Forminator 1.29 Introduces New PDF Receipt Template & Slider Form Field

Since the release of Forminator’s new PDF Generator Addon, the team has been hard at work cooking up even more handy features, and today we’re excited to announce the first of our time-saving PDF templates!

A PDF receipt/invoice template was highly-requested by Forminator users. Learn everything you need to know about the new addition and see it in action in this post.

But wait, there’s more… Forminator 1.29 also added another handy ‘slider’ form field feature, perfect for forms where selecting a range is required or beneficial – you can now add one in a few clicks!

Here’s what we’re covering:

Why use the PDF receipt template?

Many Forminator users collect on-site payments directly through their forms via integrated PayPal and Stripe fields.

So, we knew it was essential for us to provide an easy and streamlined way for you to create professional receipts/invoices for clients.

The new PDF receipt template does exactly this…

You can easily create professional PDF receipts that automatically and accurately output with form data and can be sent to clients after on-site form payment.

No more manual work or sending receipts via a third-party payments provider – now it’s all easy and automated for you.

How the PDF receipt template works

A few PSA’s before we continue…

To use the PDF receipt template you must:

Cool? Let’s continue!

After creating your on-site payment form, navigate to Edit Form > PDF, then click Create New PDF.

A screen showing the option to create a new PDF.
Creating a new PDF couldn’t be easier thanks to Forminator’s integrated addon.

…Give your PDF a name.

A screen showing where you give your PDF a name.

…Select the brand new Receipt PDF template.

A screen showing the option of choosing a defined PDF template.
Choose from a selection of unique templates, including the new Receipt option.

Next, enter the payee and payer data you want included on your receipts.

You will notice you can add dynamic data merge tags, which automatically pulls and outputs data from your forms.

For example, you can dynamically include form fields like Name, Email, or Phone Number, and these will automatically populate in your PDF receipt.

A screen showing how users can easily edit the payee and payer details of their PDF receipts.
Easily add payee and payer info, including dynamic field population that automatically outputs in your final PDF.

After confirming the details, you’ll be taken back to the Edit PDF screen where you can also edit your PDF header, footer, and add any additional fields if needed.

A screen showing the editing options available with your PDF.
On top of the default template settings, you can edit the header, footer, and add more fields.

Next, you can customize the appearance of your PDF and adjust page size and margin settings.

We’ll be adding more advanced customization options soon. In the meantime, you can manually adjust the appearance of your PDFs with the Custom CSS option.

As screen showing how you can adjust the appearance of your PDF
Adjust the appearance of your PDF with some basic customization options.

When you’re happy with the appearance, layout, and info included, you can preview your receipt with one click.

A screen showing a preview of what the final receipt PDF will look like.
Easily preview your PDF before you set it up for clients.

That’s it! Your PDF receipt template is now ready to be sent to your client via email.

To do this, just go to Edit Form > Email Notifications.

Here you can add and edit email notifications to be sent to admins or form users.

Simply create a new email notification and you’ll see you can add your newly created PDF as an attachment to your confirmation email.

A screen showing how you can attach your PDF receipt to an email
Easily attach your newly created PDF receipt to a client email.

You can also edit more settings, such as the recipients and conditions of the email, depending on your particular form.

Try Forminator’s new free slider form field!

As mentioned earlier, another handy feature Forminator 1.29 introduced was a new slider form field.

This was another hotly requested addition and it’s available with the free version of Forminator, so anyone can use and benefit from it.

You can use the slider field for anything from mortgage or loan calculators and donation forms, to price filtering and product customization.

Adding a slider to a form is easy, just go to Edit Form > Fields > Insert Field, and select the Slider field.

A screen showing how you now have the option to add a slider field to your forms.
Easily add a convenient slider functionality to forms that could benefit from it.

…Edit the type of slider you want to display, and label it.

A screen showing how you can define and label your slider.
Choose the type of slider you want to add and label it.

…With Settings you can also adjust the slider size, values, and advanced settings like default value, and suffix/prefix text.

A screen showing Forminator's range slider settings
Adjust the settings of your range slider to suit the unique needs of your form.

…You can also choose whether or not to enable calculations, and set your own visibility rules based on your form.

