Web Privacy And WordPress GDPR Compliance – The Definitive Guide

Gone are the wild cowboy days of rustling websites. To avoid heavy fines, your website must comply with a dizzying number of web accessibility, data security, and user privacy laws. This guide shows you how to become web compliant in our data-driven digital world to avoid breaking the law and the bank.

Information age. Digital Data. People. Put these together and you can find yourself in a whole world of hurt if your website handles its users’ personal data incorrectly.

Whether you own a website or build websites for clients using WordPress, this guide will help you understand everything you need to know to make your WordPress website compliant with privacy and GDPR laws and regulations using plain and simple language.

Cartoon of business people staring at world maps on their wall and computer screen and feeling confused by the ramifications of the GDPR.
GDPR can be a Giant Dang Pain in the Rear…unless you follow this simple guide!

What we’ll cover in this comprehensive guide:

Let’s dive right in…

Why Is Web Compliance Important?

Broadly speaking, web compliance refers to all the legal requirements, policies, regulations, and standards your digital presence (e.g. your website) must observe to providers users with:

  • Accessibility
  • Personal Data Protection

This guide focuses on the laws, rules, and regulations governing privacy, personal data protection, and the global impact of the GDPR on businesses and websites.

To learn more about laws and regulations governing website accessibility and making your WordPress site accessible, see our comprehensive guide to accessibility and WordPress.

Why Protect Personal Data?

Virtually everything we do nowadays involves the digital processing and handling of personal data.

As exemplified in movies like The Great Hack, large businesses and corporations harvest and leverage personal data for a wide range of purposes.

Most small businesses have also been conditioned to collect as much data about their leads and customers as they can to improve their marketing. Most businesses, however, don’t know what to do with the collected data or how to securely store this information.

Personal data, then, has become a key business asset and the right to protect individuals from having their personal data misused or abused poses a serious risk and concern in the digital information age.

Infographic - What is personal data?
Users have the right to protect their personal data under GDPR and privacy rules. (Infographic: ec.europa.eu)

What is GDPR?

On April 14, 2016, the European Commission approved a privacy law designed to protect the rights of all EU citizens (28 member states) and give citizens back control of their personal data.

This privacy law is known as the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, and it has major implications on a global scale for anyone doing business online.

“The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a Regulation of the European Union that protects natural persons (called data subjects) regarding the processing and free movement of their personal data.”

Source: i-scoop.eu

The GDPR was officially published in 2016 as “Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016” and became applicable on 25 May 2018.

It replaced the EU’s earlier Data Protection Directive, which was in place since wa-a-a-a-y back in 1995, when very few people used the internet.

The digital landscape has radically transformed since 1995 and so the European Union decided that something more fit for dealing with personal data challenges in a world of big data and increasing digitization was needed and that it was time to reform the existing framework of data protection rules.

As i-SCOOP states on their website,

“The GDPR is designed for a single digital market in which organizations that are processing personal data know what they can do and what they can’t do with personal data. This way the digital economy, in which data are essential, should blossom in an increasingly data-intensive world.”

In short, the GDPR offers the regulatory framework designed to accommodate the reality of today’s digital world, while protecting the individual’s right to control his or her personal data.

To ensure compliance with its regulations, the GDPR has the right to enforce fines and penalties on companies and businesses that fail to take appropriate steps to be GDPR compliant.

While the GDPR is meant to protect the rights of European Union citizens, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects millions of businesses all over the world. It even affects individuals, charities, and businesses of all sizes.

If your business has any dealings with European citizens (i.e. they visit your site) and you engage in any kind of personal data processing, including the storage of personal data, gathering and collecting personal data (regardless of means), aggregating, recording, exchanging, analyzing, publicizing, digitizing, enriching, structuring, changing, searching, leveraging, deleting, structuring, destroying, uploading or simply using/keeping personal data, then you will probable be required to comply with GDPR regulations or be liable for non-GDPR compliance.

And that’s just the icing on the cake. GDPR is far more wide-reaching than the above overview.

GDPR Terminology in a Nutshell

GDPR uses a whole range of jargon and terminology. So, before we go any deeper, it’s important to understand GDPR terms and concepts like the ones listed below:

GDPR Terminology
The first step in achieving data compliance is to understand and designate who in your business owns data.
Natural Person
By legal definition, an individual human being.
Legal Person
Any individual, company, or entity with legal rights.
Data Subject
The individual the personal data is about.
Personal Data
A person’s data (name, ID, number, location data, online identifiers, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of the natural person.)
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Any bit of information (data) that allows you to identify an individual person.
Unambiguous indication, permissions, or clear positive action an individual gives verbally or in writing signifying they agree with the processing of their Personal Data. Note: Users must give explicit consent through affirmative action (i.e. not via pre-ticked forms), after reviewing clearly worded information kept separate from other terms and conditions.
Anything done to personal data is classed as ‘processing’. This includes but is not limited to: recording, structuring, storing, and analysis.
When you process data with the aim of making an informed decision about an individual. Namely, to analyze their preferences, interests, behavior, location, or movements.
Data Breach
An incident where sensitive, protected, or confidential personal information and personal data has been accessed, stolen, or used without authorization, potentially exposing an individual’s Personal Data and/or compromising their security. This is what the GDPR aims to prevent.
Data Protection Authority
A Data Protection Authority handles reports of data breaches, mediates issues like data subject access requests and works to educate their country about best practices in keeping digital data secure.
Supervisory Authority
The independent public Data Protection Authority responsible for monitoring compliance with GDPR, helping organizations become compliant with GDPR, and enforcing compliance and conducting investigations in their jurisdiction (e.g. the Information Commissioner’s Office [ICO-UK], Data Protection Commissioner [DPC-Ireland], etc.)
Data Controller
The Data Controller is a person or a group of people that decides the purpose and way in which personal data is processed.
Data Processor
The Data Processor is any person (other than an employee of the Data Controller) that holds and processes data on behalf of a data controller.
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
An appointed individual or legal entity in an organization with the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation meets their obligations under GDPR and processes the personal data of its staff, customers, providers, or any other individuals (data subjects) in compliance with all applicable data protection rules.
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
The way to identify any risks in the methods used to process data.
Data Processing Agreement
If your organization is subject to the GDPR, you must have a written data processing agreement in place with all your data processors (e.g. email clients, cloud storage service, website analytics software, etc.).
Legitimate Interests
This is a grey area and refers to the right a company has for contacting an individual based on their judgement that the individual will legitimately want (or need) to receive the information.
Right to be informed
The Data Subject’s right to receive adequate and clear information about what data is being collected, how it is being used, how long it will be kept, and whether it will be shared with any third parties. This can be stated in a clear, open, and transparent Privacy Policy.
Right to notification
The Data Subject’s right to be notified in writing by a company if they have been hacked and if the security threat exposed their personal user data.
Right to access
The Data Subject’s right to ask a Data Controller for all the Personal Data they hold concerning them – free of charge. Companies will typically request proof of identity before releasing any personal data and have one month to collect and send users this information, although there are exceptions for requests that are unfounded, repetitive or excessive.
Right to rectification
The Data Subject’s right to request that their data be updated if the information is inaccurate or incomplete. As with the right to access, companies have one month to comply with user requests and the same exceptions apply.
Right to withdraw consent
The Data Subject’s right to withdraw their consent to process their data at any time.
Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)
The Data Subject’s right to request that a company delete all of their personal user data in its entirety from their systems (e.g. database) permanently ‘without undue delay’. Users can request erasure of their data in circumstances such as when the data is no longer necessary, the data was unlawfully processed, or if it no longer meets the lawful ground for which it was collected. Note: This can be somewhat counterintuitive when the database is a suppression file. Currently, there is no clear guidance regarding suppression.
Right to restrict processing
The Data Subject’s right to limit or prevent the processing of personal data. This is an alternative to requesting the erasure of data, and might be used when users contest the accuracy of their personal data or when they no longer need the information but companies are required to keep it to establish, exercise, or defend a legal claim. Note: This does not mean that companies have the right to delete the data, but they cannot do more than store it (and make sure that enough information is kept to ensure the user’s wish to ‘block’ processing is respected in the future).
Right to data portability
Companies must allow users the ability to download their data from their website or digital platform in a machine-readable or structured digital (electronic) format, such as a CSV file. The downloaded data can then be shared with another company should the user choose to do so.
Right to object
Data subjects can object to the processing of personal data that is collected on the grounds of legitimate interests or the performance of a task in the interest or exercise of official authority. Once this right is exercised, the company must stop processing information unless they can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that overrides the interests, rights and freedoms of the individual, or if the processing is for the establishment or exercise of defence of legal claims.
Right to complain
Data subjects have the right to contact the organization or make a complaint to the relevant control authority if, for any reason, they are not happy with the way their personal data is being handled.
Rights related to automated decision-making including profiling.
The GDPR includes provisions for decisions made with no human involvement, such as profiling, which uses personal data to make calculated assumptions about individuals. There are strict rules about this kind of processing, and individuals are permitted to challenge and request a review of the processing if they believe the rules are not being followed.
Special categories of data
Data concerning the racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union memberships, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or sex life or sexual orientation of an individual.

