time difference in php mysql

I have a database that has columns called start date, start time, end date and end time and want to be able to output the difference so it shows the total time spent per project. Below is the code I have but it shows the error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (15/08/2021 10:48 AM) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character in view-specific-repair.php:258

On line 258 is the line below

$datetime1 = new DateTime($row->exstdate . ' ' . $row->exstime);

The whole code is below

$datetime1 = new DateTime($row->exstdate . ' ' . $row->exstime);
$datetime2 = new DateTime($row->exrdate . ' ' . $row->extrime);

$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);?>
Time Spent: <?php echo $interval->format('%Y years, %M months, %D days, %I minutes, %S seconds');?>

I'm not sure what to change it to so it works and outputs the time spent between the start date and start time to the end date and end time

10 Top 3D APIs

The three dimension, or 3D, technology world includes several segments, including virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, 3D audio, 3D photographs, and 3D video and film. Developers wanting to add 3D functions or create applications in 3D need suitable APIs to proceed.

What is a 3D API?

A 3D API is an application programming interface that developers can utilize to add 3D functions to applications or retrieve data about 3D content.

Checklist for API Verification

Microservices are a designer's way to address the complexity of applications in today's world. Verification and Deployment of these applications are however lost in the implementation as the same thought the process is very rarely communicated in the Real-world. 

A web application that could be decomposed into Model-View-Controller architecture has morphed to the world of Unstructured Data<->Microservice<->Frontend. The ability to have a configurable backend(datastore as opposed to a DB) and a Flexible Frontend places Microservice API as a premier source of data interchange.