Domain Reseller is finally here – We’re giving away $1 Million to celebrate!

Domain Reseller has finally arrived! Learn all about the new feature and find out how you can earn a share of the one million dollars (yes, you read that right) we’re giving away to celebrate the completion of our Reseller platform.

A screen showing an example of offering domains on your website
Earn a share of $1 million in free credits with Domain Reseller.

At the end of last year we finally unveiled our Reseller platform to the world, and many of you are already using it to create amazing businesses.

However, since the initial release, one vital ingredient has been missing that you’ve been patiently waiting for…

So we’re thrilled to announce today that full domain reseller automation is finally here!

This means you can now automate reselling domains, hosting, and templates directly on your website, or through your white-label client portal.

But wait, there’s more!

To celebrate the completion of Reseller, we’re also doing a massive $1 million giveaway for those looking to kickstart their Reseller business, without having to put any money down.

Read on for a quick overview of Reseller’s new domain automation capabilities, and more details on how you can get your hands on a share of the $1 million!

Feel free to skip to what interests you most:

Domain Reseller Overview

Resell all supported TLDs under your own brand

Domain Reseller - Add TLDs
Resell 250+ top-level domain extensions … and there are more coming soon!

No more recommending third-party domain providers to clients, or buying on their behalf, we’ve made it super easy to set up profitable domains to sell to your clients, under your own brand.

You can choose from 250+ wholesale-priced top-level domain names (TLDs). Just apply your chosen % or $ markup, and voilá, the domains will be added as reseller products, ready for resale.

Add an easy search & buy widget on your site

Domain Reseller - Customize widget screen.
Customize your domain reseller widget to match your brand.

Making your domains available for purchase on your website couldn’t be easier.

You can customize how domains will be shown on your site with our customizable widget, which allows you to change the background, label and button colors. Then easily embed the widget onto your site with shortcode or Gutenberg block.

Effortless and automated client self-checkout

Domain registration checkout screen.
We’ve automated your client’s domain registration and purchase process, so you can resell domains and earn money while you sleep!

Your reseller domains can be easily purchased directly from your website. No jumping away to a third-party payment processor – it’s all handled from start to finish on your site.

Purchased domains will then be accessed and managed inside your white label client portal, where clients can also pay for renewals and add new domains.

Right now, domain and hosting checkout are separate, but soon when your clients buy hosting they’ll be prompted to add a domain (or vice versa), and everything will be automatically connected and propagated for them, including DNS setup!

We’re also building a fully integrated ticketing system for the client portal that will streamline the way you communicate with your reseller clients and assist them.

That’s it, your clients can now search for and buy domains directly from you, all under your own brand, at the price you set, all automated from start to finish.

The million-dollar giveaway! $$

Been thinking about trying our Reseller platform? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to start a reseller business, but never had the time or resources…

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Because we’re literally GIVING you free credit to kickstart any business you dream up!

There’s also zero risk, because as well as funding you to get started with Reseller, you will receive top notch support for your business at every step from our 24/7 expert team.

To be eligible for a share of $1 million hosting credit, all you have to do is be an Agency member and use Reseller, as these credits can only be used exclusively through the platform, and put toward hosting sites only.

To claim your credit, simply reach out to our team via live chat or contact us directly here.

How much credit can you claim?

Well, that all depends on your business and what you’re planning!

When you get in touch, we’ll discuss how you plan to use Reseller and your rough business plan (we can help you with this if needed!), this will then help us determine a fair credit amount to help you get things off the ground.

Once done, we’ll add the free credit to your account, ready for you to use instantly – it’s that easy!

We’re also operating this credit giveaway on a ‘first in, first served’ basis, so if you’re interested be quick, you don’t want to miss out on securing a slice of the $1 million pie!

Become an Agency member to claim your share of the $1 million

Keen to join the celebration and get your hands on a share of the $1 million? As mentioned, signing up to our Agency plan gives you full access.

Plus, you get instant exclusives like $144 free yearly hosting credit, and access to VIP pricing, so your giveaway credit will go even further.

And of course, you get full access to our Reseller platform, including the brand new domain automation capabilities featured in this article.

