or perfectly imitate a real-life person. Testing in real browsers with real people continues to be the most effective way to truly evaluate accessible web experiences.

This isn’t to say automated tools should not be part of an accessibility testing suite. In fact, they often highlight areas you may have overlooked. Even false positives are good in the sense that they force you to pause and look more closely at something. Some of the most widely used automated tools include the following:

These are just a few of the most frequent tools I use in my own testing, but there are many more, and the WAI maintains an extensive list of available tools that are worth considering. But again, remember that automated testing is not a one-to-one replacement for testing with real users.

Checklists can be handy for ensuring you are covering your bases:

Accessibility Benefits

When discussing accessibility, I find the most effective arguments are ones that are framed around the interests of clients and stakeholders. That way, the discussion stays within scope and helps everyone see that proper accessibility practices actually benefit business goals. Speaking in business terms is something I openly embrace because it typically supports my case.

The following are a few ways I would like to explain the positive impacts that accessibility has on business goals.

Case Studies

Sometimes, the most convincing approach is to offer examples of companies that have committed to accessible practices and come out better for it. And there are plenty of examples! I like to use case studies and reports in a similar industry or market for a more apples-to-apples comparison that stakeholders can identify with.

That said, there are great general cases involving widely respected companies and brands, including This American Life and Tesco, that demonstrate benefits such as increased organic search traffic, enhanced user engagement, and reduced site load times. For a comprehensive guide on framing these benefits, I refer to the W3C’s resource on building the business case for accessibility.

What To Say To Your Client

Let me share how focusing on accessibility can directly benefit your business. For instance, in 2005, Legal & General revamped their website with accessibility in mind and saw a substantial increase in organic search traffic exceeding 50%. This isn’t just about compliance; it’s about reaching a wider audience more effectively. By making your site more accessible, we can improve user engagement and potentially decrease load times, enhancing the overall user experience. This approach not only broadens your reach to include users with disabilities but also boosts your site’s performance in search rankings. In short, prioritizing accessibility aligns with your goal to increase online visibility and customer engagement.

Further Reading

The Curb-Cut Effect

The “curb-cut effect” refers to how features originally designed for accessibility end up benefiting a broader audience. This concept helps move the conversation away from limiting accessibility as an issue that only affects the minority.

Features like voice control, auto-complete, and auto-captions — initially created to enhance accessibility — have become widely used and appreciated by all users. This effect also includes situational impairments, like using a phone in bright sunlight or with one hand, expanding the scope of who benefits from accessible design. Big companies have found that investing in accessibility can spur innovation.

What To Say To Your Client

Let’s consider the ‘curb-cut effect’ in the context of your website. Originally, curb cuts were designed for wheelchair users, but they ended up being useful for everyone, from parents with strollers to travelers with suitcases. Similarly, many digital accessibility features we implement can enhance the experience for all your users, not just those with disabilities. For example, features like voice control and auto-complete were developed for accessibility but are now widely used by everyone. This isn’t just about inclusivity; it’s about creating a more versatile and user-friendly website. By incorporating these accessible features, we’re not only catering to a specific group but also improving the overall user experience, which can lead to increased engagement and satisfaction across your entire customer base.

Further Reading

SEO Benefits

I would like to highlight the SEO benefits that come with accessible best practices. Things like nicely structured sitemaps, a proper heading outline, image alt text, and unique link labels not only improve accessibility for humans but for search engines as well, giving search crawlers clear context about what is on the page. Stakeholders and clients care a lot about this stuff, and if they are able to come around on accessibility, then they’re effectively getting a two-for-one deal.

What To Say To Your Client

Focusing on accessibility can boost your website’s SEO. Accessible features, like clear link names and organized sitemaps, align closely with what search engines prioritize. Google even includes accessibility in its Lighthouse reporting. This means that by making your site more accessible, we’re also making it more visible and attractive to search engines. Moreover, accessible websites tend to have cleaner, more structured code. This not only improves website stability and loading times but also enhances how search engines understand and rank your content. Essentially, by improving accessibility, we’re also optimizing your site for better search engine performance, which can lead to increased traffic and higher search rankings.

Further Reading

Better Brand Alignment

Incorporating accessibility into web design can significantly elevate how users perceive a brand’s image. The ease of use that comes with accessibility not only reflects a brand’s commitment to inclusivity and social responsibility but also differentiates it in competitive markets. By prioritizing accessibility, brands can convey a personality that is thoughtful and inclusive, appealing to a broader, more diverse customer base.

What To Say To Your Client

Implementing web accessibility is more than just a compliance measure; it’s a powerful way to enhance your brand image. In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, having an accessible website sets your brand apart. It shows your commitment to inclusivity, reaching out to every potential customer, regardless of their abilities. This not only resonates with a diverse audience but also positions your brand as socially responsible and empathetic. In today’s market, where consumers increasingly value corporate responsibility, this can be a significant differentiator for your brand, helping to build a loyal customer base and enhance your overall brand reputation.

Further Reading

Cost Efficiency

I mentioned earlier how developing accessibility enhances SEO like a two-for-one package. However, there are additional cost savings that come with implementing accessibility during the initial stages of web development rather than retrofitting it later. A proactive approach to accessibility saves on the potential high costs of auditing and redesigning an existing site and helps avoid expensive legal repercussions associated with non-compliance.

