Intro to Google Cloud VMware Engine: Establishing an SDDC in Google Cloud

This post is the first in a series on Google Cloud VMware Engine and Google Cloud Platform. This post walks through planning, prerequisites, and the process of deploying a Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) using HCX in Google Cloud VMware Engine, as well as configuring a VPN gateway for initial access to the environment.

Before we dive into this, I want to set expectations for this blog series. My goal when working in the cloud is to create, modify and destroy resources programmatically. My tool of choice is Terraform, but I will also use CLI-based tools like gcloud. Occasionally I will inspect API calls directly and perform API calls with Python or cURL. I have found that learning a product's API is an excellent way to master it. Cloud consoles (GUIs) are adequate when getting started, but interfacing with the API, whether through Terraform or an SDK, is how these platforms are designed to work.