Still unsure? We get it, and Agency comes with a full risk-free money-back guarantee. So if you’re not satisfied the platform is delivering what you wanted within the first 30 days, just cancel and we’ll refund you in full, no questions asked.

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IoT has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity and data collection. IoT edge devices, ranging from sensors to industrial machines, have become integral to various industries, offering insights, automation, and efficiency. However, managing a large number of these edge devices efficiently poses a significant challenge. In this article, we will explore the strategies and tools for managing IoT edge devices at scale, focusing on device lifecycle and configuration management.

The Scale of IoT Edge Device Management

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Chris’ Corner: More Like Scalable Vector Goodness

I’m going to do an SVG issue here, because I find that technology persistently interesting. It’s a bit of a superpower for front-end developers who know how it works and can leverage it when needed to pull of interesting effects. For example, this compelling line drawing scroll effect is powered by SVG features.

There have been some really cool SVG tools I’ve only just seen recently, and some great writing about SVG techniques. Warms my little heart to see SVG still being actively explored even as it sits rather dormant from a standards point of view.

Let’s start with some tools and resources, since those are easy to digest and if you really love one of them you’ll be all like thanks CodePen Spark, you’re a good newsletter and ya know that’s what we’re in it for.

Tech Icons

SVG icons tend to be single-color as a trend, but actual logos tend to involve brand colors and can often be multi-color. I like how it’s super easy to use, offering both downloads and quick copy-and-paste.


I can’t explain it but sometimes you need an SVG of a grid of dots that are waving. This allows you to control all the aspects of that. Has some tearable cloth vibes.


Squiggles, scribbles, shapes and… other stuff.

I love this because they are the kind of things that are perfect for vector art, but that you don’t typically find in things like icon sets. One click to copy right to clipboard or download.


Big one! 193 Icon collections. I do like that they are grouped in collections, so in case you need a bunch of assets, there is a good chance they’ll go together aesthetically. I’m a big Noun Project guy, but find it isn’t quite as well organized into collections.

OK I suppose we’d better move on to some techniques and explanations.

SVG Gradients: Solving Curved Challenges

How do you get a color gradient to follow the path of SVG artwork? Michael Sydney Moore solved it by breaking up the art into smaller sections and applying gradients to each section.

This is an interesting contrast to another technique that Ksenia Kondrashova explains.

SVG viewBox

The viewBox on SVG is pretty simple really: it sets up the visible coordinate system where everything else is drawn. Interestingly, you can change it at any time, and it effectively acts as a camera, especially if you animate it.

Brad Woods has perhaps the best explanation of it I’ve ever seen, via an interactive post.

Making noisy SVGs

Turns out <feTurbulence> is up to the job of making a noise effect in SVG, but there is a little more to it to make it nice, as Daniel Immke writes up:

To create noise, I used the <feTurbulence> filter which is explicitly for generating artificial textures but required quite a bit of fiddling to get to my liking. Then, I had to use other filter effects to eliminate color variance and blend naturally with the fill color selected, and finally apply the filter to the circle.

Noise sometimes feels like the perfect way to chill out the mathematical sharpness of vector art.

Also — did you know there is a weird trick to make noise with CSS gradients?

Responsive SVGs

There is a technique in this post from Nils Binder where he stretches just a part of an SVG according to variable content elsewhere and I love it.

Speaking of responsive… did you know the illustration in Ethan’s original article was responsive in itself?

Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide

This is part of what makes SVG so attractive to me: simple primitives that all combine together to do elegant things. Here, to make a specific kind of fun spinner, Sébastien Noël uses

  1. <circle> with a stroke
  2. stroke-dasharray to control exactly how the stroke should be dashed
  3. stroke-linecap to control the nice look of the dashed parts
  4. stroke-dashoffet to control the position of the dashes
  5. @keyframe animation to animate the stroke-dasharray making it feel like a spinner.

Icon transcendence: customizing icons to complement fonts

This one is from the “I hope your client has a lot of money” files. I love the idea but it’s wild. The idea is that SVG icons could swap out to match the vibe of the font they are next to.

