How do I set up IIS to debug classic ASP?

How do I set up IIS to debug classic ASP?

Help Needed Setting up Classic ASP Debugging

According to what I have seen on social media, in order for me to set up my computer for writing and debugging Classic ASP, I need to set up IIS a certain way -- which I did -- and then I have to enable ASP by doing the following:

IIS7 - IIS > ASP > Compilation > Debugging Properties > Enable Server-side Debugging

And I am stuck on this. Please, someone give me an idea of what I need to click on.


Gutenberg 11.3 Introduces Dimensions Panel, Adds Button Padding Support, and Speeds Up the Inserter

Earlier today, Gutenberg 11.3 landed in the WordPress plugin directory. The latest update introduces a new dimensions panel for toggling spacing-related block options. The Button block now supports the padding control, and the Post Featured Image block has new width and height settings.

One of the release’s highlights was a speed improvement for both opening and searching within the inserter. The opening time dropped over 200 ms, from 370.35 ms to 137.28 ms. Search speed went from 190.37 ms to 67.24 ms.

The latest release includes a simplified color picker library. Rich previews for links, a feature introduced in Gutenberg 10.9 for external URLs, now works with internal site links.

Theme authors should enjoy the reduced specificity of the reset and classic editor stylesheets. Such changes always make it a little easier for theme authors to match editor and front-end styling.

Dimension Panel for Spacing Controls

Toggling "display options" for padding and margin controls in the WordPress editor.
Toggling the padding and margin controls for the Site Tagline block.

Gutenberg 11.3 introduces a new Dimensions panel for blocks that support either margin or padding controls. The feature adds an ellipsis (...) button in place of the typical open/close tab arrow. Users can select which controls they want to use.

The long-term goal is to clean up the interface, only exposing controls that a user actually needs. Because such needs are subjective, allowing users to toggle them on/off is an ideal route to take.

The current downsides are twofold. Once choosing to display margin or padding controls, the panel itself cannot be collapsed. This exacerbates the very problem that the new feature attempts to solve — decluttering the sidebar interface. For me, at least, I always want quick access to spacing controls. However, I do not always need them shown.

The second issue is that the user choice of what to display does not seem to be stored. Each time you work with a block, you must select which controls should appear.

The new Dimensions panel is only one part of the process of wrangling sizing (width and height), spacing (padding and margin), and related controls for blocks. Work toward a more well-rounded solution is still underway. Presumably, the development team will address these issues and others in future releases. However, those who run the Gutenberg plugin in production should expect oddities with usage.

The Block Visibility plugin has the most user-friendly version of such a toggle control right now. It is not yet a perfect solution, but it works a little better than what is currently in Gutenberg.

Button Block Padding

Customizing the padding for the Button block in the WordPress editor.
Testing the new Button block padding option with TT1 Blocks.

It is no secret that I dislike the default padding of the Button block when using the TT1 Blocks theme (block-based version of Twenty Twenty-One). I have made it one of my missions to routinely point it out, even going so far as refusing to use the block in the last call for testing as part of the FSE Outreach Program.

An oversized button is not always the wrong stylistic choice on a webpage. Context matters and I somehow continue to run into scenarios where I need something a bit more scaled back. Control over the Button block’s padding has been on my wish list for months, and the Gutenberg development team delivered.

As of 11.3, users can control the padding of individual Button blocks. It will now appear as an option within the new Dimensions panel mentioned earlier.

Prayer answered. Now, let us move toward adding padding controls to all the blocks.

The one potential issue some users might run into is maintaining consistent spacing when using multiple Button blocks together. The easiest way to do this is to add and style the first, then duplicate it to create others with the same spacing. This is not a new issue; it applies to all Button options where users want consistency within a group.

Featured Image Dimension Controls

A post featured image block in the WordPress editor with its height, width, and scale options shown in the sidebar.
Adjusting a Post Featured Image block’s dimensions.

The Post Featured Image block has finally received a small but handy upgrade. In the past, users and theme authors only had a single option of deciding whether to link it to the post. Now, they can control the width and height of the image.

If a user sets a height for the image, the editor will reveal a separate “Scale” option with the following choices:

  • Cover (default)
  • Contain
  • Stretch

What do these options actually do? That would be a good question. Even as someone in the web design and development loop for close to two decades, I sometimes forget and must look them up. They are values for the object-fit CSS property and are likely to confuse users in many instances.

Cover and contain allow the image to fit within the containing element’s box while maintaining its aspect ratio (no stretching the image). The difference is that the cover value will be clipped if it does not fit and the contain value may be letterboxed. A stretch value will fill its container regardless of the aspect ratio.

Depending on the image’s aspect ratio on its container, each of the values could essentially display the same thing on the screen. Or, they could provide wildly different results. Coupling these dimensions controls with wide and full alignments (also width-related options) could make for some unpredictable experiments too.

The theme designer in me wants to disable the UI for this altogether and present something slightly more controlled: an image size selector.

Such a selector should not be confused with width and height controls. WordPress theme authors have been registering custom image sizes for years. The primary use case for this was featured images. Users can use these sizes with the current Image and Latest Posts blocks. However, they do not yet have this option with Post Featured Image.