GDPR Awareness vs GDPR Compliance

Being aware of the GDPR is not the same as being GDPR compliant, but it’s the first step.

“The first stage in any plan to prepare for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is GDPR awareness with a special focus on staff awareness as the first step towards personal data protection.”

Source: i-scoop.eu

GDPR awareness involves a whole lot more than just “being aware” that GDPR exists. It means taking steps to understand what GDPR is, what its implications are for your business (and for non-compliance), and how to create a culture in your organization that:

  • Understands and values the importance of (and consequences of not properly handling) personal and sensitive data
  • Empowers people to know what they can and can’t do under GDPR
  • Is able to demonstrate that you did what you could in case there is a data violation or data breach incident
  • Includes all stakeholders in the creation of a proper strategic plan.

GDPR awareness should lead to a buy-in at the executive level to learn, understand, value, respect, and commit to incorporating GDPR compliant data protection and handling measures into the overall strategic plan of your organization.

This should then filter through to all employees by educating them about GDPR, making them aware of all the areas impacted by the handling of personal data, and ensuring that they too value and respect personal data and commit to observing all the processes involved in protecting and handling it.

Additionally, this awareness must also extend to reviewing and assessing every partner you work with and understanding how they handle personal data.

In short, as far as GDPR compliance goes, protecting personal data in your business is everyone’s business.

GDPR- Data Protection Officer Checklist
Do you need to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO)? Use this quick checklist to find out! (Infographic: ec.europa.eu)

How GDPR Impacts Your Business and Website

The next stage after GDPR awareness is GDPR compliance.

This requires assessing, reviewing, planning, strategizing, and implementing a number of processes into your business to ensure compliance including informing, educating, and training everyone in your organization to understand, value, and follow these processes.

This is an area where many businesses struggle, despite being willing to comply with and investing a significant amount of money into GDPR compliance measures.

For example, in the 2019 GDPR.eu Small Business Survey, over 700 small business leaders in Spain, the United Kingdom, France, and Ireland were asked how their businesses were coping with the new GDPR requirements and reported findings like:

  • Only about half of the businesses surveyed believed their organizations are fully compliant with the GDPR.
  • Less than half said they describe their data processing activities in clear, plain language to data subjects.
  • Despite being eager to comply with the GDPR and spending tens of thousands on consultants and IT solutions, many were still confused by the more technical aspects of data security.
  • A significant number admitted they did not comply with central requirements of the law (such as claiming to use an end-to-end encrypted email provider but being unable to name a service with this kind of encryption built in)
  • Nearly half said they did not always determine a lawful basis for processing user data before doing so (which is a key provision of the GDPR).
Business spend on GDPR compliance.
Millions of businesses are still not fully GDPR compliant, despite a significant amount of compliance-related spending. Source: 2019 GDPR.eu Small Business Survey.

With 23.5 million small and medium-sized businesses in the European Union alone, the above findings indicate there are still a potentially significant number of businesses that are not yet GDPR compliant.

Does My Website Need to Comply with GDPR?

There are instances where GDPR may not apply to your business/website, (Remember, we are not lawyers and neither are most of the article writers referred to here, so make sure to consult a proper lawyer if you think GDPR doesn’t apply to you!)

For example, if you don’t operate in the EU and you don’t offer goods and services in the EU and you don’t monitor the behavior of people in the EU and you don’t process personal data of people in the EU and you are not processing unstructured paper records of people in the EU using either automated or manual methods, or you have been granted an exemption, then GDPR might not apply to you.

This, however, is not as clear cut as it may sound.

For example, GDPR does apply to you in the following situations:

  • You have no office or employees in the EU, but EU citizens can obtain goods and services (paid or free) online from you.
  • Your website offers payments in a currency used in a EU country (e.g. Euros), or uses a language spoken in a EU country (e.g. Polish), or mentions EU customers or users.
  • Your website uses tracking cookies on its website to run Facebook retargeting ads and a EU citizen visits your site (so you are inadvertently monitoring their behavior).
  • Your website records IP addresses, pseudonymized, or encrypted data (all these can be considered to be personal data).
  • You’re using a computer (or other electronic device) to send an email to a EU citizen (automated processing of personal data).
  • The filing cabinet in your office or a drawer in your desk contains a sign-in sheet, an employee record, a customer invoice, a contact detail, or a contract from an EU citizen as part of your business record-keeping (manual processing of personal data).

GDPR exemptions don’t apply to private companies. These are generally granted to law enforcement agencies, journalists, universities, etc. to allow them to perform their required activities.

The above suggests it’s probably best to err on the side of caution. If you think your site needs to comply with GDPR, it probably does (and if you don’t think it does, consult a GDPR-savvy lawyer to be sure).

What about Brexit and 2020… is GDPR still a requirement?

After the UK left the EU on 1 January 2019, there was a transition period, during which EU law applied in the UK. When this transition period ended on 31 December 2020, EU law ceased to apply directly.

The DPPEC (Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications) then amended the EU GDPR to create a domestic data protection law: the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

The UK GDPR is the UK’s post-Brexit version of the EU GDPR. It is very similar to the EU GDPR, so organisations that comply with the latter are likely to be in compliance with the former.

It is interesting to note that the GDPR has not only affected countries outside the European Union like the UK, it has also influenced countries outside the European Region like Brazil to form their own version of the GDPR (LGPD).

From this, we can expect to see more GDPR-like regulations emerging around the world that will extend to every country and affect how we do business online in the global digital economy.

In other words, if you process personal data of residents of the EU, UK, Brazil, etc. your business (and your website) will have to comply with various regulations like the EU GDPR, UK GDPR, LGPD, etc.

Consequences of not complying with GDPR

In order to enforce GDPR compliance, GDPR regulators in EU member states can issue stiff fines, ensuring that non-compliance with GDPR will be more costly than complying.

As stated on the official GDPR website,

“GDPR fines are designed to make non-compliance a costly mistake for both large and small businesses.”


The official site then goes on to say that “Any organization that is not GDPR compliant, regardless of its size, faces a significant liability.”

As GDPR applies to all types of businesses from multinationals down to micro-enterprises, the GDPR can impose flexible administrative fines for infringements that scale with the type of firm, and factors like the nature, gravity, duration, intention, and number of instances the organization is found to be in breach of the regulations.

Article 83 for instance, states that companies at the higher end of the scale can be fined for non-compliance with GDPR regulations up to €20 million, or up to 4 % of their total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher.

For example, in early 2020, the Italian Supervisory Authority (ISA) imposed two heavy fines totalling €11.5 million on an Italian electricity and gas supplier for two separate GDPR violations. Other heavy fines related to non-compliance with GDPR were dished out to Google (€50 million), H&M (€35 million), British Airways (€22 million), Marriott (€20.4 million) and just recently, Amazon got hit with a record €746 million fine for violations of the GDPR.

Regulators aren’t just going for the big fish either. Smaller fines and penalties ranging from wrist-slaps and warnings to hundreds or thousands of euros are being meted out to businesses of all sizes. Although currently only businesses within the EU are being fined, under the GDPR, businesses outside the EU can also be fined.

GDPR-Cost of non-compliance.
Non-compliance with GDPR rules can have serious legal and financial consequences. (Infographic: ec.europa.eu)

What Is A GDPR Audit?

As we have just seen, if your business falls within the scope of the GDPR, there’s a lot of work you must do to become GDPR compliant.

A lot of this work takes place within your business, such as becoming GDPR-aware, appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO), etc. This can be assessed by carrying out a GDPR Audit.

GDPR regulations require transparency and a lawful basis for all data processing activities.

According to GDPR requirements:

  • Organizations that have at least 250 employees or conduct higher-risk data processing are required to keep an up-to-date and detailed list of their processing activities and be prepared to show that list to regulators upon request. The best way to demonstrate GDPR compliance is using a data protection impact assessment,
  • Businesses with fewer than 250 employees should also conduct an assessment because it will make complying with the GDPR’s other requirements easier.

To comply with GDPR regulations, businesses should conduct an information audit of their data processing activities to determine things like:

  • The purposes of the processing.
  • Legal justifications for collecting, using, and storing personal data.
  • What information and kind of data is/will be processed in the organization.
  • Who has/will have access to the data in the organization.
  • How the data will be protected (e.g. encryption).
  • How the data is being/will be stored securely to protect data subject rights (and all the locations where data is/will be stored).
  • When and how data will be erased (if possible).
  • How information about data processing activities will be communicated to users and regulators.
  • Which third parties (and where they are located) have/will have access to the data
  • And more!