But by “swap out”, really, somehow, it’s the same source icon.

Although these icons look quite differently visually, they were actually crafted by using the single source icon you saw above as a reference. For each of the fonts here, we’ve modified that source icon, thus producing a custom icon that better matches the style and mood of each font:

how convert cur images to image?

how can i convert cursor files to image?
i need see the cur\ani on picturebox?(just for learning)

Private Sub btnChooseImage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChooseImage.Click
        If (ofdChooseFile.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) Then
            If (ofdChooseFile.FilterIndex = 6) Then
                Dim cur As New Cursor(ofdChooseFile.FileName)
                PicShowImage.Image = cur 'error yes
                PicShowImage.Image = Image.FromFile(ofdChooseFile.FileName)
            End If
            Me.Text = "Image Viewer: " & ofdChooseFile.FileName
        End If
    End Sub

how can i get the image from a cursor?
the Cursor object read cur files and ani?

How to Hire Virtual Assistants for Your WordPress Site (Expert Tips)

Are you wondering how to hire virtual assistants for your WordPress site?

Running a business is a lot of work. But if you fail to maintain your WordPress website properly, then you may see your traffic and sales quickly drop. The good news is you can get a virtual assistant (VA) to manage your site for you.

In this article, you will learn how to hire a WordPress virtual assistant so that you can focus on the most important activities in your business.

How to hire virtual assistants for your WordPress site

What Is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (VA) is an independent contractor who helps support your business remotely.

They handle all the repetitive or time-consuming tasks that you don’t have the time for or could use a helping hand with. These could be tasks like scheduling appointments, managing your calendar, or even sending emails.

Unlike an office manager or executive assistant, a virtual assistant does their work completely remotely. Also, VAs are generally used for simpler tasks, while executive assistants are trusted to perform more complex activities that require more experience.

Why You Need to Hire Virtual Assistants for Your WordPress Site?

Managing a WordPress website means being responsible for keeping website backups, plugin and theme updates, and WordPress core updates.

If you fail to maintain your site, then it could be at risk of hacks, experience downtime, or even have slow loading times. And that can directly cause you to lose visitors and even customers.

If you don’t have the time to maintain your site or don’t know how to, then you may want to hire a virtual assistant.

Your virtual assistant will be responsible for helping with WordPress-related tasks remotely. They can perform a wide range of tasks that go beyond maintenance, such as:

  • Technical support: Perform regular WordPress backups, keep your WordPress plugins and themes updated, optimize site performance, and more.
  • Content management: Perform content updates for SEO, schedule posts, and manage comments.
  • Customer support: Respond to blog posts and social media comments, engage with your audience, and schedule appointments.
  • E-commerce support: If you own an online store, then you can have your VA process orders, manage product listings, and handle customer inquiries. Or they can perform data entry tasks like updating inventory levels or prices.
  • Design: If they have design or coding skills, then VAs can make layout changes, adjust styles, or even create visuals.

VAs can take the workload off your plate so you can focus on higher-priority activities that drive revenue for your business.

To put it into perspective, let’s say your time is worth $50 an hour. Many administrative tasks can be outsourced to VAs for $5 to $25 per hour. As a result, those extra hours you have regained will allow you to earn more money.

Hiring VAs might just be the best move you can make in your business. With that being said, here’s how you can build a reliable team of VAs.

1. Decide Which Tasks to Outsource and Document Your Process

The first thing you need to do is make a list of tasks you’d like your WordPress virtual assistant to perform.

This will help you filter VAs to only those that fit your needs. As previously mentioned, there are dozens of tasks an assistant can handle for you.

Assuming these are all tasks you are currently doing yourself, you should document the entire process and create guidelines for them to follow. There are many efficient ways to document the process:

  • Use Snagit to record your screen and capture every click you make for each task.
  • Create a checklist or resources hub in Notion. You may need to include tutorials, scripts, and templates to follow.

Not only does this help make it easier to onboard your new team members, but it also helps to write a more accurate job description and find the right candidates for the role.

Here’s an example of what a resource hub on Notion may look like.

WordPress virtual assistant SOP

You can tag each document by the type of task it is.