What To Say To Your Client

Retrofitting a website for accessibility can be quite expensive. Consider the costs of conducting an accessibility audit, followed by potentially extensive (and expensive) redesign and redevelopment work to rectify issues. These costs can significantly exceed the investment required to build accessibility into the website from the start. Additionally, by making your site accessible now, we can avoid the legal risks and potential fines associated with ADA non-compliance. Investing in accessibility early on is a cost-effective strategy that pays off in the long run, both financially and in terms of brand reputation. Besides, with the SEO benefits that we get from implementing accessibility, we’re saving lots of money and work that would otherwise be sunk into redevelopment.

Further Reading

Addressing Client Concerns

Still getting pushback? There are certain arguments I hear time and again, and I have started keeping a collection of responses to them. In some cases, I have left placeholder instructions for tailoring the responses to your project.

“Our users don’t need it.”

Statistically, 27% of the U.S. population does have some form of disability that affects their web use. [Insert research on your client’s target audience, if applicable.] Besides permanent impairments, we should also take into account situational ones. For example, imagine one of your potential clients trying to access your site on a sunny golf course, struggling to see the screen due to glare, or someone in a noisy subway unable to hear audio content. Accessibility features like high contrast modes or captions can greatly enhance their experience. By incorporating accessibility, we’re not only catering to users with disabilities but also ensuring a seamless experience for anyone in less-than-ideal conditions. This approach ensures that no potential client is left out, aligning with the goal to reach and engage a wider audience.

“Our competitors aren’t doing it.”

It’s interesting that your competitors haven’t yet embraced accessibility, but this actually presents a unique opportunity for your brand. Proactively pursuing accessibility not only protects you from the same legal exposure your competitors face but also positions your brand as a leader in customer experience. By prioritizing accessibility when others are not, you’re differentiating your brand as more inclusive and user-friendly. This both appeals to a broader audience and showcases your brand’s commitment to social responsibility and innovation.

“We’ll do it later because it’s too expensive.”

I understand concerns about timing and costs. However, it’s important to note that integrating accessibility from the start is far more cost-effective than retrofitting it later. If accessibility is considered after development is complete, you will face additional expenses for auditing accessibility, followed by potentially extensive work involving a redesign and redevelopment. This process can be significantly more expensive than building in accessibility from the beginning. Furthermore, delaying accessibility can expose your business to legal risks. With the increasing number of lawsuits for non-compliance with accessibility standards, the cost of legal repercussions could far exceed the expense of implementing accessibility now. The financially prudent move is to work on accessibility now.

“We’ve never had complaints.”

It’s great to hear that you haven’t received complaints, but it’s important to consider that users who struggle to access your site might simply choose not to return rather than take the extra step to complain about it. This means you could potentially be missing out on a significant market segment. Additionally, when accessibility issues do lead to complaints, they can sometimes escalate into legal cases. Proactively addressing accessibility can help you tap into a wider audience and mitigate the risk of future lawsuits.

“It will affect the aesthetics of the site.”

Accessibility and visual appeal can coexist beautifully. I can show you examples of websites that are both compliant and visually stunning, demonstrating that accessibility can enhance rather than detract from a site’s design. Additionally, when we consider specific design features from an accessibility standpoint, we often find they actually improve the site’s overall usability and SEO, making the site more intuitive and user-friendly for everyone. Our goal is to blend aesthetics with functionality, creating an inclusive yet visually appealing online presence.
Handling Common Client Requests

This section looks at frequent scenarios I’ve encountered in web projects where accessibility considerations come into play. Each situation requires carefully balancing the client’s needs/wants with accessibility standards. I’ll leave placeholder comments in the examples so you are able to address things that are specific to your project.

The Client Directly Requests An Inaccessible Feature

When clients request features they’ve seen online — like unfocusable carousels and complex auto-playing animations — it’s crucial to discuss them in terms that address accessibility concerns. In these situations, I acknowledge the appealing aspects of their inspirations but also highlight their accessibility limitations.

That’s a really neat feature, and I like it! That said, I think it’s important to consider how users interact with it. [Insert specific issues that you note, like carousels without pause buttons or complex animations.] My recommendation is to take the elements that work well &mdahs; [insert specific observation] — and adapt them into something more accessible, such as [Insert suggestion]. This way, we maintain the aesthetic appeal while ensuring the website is accessible and enjoyable for every visitor.

The Client Provides Inaccessible Content

This is where we deal with things like non-descriptive page titles, link names, form labels, and color contrasts for a better “reading” experience.

Page Titles

Sometimes, clients want page titles to be drastically different than the link in the navigation bar. Usually, this is because they want a more detailed page title while keeping navigation links succinct.

I understand the need for descriptive and engaging page titles, but it’s also essential to maintain consistency with the navigation bar for accessibility. Here’s our recommendation to balance both needs:
  • Keyword Consistency: You can certainly have a longer page title to provide more context, but it should include the same key terms as the navigation link. This ensures that users, especially those using screen readers to announce content, can easily understand when they have correctly navigated between pages.
  • Succinct Titles With Descriptive Subtitles: Another approach is to keep the page title succinct, mirroring the navigation link, and then add a descriptive tagline or subtitle on the page itself. This way, the page maintains clear navigational consistency while providing detailed context in the subtitle. These approaches aim to align the user’s navigation experience with their expectations, ensuring clarity and accessibility.


