How to Quickly Backup to S3, Google Drive, and Dropbox Using Snapshot Pro

With the Snapshot Pro WordPress plugin, you can safely and efficiently create and store backups to 3rd party platforms S3, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

Thanks to Snapshot Pro, storing backups to your favorite cloud storage set to your schedule is as easy as ever. He makes it simple to store backups to your host and elsewhere for added convenience and protection!

Image of Snapshot.
Snapshot is ready for your 3rd party backups!

Now, this is nothing new…

Snapshot has been storing incremental backups to 3rd party storage destinations for a while now. However, we include new areas to backup to regularly (e.g. Dropbox), and it’s worth mentioning, in case you weren’t aware of this feature.

And as you’ll see in this short article, adding a backup to third-party storage can be done in just a few clicks!

Getting Started

Of course, to get started, you’ll need Snapshot Pro. Snapshot Pro is free with a WPMU DEV membership. (Not a member? You can try us free for 7-days).

After installing and activating, you’re ready to go! Kick things off by heading to the Destinations area. Get to this area from Snapshot’s dashboard or by clicking Destinations on the sidebar.

Where to access the destinations area.
Destinations are easy to get to from the dashboard.

From either the dashboard or the Destinations area, clicking on the big blue Add Destination button will get you moving.

Button to add a destination.
Get ready to add a new destination in one click.

You’re now ready to…

Choose Your 3rd Party Service

Once clicking Add Destination, you’ll choose what new destination you want a full copy of each backup to go to. As mentioned earlier, you can choose from Amazon S3, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

For the sake of demonstrating how Snapshot’s backup works, let’s go with Dropbox.

Where you click to activate Dropbox.
Just select Dropbox as your option.

Once selected, you’ll hit Next, and you’ll go through an authentication process. Hit Authenticate, and then Snapshot will then ask you to sign in however you prefer to do with Dropbox (e.g. email, Google, or Apple).

Where to sign in for Dropbox.
Pick whatever way works best for you to sign in.

You’ll need to give Snapshot permission to edit, view content, and view & edit information. To do so, just click Allow.

The button to allow permissions for Snapshot.
If you want more information, you can always learn more about the permissions on the link provided.

Did it connect? Snapshot will let you know if it’s successful or not. If all is well, you’ll continue on by clicking Next.

Message about Snapshot being successfully connected.
The green indicates it’s good to go.

Snapshot then shows you the connected account. From here, you can name a Directory and set the number of backups that you want to store before removing older ones. You can enter any number you wish.

Where you connect to Dropbox.
We’ll name this directory ‘Snapshot.’

Next, we’ll give it a Destination Name. This name is so you can easily remember where backups are stored.

Where you save the destination.
We’ll label this destination ‘Snapshot’ as well.

Got it named? Great! Click Save Destination.

Your New Destination

Once doing so, you’ll now see the new Dropbox destination in Snapshot’s Destinations area. It includes the Dropbox logo, Directory name, schedule, and amount of exported backups.

Where the destination is located.
Snapshot keeps a running total of destinations on top of the page, too.

Click the gear icon to edit the destination, view the directory, or delete.

The gear icon.
Need to edit? You can quickly do so from here!

You can also turn this off or on with a click of a switch. Otherwise, that’s it! Add as many destinations as you desire, and use whenever you want.

Since this was an example with Dropbox, see how to store to S3 and Google Drive in our documentation.

View Logs

Now that your backups are off to the races, you can view the Dropbox export destination logs in the Snapshot Backups section. You’ll see the name of your Dropbox destination folder (in this case, I named it Snapshot) and view it by All, Warning, or Error.

A list of the backups.
You can see this is showing all the logs.

It shows all the information you need to know about what occurred during the backup.

Storing to 3rd Party Backups Is a Snap(shot)

The flexibility of choosing where your backups land, whether it be with S3, Google Drive, or Dropbox — is up to you. As you can see, it’s a snap!

For more on Snapshot, be sure to check out how to use Snapshot Pro with The Hub and how to get the most out of Snapshot.

And as I mentioned, we’re constantly updating Snapshot (and all of our plugins) with new options. Follow along to see what’s next in our Roadmap.