Within each document, we’ve included step-by-step instructions along with screenshots to help guide VAs to execute a task.

internal error SOP

2. Write an Accurate Job Listing

If you want to find the right WordPress virtual assistant, then you will have to write a compelling job description that attracts someone with the qualities and skills you need.

This serves as a filter for identifying the right candidate. An effective virtual assistant job post should include:

  • Scope of work: Outline the tasks and responsibilities the VA will be handling. You should clearly state the expected availability and whether you are looking to fill a full-time or part-time role.
  • Skills needed: Specify the skills and qualifications you are looking for. Also, list the tools and software the VA is expected to know how to use, such as the WordPress CMS.
  • Experience: Mention the level of experience you are looking for, whether it’s entry-level or someone with specific years of experience.
  • Budget: Set a budget and indicate your preference for hourly rates or fixed-priced contracts.

The more detailed you can include, the better. For instance, here’s what a job post could look like.

Upwork VA job details

3. Know Where to Find Top Virtual Assistants

Once you’ve got your documentation in place and written your job ad, you are ready to start looking for virtual assistants.

Freelance websites are a great starting point to find a dedicated VA, especially when you have specific needs in mind.

While you could go the traditional route of hiring virtual assistants through job boards, freelance platforms have some benefits, such as:

  • A review system to see how they worked with previous clients
  • Global payments and easy invoicing
  • A chat feature to discuss project details and share files
  • Payments are through an escrow service, so you will only pay for work that gets completed

That being said, we recommend these freelance platforms to get started:



Codeable is a reliable WordPress freelance platform that helps match you with WordPress experts. You can find experts in pretty much all areas of WordPress, including:

  • Theme and plugin development and customization
  • E-commerce development
  • Custom WordPress web development
  • Web design
  • APIs and integration
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Security and performance

Basically, if you are having trouble with the technical side of WordPress and want qualified experts to handle it for you, then Codeable is an excellent option. And because the platform accepts only the top 2% of applicants, you can be sure that you are working with skilled WordPress professionals.



Upwork is one of the largest freelance marketplaces out there, with over 12 million registered freelancers on the platform.

Unlike Codeable, you can find virtual assistants with a wider range of skills. That allows you to find professionals for various tasks beyond WordPress.

Since there are more users on the platform, there’s a good chance you can find a virtual assistant within your budget.

Upwork also shows testimonials and job success scores on each freelancer’s profile so you can see their track record. On top of that, Upwork allows you to browse talent, message them directly, and even invite them to apply.

While you could choose a site like Fiverr instead, it may be more suited for one-time projects rather than a recurring role like a VA.



Toptal is a freelance platform known for their rigorous screening platform, accepting only the top 3% of applicants.

Freelancers have to pass five steps of the screening process, including a comprehensive English evaluation and project assessment.

Unlike other platforms, Toptal takes a more customized approach. A team member will hop on a call with you to gather requirements and talent preferences. From there, they’ll introduce you to the right match for your job from their expert-vetted talent network.

This personalized matching process ensures that you work with virtual assistants who have the right skills and experience for your WordPress tasks. And it saves you from sifting through thousands of resumes and coordinating interviews yourself.

Toptal even has a dedicated invoicing and time-tracking feature called TopTracker. With this service, you can easily track hours and make payments via PayPal, Payoneer, or direct bank transfer. But you could also use a dedicated time-tracking tool like TimeDoctor as well.

4. Interview Qualified Candidates

Once you’ve had your job post up for a few days, you should see applications flooding in. Sifting through applicants can be a chore, but it’s a must if you want to find the right person.

You need to narrow down your list of candidates to ones that meet your qualifications. From there, you can choose to have applicants undergo a skills test. This filters out candidates who simply don’t have the skill set to do the job.

For example, you can create a dummy WordPress site and have them perform a full backup of the site, troubleshoot a common issue, or optimize a blog post for SEO. The list of duties you’ve already made will help you decide how to vet your candidates.

After that, you can pick the few candidates who scored the highest and are most qualified for the job. You will need to interview those potential hires over Google Meet or Zoom.