A common issue with web content provided by clients is the use of non-descriptive calls to action with phrases and link labels, like “Read More” or “Click Here.” Generic terms can be confusing for users, particularly for those using screen readers, as they don’t provide context about what the link leads to or the nature of the content on the other end.

I’ve noticed some of the link labels say things like “Read More” or “Click Here” in the design. I would consider revising them because they could be more descriptive, especially for those relying on screen readers who have to put up with hearing the label announced time and again. We recommend labels that clearly indicate where the link leads. [Provide a specific example.] This approach makes links more informative and helps all users alike by telling them in advance what to expect when clicking a certain link. It enhances the overall user experience by providing clarity and context.


Proper form labels are a critical aspect of accessible web design. Labels should clearly indicate the purpose of each input field, whether it’s required, and the expected format of the information. This clarity is essential for all users, especially for those using screen readers or other assistive technologies. Plus, there are accessible approaches to pairing labels and inputs that developers ought to be familiar with.

It’s important that each form field is clearly labeled to inform users about the type of data expected. Additionally, indicating which fields are required and providing format guidelines can greatly enhance the user experience. [Provide a specific example from the client’s content, e.g., we can use ‘Phone (10 digits, no separators)’ for a phone number field to clearly indicate the format.] These labels not only aid in navigation and comprehension for all users but also ensure that the forms are accessible to those using assistive technologies. Well-labeled forms improve overall user engagement and reduce the likelihood of errors or confusion.

Brand Palette

Clients will occasionally approach me with color palettes that produce too low of contrast when paired together. This happens when, for instance, on a website with a white background, a client wants to use their brand accent color for buttons, but that color simply blends into the background color, making it difficult to read. The solution is usually creating a slightly adjusted tint or shade that’s used specifically for digital interfaces — UI colors, if you will. Atul Varma’s “Accessible Color Palette Builder” is a great starting point, as is this UX Lift lander with alternatives.

We recommend expanding the brand palette with color values that work more effectively in web designs. By adjusting the tint or shade just a bit, we can achieve a higher level of contrast between colors when they are used together. Colors render differently depending on the device and screen they are on, and even though we might be using colors consistent with brand identity, those colors will still display differently to users. By adding colors that are specifically designed for web use, we can enhance the experience for our users while staying true to the brand’s essence.

Suggesting An Accessible Feature To Clients

Proactively suggesting features like sitemaps, pause buttons, and focus indicators is crucial. I’ll provide tips on how to effectively introduce these features to clients, emphasizing their importance and benefit.


Sitemaps play a crucial role in both accessibility and SEO, but clients sometimes hesitate to include them due to concerns about their visual appeal. The challenge is to demonstrate the value of site maps without compromising the site’s overall aesthetic.

I understand your concerns about the visual appeal of sitemaps. However, it’s important to consider their significant role in both accessibility and SEO. For users with screen readers, a sitemap greatly simplifies site navigation. From an SEO perspective, it acts like a directory, helping search engines effectively index all your pages, making your site more discoverable and user-friendly. To address the aesthetic aspect, let’s look at how major companies like Apple and Microsoft incorporate sitemaps. Their designs are minimal yet consistent with the site’s overall look and feel. [If applicable, show how a competitor is using sitemaps.] By incorporating a well-designed sitemap, we can improve user experience and search visibility without sacrificing the visual quality of your website.

Accessible Carousels

Carousels are contentious design features. While some designers are against them and have legitimate reasons for it, I believe that with the right approach, they can be made accessible and effective. There are plenty of resources that provide guidance on creating accessible carousels.

When a client requests a home page carousel in a new site design, it’s worth considering alternative solutions that can avoid the common pitfalls of carousels, such as low click-through rates, increased load times, content being pushed below the fold, and potentially annoying auto-advancing features.

I see the appeal of using a carousel on your homepage, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Carousels often have low engagement rates and can slow down the site. They also tend to move key content below the fold, which might not be ideal for user engagement. An auto-advancing carousel can also be distracting for users. Instead, we could explore alternative design solutions that effectively convey your message without these drawbacks. [Insert recommendation, e.g., For instance, we could use a hero image or video with a strong call-to-action or a grid layout that showcases multiple important segments at once.] These alternatives can be more user-friendly and accessible while still achieving the visual and functional goals of a carousel.

If we decide to use a carousel, I make a point of discussing the necessary accessibility features with the client right from the start. Many clients aren’t aware that elements like pause buttons are crucial for making auto-advancing carousels accessible. To illustrate this, I’ll show them examples of accessible carousel designs that incorporate these features effectively.

Further Reading

Pause Buttons

Any animation that starts automatically, lasts more than five seconds, and is presented in parallel with other content, needs a pause button per WCAG Success Criterion 2.2.2. A common scenario is when clients want a full-screen video on their homepage without a pause button. It’s important to explain the necessity of pause buttons for meeting accessibility standards and ensuring user comfort without compromising the website’s aesthetics.