Performing a GDPR audit, however, is not enough. The business must also be able to answer questions like:

  • Have we located every digital store of personal data in our organisation?
  • Are we regularly checking our data for personal or sensitive information?
  • Are we collecting personal data in a way that supports ongoing data quality management?
  • Are there any opportunities to minimise our data?
  • Can we handle simultaneous requests from multiple users for access to information about their data within a reasonable timeframe?
  • Is there a plan in place in the event of a data breach? Has this plan been tested?

We recommend going through this GDPR checklist to begin the auditing process. If you need additional help with your GDPR audit, you may also want to engage the services of a qualified consultant and a lawyer.

GDPR checklist
Use the GDPR checklist to perform an audit of your business and assess your level of compliance.

As you can see, making sure your business GDPR compliant requires a lot of work.

Let’s turn our attention now to what you can do to make your website comply with GDPR’s rules and regulations.

Making Your Website GDPR Compliant

Businesses have been conditioned to collect as much data about their leads and customers as they can to improve their marketing.

Most businesses, however, don’t know what to do with the collected data or how to securely store this information.

Additionally, the introduction of GDPR laws with harsh penalties to protect personal user data and privacy rights implies that what was previously considered “best practice” in areas like website design were potentially fraught with opportunities to misuse and abuse user data.

Even though most web developers and web designers don’t work directly with user data collected from a website or digital property they are the ones responsible for creating the website that will handle the data.

New, GDPR-compliant best practices for website planning, design, and development, then, need to be created and implemented.

How GDPR Impacts Website Planning and Functionality

GDPR - Data Protection by Design
Data protection and privacy by design begins in the website planning phase. (Infographic: ec.europa.eu)

GDPR impacts web design and web development significantly. Websites are now incorporating something called privacy by design to ensure compliance.

“The GDPR has given birth to a new design concept simply referred to as privacy by design. The design principle states that any digital product collecting or using private data must implement strict privacy measures as part of the website design and development process.”

Source: ParachuteDesign.ca

Businesses have been conditioned to collect as much data about their leads and customers as they can to improve their marketing.

Most businesses, however, don’t know what to do with the collected data or how to securely store this information.

Even though most web developers and web designers don’t work directly with user data collected from a website or digital property they are responsible for creating the website that will handle this data.

Designing an accessible and GDPR compliant website that respects the privacy and data rights of all web users, therefore, starts at the website planning stage.

This involves:

  • Creating an interface design that is accessible, understandable, and usable.
  • Taking an active role in understanding and implementing data security and privacy in the website and database designs.
  • Creating a plan to “bake in” data privacy and data security measures into every aspect of the design and development process.
  • Creating/updating the site’s privacy policy, privacy measures, user data collection, cookie consents, etc.

GDPR regulations require controllers to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that only personal data which is necessary for each specific purpose of the processing is processed.

As this obligation applies to the amount of personal data collected, the extent of their processing, the period of their storage and their accessibility, website designers and web developers should ask questions like the ones below when formulating a plan for data privacy:

What data should the website collect?

Different types and levels of data can be collected from websites. For example:

  • Zero party data – this is data that customers give to businesses freely and willingly with full consent in order to create a more personalized and rewarding online experience.
  • First party data – this is unique and identifiable data that businesses collect directly from users using their own online (e.g. website) or offline channels. This type of data includes transactional data, demographic data, behavioral data, information obtained from customer service, etc.
  • Second party data – this is another company’s first party data that’s packaged and sold to other businesses with no third-party involved. Businesses use this data to build a better picture of their own customer base.
  • Third party data – this data is typically collected from many sources, aggregated into one dataset, and packaged and sold through a data exchange marketplace.

How will this data be collected?

Typical methods for collecting data include customers entering payment details upon check out or signing up for a newsletter. However, data can also be collected via web analytics tools (e.g. Google Analytics) tracking pixels in emails and newsletters, website cookies and mouse-tracking heatmaps on landing pages, surveys, polls, quizzes, social media events, integrations with CRMs, etc.

With GDPR and other privacy laws, it’s important that data be collected with the user’s full knowledge and consent. For example, the ePrivacy Directive requires that companies obtain consent before dropping a tracker or a cookie on a visitor’s device and tracking online.

How will the site’s data be processed?

Since GDPR compliance requires companies to take every necessary step to protect customers’ data (including data shared with a third party), businesses must inform customers in their privacy policy if a third party processor is used (and all third parties must also comply with GDPR’s rules and regulations).

How will the site’s data be stored?

When building a website, map out a data storage workflow and then make sure to communicate this to users in the site’s privacy policy.

For example, in the screenshot below, this company is clearly informing its users how and where their data is stored and the security measures being used to safeguard their personal data.

Privacy policy explaining where user data is stored.
Make sure to inform users where their data is being stored. Source: Nederlia.

How long will the data be stored for?

Article 5 section of the GDPR defines limitation principles for the storage of all data collected from users. Compliance requires businesses to ensure they implement data storage processes like:

  • Not keeping personal data for longer than needed.
  • Performing periodic reviews to identify and address data stored beyond its intended use (note: businesses can store personal data beyond the initially stated purpose for things like public interest archiving, scientific or historical research, or statistical purposes)
  • Implementing measures such as anonymization or pseudonymization to safeguard data subject rights if storing personal data beyond its initial purpose and retention period.

How will personal data be handled when it’s no longer needed?

After personal data has exceeded its initial purpose and retention period, businesses can either erase, anonymize, or pseudonymize the data.

Data anonymization protects private or sensitive information by erasing or encrypting identifiers that connect an individual to stored data. Although strict, GDPR allows companies to collect anonymized data without consent, use it for any purpose, and store it for an indefinite time—as long as all identifiers are removed from the data.

Pseudonymization allows business to perform data analysis and data processing but makes data records less identifiable.

What data security measures will the site implement?

One of the key principles of GDPR is to safeguard the personal data of your website users. Data security measures used to ensure the safeguarding of personal data include using secure web hosting servers,  firewalls, data encryption, single sign-on (SSO), and two-factor authentication.

What are the risks associated with obtaining the client’s proposed data?

There are a number of issues related to security, privacy, and compliance that businesses need to take into account when obtaining data.

With second party data, for example, businesses need to trust the vendors providing the data and be sure that they have permission to collect and share that data with others.

With third party data, it’s even more difficult to know if the data has been collected with proper consent.

Additional questions:

When planning your website, make sure to consider other questions related to compliance, such as:

  • If pulling personal data from an API, do all fields proposed by the client need to be filled?
  • If planning to use geo-location services (e.g. a store locator), does the site really need to use the users’ location?

Privacy Policy

There are two main reasons for having a Privacy Policy:

  • They are legally required. Global privacy laws require Privacy Policies if you collect or use personal information.
  • Consumers expect to see them. Make your Privacy Policy easily accessible to users on your website. Link to it from your main menu (e.g. under ‘Legal Pages’), your website’s footer, and anywhere else on your site where you plan to request personal information.

What is a privacy policy?

A privacy policy is a statement that explains in simple language how an organisation or agency handles their users’ personal information.

What to include in a privacy policy

Privacy laws around the world dictate require businesses and organizations that collect personal information from their website visitors to post a Privacy Policy on their site (and mobile app if applicable).

Many third-party services used to enhance website performance (e.g. advertising programs, analytic tools, and payment processors) also require sites to have a Privacy Policy.

Although different legal jurisdictions may differ in their Privacy Policy requirements, most generally include details like:

  • Organization name and contact details
  • What types of personal information will be collected and stored
  • How personal information is collected and where it is stored
  • Use of cookies
  • Reasons for collecting personal information
  • How personal information will be used and disclosed
  • How users can access their personal information, or ask for a correction
  • How users can lodge a complaint if they think their information has been mishandled, and how complaints will be handled
  • If the information will or is likely to be disclosed to third-party data processing partners (and if so, which)
  • Other information. For example, how long personal information is kept and if it must be scanned.
  • The process for informing users of any changes to the Privacy Policy

With regards to GDPR, as well as providing clear information about the processing of data and legal justification in the privacy policy, Article 12 requires businesses to tell people that they are collecting their data and explain why.

As stated in the GDPR,

You should explain how the data is processed, who has access to it, and how you’re keeping it safe. This information should be included in your privacy policy and provided to data subjects at the time you collect their data. It must be presented “in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language…”

Source: GDPR.eu

How GDPR Impacts Website Planning and Legality

In addition to ensuring that your website complies functionally with GDPR regulations, website developers must also work with compliance experts to ensure that the site’s design complies legally.

Let’s take a look at what this means.