I am in the camp that believes image size controls should have been the first addition to the block. It is such an integral part of WordPress theme design that it cannot be left out, and I have been fightingor at least nagging — to make sure that theme authors can control featured images via custom sizes.

Fortunately, there is an open ticket for custom image size support. Among other still-missing features, it is a blocker for many theme authors looking to take the leap toward block themes.

There are plenty of use cases for the new options, such as automatically cropping a post grid’s featured images to a square. I am just impatiently awaiting a more robust set of tools for the Post Featured Image block.

How To Use DORA Engineering Metrics To Improve Your Dev Team

Objective data to measure software development is here, and it’s here to stay.

For a long time, the notion of using such data was thought to not really be possible. Thought leaders like Martin Fowler and Joel Spolsky basically said it couldn’t be done. Clearly, it’s a challenging task that frustrated software development managers everywhere. Shoot, I wrote an article way back when basically arguing that it is impossible to do.

Well, I’d continue to argue that it was impossible to do. But now, with the rise of tooling like git, Jira, and other project management tools, it started becoming clear that the data is there to enable us to get a closer, more data-driven look at what is going on inside software development projects. That data just had to be revealed.

#329: Gathering Data

Marie and Chris talk about all the sources of data we have, think about, and use to help us. We do have one main database on CodePen, and truth be told, it’s got a bunch of data in it. If we want to know how many Pens there are, we can just ask it. We can learn a lot from asking that database questions, and we even have fancy charts that express information like that to us on dashboards. But that database isn’t the only place we have data, because it doesn’t know everything. It can’t tell us, for example, how many times a feature is toggled on and off, because we don’t track that kind of data in our main database. But we can track that data, and do when we need to with Appcues. And then there is general analytic data like traffic which we can explore with Cloudflare. And support-driven data we can look at in Front. And that’s not all. When answering important business questions, the data can come from lots of sources.

Time Jumps

  • 00:40 Collecting data
  • 03:15 Levelling up your query ability
  • 06:33 Using Table+ to acess on the Mac
  • 09:03 Various types of recording user interactions
  • 14:31 The data ends up in a database
  • 17:22 Sponsor: Clubhouse
  • 19:04 Tracking visitors with Cloudflare analytics
  • 23:34 Checking support analytics
  • 25:38 Advertiser analytics
  • 33:02 It all comes back to Excel, Numbers, and AirTable

Sponsor: Clubhouse

Your project management tool should be a breeze to setup, at least mildly enjoyable to use, and help evolve your already existing development workflows so it’s easier to get things done. Does that describe your current tool? If it does, great! You can stop reading. If not, then Clubhouse could be the perfect fit. We’re project management built specifically for software teams and we’re fast, intuitive, flexible, powerful, and many other nice, positive adjectives. Delight the grumpiest scrum masters with Clubhouse.

The post #329: Gathering Data appeared first on CodePen Blog.

OAuth 2.0 and OIDC Fundamentals for Authentication and Authorization

OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard for “delegated authorization” which is the ability to provide an application or client access to data or features offered by another app or service. OAuth 2.0 focuses on authorization and is not prescriptive about authentication. OpenID Connect (OIDC) adds a standards-based authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0.

In this post, we will cover the fundamentals of OAuth 2.0 and OIDC for authentication and authorization. I will discuss two common flows, namely the Implicit Flow and the Authorization Code Flow.

“We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff”

Over at the JS Party podcast:

[Kend C. Dodds]: […] ask anybody who’s done regular, old CSS and they’ll tell you that “I don’t know if it’s okay for me to change this, so I’m gonna duplicate it.” And now we’ve got – at PayPal (this is not made up) we had 90% unused CSS on the project I was using, because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff. So we just duplicated something new and called it something else. And you might just say that we’re bad at CSS, but maybe CSS was bad at us, I don’t know… [laughter]

[Emma Bostain]: Well, that’s why styled-components and CSS-in-JS was so pivotal; it was like “Oh, hey, we can actually encapsulate all of this logic inside the component that it’s touching and don’t have to worry about bleeding code anymore.” It’s so much easier to delete things, and add things, and all of those things.

[Kend C. Dodds]: Yeah, you’re precisely right. That was the problem that those things were made to solve.

Audio clip:

I’ve heard this exact story before several times, usually from large companies. Lots of developers, typical developer turnover… nobody knows what CSS is actually used and what isn’t because that is a very hard problem.

That’s one of the reasons I sometimes like component-based-styling solutions (CSS-in-JS, if you’re nasty). Not because I love complex tooling. Not because I like JavaScript syntax better than CSS. Because of the co-location of styles and componentry. Because nobody is afraid of the styles anymore — they are tightly coupled to what they are styling. It’s not needed on every project, but if you’re building with components anyway (an awfully nice way to architect front-ends that doesn’t require JavaScript), you might as well style this way.

For this reason, I’m excited that “scoped styles” are making a bit of a comeback in standards discussions.

I remember an ancient idea (that maybe even shipped in browsers for a minute?) where you’d just chuck a <style scoped> block right in the HTML and whatever the parent was, the styles were scoped to that parent. That was so cool, I wish we could have that again.