A screen showing where users can customize Forminator's range slider calculation settings.
Choose whether or not to enable/disable calculations for your field.

Easy as that! Here’s an example of a simple rating slider in action:

Upgrade your forms with these new game-changing additions

We hope you enjoyed this overview of Forminator’s new PDF Receipt Template and Slider field features.

If you’re interested in trying them, they’re both available with Forminator Pro and the Forminator PDF Generator Addon.

Forminator Pro also comes free with any paid WPMU DEV membership, along with a whole lot of other amazing WordPress tools, services, plugins, and 24/7 support from our expert team.

Or, if you’re looking for the lowest barrier of entry, trying the free version of Forminator is also a great option. Just note that the free version will not have the full functionality available with Pro (including the new PDF Receipt Template).

Want to know what’s coming next for Forminator? Check the WPMU DEV Roadmap, where we add regular progress updates.

10 Surprising Things You Can (and Can’t Do) With Outbound IVR

Outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems can send out reminders about appointments and prescription refills, deliver marketing messages, and confirm deliveries and shipments. But when you add Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to the mix, you can improve call center efficiency, enhance customer engagement, nurture leads, and more. AI-powered outbound IVR …

10 Surprising Things You Can (and Can’t Do) With Outbound IVR Read More

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Legal and Compliance Considerations in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has transformed software development and management, facilitating unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. Nevertheless, this paradigm change has faced challenges, primarily legal and compliance issues. Data, services, and infrastructure often reside in a nebulous space, not directly owned or fully controlled by the user. This can present severe legal issues, particularly regarding data ownership. 

According to S. Krishnan, the transforming nature of computing has created legal uncertainties, especially in establishing who owns or possesses data when it resides within the cloud. These legal and compliance challenges are studied in this article, specifically looking at the effects on software developers. With cloud computing dominating all technology sectors, comprehending these legal nuances is necessary for developers to appropriately navigate the modern digital landscape.

How to Find the Wi-Fi Password of your Current Network

Imagine this scenario - your computer is connected to a Wi-Fi network but you do not remember the password that you previously used to connect to this particular WiFi network. Maybe you forgot the password over time, or perhaps the network administrator setup the Wi-Fi connection for you without providing the actual password to you.

Now, you need to connect a second device, such as your mobile phone, to the same Wi-Fi network, but you’re unsure how to retrieve the password.

Recover the Forgotten Wi-Fi Password

In this situation, you may either request the password from the Wi-Fi owner or, a simpler alternative, open the command prompt on your computer to retrieve the saved Wi-Fi password in one easy step. This technique works on both Mac and Windows computers.

Find the WiFi Password on Windows

Open the command prompt in administrator mode. Type cmd in the Run box, right-click the command prompt icon and choose Run as Administrator). Now enter the following command and hit enter to see the WiFi password.

netsh wlan show profile name=labnol key=clear

Remember to replace labnol with the name of your Wireless SSID (this is the name of the Wi-Fi network that you connect your computer to). The password will show up under the Security Setting section (see screenshot).

If you would only like to see the password and not the other information, use the findstr command:

netsh wlan show profile name=labnol key=clear | findstr Key

Show WiFi Password

If you do not see the password, probably you’ve not opened the command prompt window as administrator

Show the WiFi Password on Mac OS

If you’re using a Mac and have previously connected to a Wi-Fi network but can’t remember the password, you can easily retrieve the password from Keychain. macOS uses Keychain to store various login credentials, including Wi-Fi network passwords.

Open Spotlight (Cmd+Space) and type terminal to open the Terminal window on your Mac. Now type the following command and hit enter (replace labnol with your WiFi name).

security find-generic-password -wa labnol

Show WiFi Password for Mac

You’ll be prompted to enter your admin username and password to access the OS Keychain and the Wi-FI network password would be displayed on the screen in plain text.

Mac system Keygen admin

Reveal the WiFi Password on Linux

The process of retrieving the Wi-Fi password on Linux is similar to the method used on macOS. Open the Terminal window and type the following command to view the Wi-Fi password.

sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/labnol | grep psk=

Remember to substitute labnol with the wireless name (SSID) of your current Wi-Fi network. The value of the field psk is your WiFi password.