How to make it easy for users to request or delete their info

Designing websites to comply with GDPR and privacy laws require user interfaces that allow users to navigate more easily to privacy-related information and that explain clearly what the privacy policy actually means in plain language, so all users can easily understand it.

As we’ll see later, various WordPress plugins can auto-generate GDPR-compliant data request pages. This makes it easier for website owners (no custom development required–just install a plugin) and for users to request access or deletion of their information. Even WordPress core software now includes built-in data export and erasure tools.

Plugin-generated GDPR personal data request page. Source: WPTrainingManual.com
You can use WordPress GDPR plugins to auto generate personal data request pages.

Any issues in this area can easily be avoided by adding visible navigation links to a clearly worded Privacy Policy page.

How to deal with policy updates

Web compliance laws and regulations governing an individual’s rights to privacy and data security are constantly changing.

  • How is your business keeping up with changes to global, federal, state, and local regulations like GDPR, CalOPPA, CCPA, PIPEDA, UK DPA, LGPD, and more?
  • How do you plan to update your Privacy Policy to keep up with these changes?

This is something that your business not only has to seriously consider, but also implement effectively.

You can hire in-house experts to manage your policy updates or use Privacy Policy management services.

How to deal with data breach

The most common types of data breaches include:

  • Cyber attacks – Malware, phishing, skimming (capturing and stealing a cardholder’s personal payment information), social engineering (identity theft), etc.
  • Employee data theft – While some breaches are caused by mistakes, others may involve deliberate misuse for various reasons, like committing identity theft or transferring data to a new employer.
  • Human error – Most data breaches are caused by potentially avoidable human errors (e.g. attaching wrong files, choosing weak passwords, clicking on dodgy links, cc’ing the wrong person in emails, etc).
  • Theft/loss of property –  Stealing digital devices containing sensitive information (e.g. user credentials)

Although there is no fool proof method to avoid data breaches like the ones listed above, some of the minimum basic security protocols you should be employing include strong passwords, comprehensive security suites and antivirus software across computer devices, secure servers and firewalls, data encryption, SSO and multi-factor authentication, and regularly training employees on best security practices.

How to easily withdraw permissions or opt-out

The GDPR requires making sure that individuals always know they have the right to withdraw their consent and opt out of their permissions, so your site has to make it just as easy to remove consent as it was to grant it.

For examples of how to design a compliant Privacy Policy page, what to include, and what to say, check out our own GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy page, the Privacy Policy of this EU-based recruitment company, and policy template site like Termageddon, TermsFeed, PrivacyPolicies.com, and others.

Using Cookies On Your Website

Cookies are an important tool to help your business gain insight into your users’ online activity and improve their experience on your website.

For example, using cookies from advertising solutions can deliver better targeted ads to your users. Your users are served ads that better match what they are looking for and this helps to improve your conversion rates.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website stores on a visitor’s web browser as they browse your site. When a visitor returns to your site, their browser provides the string of information stored in that cookie to your website so certain functions can be performed, such as remembering your previous usage details.

Cookies can generally be easily viewed and deleted by users in their browser’s settings.

Google Chrome Browser - Cookie Settings
Users can modify cookie settings on their web browser (image Google Chrome browser)

Types of Cookie

“In general, there are three different ways to classify cookies: what purpose they serve, how long they endure, and their provenance.”

Source: GDPR.eu

Refer to the tables below to learn more about each of these types of cookies:

Session Cookies
These cookies are temporary and expire once you close your browser (or once your session ends).
Persistent Cookies
This category encompasses all cookies that remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date. All persistent cookies have an expiration date written into their code, but their duration can vary. According to the ePrivacy Directive, they should not last longer than 12 months, but in practice, they could remain on your device much longer if you do not take action.
First-party cookies
Cookies put on your device directly by the website you are visiting.
Third-party cookies
Cookies placed on your device, not by the website you are visiting, but by a third party like an advertiser or an analytic system.
Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential for you to browse the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the site. Cookies that allow web shops to hold your items in your cart while you are shopping online are an example of strictly necessary cookies. These cookies will generally be first-party session cookies. While it is not required to obtain consent for these cookies, what they do and why they are necessary should be explained to the user.
Preferences cookies
Also known as “functionality cookies,” these cookies allow a website to remember choices you have made in the past, like what language you prefer, what region you would like weather reports for, or what your user name and password are so you can automatically log in.
Statistics cookies
Also known as “performance cookies,” these cookies collect information about how you use a website, like which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you. It is all aggregated and, therefore, anonymized. Their sole purpose is to improve website functions. This includes cookies from third-party analytics services as long as the cookies are for the exclusive use of the owner of the website visited.
Marketing cookies
These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or to limit how many times you see an ad. These cookies can share that information with other organizations or advertisers. These are persistent cookies and almost always of third-party provenance.
Cookie notice and consent form
Make your website compliant with a cookie notice and consent form.


  • The above are the main ways of classifying cookies, although some types of cookies will not fit into these categories or may qualify for multiple categories.
  • Generally, when people complain about privacy risks regarding cookies, they are referring to third-party, persistent, marketing cookies. These cookies can store significant amounts of information about a user’s online activity, preferences, and location.
  • Since GDPR laws came into effect, the use of third-party cookies is declining, as accessing  data for third-party cookies can get complicated and increase the potential for abuse.

Cookies and The GDPR

In and of themselves, cookies are harmless. However, because cookies can store enough data to potentially identify users without their consent, their use must comply with the GDPR and other privacy laws.

For example, the ePrivacy Directive (EPD), also known as the “cookie law”, states that no cookies and trackers must be placed before prior consent from the user, besides those strictly necessary for the basic function of a website, i.e. that a website has to hold back all cookies, regardless of whether they contain personal data or not, until a user consents.

Although the GDPR is the most comprehensive data protection legislation passed by any governing body up to this point, it only refers to cookies once to state that they qualify as personal data as they are used to identify users, and are therefore subject to GDPR regulations.

As a result, regulations governing cookies are split between the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive.

The EPD supplements (and in some cases, overrides) the GDPR, addressing crucial aspects about the confidentiality of electronic communications and the tracking of Internet users more broadly.

Note: The EPD will soon be replaced by the ePrivacy Regulation (EPR), which will expand on and encompass data privacy from additional areas like browser fingerprinting, metadata, and new methods of communication.

Under the GDPR, companies have a right to process their users’ data as long as they receive consent or if they have a legitimate interest.

The law also states that sites can store cookies on a user’s device if they are strictly necessary for that site’s operation. For all other types of cookies, sites need to obtain the user’s permission.

To comply with the regulations governing cookies under the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive you must:

  • Receive users’ consent before using any cookies except strictly necessary cookies.
  • Provide accurate and specific information about the data each cookie tracks and its purpose in plain language before consent is received.
  • Document and store consent received from users.
  • Allow users to access your service even if they refuse to allow the use of certain cookies.
  • Make it as easy for users to withdraw their consent as it was for them to give their consent in the first place.

Place information about the use of cookies on your site in your Privacy Policy.

Cookies notice.
WPMU DEV’s Cookies Notice and Cookies Consent button.

The above screenshot provides a good example of the various things you must do to comply with GDPR and privacy laws:

  • The Cookies notice uses clear and plain language to explain what their purpose is, refers to a list of the specific cookies used to track a user’s online activities on the site, and explains how users can choose to refuse cookies before using the website (and the drawbacks of refusing to accept the cookies)
  • The Cookies notice is also included in the site’s Privacy Policy.
  • A consent form notifies visitors that the site uses cookies and asks for their acknowledgement and agreement to the terms of the Privacy Policy before continuing to use the site.
  • A link to the Privacy Policy is displayed in the form next to the consent button.

Check out this sample cookies policy template for additional ideas on ways to craft your own cookies notice.

As noted in the official GDPR website…

“The rules regulating cookies are still being set, and cookies themselves are continually evolving, which means maintaining a current cookie policy will be a continuous job. However, properly informing your users about the cookies your site is using and, when necessary, receiving their consent will keep your users happy and keep you GDPR-compliant.”

Source: GDPR.eu

Cookies notice
There are many ways to notify users about using cookies on your site…just make sure they comply with all legal requirements.

Is WordPress GDPR Compliant?

Yes, the WordPress core software is GDPR compliant.

Update WordPress to the latest version

We recommend updating your WordPress core software to the latest version to ensure it is GDPR compliant.

In version 4.9.6, WordPress introduced the following GDPR enhancements to self-hosted WordPress sites (i.e. WordPress.org):

Privacy Policy Generator

If you log into your WordPress site and head over to the Settings menu, you will see the Privacy section…

WordPress Menu - Settings - Privacy
The WordPress Settings menu has a Privacy section.

Here you will find the built-in WordPress Privacy Policy generator with an editable privacy policy template (prefilled with WordPress-related data, e.g. the use of Gravatars and information about cookies), a policy guide, and page edit and preview options.