But it seems like the newer stuff (here’s Miriam’s original proposal) has some more clever stuff that that basic concept doesn’t cover — like being able to set a lower-boundary in addition to an upper-boundary, making it possible to scope “donut-shaped” styles in the DOM (a Nicole Sullivan term). Whatever happens, shadow DOM-free scoped styles with zero tooling is huge.

The post “We had 90% unused CSS because everybody was afraid to touch the old stuff” appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

The Beginner’s Guide to Business Names

A business name doesn’t just differentiate you from the competition.

It also sets the tone for your business and is central to creating a successful brand.  

So, what do you do if you can’t come with a good business name? What if it’s already taken? How do you know it’s a good name for your business?

This post covers everything you need to know when choosing a business name.

What Is a Business Name?

As the phrase implies, a business name is a title or name that a person or entity uses to conduct business. Essentially, this is your businesses’ legal name.  In the case of a sole proprietorship, your business name will be your full legal name.

It is possible to include additional words when naming a sole proprietorship. But, you will still need to use your legal name. For example, if you run a small software consultancy business, you may simply name it Jane Doe or Jane Doe Software. You’ll likely have to register a Doing Business As (DBA) if you’d prefer to operate your sole proprietorship under a different name. 

General partnerships follow the same course. Typically, the business name will be a combination of all the partners’ last names. For example, your partnership may be named Doe, Smith & Brown. Again, the business may have to file a DBA  to use a different name. 

Finally, limited liability companies (LLC) and corporations do not need to include the owner’s legal name. You are free to choose the name you want, provided it is not already registered or trademarked. However, some jurisdictions mandate that you must use LLC or Corporation in the business name. For example, your business name may be Insignia Digital LLC or Insignia Digital Corporation.

It is also worth noting the difference between a business name and a company name. These words are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. Business name is an umbrella term referring to any type of business structure. This includes sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations. A company name, on the other hand, describes businesses that have been incorporated. The latter includes LLCs, non-profit corporations, C corps, and S corps.

The Basics of Choosing a Good Business Name

There are virtually endless possibilities for choosing a business name, and picking a good business name is hardly a science. However, there are a few common elements that go into choosing a great business name. A business name should be:


Most experts agree that a business name should be short. Ideally, it should be one or two words. However, you can go for three words as long as one of the words is a transition word. A perfect example is Toys R Us.

There are also good reasons for choosing a short business name. The name will be easy to understand, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce. The perfect business name should also be two to four syllables. This strategy also makes the name easy to pronounce.

Finally, limit the number of characters in the name. More characters make it harder for your audience to remember your business name.


There are several practical reasons to choose a memorable business name. First, most new businesses rely on word-of-mouth. You might miss out on great opportunities if your clients can’t remember your business name. Additionally, you’ll want to use a memorable business name in your marketing materials. This will help reap maximum benefits from your advertising campaigns.

You may want to stick with existing words. However, this route will be challenging since most names are already likely taken by your competitors. Still, existing names have established meanings, making them easier to remember.

Made-up names are great for distinguishing your business from the competition. Exxon is a great example. But made-up words take a lot of time and marketing effort to stick with your audience.

Descriptive and Brandable

Business names fall into two distinct categories. These are descriptive and brandable business names.

A descriptive business name gives your audience a good idea of what your business does. Examples of descriptive names include Toys R Us and Baby Shop. Descriptive names paint a clear picture of your products or services, making it easier for potential customers to choose your business.

But descriptive names have their limitations. They can make it more difficult for you to venture into other products or services. These names are also highly competitive, especially when attempting to register a domain.

Brandable names tend to be more obscure. Some may offer a hint of what you do, but it is not always entirely clear. Examples of brandable names include Amazon, Starbucks, Apple, and Google. Without proper context, it can be difficult for customers to know what you have to offer. On the plus side, brandable names offer flexibility in terms of your products or service offerings. 

A hybrid approach combines both ideas and offers the best of both worlds. A business name like Tesla Motors is an example of a hybrid. The first name, Tesla, is synonymous with electricity and is highly brandable. The second name, Motor, is self-explanatory.

Easy to Spell

Potential clients will search your business name in directories or search engines. This can be difficult if your business name is difficult to spell. For this reason, you may want to avoid complex names, abbreviations, alternate spellings, and numbers in your business name.

3 Tools to Improve Your Business Name Selection

There are a few valuable tools that you can use to help you choose a great business name.

1. Thesaurus

Coming up with a unique business name can be daunting. Your ideal names are probably already taken. So, start with a word dump. This means writing a list of all the words that describe your business. Take 20 minutes to an hour to create your list. It doesn’t matter if the name is already taken. 

Next, use a thesaurus to find synonyms for each word on your list. This exercise will give you tons of options to choose from and inspiration. You may even discover some gems that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought up.

2. Business Name Generator

Business name generators are a dime a dozen, and most of them are free. Business name generators are also very easy to use. You only need to type in one or more keywords relating to your business. Then the generator gives you a list of potential business names for your consideration.

Business name generators vary in features and complexity. But I highly recommend Shopify’s business name generator. You’ll get 120+ potential business names less than 10 seconds after typing your keyword. The best part is that Shopify’s generator shows if the domain for your desired business name is available.

This tool is completely free to use, and you don’t need to sign up for a Shopify account unless you’d like to create your online store with Shopify.

