Abandon Overconfidence And Engage In The Rethinking Cycle

An argument with a coworker — conflict of opinion. Working on a project that doesn't energize you — conflict of interest. Didn't get the promotion — conflict of growth. Working super hard with no time for personal life — internal conflict. Saying yes to work that doesn't align with your goals — conflict of priorities. Committed a mistake, but can't come to terms with accepting responsibility — conflict of values. We don't realize it, but most interactions at work lead to a major or minor conflict.

When it's a minor conflict, we feel a sense of discomfort in our body but can't pinpoint the exact source of the discomfort. Most of the time we ignore this conflict while it sits within our subconscious as we go on with our daily life. A major conflict, though, looks and feels very different. Even though there's no real danger, our mind perceives the conflict as a threat.