WordPress Privacy Policy page generator tool.
WordPress comes with a built-in Privacy Policy generator.

If you already have a Privacy Policy page you’d like to use instead of the built-in template, you can select it using the dropdown selector.

Otherwise, follow the suggested guide and use the template to add your contact details and additional information like how you process and protect user data, data breach procedures, third party services, automated decision-making, user data profiling, and any required industry regulatory disclosures.

Note: In WordPress, only your site’s registration and login pages link automatically to the Privacy Page. As most privacy laws (including the GDPR) require that your Privacy Policy be easily accessible throughout your entire website, you’ll need to manually link other areas of your site to your privacy page via your menus, widgets, or other integration methods.

Comments Privacy Checkbox

When users leave comments on your site, WordPress stores personal information like their name, email address, and website URL in a browser cookie.  This allows WordPress to fill in the user’s information automatically in the comment fields next time they visit.

From version 4.9.6, WordPress displays a comment privacy opt-in checkbox on themes that use the default WordPress comment form.

WordPress Comments - Privacy consent
Many WordPress themes display a privacy opt-in form in the comments section.

If you can’t see the opt-in checkbox on your site, make sure that:

  • You have updated WordPress to the latest version (must be higher than 4.9.6)
  • You are not logged-in when browsing the comments section
  • You have enabled the ‘Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set’ option in Discussion Settings > Other comment settings.
WordPress Discussion Settings - Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox
Make sure to enable the Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox option in your Discussion settings.

If you still can’t see this privacy feature, then your current theme is probably overriding the default WordPress comment form. Contact your theme developer’s support.

Export And Erase Personal Data

In version 4.9.6, WordPress also introduced two handy compliance features that allow you to process users’ data requests and export or delete their personal data.

Both tools can be accessed from the WordPress Tools menu.

WordPress Tools menu - data features
Access the Export and Erase Personal Data features from the WordPress Tools menu.

Use the Export Personal Data feature to send users their requested data in a .zip file via email.

Simply enter their Username or email address, tick the checkbox to send a personal data export confirmation email, and click the Send Request button.

The table section lets you view, process, search, and sort user requests. It displays the status and date of the request and a ‘Next Steps’ workflow column.

WordPress Export Personal Data tool.
WordPress Export Personal Data tool.

The Erase Personal Data feature lets you delete a user’s personal data upon request. It also anonymizes data that needs to remain stored in the WordPress database (e.g. plugin data). This is useful because WordPress allows plugin developers to hook their plugins into the personal data erasure feature.

The Erase Personal Data tool works just like the Export Data tool.

WordPress Erase Personal Data tool.
WordPress Erase Personal Data tool.

According to WordPress, using these built-in tool is the best way to make sure that users who request access to data really are who they say they are.

As stated on their site…

“We strongly encourage you use the email validation feature built into the export tools. This confirmation process will help safeguard against abuse, such as malicious users pretending to be someone they are not.”


WordPress has also issued the following warning:

“As this tool ONLY gathers data from WordPress and participating plugins, you may need to go beyond to comply with export requests.”

In other words, these built-in features will help make your site more GDPR compliant, but they are not enough to guarantee 100% GDPR compliance.

Let’s look at what else you can do in WordPress to improve GDPR compliance.

Making WordPress sites fully GDPR-compliant

The GDPR impacts other areas of your WordPress site.

These areas include but are not limited to the following:

  • Analytics
  • Contact Forms
  • Email Marketing
  • Membership Sites
  • eCommerce Stores
  • Media
  • Advertising
  • Forums
  • Directories
  • Chat
  • Etc.

Fortunately, most of the above functionalities can be added to WordPress using plugins, and many of these plugins now include GDPR-compliant enhancements.

Let’s look at some of these:


If you use analytics tools to gather website stats (e.g. Google Analytics), then it’s highly probable that you’re collecting or tracking personal data like IP addresses, user IDs, cookies, and other data to profile behavior.

If so, you may need to disclose to your site visitors that your analytics plugin may add cookies to the user’s browser, store personal information in your database, or integrate with 3rd-party applications.

Contact Forms

Most websites use contact forms. Users must be informed if your website stores form entries or uses any of their collected data for marketing purposes (e.g. adding their details to an email list).

The very nature and purpose of a contact form makes it a potentially complex minefield of GDPR compliance issues.

For example, some of the aspects you need to consider when using a contact form in WordPress include:

  • Informing users what you will do with their data and how you will store it, and getting their explicit consent to use and store their information.
  • Disabling cookies, user-agent, and IP tracking.
  • Having data-processing agreements with form providers (if using an SaaS form solution) and any third-party providers.
  • Complying with users’ rights (e.g. right to withdraw consent).
  • Complying with users’ data-access and data-deletion requests.

Many WordPress form plugins do not store your form entries on their site, but in your WordPress database. In this case, you don’t need a Data Processing Agreement with these providers, just mention this in your Privacy Policy.

In many cases, you can make your WordPress forms GDPR compliant by simply adding a required consent checkbox with a clear explanation.

For example, with our forms plugin Forminator, you can easily add and customize a GDPR-compliant notice when creating your forms.

Forminator GDPR Approval feature
With Forminator, you can easily make your contact forms GDPR compliant.

The GDPR section will then display on your contact form automatically to visitors.

Forminator contact form with GDPR field.
Forminator adds a GDPR-compliant required user consent checkbox to your contact form.

Email Marketing Opt-in Forms

Just like contact forms, email marketing opt-in forms require obtaining user consent before adding their details to your list.

You can do this by adding a required checkbox that users must agree to before they opt in or by using an email list with a required double opt-in (this involves collecting an email address through a signup form and sending a confirmation email to the user’s address that they must click on to validate their contact information before they can be added to your list).

With our opt-in plugin Hustle, for example, you can create opt-in forms like popups, slide-ins and inline forms and insert a configurable GDPR approval field into your form with the click of a button.

Hustle - GDPR Approval field
Hustle lets you easily insert a GDPR approval field into your opt-in form.

This will then automatically display a GDPR-compliant notice with a required checkbox that users must agree to and click on.

Hustle's customizable GDPR-compliant opt-in form notice.
Hustle’s customizable GDPR-compliant opt-in form notice.

eCommerce and Membership Sites

If you run an eCommerce store or a membership site on WordPress, then it’s definitely important to make sure that your site is in compliance with GDPR.

If your WordPress eCommerce store runs on WooCommerce, check out their comprehensive GDPR compliance guide for store owners.

If you run a WordPress-based membership site, check for GDPR-compliant settings in your membership plugin or software.

For example, one of the most popular membership site plugins for WordPress, Wishlist Member, provides a range of configurable GDPR-compliant settings in its Members > Data Privacy section.

Wishlist Member - Data Privacy settings.
Wishlist Member’s Data Privacy settings.


Using Gravatars, images, and embedded content on your site can potentially trip you up in terms of GDPR compliance.

For example, Gravatars are PII (Personally Identifiable Information).

Uploading images with EXIF GPS location data included allows site visitors to download and extract location data and correlate uploaded media to a particular user.

Embedded content can allow third-party services to collect your user’s IP Address, User Agent, store and retrieve cookies on their browser, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor user interaction with that embedded content, including correlating their interaction with the content with their account with that service (if users are logged in to that service).

Make sure to include information about all the above in your Privacy Policy.


If your site uses retargeting pixels or retargeting ads, you will need to inform users about it and get their consent. See the section below for plugins that can help make this process easier.

Best WordPress Plugins for Improving GDPR Compliance

You can automate certain aspects of GDPR compliance using WordPress plugins.

As should be clear from this article, however, no solution can guarantee 100% compliance and that includes plugins. So, be wary of and avoid using any WordPress plugin claiming to make your site fully GDPR compliant.

Here are the best free and paid WordPress plugins we recommend checking out to improve your site’s compliance with GDPR requirements in no particular order of preference:

Complianz – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent

Complianz – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent
Complianz – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent

Complianz offers a fully-featured Privacy Suite that will help your WordPress site meet compliance requirements in the European Union, the United States, and/or the United Kingdom (GDPR, ePrivacy, CCPA, PECR, and more!)

You can use the plugin’s wizard to configure your site for privacy legislation compliance.

The wizard will guide you through all the configuration steps, from deciding which privacy law or guideline you want set as the default for your visitors, through to setting up a cookie policy, privacy statement, and disclaimer, configuring website information, security and consent settings, running a cookie scan, and creating any missing document pages.

Complianz Wizard
Use the Wizard to configure your compliance settings.