3. Trademark Database

Finally, you’ll need to check if the name is already trademarked before committing to the business name. It will save you a lot of time and trouble when it’s time to register your business name.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has a public database of registered trademarks. You can search this database for free to make sure that your business name isn’t trademarked.

5 Tricks for Choosing the Perfect Business Name

A lot more goes into choosing a business name than merely picking one that you like. Below are five tricks to help you choose the perfect business name.

1. Refer to Your State’s Naming Guidelines

For the most part, you won’t be able to choose a name that another business in your state is already using. Additionally, you’ll be restricted from choosing a business name that’s deceptively similar to your competitor. Other common restrictions include not using a business name that may mislead the public about your company’s entity type or purpose. Finally, some states mandate that your business name must indicate what type of entity it is, such as an LLC or corporation.

These common restrictions can vary from state to state. For example, what is considered a deceptively similar business name in New York is very different from North Carolina. Business names such as Capital Productions and Capital Production aren’t considered similar in North Carolina because of the pluralization. In New York, however, you’d need to choose a different business name.

Things can get even more confusing if you’ll be doing business in multiple states. Delaware, for example, doesn’t have fully restricted words. California is far stricter and limits the use of words like Incorporated, Bank, Insurer, or Corporation. It’s worth referring to your state’s Secretary of State website to get the complete picture of business naming guidelines. The same applies if you’ll be doing business in multiple states.

2. Choose a Web-Friendly Business Name

Having a web presence is all but mandatory in the information age. So, you’ll need to make sure that your business name is web-friendly. That’s why a business name generator like the one offered by Shopify is so useful. You’ll immediately discover if the domain name associated with your business is available.

The ideal domain name should be short, memorable, and easy to spell. Most experts agree that the ideal domain name length should be 15 characters or shorter. A longer domain name is harder to remember and prone to errors when typing.

A .com extension tends to work best for your online presence. Again, this is because it’s a credible extension. Furthermore, most people assume that the .com extension will follow your business name. 

It is tempting to include a hyphen in your domain name. This idea is incredibly alluring when your ideal domain name is already taken. But most spam domains tend to include a hyphen. Besides, potential customers who forget to include the hyphen may be directed to a competitor’s website or an error page.

Take some time to choose the perfect domain name. Then, you should find the right domain with a bit of creativity and a solid business name generator like Shopify.

3. Think of the Future

Many small business owners make the mistake of limiting their potential by choosing a restrictive business name. Of course, it’s natural to want to name a company after yourself. But it’s hard to brand your name. Additionally, a name doesn’t tell a story, such as your business’ history or what it’s about.

Using your name can also give the impression that you are a solopreneur. This impression can limit your target market, especially as you expand and grow your capacity. Lastly, using your name can make it challenging to sell your business in the future.

Similarly, choosing a business name relating to a product or service can be limiting. You may want to venture into new product lines, which can be challenging if you’re already locked into a particular product’s name.

For example, you may be selling leather shoes. But say you want to expand into other leather products such as couches and belts. This transition can be difficult if your business name is very descriptive or literal.  

4. Test Your Business Name

Where possible, it pays to test your business name. This is especially true if you are having a hard time deciding between a few prospective names. You can conduct surveys with your target audience to see which one they prefer.

Consumer research platforms like PickFu can help you source opinions about your business name. The platform allows you to crowdsource opinions from the people who matter most for your business.

Some of the questions to consider asking your audience include:

  • Is the name easy to spell?
  • Does it read clearly and quickly?
  • Is it easy to pronounce?
  • Does it spark interest?
  • Does it imply a desirable message?
  • What do you think this business sells?

A focus group can also be a great source of feedback for your business name where time and resources allow.

5. Choose a Name You Can Trademark

Trademarking a business name can be a lengthy and complicated process. But, some names are easier to trademark than others. Nevertheless, there are general guidelines that can help to guide you in the right direction.

Made-up names are straightforward to trademark. These names do not have prior meaning before acquiring a trademark. The USPTO particularly likes these kinds of words. These names refer to your business as the source of goods and services. Some examples of made-up business names include Xerox, Exxon, and Kodak.

Arbitrary names are also fairly easy to trademark. These names include common English words whose meanings don’t directly refer to the goods and services you sell. Think of Apple Inc., the multinational technology company. The company had an easy time trademarking this name since it doesn’t sell fruit or related products. 

Finally, suggestive names also have good trademark potential. Such names indirectly refer to your business’s goods and services and require some imagination from your customers. Greyhound is an excellent example of a suggestive name. The name doesn’t necessarily imply a bus company, but it does imply speed and travel.

Next Steps

The next step after choosing your business name will be to make sure it’s available. First, you’ll need to do a business entity name search. You can typically do this on your state’s Secretary of State website. This is important since your registration will be denied if it’s already taken. You’ll also need to do a domain name search and federal trademark search before you can register your business name.

The next step will be to reserve your business name. Although not necessary, it is a precautionary step. It will ensure that your business name will still be available when it’s time to register your business.

Then, you’ll need to create your business. The business may be an LLC or corporation. The process for forming an LLC is straightforward. It includes naming your LLC, choosing a registered agent, filing the Articles of Organization, and getting an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Be sure to refer to the Secretary of State website for complete details on how to go about this. You will register your business name during the filing process.

