AI and Rules for Agile Microservices in Minutes

Here's how to use AI and API Logic Server to create complete running systems in minutes:

  1. Use ChatGPT for Schema Automation: create a database schema from natural language.
  2. Use Open Source API Logic Server: create working software with one command.
    • App Automation: a multi-page, multi-table admin app.
    • API Automation: A JSON: API, crud for each table, with filtering, sorting, optimistic locking, and pagination. 
  3. Customize the project with your IDE:
    • Logic Automation using rules: declare spreadsheet-like rules in Python for multi-table derivations and constraints - 40X more concise than code.
    • Use Python and standard libraries (Flask, SQLAlchemy) and debug in your IDE.
  4. Iterate your project:
    • Revise your database design and logic.
    • Integrate with B2B partners and internal systems.