The free version of the plugin offers a wide range of features including a conditional Cookie Notice and customized Cookie Policy based on the results of the built-in cookie scan, periodic scans with automatic cookie detection, customizable templates, proof of consent, Do Not Sell My Personal Information Page for CCPA, integration with WordPress Privacy features, export and erase personal data, automatic anonymization of IP-addresses for Google Analytics, 3rd party cookie blocking, and integration with Gutenberg blocks and a wide range of page builders and plugins, including our very own Beehive Analytics plugin.

The premium version adds a whole range of advanced features, integrations, agreements, and support for many additional consent, privacy, and compliance requirements for worldwide coverage and protection, as well as premium support.

Note: WPMU DEV members receive 25% off all Complianz plans.

Download this plugin: Complianz


iubenda Cookie and Consent Solution for the GDPR and ePrivacy
iubenda’s GDPR Cookie and Consent Solution plugin for WordPress.

iubenda provides an all-in-one legal document management service to help make your website (or app) compliant with the law on multiple languages and legislations and a free WordPress plugin to interface two services that will help make your website more GDPR and ePrivacy compliant: Cookie Solution and Consent Solution.

These services include a fully customizable cookie banner, blocking scripts, cookie consent management, and comprehensive record-keeping for GDPR purposes.

The WordPress plugin provides an easy interface with iubenda’s online service.

The plugin automatically inserts code into the head of every page of your website to deliver its Cookie Solution, which includes a fully customizable cookie banner, dynamically generated cookie policy to match the services used on your site, and, to fully manage cookie-related consent, including blocking most common widgets and third-party cookies before consent is received, as required to comply with the GDPR and ePrivacy.

The plugin also detects and identifies all supported forms embedded in the website and maintains valid and detailed records of consent using its Content Solution service.

Note: WPMU DEV members receive 20% off all Iubenda’s products.

Learn more about the online service and download the plugin here: iubenda


CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)
CookieYes – GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice (CCPA Ready)

CookieYes adds customizable GDPR compliant features to your website and supports cookie compliance with the LGPD (Brazil), CNIL (France), and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

This plugin includes many features including selecting the type of law, displaying the cookie banner in the header or footer, auto-hiding the cookie bar after delay or scrolling, revisit consent widget, customizable cookie bar options, and cookie button shortcodes.

Cookie Yes Settings
Cookie Yes Settings

The premium version offers additional enhancements like single click automatic scanning and categorization of cookies, script autoblocking, location based exclusion of cookie notice for EU countries, user consent audit logs, cookie bar preview, cache plugin support, additional layouts and templates, and more.

Download this plugin: CookieYes


Cookiebot | GDPR/CCPA Compliant Cookie Consent and Control
Cookiebot | GDPR/CCPA Compliant Cookie Consent and Control

Cookiebot is a freemium plugin that delivers a cloud-driven solution to automatically control cookies and trackers, and ensure GDPR, ePrivacy and CCPA compliance.

The service delivers a customizable consent banner to handle consents and allows users to opt in and out of cookie categories, an automatically generated and updated cookie policy and cookie declaration, a Do Not Sell My Personal Information link on the cookie declaration allowing end-users to opt out of having their data sold to third parties, monthly website scans to detect first and third-party cookies, automatic cookie blocking until proper consent has been obtained, user controls for changing or withdrawing their consent, secure storage of user consent information, multiple language support, and more.

Note: The amount of subpages on your website will determine whether your site runs on the free plan or a premium plan.

Download this plugin: Cookiebot

WP GDPR Compliance

WP GDPR Compliance
WP GDPR Compliance

WP GDPR Compliance assists WordPress site owners to comply with the GDPR.

The plugin integrates with the native WordPress comments and registration forms and automatically adds a GDPR checkbox to those forms with customizable messages. It also allows users to control consent permissions and creates special pages allowing users to exercise privacy rights requests such as ‘Right to access’ and ‘Right to be forgotten’.

WP GDPR Compliance Plugin Settings
WP GDPR Compliance Plugin Settings.

Additional plugin features include a built-in compliance checklist with tips and guides, and customizable settings for a range of compliance features, including Privacy Policy and consents.

Download this plugin: WP GDPR Compliance

GDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA ready)

GDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA ready)
GDPR Cookie Compliance (CCPA ready)

GDPR Cookie Compliance can help your site meet some of the following data protection and privacy regulations: GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA, AAP, LGPD and others.

The free version of the plugin provides customizable and editable settings that allow you to match your branding and theme, configure notices for privacy overview, necessary cookies, 3rd party cookies, additional cookies, and Cookie Policy.

Users have full control over cookies stored on their computer, including the ability to revoke their consent.

GDPR Cookie Compliance Settings screen.
GDPR Cookie Compliance Settings screen.

The premium add-on includes additional options like full-screen layout, geo location, ability to hide cookie notice banner on selected pages and block users from viewing 3rd party resources until they accept cookies, export & import settings, WordPress Multisite extension, accept cookies on scroll, cookie declaration, consent log and analytics, language specific scripts and local data storage of user data.

The plugin is optimised for WCAG/ADA compliance and supports all major caching servers and plugins.

Download this plugin: GDPR Cookie Compliance

Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA

Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA

Cookie Notice & Compliance combines a plugin that displays a cookie notice on your website to comply with EU GDPR and CCPA cookie laws and consent requirements and a free web application that provides automated compliance features using an intentional consent framework that incorporates the latest guidelines to data protection and consent laws from over 100+ countries.

Upon activation, the plugin performs an initial compliance check of your website and lets you customize your site’s cookie notice message, enable consent on click, scroll or close, set multiple cookie expiry options, enable a link to your Privacy Policy page, plus design controls and options, multiple banner positions, and language localization.

Cookie notice compliance check
Ouch…my demo site failed Cookie Notice’s compliance check!

Enabling the Cookie Compliance module gives you access to the full suite of compliance features. This includes customizable GDPR & CCPA notice templates, consent analytics dashboard, cookie autoblocking, cookie categories, and proof-of-consent storage.

Download this plugin: Cookie Notice & Compliance

GDPR Cookie Consent Banner

GDPR Cookie Consent Banner
GDPR Cookie Consent Banner

GDPR Cookie Consent Banner helps your WordPress site comply with a number of privacy laws like the GDPR, UK GDPR, CCPA, the ePrivacy Directive (EU Cookie Law), and the UK’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).

You will need to sign up for a free account and obtain an API key to unlock the plugin’s features, which include automatic cookie scans, a customizable GDPR, CCPA, and ePrivacy-compliant cookie consent banner, automatic cookie consent & preference tracking, legal policy generator, automatic cookie configuration, auto-generated cookie descriptions and cookie categories, autoblocking of scripts, multilingual support, and access to additional policy, disclaimer, and terms and conditions generators.

Termly settings screen
You will need an API key to unlock the plugin’s features.

The plugin adds a live cookie consent banner and compliant cookie policy to your site that automatically generates your cookie descriptions and categories from a database that is actively maintained and kept up to date by a team of engineers, designers, and data privacy attorneys.

Download this plugin: GDPR Cookie Consent Banner

EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA

EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA
EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA

EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA is a light and customizable GDPR and CCPA compliance plugin that lets you inform users that your site uses cookies, with a popup feature and options to lock scripts before acceptance.

The plugin can be easily configured from a one-page settings screen.

EU Cookie Law plugin’s settings page

The plugin also lets you use shortcodes in posts, pages and widgets to revoke cookie consent, show a list of cookies, and prevent cookies.

Download this plugin: EU Cookie Law for GDPR/CCPA

Additional Compliance Solutions

In addition to compliance plugins, you may want to check out some of the solutions below:



As stated on their website, Termageddon is “a generator of policies for websites and applications.”

The service allows you to stay compliant for different privacy laws and regulations (e.g. US state privacy laws like CalOPPA, CCPA, DOPPA, VCDPA, Canada’s PIPEDA, and, of course GDPR) even when these laws change, by automatically keeping your Privacy Policies updated through code placed on your website.

Note: WPMU DEV members receive 30% off all Termageddon’s plans.

Learn more about this service: Termageddon



TermsFeed provides customized legal agreements and policies for online businesses.

You can access agreements and policies for free using the site’s generators and templates and purchase optional premium agreements with additional clauses for a one-time fee, so you only pay for what you need.

TermsFeed monitors changes in laws, acts, and regulations across various jurisdictions (countries and states) and notifies you if any updates are required for your generated policies.

Learn more here: TermsFeed


PrivacyPolicies.com offers an affordable solution for creating legal web documents.

If you are looking for an affordable compliance solution, PrivacyPolicies.com lets you generate, host, and edit a Privacy Policy for your website for free.

Their premium one-time payment service offers additional options like the ability to add various types of clauses and download your documents in various formats (HTML, DOCX, TXT).

Learn more here: PrivacyPolicies.com

Web Compliance – It’s The Law

GDPR laws and regulations were introduced to protect and safeguard personal user data from being misused and abused in an increasingly digital-driven and internet-connected world.