Finally, consider registering a trademark. A trademark will give you exclusive rights to ownership for the business name. Trademarks are invaluable for marketing and creating a brand identity. We have a great post on how to trademark a business name for you to use as the next step in your brand’s journey.

Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack – How To Choose the Right Stack?

While programming languages are dime a dozen, a stack is something that keeps things going. Choosing the right stack for your web development project is where the essence of its success lies. So, if Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack is something that’s on top of your mind, then you’ve finally landed on the right page. Because we will show you the right track. Because we’ve got your back while you choose the right stack.

So, if you’re still unsure about the right stack between Full Stack vs MEAN Stack for your project, these points will help you make the right decision.

How to Build a Cross-Functional Team

In a conventional organization, multiple departments are dedicated to specific functions — marketing, finance, human resources, operations, and so on. A lot of the time, they work separately, only sharing information when it concerns more than one department.

However, the modern demands of building and delivering software require an ability to solve numerous problems at a high speed. With that comes a need to have an entire team that reflects the variety of expertise that goes into providing solutions. This is where cross-functional teams come in.

RavenDB Database Security Methods

How Does RavenDB Succeed in Protecting Your Database Both in Transit and at Rest?

With cybercrime estimated to have cost the global economy over one trillion USD in 2020, database security has never been more relevant.   To properly secure a database, data must be protected both in transit between server and node, and at rest on the server.

Encryption at rest protects the data stored on the server, preventing it from being viewed, stolen, or otherwise accessed by someone with malicious intent. If your disk is lost or stolen, for example, an attacker will have complete access to your data. When encrypted, however, the data will be unreadable and the attacker will see it only as random noise. Experiments with Rejecting Plugin Submissions with the “WP” Prefix to Mitigate Potential Trademark Abuse

Many in the WordPress developer community were surprised to learn that is rejecting plugins with the “WP” prefix in the name after Joe Youngblood tweeted the rejection note he received. Although that restriction was put into place approximately seven months ago, there was no official communication on the change.

As the result of the controversy gaining attention on social media and other channels, WordPress Plugin Team member Mika Epstein posted an explanation on the original meta trac ticket, the reasoning for how and why “wp” is being blocked:

Using wp- at the beginning of plugin permalinks, yes. Due to how we built this out, the display name is what gets checked and flagged. You can use WPPluginName (no space) and Plugin Name for WP.

This stems from part of a longer conversation going on with the Foundation, regarding handling the actual misuse of ‘WordPress’ in plugin names (which, as we all know, is actually trademarked and as such should not be used in your plugin name at all).

Because using WP Blah Blah as a name tends to lead to people changing it after approval to “WordPress Blah Blah” we put a pause on it to try and get a handle on how bad is this, what’s the depth of the problem (vs the actual headache of WC -> WooCommerce in names) and so on.

There is also the reality that using ‘WP’ or ‘Plugin’ in a plugin permalink is unnecessary and can be harmful to SEO due to repetitive words.

No one is claiming WP is trademarked, we’re just trying to minimize confusion and prevent people from accidentally violating trademarks in the future because they change WP to WordPress later on.

Whether or not “wp” was trademarked became a particular point of confusion because the commit message on the change said: “Adding in some more things to block based on use and trademarks.”

The conversation with the WordPress Foundation that Epstein was referencing was a private discussion about how the team can mitigate trademark abuse.

“This came up in the midst of an ad hoc brainstorm about the ways that the loophole could be more effectively managed, and so there wasn’t a lengthy public discussion on it,” WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy said.

“It was part of an experiment for handling that loophole more effectively and wasn’t meant to be permanent. The great thing about experiments in WordPress is that when we see that we’re throwing out the good along with the bad, we can make the necessary changes to do it better.”

Haden Chomphosy said that although the original discussion was private, the team plans to make it public via the new meta ticket that was opened yesterday for improving the checks on plugin submissions.

“All future discussions will be on the ticket, so as people work on it, then the conversations will be available there,” she said when asked how the trademark abuse mitigation experiment will be evaluated.

The WordPress Foundation does not have any employees, but Haden Chomphosy said the representatives who can help with the grey areas of trademark guidelines include herself, Andrea Middleton, and Cami Kaos. She also confirmed that “WP” is not a WordPress trademark and the Foundation is not pursuing trademarking the term.

Although each of these individuals referenced have a long track record of protective care for the WordPress community and have demonstrated a sincere desire to see the project grow, they are all employed by Automattic. The Foundation could use some outside representation if those running it are engaging in private decision making and giving directives to the Plugin Team that have significant ramifications for the ecosystem as a whole.

For years, the WordPress community has been encouraged to use WP instead of WordPress in plugin names, so the decision to reject plugins with WP in the name is a major, controversial change.

Those who oppose the current experiment have pointed out that it unfairly penalizes everyone for the few who change their plugin names after approval. It polices potential misuse instead of providing a solution that can flag actual trademark abuse.

Some plugin developers have noted that having WP in the plugin name is necessary to differentiate it from extensions for other platforms, since is not the only place where their products are distributed. Many successful businesses have been created on top of plugins with WP as a prefix in the name, such as WP Mail SMTP, WP Fastest Cache, WP Migrate DB, to name just a few.