By now, you know that the candidates are capable of performing the role. But you will also want to know if they are a good cultural fit for your company. Evaluate how they like to work in a team setting, problem-solve unknown situations, or prioritize tasks, especially when handling multiple responsibilities.

5. Hire and Onboard New Virtual Assistants

Generally, you will hire the candidate who has made the best impression. Make sure to have any new hires sign an Independent Contractor Agreement. This contract outlines the terms, including the scope of work and payment terms.

Also, it details intellectual property rights, which is important to clarify, especially when dealing with website content, designs, or other creative elements.

With software like signNow, you can create agreements in PDF format and invite your new hires to sign the contract.

But before your new VA starts, you should also have an onboarding process in place.

All you have to do is use a project management tool to create a series of onboarding tasks that need to be completed in order to get the VA caught up to speed.

You can use Asana to assign a checklist of tasks to help onboard your new virtual assistants. Every new team member will go through a series of action items to get them familiar with your company and how you operate. In the checklist, it should outline things such as:

  • Your company’s mission and core values
  • Access to WordPress site login and other tools
  • Documentation and training on how to perform tasks
  • Access to team communication tools for collaboration (for example, using Slack is a great way to chat with VAs 1 on 1, or you can create a dedicated channel to make announcements to your entire team.

You can simply add links to the resource hub you created earlier with Notion or similar software.

When adding permissions and roles to WordPress and other software, it’s vital that you use a password manager like 1Password.

This software will generate and store strong, unique passwords for each account, which can help prevent anyone from hacking into your WordPress site.

Alternative: Use WP Maintenance Services

You may decide that you are not quite ready to hire a VA, either because you don’t have enough tasks to delegate or it doesn’t make financial sense.

In that case, you might want to choose WordPress maintenance services instead. They can help streamline and automate all the tasks you need to perform to keep your site healthy and up-to-date, including: recommends that you perform these housekeeping tasks about every three to six months.

While you could hire a VA to perform these tasks, it’s much cheaper to simply pay for a service provider to do the job for you.

We recommend choosing Seahawk, which is the best WordPress maintenance service on the market. They do backup services, core updates, theme and plugin updates, assets optimization, malware removal, uptime monitoring, and much more.

Their SeaCare package, starting at $99 per month, provides all the essential services you need to take good care of your site.


You will even get a dedicated account manager who is there for you whenever you need it. That means you are just a call away from resolving any issues.

Another alternative is to use a managed WordPress hosting company like WP Engine, which can handle most maintenance services. Managed hosting providers take care of all server management tasks like server setup, security, and maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our readers often ask us about how to hire WordPress virtual assistants. Here are the answers to the most common questions:

How much does a virtual assistant cost?

Prices for virtual assistants vary but generally will cost between $5 to $50 per hour, with specialized and US-based VAs costing more than admin-focused and overseas ones.

While many charge by the hour, some may price their fees as a monthly retainer of $500 to $4,000 for a set number of hours.

When should you hire a virtual assistant?

As business owners, it’s hard to know when it’s time to hire a virtual assistant. But here are a few signs that it’s time to begin delegating:

  • You are spending too much time on low-value tasks. It’s best to spend your time adding value to your company in a way that only you can.
  • You are losing customers because you can’t respond to support emails. Poor customer experience will lead to a bad reputation, which can affect the growth of your business.
  • You aren’t good with WordPress. A VA with technical skills can handle fixing WordPress errors and perform backups, ensuring that your site stays secure and up-to-date.
  • You are struggling to manage content for your WordPress site. A WordPress virtual assistant can help write blog posts, create graphics, and schedule content updates.

Outsourcing may feel unnatural for entrepreneurs who like to be in control. But part of growing a business is putting trust in others so that your company can run without your full attention.

That said, if you only need help maintaining your WordPress site, then WordPress maintenance services are the more reliable and affordable solution.

We hope this article helped you learn how to hire virtual assistants for your WordPress site. You may also want to check out our guide to the most crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly and the ultimate WordPress security guide.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Hire Virtual Assistants for Your WordPress Site (Expert Tips) first appeared on WPBeginner.