The implications of privacy laws and the GDPR for businesses are wide-ranging. It requires a radical change of thinking in how you do business online, from planning your website to marketing and promoting your products and services in a global economy.

The above information can help make your WordPress site more GDPR compliant. It’s important to note, however, that although we cover many areas in this comprehensive guide, it’s still not enough to guarantee 100% GDPR compliance for your business or your website.

Full GDPR compliance depends on things like the kind of website you have, what type of data you process and store, having a Privacy Policy on your site that meets all legal requirements in all jurisdictions where you operate, getting explicit user consent for cookies, using GDPR-compliant third-party services, plugins, and solutions (and making this information transparent to visitors), auditing how your site handles and processes personal data and user requests for their data, and so much more.

Ultimately, making your website compliant is not just a requirement by law, it’s also a good thing for all online users. After all, we are all each others’ online consumers and we all deserve to have our personal data valued, protected, and respected.

One final reminder: As stated throughout this article, we encourage you to seek the legal advice of web compliance experts. Don’t assume that GDPR does not apply to your business or website, or that all the measures you have implemented so far are enough to make you 100% compliant.

Privacy & GDPR – Useful References

For additional information check out the links below:

Emoji Toolbar Plugin Brings an Emoji Picker Back to the WordPress Editor

Earlier today, theme.es released its Emoji Toolbar project to the plugin directory. It is a simple picker that integrates with the WordPress Rich Text toolbar, allowing users to insert emoji directly from the editor interface.

After Nick Hamze pulled his Emoji Conbini plugin from WordPress.org last year, there has been an emoji-sized hole in my editor toolbox. The plugin was the perfect implementation for quickly plopping a quick smiley face or any of the other thousands of characters available. Unfortunately, his departure from the WordPress space meant losing one of my favorite block-related plugins — and several others that I enjoyed.

It was also on par with 10up’s Insert Special Characters plugin, a solution for users missing a similar picker from the classic editor era.

Emoji Toolbar is filling that void and is a solid alternative for those who need a solution. The difference between the two implementations is the location. Emoji Conbini added the picker button directly to the toolbar, and Emoji Toolbar adds it to the “more” dropdown.

Dropdown button list from the Emoji Toolbar plugin in the WordPress editor.
Clicking the Emoji button in the Rich Text toolbar.

Placing the picker button inside of the dropdown makes it a little harder to find. It also requires an additional mouse click to insert emoji. What matters is that the implementation works, but I would love to see it as a top-level toolbar item.

Using the plugin is a simple matter. When in a Rich Text field, which includes blocks like Paragraph, Heading, List, and more, the Emoji Toolbar appears in the block toolbar. After clicking it, the plugin creates a popup of the emoji picker.

Popup emoji picker in the WordPress editor from the Emoji Toolbar plugin.
Emoji Toolbar popup picker.

From that point, users merely need to click the emoji they want to insert into the post.

The plugin bundles the Emoji Mart library, which has quickly become almost a standard for emoji pickers. The component is a Slack-like box that categorizes each of the characters, and it provides a field for searching for that perfect emoji.

There is still at least one emoji inserter alternative. Instead of adding a picker to the block toolbar, Emoji Autocomplete Gutenberg allows users to type : and use keywords for inserting characters. For those who prefer to work from the keyboard, it is a quicker method.

Emoji Toolbar shines over Emoji Autocomplete Gutenberg and the now-retired Emoji Conbini based on how it formats its output. It inserts the actual characters into the content, but the other plugins insert an <img> tag instead. That method results in output that is not forward-compatible with any changes in the future or alternative libraries. Users who also prefer to disable image output on the front end cannot do so. This is a non-issue with Emoji Toolbar — it plays well with other solutions.

On the whole, the plugin is solid. It has well-written code and provides an easy-to-use picker for inserting emoji.

How to Implement the Type-safe Builder Pattern in Kotlin


This tutorial teaches you how to implement the Type-safe Builder pattern using Kotlin. This pattern allows developers to create declarative and concise DSLs. Our implementation will be a Burger Builder that enables our users to create Burger objects expressively.


At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned:

  1. A general understanding of DSLs.
  2. How to combine various Kotlin features to create DSLs.
Prerequisite Knowledge
  1. Basic Kotlin syntax.
  2. Good understanding of these Kotlin concepts: extension functions, higher-order functions, function types with receiver, lambdas with receiver, lambda expressions, passing trailing lambdas.
Tools Required

An IDE that supports Kotlin, such as IntelliJ Community Edition.

What is a DSL?

In simple terms, DSLs are mini-languages that simplify complex programs for the end users in a specific domain. Most of us are already using DSLs daily without realizing it. Examples of DSLs are SQL, shell commands, HTML, CSS, etc.

Database administrators can interact with databases using SQL commands that look almost like English without having to know any programming.

DELETE FROM users where username = 'monkey';

System administrators can call Bash or Powershell commands with just one word or more.

Internal vs External DSLs

The second concept about DSL that we need to understand for the purpose of this tutorial is the difference between internal and external DSL.

External DSLs, such as SQL, require a parser into our programming language to be able to work. Internal DSLs, however, utilizes the compiler and do not require a parser. The program that we will create in this tutorial would provide an internal DSL, therefore we would still be bound to compiler checks.


Kotlin has many features such as infix functions, operator overloading, receivers, and passing-trailing-lambdas that make function callers look almost identical to English.

Passing-trailing-lambda allows us to skip the last comma and the function calls parentheses.

Function with receivers provide an implicit this, so code callers can skip using the reference to access the object instance.

Our tutorial today will not use infix functions or operator overloading, but we will make use of functional types with receiver and the passing-trailing-lambda syntax.

Design our Models

The goal of our application is to allow users to create a customized burger. The user can choose whatever toppings(parent category for meat and veggie), condiments, and cheese they want.

Because the implementation of the type-safe builder pattern involves quite a lot of Kotlin concepts, I prefer to write out the desired DSL first before the implementations, which will not compile of course.

fun main(){
   val customBurger = burger {
       toppings {
           meat { "Bacon" }
           meat { "Beef Patty" }
           veggie { "Mushroom" }
           veggie { "Lettuce" }
       condiment { "Mayonnaise" }
       cheese { "Pepper Jack" }

To begin creating our builder, we would start from the top call first, which is a higher-order function burger

fun burger(init: Burger.()->Unit): Burger {
   val builder = Burger()
   return builder.build()

These are the two most important points about this method:

  1. The function parameter is a function-type-with-receiver. This allows the function to receive the lambda expression right after the burger method call(based on our models described in the previous section).
  2. But passing in the lambda expression is not enough. You still have to execute it using the init() call, otherwise the lambda(the one that calls toppings(), condiment(), and cheese()) will not be executed. Nobody wants to eat an empty burger.

The next steps would be to create the Burger class.

class Burger(){

   private lateinit var toppings: Toppings
   private lateinit var condiment: Condiment
   private lateinit var cheese: Cheese

   private constructor(toppings: Toppings, condiment: Condiment, cheese: Cheese) : this(){
       this.toppings = toppings
       this.condiment = condiment
       this.cheese = cheese

   fun build(): Burger = Burger(toppings, condiment, cheese)

   fun toppings(init: Toppings.()->Unit) {
       toppings = Toppings()

   fun condiment(init:()->String) {
       condiment = Condiment(init())

   fun cheese(init:()->String) {
       cheese = Cheese(init())

   override fun toString(): String {
       return "Burger(toppings=$toppings, condiment=$condiment, cheese=$cheese)"


There are a couple of important points to note in the Burger class.

  1. The primary empty constructor is public, which allows anybody to create an empty Burger, but this is only required for the extension function(the function-type-with-receiver) init() to work.
  2. The secondary constructor is private, and the only way to obtain a Burger instance is through the build() function.
  3. The properties of Burger are lateinit and you can check if the properties have been initialized using .isInitialized on the reference to that property. You can implement this check into your own builder if you wish, but for brevity, I am skipping that logic.
  4. Notice how the toppings() function follow the same pattern as the higher-order function burger(). This is the proper way to chain function calls.
  5. The condiment() and cheese() functions do not follow the same pattern above because there are no sub categories in them, so they are only taking a function type lambda(without receiver). You might be able to just require a String as the parameter, but then your DSL grammar would be inconsistent.