I understand your desire for a dynamic, engaging homepage with a full-screen video. However, it’s essential for accessibility purposes that any auto-playing animation that is longer than five seconds includes a pause button. This is not just about compliance; it’s about ensuring that all visitors, including those with disabilities, can comfortably use your site.

The good news is that pause buttons can be designed to be sleek and non-intrusive, complementing your site’s aesthetics rather than detracting from them. Think of it like the sound toggle buttons on videos. They’re there when you need them, but they don’t distract from the viewing experience. I can show you some examples of beautifully integrated pause buttons that maintain the immersive feel of the video while ensuring accessibility standards are met.

That’s it! This is my complete toolkit for discussing web accessibility with colleagues and clients at the start of new projects. It’s not always easy to make a case, which is why I try to appeal from different angles, using a multitude of resources and research to support my case. But with practice, care, and true partnership, it’s possible to not only influence the project but also make accessibility a first-class feature in the process.

Please use the resources, strategies, and talking points I have provided. I share them to help you make your case to your own colleagues and clients. Together, incrementally, we can take steps toward a more accessible web that is inclusive to all people.

And when in doubt, remember the core principles we covered:

  • Show your expertise: Adapt accessibility discussions to fit the client’s understanding, offering basic or in-depth explanations based on their familiarity.
  • Align with client goals: Connect accessibility with client-specific benefits, such as SEO and brand enhancement.
  • Define accessibility in project scope: Include accessibility as an integral part of the design process and explain how it is evaluated.
  • Be prepared with Resources: Keep a collection of relevant resources, including success stories and the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Utilize User Research: Use targeted user research to inform design choices, demonstrating accessibility’s broad impact.
  • Manage Incremental Changes: Suggest iterative changes for large projects to address accessibility in manageable steps.

Automating Policy Enforcement in Kubernetes Using OPA: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

In the rapidly evolving world of cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto orchestration tool, enabling businesses to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications with unparalleled efficiency. However, as the complexity of deployments grows, ensuring compliance and governance across Kubernetes clusters becomes increasingly challenging. This is where Open Policy Agent (OPA) steps in, offering a powerful, open-source, general-purpose policy engine that decouples policy decision-making from policy enforcement. In this tutorial, I will guide you through automating policy enforcement in Kubernetes using OPA, providing a practical, step-by-step approach to integrating OPA into your Kubernetes environment.

Introduction to OPA and Kubernetes Integration

OPA provides a high-level declarative language, Rego, which allows you to specify policy as code and query the policies to make decisions. When integrated with Kubernetes, OPA intercepts API server requests to enforce custom policies, ensuring every request complies with the defined rules before it is executed. This capability is crucial for implementing security policies, best practices, and compliance requirements.

Data Analytics Trends To Watch in 2024

Technological advances in data analytics have influenced how data is accessed, stored, and managed over the years. Many companies today have robust tools, cutting-edge technology, and flexible ways to insightfully define, identify, and implement new technologies and trends as they emerge each year, improving best practices and shortening bad data cycles.

In this blog post, we explore the latest trends in data analytics services for organizations of all sizes in 2024 and beyond.

IndyKite Unveils Breakthrough Identity-Powered AI Enterprise Data Platform

San Francisco-based startup IndyKite has unveiled an enterprise data platform that leverages identity to ensure trust and accuracy in AI and analytics applications. Powered by an identity knowledge graph, IndyKite provides a unified data layer that brings together siloed identity and business data sources into a single validated data asset.  

This enables organizations to enhance security, build trust in data, drive revenue through intelligence products and subscriptions, and simplify compliance across the enterprise data estate. IndyKite was founded by Lasse Andresen, who previously founded ForgeRock and pioneered the identity access management (IAM) category. The company is backed by leading VCs and aims to define a new segment around identity-powered data platforms.  

Examples of Generative AI In SRE

Nowadays, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) has emerged as one of the main actors in modern and fast-paced industries. It is usually the point where the requirement for flawless software delivery intersects with the demand for reliability, striking this delicate balance. This is not just a role. It is a planned position for the health of the system while intentionally alleviating the financial drawbacks linked with downtime.

As per the latest survey conducted by Catchpoint — more than 54% of organizations are already practicing and embracing SRE practices. This percentage shows the ever-increasing popularity and recognition of the SRE's effectiveness in the business landscape.

Chris’ Corner: Some AdviCSS

Get it?! Like “advice”, but for CSS.

When should you nest CSS?

Scott Vandehey says:

There’s a simple answer and a slightly more complicated answer. The simple answer is “avoid nesting.” The more practical, but also more complex answer is “nest pseudo-selectors, parent modifiers, media queries, and selectors that don’t work without nesting.”

The big idea behind avoiding nesting (which is a native CSS feature now, if you hadn’t heard) is that it can lead to specificity increases that just aren’t necessary. Like:

.card {
  .content {
    .byline {


That .byline selector probably doesn’t gain anything by being nested like that. Break it out of there and it’ll be more re-usable and easier to override if you need to.

But this:

.card {
  @container (width > 60ch) {


Is probably good! It just saves you from having to re-write the .card selector again. Scott gets more in-depth though with more examples and I largely agree.

How do you adjust an existing color light and darker?

