Home work help fro c++

The purpose of the program is to tell the user that the weekly salary is in on of three ranges, less than 200, between 200 and 800 and greater than 800.
I need help knowing the error/s and need to add and use one additional preprocessor directive that might help with calculation or showing the results

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    const int MAX_HOURS_IN_WEEK = 168;
    const int MAX_WAGE = 100;
    const int LOWER_SALARY = 200;
    const int UPPER_SALARY = 800;

    int hourlyWage;
    int workHoursPerWeek;
    int weeklySalary;

    cout << "How many hours do you work per week?" << endl;
    cin >> workHoursPerWeek;
    if (workHoursPerWeek < 0 && workHoursPerWeek > MAX_HOURS_IN_WEEK) {
        cout << "Invalid number of hours per week." << endl;
        return -1;

    cout << "What is your hourly wage?" << endl;
    cin >> hourlyWage;
    if (hourlyWage > MAX_WAGE) {
        cout << "An hourly wage greater than 100 requires executive approval." << endl;
    } else if (hourlyWage < 0) {
        cout << "Invalid hourly wage." << endl;
        return -1;

    weeklySalary = hourlyWage * workHoursPerWeek;

    if (weeklySalary < LOWER_SALARY) {
        cout << "The weekly salary is less than 200." << endl;
    if (weeklySalary <= UPPER_SALARY) {
        cout << "The weekly salary is between 200 and 800." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "The weekly salary is greater than 800." << endl;

    return 0;

Pass a Parameter to All JVMs in A Machine at The Same Time


Imagine a scenario where you need to change a JVM parameter, but you can’t or is not a good solution to changing the start script of your server(s).

One of the challenges we had, when we were working with containers, was a way to change a parameter to a JVM without building the docker image again.
The application at the start time should read a JVM parameter where a _user profile_was defined.
For specific reasons we sometimes need to change this profile, for instance, to use a more controlled user where we can debug an issue. In these situations, we want to stop the container/pod, change the profile and start again, or even start a different container with a different profile.

Consuming SOAP Service With Apache CXF and Spring

SOAP web services are not popular anymore but if you are working with old applications, you probably still have to deal with SOAP web services. I am going to give you an example of how to consume a SOAP service with CXF, how to make a configuration for it, and how to log requests and responses to it.

A Simple Web Service

Before I can consume a web service, I need a simple web service to work with. For the project, I am going to use Spring Boot version 2.5.0 and Java 11. You can use another version if you like; it does not matter as long as the versions are not too old. You can easily create a Spring Boot project with a Spring Initializer. If you use maven, pom.xml should be like this. If you use Java 8, you do not need to have a "JAXB Runtime" dependency.

97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know with Kevlin Henney [Podcast]

In 2020, Java celebrated its 25th anniversary. Despite being more than 2 and a half decades old, it still remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world, dominating enterprise application development.

In this episode, we’re joined by the co-author of the recently released “97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know”. He shares with us his experience in collecting the various voices, advice, and even contradicting opinions that make up the book, its relevance in the “low-code, no-code space”, and why some programming languages, like Java, will never die.

GoDaddy Pro To Host Second EXPAND 2021 Event on September 24 in India

GoDaddy Pro will kick off EXPAND 2021 – India on September 24, the second event of its kind this year. It is a one-day virtual conference that will feature sessions from industry leaders and experts in the field.

Nikhil Arora, the Vice President and Managing Director for GoDaddy India, will present the keynote address. In total, there will be nine sessions that will run between 15 and 45 minutes throughout the day. The goal is to provide guidance and resources for those starting and growing digital businesses.

GoDaddy Pro launched its first event, EXPAND 2021 – U.S., in late April. Over 5,000 people registered for the two-day virtual conference. However, tens of thousands more have viewed individual sessions since then. Each session is available for free viewing via the GoDaddy Pro YouTube channel, and new videos will be added for future events.

When Adam Warner, the Global Field Marketing Sr. Manager at GoDaddy, spoke of the event earlier this year, he described it as a project he had wanted to do since 2018. For him, it was a way of giving back to the community and helping the next generation along.

“I’m pleased with how our EXPAND conference series is growing and the feedback we’ve received from attendees so far,” he said. “The overarching goal of EXPAND is to showcase the solutions that our Pros are providing for their clients, and to do so in a way that both inspires and educates others to follow their passion for building the web and their own businesses.”

The first event did not go off without any bumps in the road. The team learned from it and will tweak things to improve the conference.

“One important lesson we learned from our first EXPAND event was to clearly define chat moderation roles and increase the amount of pre-written platform navigation directions and tips for our Guides to share with attendees in the general and session chats areas,” said Warner. “When our event started, we were walking over ourselves a bit. The chat conversations move so fast, we ended up duplicating a few replies, coming from multiple people.”

The EXPAND 2021 – India conference will be different than the inaugural event held earlier this year. Instead of focusing on a more general or U.S. audience, GoDaddy Pro is leaning into its regional teams and members.

“All the speakers are from India, as well as the Pros whose stories will be featured,” said Warner. “We have dedicated GoDaddy and GoDaddy Pro teams in India, and they’ve played a lead role in defining the best approach for the Indian audience. The biggest challenge with putting this event together so far has been the differences in time zones for our multiple teams. We’ve tried to accommodate everyone’s schedules as much as possible.”

The GoDaddy Pro team is already planning EXPAND 2022 events. Warner said those interested to be on the lookout over the next couple of months for more news.