Next is the content of the Toppings class, which follows a similar pattern as the Burger class. The only difference is that the properties are always initialized(although just empty sets), so we do not need a build() function for this.

class Toppings(){

   private val meats = mutableSetOf<Meat>()
   private val veggies = mutableSetOf<Veggie>()

   fun meat(init:()->String) {

   fun veggie(init:()->String) {

   override fun toString(): String {
       return "Toppings(meats=$meats, veggies=$veggies)"


The rest of the classes are just simple data classes.

data class Meat(val name: String)
data class Veggie(val name: String)
data class Condiment(val name: String)
data class Cheese(val name: String)

Solution Code

fun main(){
   val customBurger = burger {
       toppings {
           meat { "Bacon" }
           meat { "Beef Patty" }
           veggie { "Mushroom" }
           veggie { "Lettuce" }
       condiment { "Mayonnaise" }
       cheese { "Pepper Jack" }


class Burger(){

   private lateinit var toppings: Toppings
   private lateinit var condiment: Condiment
   private lateinit var cheese: Cheese

   private constructor(toppings: Toppings, condiment: Condiment, cheese: Cheese) : this(){
       this.toppings = toppings
       this.condiment = condiment
       this.cheese = cheese

   fun build(): Burger = Burger(toppings, condiment, cheese)

   fun toppings(init: Toppings.()->Unit) {
       toppings = Toppings()

   fun condiment(init:()->String) {
       condiment = Condiment(init())

   fun cheese(init:()->String) {
       cheese = Cheese(init())

   override fun toString(): String {
       return "Burger(toppings=$toppings, condiment=$condiment, cheese=$cheese)"


class Toppings(){

   private val meats = mutableSetOf<Meat>()
   private val veggies = mutableSetOf<Veggie>()

   fun meat(init:()->String) {

   fun veggie(init:()->String) {

   override fun toString(): String {
       return "Toppings(meats=$meats, veggies=$veggies)"


data class Meat(val name: String)
data class Veggie(val name: String)
data class Condiment(val name: String)
data class Cheese(val name: String)

fun burger(init: Burger.()->Unit): Burger {
   val builder = Burger()
   return builder.build()

You have probably realized that in order to create this API, a lot of boilerplate code had to be written. I personally think it is only worth the effort if the code gets reused a lot. There are other features in Kotlin such as named parameters with default arguments, infix functions, and operator overloading that allows your code to be short and concise as well.

The source code for the project can be downloaded here https://github.com/dmitrilc/DaniWebTypesafeBuilderKotlin

10 Free Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Free Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteInternet users today are an impatient bunch. Seemingly small time delays are hugely significant, and have a big impact on user-experience. This is particularly true for eCommerce sites, with an estimated 40% abandonment rate accompanying just a three-second delay. Put another way: a sluggish website will kill your bottom line. People just don’t want to […]

The post 10 Free Plugins to Speed Up Your WordPress Site appeared first on WPExplorer.

How to Change or Remove ‘Howdy Admin’ in WordPress (Easy Way)

Do you want to change or remove the ‘Howdy’ greeting that is displayed on the WordPress admin bar after logging in?

Many people never use that word in real life. You might like to change it to a greeting that sounds more familiar.

In this article, we’ll show you how to change or remove ‘Howdy Admin’ with 3 easy solutions.

How to Change or Remove Howdy Admin in WordPress

Why Change or Remove ‘Howdy Admin’?

Whenever a user logs into the dashboard of their WordPress website, they are greeted by the word ‘Howdy’ followed by their display name.

For example, if John Smith logged in, then he’d see the words ‘Howdy, John Smith’ near the top right of the screen.

Howdy, John Smith

That greeting might not sound natural to some users. ‘Howdy’ is short for ‘How do you do?’, but many English speakers never use the word. It may sound out of place, outdated, or even a bit annoying.

Luckily, you can change the greeting to something that sounds more familiar, like Welcome, Hello, Hey, or Hi. You can also leave it out entirely, so you’ll just see the user’s display name.

There are a few ways to change or remove ‘Howdy Admin’ and we’ll show you three. The first two methods are easiest and use a plugin.

You only need to use one of these methods. Simply click the link below to skip to the method that best suits your needs:

Method 1: Removing ‘Howdy Admin’ Using a Plugin

First, you need to install and activate the Admin Trim Interface plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

The Admin Trim Interface plugin lets you remove features you don’t need from the WordPress admin area, including the ‘Howdy’ greeting. Once you remove it, you’ll just see the username with no greeting.

Once you activate the plugin, go to the Appearance » Admin Trim Interface page in your WordPress dashboard. Here you will see the list of ten interface elements that can be hidden.

Admin Trim Interface Page

All you need to do now is click the Hide “Howdy” checkbox, and then click the Save Changes button.

Click the Hide Howdy Checkbox

When you look at the top of the screen now, you’ll notice that the ‘Howdy’ greeting has been removed.

Howdy Is Removed

Method 2: Changing ‘Howdy Admin’ Using a Plugin

For the second method, you need to install and activate the Admin Customizer plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Admin Customizer lets you customize your WordPress login screen and admin area, including changing the word ‘Howdy’ to something else.

Once you activate the plugin, go to the Settings » AS Admin Customizer page in your WordPress dashboard. To change the greeting, you’ll need to click on the Dashboard Section button.

Click on the Dashboard Section Button

Next, type your preferred greeting in the Update the Howdy Text text box and make sure you click the Save Changes button. We’ll type the word ‘Welcome’.

Type Welcome in the Update the Howdy Text Box

Tip: You don’t need to type a comma. That will be added automatically.

Now you can see in your dashboard that the ‘Howdy’ greeting has been changed to ‘Welcome’.

The Howdy Greeting Has Been Changed to Welcome

Method 3: Change or Remove ‘Howdy Admin’ Using Code

You can also change or remove ‘Howdy Admin’ without using a plugin by adding a custom code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. We don’t recommend this method to inexperienced users, because even a small mistake could break your website.

If this is your first time adding code to your WordPress files, then you should check out our guide on how to copy and paste code snippets in WordPress.

We’ll use the Code Snippets plugin mentioned in that guide, so you’ll need to install that first. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled Snippets to your WordPress admin bar. When you click it, you’ll see a list of example custom code snippets.

Go ahead and click on the Add New button to add your first custom code snippet in WordPress.

Click the Add New Button to Add a Custom Code Snippet

This will bring you to the ‘Add New Snippet’ page.

You need to start by entering a title for your custom code snippet. Let’s call it Howdy Admin. After that, copy and paste the code snippet below into the code box.

add_filter( 'admin_bar_menu', 'replace_wordpress_howdy', 25 );
function replace_wordpress_howdy( $wp_admin_bar ) {
$my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node('my-account');
$newtext = str_replace( 'Howdy,', 'Welcome,', $my_account->title );
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
'id' => 'my-account',
'title' => $newtext,
) );

Paste the Code Snippet Into the Code Box

Notice that Line 4 replaces the word ‘Howdy’ with ‘Welcome’.

When you come across this snippet in the future, you may not remember what it’s for. So it’s a good idea to type something helpful in the description as a reminder.

Type Something Helpful in the Description

You can also assign tags to your code snippet. This will help you sort your code snippets by topic and functionality.

Finally, you can click on the ‘Save Changes and Activate’ button. Once the snippet is activated, the ‘Howdy’ greeting will be replaced with ‘Welcome’.

The Howdy Greeting Will Be Replaced with Welcome

To use a different greeting, just replace the word ‘Welcome’ on Line 4 with something else, such as ‘Hello’. To remove the greeting altogether, delete the word ‘Welcome’ and the comma so there is nothing between the second set of quotes on Line 4, like this.

add_filter( 'admin_bar_menu', 'replace_wordpress_howdy', 25 );
function replace_wordpress_howdy( $wp_admin_bar ) {
$my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node('my-account');
$newtext = str_replace( 'Howdy,', '', $my_account->title );
$wp_admin_bar->add_node( array(
'id' => 'my-account',
'title' => $newtext,
) );

If you’d like to return to the ‘Howdy’ greeting, then just turn off the switch on the Snippets page.

Return to Howdy by Turning off the Switch

Alternatively, you can click the Save Changes and Deactivate button at the bottom of the Edit Snippet page.

Return to Howdy by Deactivating the Code Snippet

We hope this article helped you learn how to customize the greeting in the WordPress backend. Next, see our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting, or check out our list of must have WordPress plugins to grow your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Change or Remove ‘Howdy Admin’ in WordPress (Easy Way) appeared first on WPBeginner.

KeyListener doesn’t work

I am attaching my complete code. I am not able to get why doesn't my KeyListener work. None of the KeyListener events are fires on pressing the keyboard. Please have a look and tell me the flaws in my code

package swing;                //First Class (separated class)

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Game extends JFrame

    public Game()           
        Graphic graph = new Graphic();



import java.awt.Color;                     //Second Class (separated class)
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class Graphic extends JPanel implements KeyListener

    int n1=250,n2=250,b1=5,b2=5;

    public void Graphic()

    public void paint(Graphics g)

       g.setColor(new Color(100,180,150));
       g.fillRect(n1, n2, 25, 25);


    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {


    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)



    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {




public class Swing
{                               //Main Method

    public static void main(String[] args)

      new Game();