I’m a biiiig fan of the relative color syntax, which is great at this job, but before I go on a tangent about that, it’s not well supported yet so let’s not. It’s on the Interop 2024 list though!

Better supported is color-mix(), and Cory LaViska has the story on using it for this job:

Using color-mix(), we can adjust the tint/shade based on the background color, meaning we don’t need to manually select lighter/darker colors for those states. And because we’re using OKLCH, the variations will be perceptually uniform, unlike HSL.

By mixing white and black into colors, and doing it in the OKLCH color space, we can essentially tint and shade the colors and know that we’re doing it evenly across any color we have. This is as opposed to the days when a lot of us tried to use darken() and such in Sass only to find extremely different results across colors.

How are the final values of Custom Properties calculated?

Stephanie Eckles:

Custom properties – aka “CSS variables” – seem fairly straightforward. However, there are some behaviors to be aware of regarding how the browser computes the final values. A misunderstanding of this process may lead to an unexpected or missing value and difficulty troubleshooting and resolving the issue.

Custom Properties follow the cascade and are computed at runtime, for one thing, which is the whole reason that they cannot be preprocessed ahead of time. But it’s more complex than that. What if the value is valid for a custom property (most anything is), but not valid for the way you are trying to use it?

This is a real head scratcher:

html { color: red; }

p { color: blue; }

.card { --color: #notacolor; }

.card p { color: var(--color); }

Turns out .card p will actually be red (I would have guessed blue), but Stephanie explains:

The .card p will be the inherited color value of red as provided by the body. It is unable to use the cascaded value of blue due to the browser discarding that as a possible value candidate at “parse time” when it is only evaluating syntax.

How do you accommodate people who struggle with transparent interfaces?

Adam Argyle explains it can be like this, using this media query you may or may not have heard of:

.example {
  --opacity: .5;

  background: hsl(200 100% 50% / var(--opacity));

  @media (prefers-reduced-transparency: reduce) {
    --opacity: .95;

Adam had lots of practical examples in the post, and does consider that word reduced, and how it doesn’t mean absolutely none ever.

What units should you use for spacing properties?

Me, I just use rem usually as that’s what I use for nearly everything else. But Ashlee M Boyer argues that while stuff like text makes good sense to use relative units, spacing need not scale at that same rate:

When a user is customizing their viewing experience, they thing that’s most important to them and their task at hand is the content. Spacing isn’t often vital for a user to perform their task, so it doesn’t need to grow or scale at the same rate as the content itself.

When spacing between content grows, it eats up vital real estate and becomes harder to manage.

Ashlee proves it with a before video and an after video, after being moving relative units to absolute units for spacing.

How do you make every Sass file automatically include common imports?

This one hits home for me, as someone with a codebase with easily hundreds of Sass files that all start with something like @import "@codepen/variables"; Wouldn’t it be cool if Sass could just assume we wanted to do that for every file?

Austin Gil covered this a while back on doing it with Vite. When you define your Vite config, you can like:

  css: {
    preprocessorOptions: {
      scss: {
        additionalData: `@import "@/assets/_shared.scss";`

I see webpack can do it too, but I’m not sure if Sass alone can be configured to do it, although I wish it could.

Foreign Function and Memory API: Modernizing Native Interfacing in Java 17

Java 17 heralds a new era in Java's evolution, bringing forth the Foreign Function and Memory API as part of its feature set. This API, a cornerstone of Project Panama, is designed to revolutionize the way Java applications interact with native code and memory. Its introduction is a response to the long-standing complexities and inefficiencies associated with the Java Native Interface (JNI), offering a more straightforward, safe, and efficient pathway for Java to interface with non-Java code. This modernization is not just an upgrade but a transformation in how Java developers will approach native interoperability, promising to enhance performance, reduce boilerplate, and minimize error-prone code.


Traditionally, interfacing Java with native code was predominantly handled through the Java Native Interface (JNI), a framework that allowed Java code to interact with applications and libraries written in other languages like C or C++. However, JNI's steep learning curve, performance overhead, and manual error handling made it less than ideal. The Java Native Access (JNA) library emerged as an alternative, offering easier use but at the cost of performance. Both methods left a gap in the Java ecosystem for a more integrated, efficient, and developer-friendly approach to native interfacing. The Foreign Function and Memory API in Java 17 fills this gap, overcoming the limitations of its predecessors and setting a new standard for native integration.

Why Tiered Storage for Apache Kafka Is a Big Thing

Apache Kafka added Tiered Storage to separate compute and storage. The capability enables more scalable, reliable, and cost-efficient enterprise architectures. This blog post explores the architecture, use cases, benefits, and a case study for storing Petabytes of data in the Kafka commit log. The end discusses why Tiered Storage does NOT replace other databases and how Apache Iceberg might change future Kafka architectures even more.

Compute vs. Storage vs. Tiered Storage

Let's define the terms compute, storage, and tiered storage to have the same understanding when exploring this in the context of the data streaming platform Apache Kafka.

4+ Best WooCommerce Alternatives for Specific Needs

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce alternatives?

While WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress sites, it may not be the perfect option for everyone. Depending on your needs, there are better alternatives to WooCommerce that can get the job done faster and easier.