If you don’t know the exact name of the Wi-Fi network, you can use the following command to list all the stored network configurations and their corresponding passwords:

sudo grep psk= /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*

Start WLAN AutoConfig (Wlansvc Service)

If you are using this technique to retrieve the WiFi password on a Windows computer but getting an error that says - “The Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc) is not running” - here’s a simple fix:

Click the Windows Start button and type services.msc in the Run box to access Windows Services. Here go to the WLAN Autoconfig service and make sure that the status is Running. Else right-click the WLAN AutoConfig service, select Properties and go to Dependencies. Check all the dependencies to make sure they are all running.

How to Send Confirmation Emails with Google Forms

You have a Google Form and you would like to send an auto-confirmation emails to the person as soon as they submit the form. The autoresponder email message can contain a custom note (like an acknowledgement saying that you have received their form entry)  and also a copy of the form answers that that they have submitted.

These auto-responders are similar to canned responses in Gmail but for Google Forms. You may use the technique for sending welcome messages, acknowledge support requests, and more. Here’s a sample confirmation email that was sent through Google Forms:

A sample auto confirmation email sent through Google Forms A sample auto confirmation email sent through Google Forms

Send a Confirmation Email to the Form Submitter

The other day I got an email from N.Vamsi asking me how to send these confirmation emails using Google Forms?

Would you mind telling me how you have set up auto email updater for inputs taken from Google forms. I have seen your video tutorial on setting up Google forms and getting input values to an email address but auto email responder is something new! Do you have any tutorials for that as well?

This is easy and you can can add the auto-reply feature to your Google Forms in less than a minute. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Create a new Google Form with one or more fields. You can also use an existing form but do make sure you have a field where you would be asking for the email address of the form respondent. This should be a mandatory field.
  2. Install the Google Forms add-on, then go to the add-ons menu inside forms, choose Email Notification for Forms and select Create New Rule.
  3. Enter your name, choose your Gmail alias that you wish to use for sending confirmation emails and check the “Notify Form Submitter” option. Select the form field that you are using to get the email address of the respondent.
  4. On the next screen, customize the email subject and message as described in the Google Form Email tutorial.

Create the rule and you’re done. When anyone submits the Google Form, they’ll get an automatic confirmation email in HTML format and copy of the email data will also be cc’ed to you so you are in the loop.


AI for Testers

The excitement surrounding artificial intelligence has undeniably captured the attention of testers, much like it has for engineers and professionals across the IT landscape. As we step into 2024, the question arises: What does the future hold for testers in the realm of AI? I recall posing a similar question back in 2018 when the prevalence of cloud computing became an imperative and indispensable component, compelling every software solution and professional to adapt in order to remain pertinent in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Like any dedicated professional, staying attuned to and upskilling with the evolving times not only provides a strategic advantage for personal growth but also positions you ahead of the curve. Since 2020, artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone an observational phase. However, in the past year or so, a notable shift has occurred with the emergence of simulation and democratization, manifested through innovative chatbots and tools. These tools claim to seamlessly integrate with your existing test automation setup, enhancing productivity for testers. Despite the promising advancements, the lack of concrete case studies demonstrated some reluctance to go out all at once.

How to Stop Spam Calls: 5 Ways that ACTUALLY Work

Nobody wants unsolicited calls. To start, you can register your number on the U.S. Do Not Call Registry via their website or by calling 1-888-382-1222 (TTY: 1-866-290-4236). Unfortunately, while it’s a good first step, it won’t stop spam calls. The Do Not Call Registry only stops unsolicited calls made by …

How to Stop Spam Calls: 5 Ways that ACTUALLY Work Read More

The post How to Stop Spam Calls: 5 Ways that ACTUALLY Work appeared first on .

What You Possibly Don’t Know About Columnar Storage

Columnar storage is a commonly used storage technique. Often, it implies high performance and has basically become a standard configuration for today’s analytical databases.

The basic principle of columnar storage is reducing the amount of data retrieved from the hard disk.  A data table can have a lot of columns, but the computation may use only a very small number of them. With columnar storage, useless columns do not need to be retrieved, while with row-wise storage, all columns need to be scanned. When the retrieved columns only take up a very small part of the total, columnar storage has a big advantage in terms of IO time, and computation seems to get much faster.

