The Power of DevOps Self-Service Platforms: How Standard Tools and Tech Increase Developer Velocity


By now, most organizations in the business of delivering software will likely have a DevOps strategy. Even if adoption is only partial, the maturity of DevOps enables firms to improve delivery by implementing the tools and practices across their organization that best suit their needs. 

Once the benefits of DevOps are realized, the business case for scaling DevOps across the enterprise inevitably grows. However, there is a key problem when it comes to scaling DevOps, which is outlined by Gartner’s 2019 prediction that “by 2023, 90% of enterprises will fail to scale DevOps initiatives if shared self-service platform approaches are not adopted.” Providing self-service capabilities allows product development teams to quickly provide new features and push changes to customers while also allowing the self-service platform owners to focus on providing new infrastructure automation capabilities to further support the increased product velocity.