In this article, we will share the best WooCommerce alternatives you can use to sell online.

What are the best WooCommerce alternatives

Why Might You Need WooCommerce Alternatives?

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform because it allows anyone to launch an online store. And it’s an open-source solution, so you can download and use it for free.

Due to its ease of use and powerful customization options, it is hugely popular among online store owners. And WooCommerce powers over 23% of all eCommerce stores.

WooCommerce comes with hundreds of free and premium extensions to add powerful eCommerce features to your online store. It includes inventory management, point of sale (POS), and so on.

In our opinion, it is the overall best WordPress eCommerce plugin on the market.

Now you may wonder, is there a better option than WooCommerce?

Well, there are some scenarios where WooCommerce may not be the right tool for the job.

It might not have the specific key features you need for your eCommerce business or require a learning curve. And this is where WooCommerce alternatives come in.

These user-friendly eCommerce platforms offer better solutions for specific needs and may be more suitable for your business plans.

Now, without delay, let’s look at the best WooCommerce alternatives and see when they are a better solution for your online business.

1. MemberPress (For Membership Websites)


MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin on the market. It allows you to sell paid memberships with multi-level subscriptions, drip-content support, and eCommerce features.

It comes with support for multiple payment gateways, easy pricing tables, and other tools to help you sell and grow your membership community.

When Is MemberPress a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

If you want to create a membership site that offers access to premium content with subscriptions, then MemberPress is made specifically for that purpose. It offers a better experience for you as well as your users.

You can do the same thing with WooCommerce, but it would soon become overly complicated. You will have to use several add-ons to get the same functionality that you get built-in with MemberPress.

More importantly, MemberPress works well with WooCommerce, and you can combine them to sell subscription-based products and physical products on the same website.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

MemberPress does not have any of the traditional shopping cart or advanced checkout features. To sell physical products, you will need to use them alongside WooCommerce.

For more details, see our article on how to build a WordPress membership website.

Why Do We Recommend MemberPress?

We recommend MemberPress as a WooCommerce alternative because it’s the best membership plugin for WordPress, and it’s PCI compliant by default, making it easy and secure to accept online recurring payments.

When it comes to top features, MemberPress lets you create multiple membership levels so you can show different content to different members on your WordPress site.

While WooCommerce is an ultimate eCommerce solution, it has fewer membership options and is not PCI compliant. You can use third-party payment plugins to ensure your online store’s compliance with payment cards and processors.

Plus, MemberPress offers advanced community building, timed content release with Drip, a powerful LMS platform, a subscription plugin, integrations with third-party tools, and more.

2. Easy Digital Downloads

The Easy Digital Downloads website

Easy Digital Downloads is the best WordPress digital downloads plugin made specifically for selling virtual goods. These include software, music, eBooks, movies, and more.

You can manage software licenses, accept payments, install addons to extend the platform further, and more.

When Is Easy Digital Downloads a Better Choice Than WooCommerce?

If you only want to sell digital downloads, then Easy Digital Downloads can replace WooCommerce easily. It simplifies the process and allows you to manage licenses, accept payments, manage users, and manage file downloads.

You can sell digital products with WooCommerce as well. However, it includes many key features to sell physical goods, cluttering the interface.

You’ll also need to use several addons to manage licenses, file permissions, and other virtual product features.

On the other hand, there’s a free version of the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. However, you need to use their professional business plan to get access to several features like shipping digital products.

Bonus Tip: You can use our Easy Digital Downloads discount code to get up to 50% off.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

Just like you can sell digital goods with WooCommerce, you can also sell physical goods with Easy Digital Downloads using addons.

However, if you plan on selling digital and physical goods, then WooCommerce will be a much better solution to manage your file downloads.

Why Do We Recommend Easy Digital Downloads?

We recommend Easy Digital Downloads because it is the best WordPress plugin to sell virtual products, digital goods, and software. We use it on several of our websites, including WPForms and MonsterInsights, and it works like a charm.

While WooCommerce lets you sell physical products and anything else you might want, it comes with a lot of features and options. This makes it confusing for business owners to set up their sites and sell digitally.

On the other hand, Easy Digital Downloads has a simple setup process. It comes with secure payment options, subscription plans for customers, hundreds of integrations, and more.

Easy Digital Downloads also offers addons to sell physical products. So, if you are using this plugin, then you can sell anything and everything with a few extra steps.

3. Shopify

Shopify Ecommerce Website Builder Software

Unlike other WooCommerce alternatives on this list, Shopify is a fully hosted eCommerce platform that does not require using WordPress. You don’t have to manage software, install updates, or manage backups.

It allows anyone to start an online store and sell without technical skills easily.

When Is Shopify a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

Normally, you need to manage your shopping cart software using a platform like WooCommerce.

You will need to register a domain name and buy a WooCommerce web hosting account to install software, manage updates, backups, and so on.

Shopify takes care of all that and offers you a fully hosted platform. You can use their drag-and-drop tools to build your online store within minutes.

Shopify offers a better user-friendly solution if you are looking for a completely hands-off platform. It also provides a mobile app to manage your products, process orders, and design campaigns using built-in marketing tools.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

Shopify is a hosted platform, meaning you get less control over your website than with a hosted WooCommerce store. It also charges you transaction fees, which means your costs will increase as you start selling more.