Improving Upon My OpenTelemetry Tracing Demo

Last year, I wrote a post on OpenTelemetry Tracing to understand more about the subject. I also created a demo around it, which featured the following components:

  • The Apache APISIX API Gateway
  • A Kotlin/Spring Boot service
  • A Python/Flask service
  • And a Rust/Axum service

I've recently improved the demo to deepen my understanding and want to share my learning.

A Brief History of DevOps and the Link to Cloud Development Environments

The history of DevOps is definitely worth reading in a few good books about it. On that topic, “The Phoenix Project,” self-characterized as “a novel of IT and DevOps,”  is often mentioned as a must-read. Yet for practitioners like myself a more hands-on one is “The DevOps Handbook” (which shares Kim as author in addition to Debois, Willis, and Humble) that recounts some of the watershed moments around the evolution of software engineering and provides good references around implementation. This book actually describes how to replicate the transformation explained in the Phoenix Project and provides case studies.

In this brief article, I will use my notes on this great book to regurgitate a concise history of DevOps, add my personal experience and opinion, and establish a link to Cloud Development Environments (CDEs), i.e., the practice of providing access to and running, development environments online as a service for developers.

AI Frontier 2024: A Rapid Start to a Transformative Year

From the White House's new AI strategy to Neuralink's latest brain chip breakthroughexplore mind-blowing developments in the world of tech and AI in the first month of 2024.


In many ways, 2023 was the year of AI, marked by astonishing advancements and large-scale adoption. Now, 2024 is shaping up to blow our minds even more. The first month alone has shown us an accelerated pace in AI development, expansive application ranges, and an intensifying race towards achieving AGI. Discover the latest developmentsfrom groundbreaking healthcare applications to major geopolitical moves in AI.

Neuralink's Big (Scary?) Leap

In a move straight out of a science fiction novel, Elon Musk's Neuralink has reportedly achieved a milestone by successfully implanting a wireless brain chip in a human. This groundbreaking development, announced by Musk himself, suggests the patient is doing well with promising brain activity detected post-procedure.

Neuralink's vision is to bridge human brains with computers, potentially revolutionizing the treatment of complex neurological conditions. Moreover, Musk envisions Neuralink's first product, 'Telepathy,' to enable control of digital devices through thought. It's aimed initially at helping those with limb paralysis

Not everyone is thrilled about this vision though:


Whitehouse Takes Steps to "Enhance AI Safety and Security"

The Biden-Harris Administration's executive order on AI, raises several critical questions regarding its practical implementation and enforceability. This initiative, aimed at strengthening AI safety, security, and innovation, presents a bold vision, but the devil lies in the details of its execution.

The executive stresses to seek to promote innovation while managing risks. However, over-regulation could restrain innovation significantly. Moreover, the order sets high standards for AI development, focusing on safety and security. Yet, translating these goals into policies will not be easy. AI development evolves rapidly and isluckilynot a centralized effort, making it difficult to establish and enforce standards that are both effective and adaptable to future technological advancements.

Another key concern is the enforcement of new policies. The executive order mandates various federal departments and agencies to implement new standards, but it remains unclear how these directives will be enforced. Without robust enforcement mechanisms, these policies risk becoming guidelines without real impact.

FTC Inquires into Generative AI Investments

With the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) inquiry into generative AI investments and partnerships, the FTC is essentially taking a closer look at how companies are investing in and forming partnerships around generative AI. This includes examining the financial flows, the nature of these partnerships, and the broader implications they have on the market and consumers. It's a move to gain deeper insight into the field of AI, particularly in areas like AI-generated content and deepfakes.

Why does this matter? The inquiry is significant because it signals a shift from a predominantly hands-off approach to a more active regulatory stance. If the FTC finds issues such as anti-competitive behavior, misuse of consumer data, or other unethical practices, this could lead to stricter regulations and policies governing AI development and deployment.