Whether it is beneficial or detrimental to use WP in a brand’s name is immaterial to the discussion at hand. With the current trademark abuse mitigation experiment in place, all new plugin developers hoping to use the WP prefix will have their plugins rejected. Fortunately it isn’t retroactive, but if the team decides the experiment of banning WP in plugin names is a success, it may be up for discussion.

Springing experiments on the community without publicly communicating the intent is a misstep for the Foundation. If allowing WP in the name creates wrong expectations for plugin developers regarding their ability to change the name to use WordPress, then the problem needs to be fixed at the root. needs to find a better way to inform developers about which terms are actually trademarked and develop a technical solution to flag name changes that do not comply. This may be a difficult technical problem to solve regarding plugin submission and updates, but it’s worth investing in it to respect plugin authors’ freedoms.

Cloud Adoption Maturity Model: A Curtain-Raiser

Building a cloud adoption strategy has become a crucial boardroom agenda for modern enterprises. It isn’t hard to understand why.

In the fight against COVID-19, the cloud has been mobilized in a number of ways to ensure resilience. The technology has been instrumental in enabling the work-from-home transition, moving learning online, and reinforcing data security among more.

MariaDB Corporation, in a global survey conducted in June 2020, revealed that over 40% of global enterprises had plans of accelerating their move to the cloud while 51% were pushing more applications in the cloud. An IDC survey indicated an uptake of 64% in adopting cloud and SaaS-based applications across Indian Inc. due to COVID-19. Gartner forecasted that the market size of the cloud industry is expected to be three times the growth of overall IT services through 2022.

Cloud adoption has reached an inflection point and is poised for bigger things if numbers are anything to go by. But, every rose has its thorn.

Cloud Adoption Strategy: Where Do Enterprises Lose Their Way, and What is the Solution?

Kubernetes Cloud Native Report: One Author’s Honest Review

Every time I see a report from a company or analyst I think, "Great. Another company trying to sell me something." Is it a security company pitching the risks of global cyberterrorism? Is it a small developer tool startup trying to break into the spotlight for a brief moment?

While data can be quite useful, I often approach the reports from a skeptical point of view. To be honest, I've been on both sides of those reports, both as someone trying to understand an industry, a technology, or the trends around me AND as a creator of reports, especially back when I was the CEO of a small developer tools company trying to break into the spotlight.    :)

AWS IAM Policy Simulator

Recently I started experimenting with AWS. Following the least privilege principle, I created a separate development account for my experiments. Right at the beginning, I ran into a brick wall – AccessDenied! I know I am doing something wrong, but what exactly? This is where the AWS IAM Policy Simulator saved my day.

Let me first express my frustration with AWS IAM. It could be that I am naïve and that the problem with access management is really complex. Or it could be, that AWS built an overly complex solution and is now stuck with it. In both cases, there is no excuse for an official AWS tutorial about Elastic Kubernetes Service starting with the prerequisite that you grant yourself full access admin privileges. I decided to do it the right way and create a separate account with the least privileges it needs to work with EKS.

Best Job Posting Sites for Employers

Finding the perfect candidate can be intimidating. Your job opening could have hundreds of potential candidates, and you need a way to narrow them down to a list of the best. Job posting sites solve this problem by accessing, attracting, and managing candidates during the recruitment process. There are countless job posting sites for employers, so we created a list of the top six available.

The Top 6 Best Job Posting Sites for Employers

  1. LinkedIn – Best for Social Networking
  2. Indeed – Best for Dynamic Recruiting
  3. Snagajob – Best for Hourly Jobs
  4. AngelList – Best for Startups
  5. FlexJobs – Best for Remote and Flexible Jobs
  6. Dice – Best for Tech Jobs

While some job posting sites target the entire candidate pool, others are dedicated to a specific niche market. Each of the following six sites are worth looking into, especially if one specializes in solving your specific hiring needs. 

#1 – LinkedIn — Best for Social Networking

  • Access to 750M+ users
  • LinkedIn Messenger for networking
  • Targeted ads for job posts
  • Automated disqualification emails
Try for free

LinkedIn is the best place to post a job for social networking purposes. There are 756 million people using LinkedIn. To put that in perspective, that’s more than double the entire U.S. population. Members come from over 200 countries and territories across the globe. It is also home to more than 55 million registered companies. 

Odds are you’re probably familiar with LinkedIn already. It’s different from a typical job posting site because it acts more like a social media platform. While posting jobs is a key feature, the site is way more than just that. 

It is the best place for social networking because candidates and recruiters create profiles and can interact through LinkedIn Messenger. People can use it to see mutual connections, follow their favorite companies, and stay updated on news headlines. Companies can post jobs, and candidates can search for openings to apply for. 

Posting a job on LinkedIn is done through the LinkedIn Jobs page. It is simple and lets recruiters add screening questions and automatic disqualification emails. When posting a job, recruiters can have candidates apply directly through LinkedIn or redirect them to an external careers page. 

Recruiters can enter in job description details, benefits, and skills required. For roles that need to be filled immediately, LinkedIn has an Urgent Hiring Need feature to inform applicants of time sensitivity. Recruiters can also categorize qualifications as “must-have” or “preferred”.