“To date, our EXPAND conferences run parallel with our location-specific launches of the GoDaddy Pro brand,” he said. “As GoDaddy Pro continues to grow, and when the world gets back to in-person events globally, we would love to accommodate attendees in multiple physical locations.”

One glaring issue for the India event is the lack of gender diversity within its speaker group. Only one woman is leading a session. I asked Warner why there was such an imbalance.

“The number of women in the technology sector in India has been a matter of concern for small and large businesses alike,” said Warner. “GoDaddy is an inviting place to work and an industry leader for women in technology. We are actively working to create platforms and ecosystems to encourage more women to join the fray. We are delighted to have Kriti Aggarwal, Founder of Anaha Services, join us at this year’s EXPAND Event in India and are focused on all future EXPAND Conferences recognizing diverse groups of leaders in their sectors.”

The team is holding two Meetups each week. Yesterday was an all-female panel of GoDaddy and GoDaddy Pro team members in prep for their sponsorship of FemTechConf, held between September 24 and 25.

Digital Twinning – Opening New Vistas of Innovations

Do you have any brand new concepts that you want to bring to the real world? Or would you like to have some help injecting a new lease of life into something already in existence? Digital twinning will help you by providing the exact same situation. So, you can analyze and test without any impact in the real-life. 

You can predict the future by experimenting with everything on the Virtual object. Still in confusion?

Everyone’s a (Perl) Critic, and You Can Be Too!

The perlcritic tool is often your first defense against "awkward, hard to read, error-prone, or unconventional constructs in your code," per its description. It's part of a class of programs historically known as linters, so-called because like a clothes dryer machine's lint trap, they "detect small errors with big effects." (Another such linter is perltidy, which I've referenced in the past.)

You can use perlcritic at the command line, integrated with your editor, as a git pre-commit hook, or (my preference) as part of your author tests. It's driven by policies, individual modules that check your code against a particular recommendation, many of them from Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices (2005). Those policies, in turn, are enabled by PPI, a library that transforms Perl code into documents that can be programmatically examined and manipulated much like the Document Object Model (DOM) is used to programmatically access web pages.

3 Quick Ways to Recover Outlook PST Password Online

MS Outlook is used by many people to store personal information. However, you should be aware that MS Outlook uses the PST file format. Some users protect the file with a difficult password in order to make it safer, but they frequently forget it. So I'll show you how to recover the password from a PST file using a variety of approaches.

This is an appropriate time to discuss the various options because most users nowadays use a password to safeguard their PST files, and it is probable that the PST file will become corrupted as a result of frequent password misspellings.

How to Convert From MBOX to PST Free in Best Ways

The article highlights the best free methods for converting MBOX emails to Outlook PST files. It explains how to convert MBOX to PST using the manual technique and a third-party MBOX Migrator tool.

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most widely used email applications, with millions of users worldwide. Its appeal stems primarily from its excellent services and enhanced features. When compared to other email applications, Outlook delivers a wide range of functionality. Therefore, email users have been urged to export their data to Outlook PST by considering possibilities.

Feature Flagging: Falsehoods, Fallacies, and Downright Fictions

In a world where every business is essentially a software company, why wouldn’t everyone need a way to make safe and reliable changes to their software? If “feature flags” or “feature toggles” or “gatekeepers” are a proven method used by Facebook or Twitter, why on earth isn’t everyone doing it - or, at least, trying to do it?  

The concept of feature flagging is relatively old, but not standardized in the community, and there are some misconceptions about this practice. Over time, I’ve learned to separate facts from fiction.

Your Guide to Automated Vulnerability Scanners: Types, Benefits, and More

One of the most crucial roles of an IT security administrator involves comprehensive vulnerability management – the process of assessing, mitigating, and reporting security weaknesses and cyber threats that exist within the organization’s tech stack. To help with this, an automated vulnerability scanner forms the foundation of vulnerability management as it enables the identification and discovery of potential weaknesses.

Vulnerability scanning involves using applications that help teams create an inventory of all systems and devices connected to the organization’s network. The scanner also takes note of the operating system, software it runs, and other details relevant to security management for every inventory asset. 

Top 10 August ’21 AI Articles to Read Now


AI is one of the top trending technologies with a wide scope of development. From chatbots to voice assistants, AI is slowly making its way in our lives. How awesome would it be to find top trending articles in the AI Zone in one place so that you can always stay up to date with the latest trends in technology? We dug into Google analytics to find the top 10 most popular AI articles in August. Let's get started!

10. 5 Must-Have Skills to Become a Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning helps devices perform tasks without explicitly specifying the tasks in code. This article covers the skills required to become a Machine Learning Engineer. Learn and develop the skills to progress in ML by checking out the article below!

Event-Driven APIs With Webhook and WebSub

With all the recent advancements in the API architecture and the requirements for the real-time web, the event-driven API design is playing a key role. Webhooks and WebSub are two major protocols in event-driven API design. 

So, in this article, I will discuss Webhook and Websub and how to implement a subscriber using Ballerina programming language practically.

5 Key Techniques To Improve DevSecOps Framework Implementation

According to a study by Markets and Markets, the global DevOps market size increased from USD 2.90 Billion in 2017 to USD 10.31 Billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.7% during the forecast period. The reason why organizations are interested in adopting DevOps is to streamline their software delivery lifecycle and to be able to deliver better software faster.

Despite all the promises that DevOps hold, Verified Market Research also predicts, the Global DevSecOps Market was valued at USD 2.18 Billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 17.16 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.76% from 2020 to 2027.