For a side-by-side comparison, you can see our article on Shopify vs. WooCommerce with the pros and cons of both platforms.

Why Do We Recommend Shopify?

We recommend Shopify because it’s a popular hosted eCommerce solution. When we say hosted, this means that you don’t need to worry about a lot of things, including web hosting, security, and more.

Unlike WooCommerce, Shopify is a ready-made eCommerce platform for business owners to get started quickly. There’s no need to install or manage software, and you can use their drag-and-drop builder to set up your online store.

While WooCommerce gives you full control over customization and installing third-party tools to make a powerful eCommerce store, Shopify has limited options. You have to work around their provided tools and addons.

Shopify has more than enough addons, extensions, and themes to get you started with your online store. And if you outgrow Shopify, you can always move your online store from Shopify to WooCommerce.

4. WPForms


WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin in the market. Although it’s not a full-featured eCommerce plugin, it comes with payment options for Stripe, PayPal, Square, and, so you can easily create online payment forms in WordPress.

It also has a free plan, but you’ll need the WPForms Pro version to access payment options and other eCommerce functionality.

When Is WPForms a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

If you are looking to create an order form to accept credit card payments on your WordPress website, then WPForms is the simplest option on the list.

You can use it for one-time or recurring services like consulting, lawn mowing, and more. It also offers hundreds of ready-made form templates for your ease.

WPForms is also a better solution for NGOs to create an online donation or fundraising form and automatically send email notifications to donors.

Moreover, WPForms has an excellent customer support team that can help with setting up your credit card and other payment options easily.

Bonus Tip: You can use our WPForms discount code to get up to 50% off.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

This is not an apples-to-apples comparison. WPForms is not an eCommerce plugin. So, you will need to install addons to handle advanced features like taxes, shipping, and more.

It’s a simple payment solution for people who want to sell online without setting up a complete online store.

WooCommerce, on the other hand, is a powerful, full-featured eCommerce plugin.

Why Do We Recommend WPForms?

We recommend WPForms because it’s the best WordPress form builder and a simple and secure payment solution. For people who don’t want to set up a complete eCommerce store and still sell from their site, WPForms is the ideal choice.

It supports all major payment options, including Stripe, PayPal, Google Pay, and more. WPForms is the most beginner-friendly WordPress plugin that lets you add a payment form with just a few clicks.

While WooCommerce is a complete WordPress eCommerce plugin to start an online store, sometimes it’s too much for small businesses with a few products. WPForms provides a way out and lets you install specific addons that get the work done without cluttering your WordPress website.

With WPForms, you can give choice to users to select one or multiple products within the online form and use their favorite payment method. Additionally, WPForms has conditional logic to accept one-time and recurring payments.

Bonus WooCommerce Alternatives

If you didn’t find the perfect WooCommerce alternative in the list above, then here are some other alternatives that may be more suited to your needs.

5. Magento (Adobe Commerce)


Magento, also known as Adobe Commerce, is a popular open-source platform that lets you easily build and manage an online store.

It allows you to accept payments from different gateways, is completely customizable, and has customer management tools, helping you create an online store of any shape and size.

When Is Magento (Adobe Commerce) a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

If you are creating an online store on an enterprise level with a high traffic volume and a huge product range, then Magento is the ideal choice.

It comes with features for B2B businesses, including quote management, custom pricing, and credit terms, and has amazing marketing tools for targeted promotions, personalized product recommendations, and customer segmentation.

Other than that, you can also create coupons on Magento, add blog posts, build landing pages, and manage shipping and returns.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

While Magento itself is open source, it does have two premium editions that add significant licensing fees.

Additionally, the platform is difficult to set up, and you may need to hire a team of developers to create an online store, which can add to your costs.

It also has a smaller community compared to WooCommerce and has a less user-friendly interface. For more details, you can see our comparison of Magento vs. WooCommerce: Which is better?

Why Do We Recommend Magento (Adobe Commerce)?

Magento is the perfect platform if you want to create a large product catalog and handle a huge traffic volume.

For example, if you have a B2B online store that sells products to other smaller stores, then Magento will be a great option with its product management, marketing tools, and extensive store customization settings.

The tool also offers 3,783+ extensions for further scalability and can easily integrate with payment gateways like Stripe, 2Checkout, Braintree, WePay, Google Checkout, Skrill, Venmo, and more.

6. BigCommerce


BigCommerce is a fully hosted e-commerce platform that comes with a variety of features, including design, payment gateways, SEO, email marketing, and more to build an online store.

Plus, the platform also has a BigCommerce plugin that you can use on your WordPress site if you don’t want to move your entire store to the platform itself.

When Is BigCommerce a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

BigCommerce can be a great solution if you are a beginner and looking for an all-in-one solution that manages everything for you, from site security to backups.

BigCommerce is super easy to set up and offers a very intuitive interface with its drag-and-drop builder, making it easier to create an online store.

Plus, the tool is also fully self-hosted, offers 24/7 customer support and unlimited bandwidth, and has fixed monthly pricing, which can make budgeting easier.