China's Acceleration in AI

China's recent approval of over 40 AI models for public use is big new too. This move, including the greenlighting of 14 LLMs, is a clear indicator of China's ambition to ramp up its presence in the field of AI. The significance of this development goes beyond the number of models approved. By opening AI models for public use, China is potentially catalyzing a wave of AI-integrated applications and services across various sectors, from healthcare and education to finance and manufacturing. This could lead to significant advancements in these areas, potentially transforming the everyday lives of its citizens and enhancing its economy.

Additionally, China's move signals a competitive edge in the global AI race, highlighting the increasing importance of AI as a key factor in geopolitical and economic power.

Early Detection for Pancreatic Cancer With AI

The integration of a neural network for the early detection of pancreatic cancer is yet another significant leap forward in AI's application in healthcare. This development, employing AI for medical diagnostics, helps identify one of the most challenging forms of cancer to diagnose. By analyzing complex medical data at a speed and accuracy unattainable by human practitioners, AI is opening new frontiers medicine.

Bold Predictions for AI in 2024

For 2024, experts are making bold predictions for AI. One exciting development is about AI getting smarter at handling different types of information like text, sounds, and images all at once. This means AI will be able to do more complex tasks and understand things better, basically on a similar sensual level as humans experience it in a videochat.

AI is also expected to become a bigger part of many different industries. Whether it's healthcare, finance, education, or entertainment, AI is going to be used to make things more efficient and personalized. But with all these advancements, there are challenges too. Hence, a big focus will be on making sure AI is used responsibly.

The AI Journey Continues

As we conclude our journey through the AI highlights of early 2024, it's clear that we are witnessing a period of rapid and transformative change. The advancements we've seen, from Neuralink's bold steps in brain-computer interfacing to China's assertive push in AI applications, all point towards a future where AI's influence is profound. Let's look forward to what the rest of 2024 has in store for AI!

The Curse of Simplicity: The Simplest Doesn’t Mean the Least Sophisticated

It is often said that software developers should create simple solutions to the problems that they are presented with. However, coming up with a simple solution is not always easy, as it requires time, experience, and a good approach. And to make matters worse, a simple solution in many ways will not impress your co-workers or give your resume a boost.

Ironically, the quest for simplicity in software development is often a complex journey. A developer must navigate through a labyrinth of technical constraints, user requirements, and evolving technological landscapes. The catch-22 is palpable: while a simple solution is desirable, it is not easily attained nor universally appreciated. In the competitiveness of software development, where complexity often disguises itself as sophistication, simple solutions may not always resonate with the awe and admiration they deserve. They may go unnoticed in a culture that frequently equates complexity with competence.

Predictive Maintenance in Industrial IoT With AI

This article explores the implementation of predictive maintenance models in industrial IoT settings and their significant impact on ensuring equipment reliability.

The Need for Predictive Maintenance in Industrial IoT

Traditionally, industrial facilities have relied on reactive maintenance strategies, addressing equipment failures after they occur. This approach often leads to unplanned downtime, increased maintenance costs, and potential safety risks. With the integration of IoT sensors and AI capabilities, predictive maintenance shifts the paradigm towards a proactive and data-driven strategy. While sized at 4.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, the market is projected to reach a size of 64.3 billion U.S. dollars by 2030.

Making Waves: Dynatrace Perform 2024 Ushers in New Era of Observability

Dynatrace welcomed thousands of in-person and virtual attendees to its annual Perform conference in Las Vegas this week. The overarching theme was “Make Waves,” – conveying both the tectonic shifts happening across industries and opportunities for organizations to drive transformational impact.

True to the cutting-edge nature of the company, Dynatrace had several major announcements that will allow enterprises to tackle some of today’s most pressing challenges around cloud complexity, AI adoption, security threats, and sustainability commitments. Let’s dive into the key developments.

Mastering GitHub Copilot: Top 25 Metrics Redefining Developer Productivity

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, GitHub Copilot stands as a beacon of innovation, revolutionizing the coding experience. As developers navigate this AI-powered coding assistant, a comprehensive set of metrics has emerged to gauge productivity and efficiency. Let's delve into the top 25 key metrics, uncovering their rationale, formulas, and real-time applications.

1. Total Lines of Code Written (TLOC)

Rationale: Measures the aggregate lines of code, encompassing both manual and Copilot-generated contributions.