Deploy WordPress on AWS Using OpenEBS

A Content Management System (CMS) simplifies the creation, management and modification of websites using a straightforward, easy to use GUI. A CMS typically consists of two components: The Content Management Application (CMA) and the Content Delivery Application (CDA), that together aid in implementing various core functions of a website, including: 

  • Seamless indexing, search and retrieval
  • Formatting documents into HTML
  • Content Revision & Updates
  • Content Publishing

WordPress is a free, open-source CMS that was founded as a blogging platform but has grown to support the creation of all kinds of websites. The platform allows customizable backends and frontends, making it ideal for creating blogs, e-commerce sites, business websites, portfolios, event websites and more. It's popularity is also owed to its free offering, simplicity, flexibility and plugins that make it extendable.