The solution is completely hassle-free, can handle large product catalogs, and has built-in SEO and marketing features, which WooCommerce does not offer.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

As BigCommerce is a self-hosted solution, it gives you limited control and flexibility over your site design. It also offers fixed pricing plans, limited themes, and integration apps, which can stunt your store’s growth.

On the other hand, WooCommerce is completely free and offers full control over your website. However, you will have to face scalability challenges as your site grows.

For more details, you can see our comparison of BigCommerce vs. WooCommerce.

Why Do We Recommend BigCommerce?

We recommend BigCommerce if you are a beginner and want to easily start your online store on a self-hosted platform that manages all the security, scalability, and backups for your site.

BigCommerce has a drag-and-drop builder, reporting and analytics, social media integration, customer management, and premade templates that can help you launch an online store of any size in just a few minutes.

7. WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay website

WP Simple Pay is the best WordPress Stripe plugin on the market that lets you accept payments without adding a shopping cart to your site.

It lets you create an online payment form, has premade templates, comes with a discount coupon codes field, and lets you collect payments from gateways like Klarna, AliPay, Affirm, and more.

When Is WP Simple Pay a Better Solution Than WooCommerce?

If you want to add a simple payment form to your site and accept Stripe payments, then WP Simple Pay is your go-to solution.

The plugin can be used to accept consultation fees, organize fundraisers and donations, or for small businesses like cleaning service subscriptions, dance lessons, landscaping, martial arts lessons, laundry service payments, and more.

It can also work if you have a very small online store with a limited product catalog.

Additionally, WP Simple Pay can integrate with other tools like WooCommerce Shipping, FunnelKit Automations, EDD, or WPCode to create an automated workflow.

You can also schedule your payment forms, customize the payment page, and send email notifications as a payment receipt to customers.

Cons Compared to WooCommerce

WP Simple Pay is not a complete eCommerce plugin. It is a simple solution that accepts Stripe payments and is only recommended if you want to sell services instead of multiple products on your online store.

On the other hand, WooCommerce is a fleshed-out eCommerce platform that lets you manage your product inventory, add different payment gateways, and create a scalable online store.

For more information, you can see our complete WP Simple Pay review.

Why Do We Recommend WP Simple Pay?

We recommend WP Simple Pay because it is completely secure and makes it easy to sell online.

If you sell services, want to accept donations, or take registration fees from users, then WP Simple Pay is the best solution because it comes with premade templates, different payment methods, and recurring payments.

However, if you want to build an online store that sells physical products, then you should opt for WooCommerce or another alternative.

What Are the Best WooCommerce Alternatives?

Finding a better eCommerce solution than WooCommerce is not difficult if you know exactly what you need as an online business owner.

We recommend MemberPress for creating a fully functional membership site. It’s user-friendly and works with WordPress out of the box.

And if you want to sell digital products with better features and flexibility, then Easy Digital Downloads is the right provider.

There are many other WooCommerce alternatives that we didn’t mention in this list to avoid confusion. For example, you could use BigCommerce, Magento, Ecwid, Opencart, or Square.

These can be good eCommerce solutions, but we wanted to share only the best WooCommerce alternatives for beginners and small business owners.

We hope this article helped you learn about the best WooCommerce alternatives and when they can be a better solution. You may also want to see our other guides about WooCommerce, online businesses, and eCommerce sites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of some questions frequently asked by our users about WooCommerce alternatives.

What is the cheapest way to sell on WordPress?

If you want to start an online store to sell physical products but have a shoestring budget, then you can use WooCommerce because it is completely free and easy to use.

However, if you are looking to sell digital downloads, then you can opt for the free version of Easy Digital Downloads.

Similarly, you can also accept payments for your services with WPForms Lite, which is free.

Can WooCommerce handle high traffic?

WooCommerce itself can handle a high amount of traffic on your website. However, several other factors can influence the store’s ability, including your hosting service, site optimization, themes or plugins, and custom code.

If you are still doubtful about WooCommerce’s ability to handle traffic, then you can opt for a self-hosted platform like Shopify or BigCommerce. These platforms will manage the hosting, site speed, and backups all by themselves, and you won’t have to worry about a thing.

Is there a better option than WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform for WordPress because it is free, easy to use, and completely customizable.

However, considering the type of products or services that you want to sell, WooCommerce may not be the best option for you.

For example, if you want to sell ebooks, then Easy Digital Downloads is a better option than WooCommerce because it is specifically designed for selling digital downloads.

Similarly, if you want to start a wholesale store that sells products to other online stores, then Magento would be better to help you manage your large inventory and high traffic volume.

On the other hand, if you want to accept donations, host fundraisers, or accept fees for your services, then adding a simple payment form with WPForms or WP Simple Pay is the better choice.

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The post 4+ Best WooCommerce Alternatives for Specific Needs first appeared on WPBeginner.

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Statelessness in RESTful applications poses challenges and opportunities, influencing how we manage fundamental security aspects such as authentication and authorization. This blog aims to delve into this topic, explore its impact, and offer insights into the best practices for handling stateless REST applications.

Understanding Statelessness in REST

REST, or REpresentational State Transfer, is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints for creating web services. One of its core principles is statelessness, which means that each request from a client to a server must contain all the information needed to understand and process the request. This model stands in contrast to stateful approaches, where the server stores user session data between requests.

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