Posting a job is free, but choosing the free version simply means your posting shows up in the search results. For greater candidate exposure and interaction, it’s a good idea to upgrade your post to Promoted. Promoting your post will increase the number of targeted advertising candidates receive and will increase its search results ranking. 

Other benefits of promoting a job posting include a favorable placement in candidates’ job recommendations list, the ability to receive smart alerts for qualified candidates, and mobile alerts to candidates who may be a fit. 

For the best results, LinkedIn recommends you spend at least $25 per day. However, only a minimum of $6 per day is required. This can get expensive depending on your budget, but it can pay off in the long term by giving recruiters a larger pool of candidates to choose from. 

Try hiring through LinkedIn today.

#2 – Indeed — Best for Dynamic Recruiting

  • 250M+ unique users per month
  • Quadruple results w/ Job Sponsoring
  • Indeed Resume for dynamic searches
  • Pay AFTER results
Try for free

Indeed is a job posting website specifically focused on quickly filling job openings with qualified candidates. Unlike LinkedIn, Indeed users typically visit the platform only when they are searching for a new job. The platform has more than 250 million unique visitors each month. It also has multiple dynamic ways to help employers find the right candidates. 

The basic feature of Indeed from an employer’s perspective is posting jobs. Posting a job is free, but jobs can be Sponsored for more effective results. According to Indeed, Sponsored jobs are 4.5 times more likely to end in a qualified hire. Users can customize their budget for Sponsored jobs and only have to pay when results are achieved. 

In addition to posting jobs, Indeed has a product called Indeed Resume. When candidates sign up for Indeed, they have the option to create a resume directly on the website. Recruiters who sign up for Indeed Resume can search resumes with filters for job title, location, experience, availability, and more. Qualified candidates can then be quickly contacted for interviews. 

Indeed Resume users get access to roughly 16 million resumes, and half the candidates they reach out to typically respond. According to Indeed, 20% of candidates have a resume but do not apply for jobs. Indeed Resume lets recruiters reach this pool of candidates. 

Interested users can purchase the Indeed Resume Standard plan for $100 per month or $960 per year. They also have the option to purchase the Professional plan for larger messaging capacity, bulk messaging abilities, and hiring insights access. This plan costs $250 per month or $2,400 per year. 

Find great candidates today by posting your job openings to Indeed.

#3 – Snagajob — Best for Hourly Jobs

  • 6M+ hourly job seekers monthly
  • One-click applications
  • Cover open shifts quickly
  • Snagajob Hire simplifies paperwork
Post your job today

If you need to fill an hourly job opening, Snagajob is your best option. This site helps two-thirds of the U.S.’s hourly job workers find the right opening every year. Because it matches the right candidates with each role, recruiters using Snagajob only need half the applicants it would’ve needed without the platform. It is also used for filling in last-minute shifts quickly. 

The site has over six million monthly visitors. Some of the industries Snagajob targets are customer support, office support, healthcare, warehouse, restaurant, hospitality, and retail. Users start by posting a job with details like compensation, description, and screening questions. Once the right candidates are found, users can schedule interviews directly. 

If a company has less than 100 employees, Snagajob costs $89 per month per job post. This gives users access to pre-screening questions, one-click applications, interview scheduling, and simplified posting. Companies with more than 100 employees need to request pricing information. 

Snagajob also has a Flex product that managers can use to fill shifts. If an employee cancels at the last minute, a manager can post a shift opening through Snagajob. He or she can reach out to an individual or send out a mass notification. This can be used to reach current employees, previous workers, or Snagajob’s trusted crew. 

Snagajob Hire reduces the time it takes to fill out onboarding paperwork. It uses assessments to attract the right employees and reduce turnover by 40%. It also keeps track of alerts, audit trails, and regular updates to ensure full compliance. 

Fill out your staff by using Snagajob

#4 – AngelList — Best for Startups

  • Company profiles for attracting talent
  • Curated workers in select cities
  • Trusted by recognized startups
  • Post unlimited jobs for free
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AngelList is a job posting site specifically designed for startup companies. The website has over eight million users and more than 100,000 companies. It is trusted by top brands like Postmates, DoorDash, Peloton, Honey, and NerdWallet. It helps companies find their initial team all the way through their post-IPO employees. 

The company profile feature gives recruiters the opportunity to share their stories with potential candidates and get them excited about applying. Recruiters can include info like funding background, company culture, and the people involved. Users can also highlight benefits, perks,  and company mission to sell their brand. 

AngelList is broken down into three pricing plans. Its Starter version is free and lets users process inbound applicants, post unlimited jobs, add a company profile, and has applicant tracking integration. However, this version limits the number of candidates users can view, and recruiters only have access to 2.3 million candidates. 

AngelList Pro is the mid-tier plan. It costs $250 per user per month and has a seven-day free trial. It has everything included in AngelList Starter plus workflow tools, advanced search options, enhanced candidate profiles, and unlimited candidate access. It also has curated add-ons in select cities which include a dedicated technical sourcer and curated candidates. 

Finally, AngelList Team is for hiring candidates quickly and has flexible pricing. It does not include a free trial. This plan adds a dedicated account manager and discounted sourcing seats. It also has add-ons in select cities that include one curated hire and a fixed fee for additional curated hires. 

Scale up by hiring through AngelList.

#5 – FlexJobs — Best for Remote and Flexible Jobs

  • Virtual job fair creation
  • Dedicated account support
  • Nonprofits get 50% rebate
  • Save 25% with annual membership
Post your job today

If you need a job posting site for remote, flexible, freelance, or part-time work openings, FlexJobs is the best overall. In addition to job posting, it lets users create targeted Q&As, message blasts, targeted emails, webinars, and virtual job fairs. The platform has been used by powerhouses like Amazon and Dell to find remote and part-time talent. 

FlexJobs gives companies the opportunity to promote their brand and target specific candidates. The platform offers consulting services to help with things like SEO recruitment strategies, employee onboarding, candidate assessments, team training, flex work and remote audits, managing remote teams, and more. It also connects users with thought leaders and trend data.

FlexJobs has three pricing options for employers. There is no free plan, and employers must fill out an application to ensure they are the right fit. The first plan costs $299 per month billed monthly. Users can save 20% with the second plan costing $729 per quarter billed every three months. For 25% savings, users can sign up for $2,699 per year billed annually. 

All plans include unlimited job posts, customized employer profiles, dedicated account support, data and activity reporting, expert articles, unlimited resume searches, and the ability to submit job feeds. Verifiable B Corps and 501c3 nonprofit organizations can receive a 50% rebate on their FlexJobs subscriptions. 

Get started with hiring through FlexJobs today.

#6 – Dice — Best for Tech Jobs

  • Access to 9.7M tech profiles
  • Brand display advertising
  • Optional recruiting and sourcing services
  • Buy in bulk to save 37%
Post your job today

Dice focuses only on hiring talent in the tech industry. This job posting site features 9.7 million tech profiles, 2.7 million visible resumes, and 1.3 million monthly users. It’s been used by companies like Chase, Charles Schwab, and United Health Group. It also features recruiting and sourcing services to help create a strategy for attracting top talent. 

Attracting tech talent is competitive, and Dice helps companies promote their brand to receive more applications. It offers users a free guide on brand promotion and lets recruiters use display advertising to catch the eye of qualified candidates. Users can also use employer branding campaigns, leads campaigns, and social boosts through the platform. 

After posting a job, users can track applicant data by previewing resumes, prioritizing applicants, and sharing candidate info with employees. Users can create automatic matching candidates lists, add updates, and manage job postings during the recruitment process. Recruiters can also add screening questions and reach out for job interviews.

While Dice offers tech companies a targeted approach to top candidates, it is on the expensive side. Users can post one job for $395, two jobs for $325 each, three jobs for $305 each, or buy in bulk. The bulk pricing option lets users save 37% by posting 5 to 10 jobs for $250 each. 

Bring on better tech talent by getting started with Dice today.

How to Find The Best Job Posting Site For You

Many large companies can attract talent using a top generic job posting site. However, smaller and more niche organizations may want to look into a more specialized platform. Whatever your situation, make sure to consider the following criteria before deciding where to post an opening.  

Candidate Pool

The size and type of available candidates is a critical factor with job posting sites. You must make sure you have an audience to view your job opening, or you won’t receive any qualified applications. A solid candidate pool for generic sites is in the 100 million-plus range. For more specialized sites, a candidate pool of more than a couple million is sufficient. 

If you aren’t posting on a generic site, make sure the site specializes in finding the type of employees your company is looking for. There are job posting sites for industries of all types and sizes. Sites also specialize by type of work and company growth stage. A specialized site can also help you narrow down your candidate pool to eliminate unqualified applicants. 

Post and Brand Advertising

While many sites let you post openings for free, oftentimes this is not enough to attract the top talent. Choose a site that lets you upgrade and advertise your job post to qualified candidates. This ensures that when the right candidate searches for a similar job, your opening appears at the top. This is less important for smaller and more specialized job posting sites. 

Many of the specialized sites give companies the option to promote their brand. This is an important option for startups and small businesses because they may not be well-known yet. Choosing a job posting site with brand advertising abilities lets users tell their company story and get potential candidates excited about applying. 

Applicant Screening

Applicant screening questions are a great way to disqualify candidates and save time. Choose a job posting site that gives you the option to automate deal-breaker questions. This will eliminate the need to sift through hundreds of resumes manually. An added bonus is a platform that sends automatic disqualification emails, saving you additional effort. 

Networking Abilities

Not all job posting sites have networking abilities, but it is something to consider for job posting purposes. A site like LinkedIn gives users the ability to not only view resumes, but also see mutual connections, send messages, and see what applicants are posting. If you simply need to fill a role as quickly as possible, this feature isn’t necessary.


The right job posting site can make finding the best candidates simple. Before choosing one, make sure it has a sufficient and suitable candidate pool for your needs. It’s also important to pick one that lets you promote your brand and job posting. Screening questions are a great feature for saving time, and you may want a site that has networking capabilities. 

LinkedIn is the best for social networking purposes, and Indeed gives has the most dynamic recruiting features. If your company is a startup, check out AngelList. Hourly candidates are most easily found on Snagajob, and tech companies should consider posting on Dice. FlexJobs has the best talent pool for part-time, freelance, and remote workers.