7 Common Kubernetes Backup and Recovery Mistakes

As enterprises move Kubernetes into production and increase the number of Kubernetes clusters and applications in use, they need to deliver the same “enterprise-level” services as for other production applications. Implementing Kubernetes backup is critical to protect your applications in the event of an accident, system failure, or deliberate attack. You need an effective and appropriate backup strategy—in addition to whatever built-in resiliency and data protection features your applications may have. 

There are several use cases that your Kubernetes backup and recovery strategy should satisfy:

Auto-Instrumenting Node.js Apps With OpenTelemetry

In this tutorial, we will go through a working example of a Node.js application auto-instrumented with OpenTelemetry. In our example, we’ll use Express, the popular Node.js web application framework.

Our example application is based on two locally hosted services sending data to each other. We will instrument this application with OpenTelemetry’s Node.js client library to generate trace data and send it to an OpenTelemetry Collector. The Collector will then export the trace data to an external distributed tracing analytics tool of our choice. 

How To Build Self-Hosted RSS Feed Reader Using Spring Boot and Redis

Keeping on top of your RSS feeds can be a headache. If you have many feeds that you follow, then trying to keep tabs on the status of each one is just as tedious as difficult. Let’s be honest: having to dig through the online clutter and pull out the feed you want to monitor is a time-consuming process that nobody wants to experience.

These inconveniences created an itch that Sandeep Gupta couldn’t ignore, which spurred him to create an application that pulls all RSS feeds into one location. This provides users with a holistic view of all their RSS feeds, promoting a painless and efficient way of organizing their entire collection. Using different Redis modules, Sandeep was able to create an application that’s hyper-responsive to user commands, minimizing the chances of any lags or delays from happening. 

The Power of DevOps Self-Service Platforms: How Standard Tools and Tech Increase Developer Velocity


By now, most organizations in the business of delivering software will likely have a DevOps strategy. Even if adoption is only partial, the maturity of DevOps enables firms to improve delivery by implementing the tools and practices across their organization that best suit their needs. 

Once the benefits of DevOps are realized, the business case for scaling DevOps across the enterprise inevitably grows. However, there is a key problem when it comes to scaling DevOps, which is outlined by Gartner’s 2019 prediction that “by 2023, 90% of enterprises will fail to scale DevOps initiatives if shared self-service platform approaches are not adopted.” Providing self-service capabilities allows product development teams to quickly provide new features and push changes to customers while also allowing the self-service platform owners to focus on providing new infrastructure automation capabilities to further support the increased product velocity.

How to Run Apache Kafka on Windows

This blog post was originally published on the Confluent blog.

Is Windows your favorite development environment? Do you want to run Apache Kafka® on Windows? Thanks to the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2), now you can, and with fewer tears than in the past. Windows still isn’t the recommended platform for running Kafka with production workloads, but for trying out Kafka, it works just fine. Let’s take a look at how it’s done.

Example of NearBy Place Search – SITE KIT

Nearby Place Search


This Nearby Place Search API can return a list of places around the current location of a user. When the user selects a place, your app obtains the place ID and searches for details about the place.

Before going to this article, first, we need to learn how to add custom markers to Map. Check the below link

How To Use HMS Push Kit On Xamarin.Android

In this article, we are going to take a look at Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Push Kit Plugin for Xamarin.Android then we will send our first notification and data message by Huawei Console. After that, we will also send them by Push Kit APIs.


Push Kit is a messaging service provided by Huawei for developers. It offers to send real-time notifications and information messages. This helps developers maintain closer ties with users and increases user awareness and engagement. Furthermore, you are free to use for any different meaningful purposes.

Messaging Text Through HMS Nearby Connection

Introduction to Nearby Connection

Nearby Connection is one of the API of HUAWEI Nearby Service that allows applications to easily discover and connect to nearby devices, and exchange data with nearby devices without having Internet.

Example: We can chat with a friend and can share files such as photos and videos without connecting to the Internet.

HMS Game Service — Sign-in Function [Java]


In this article, I would like to address the Game Service topic by doing a practical example in which we will implement the kit. The goal is to achieve a simple application where our user can log in with his Huawei ID and obtain information regarding his player on Game Service. In the Huawei repositories, we can find projects with all the implementation but in my opinion, it is better to create a new project where we have the opportunity to do our development.


1. Create an App in AGC

How to Use Bootstrap to Build Beautiful Angular Apps

Since 2005, I’ve been a proponent of CSS frameworks. I was even the leader of an open-source project, AppFuse, and during that time, we held a design contest (using Mike Stenhouse’s CSS Framework) in order to provide themes for our users.

Over the next few years, a few new frameworks came into my awareness; Blueprint in 2007 and Compass in 2008. None of these frameworks, however, could hold a candle to Bootstrap. When it first came to my attention, it was called Twitter Bootstrap—invented in 2010 by Twitter employees Mark Otto and Jacob Thorton. To quote their words from "Building Twitter Bootstrap", Issue 324 of A List Apart:

Build Chatbots with Dialogflow – Step By Step Guidelines

Dialogflow from Google (earlier known as API.ai) is a great platform for developing chatbots for multiple platforms. Earlier when Dialogflow was known as API.ai, they had an Android and iOS client library to integrate chatbot into mobile apps. But after merging into Google, the existing library is not getting updated; rather we are seeing Dialogflow added to Google’s Cloud platform and a new Java-based client API is being developed.

In this article, I will show you how you can integrate a chatbot developed in Dialogflow using the new Java client API. 

Steps of Mobile Application Testing

Quality Assurance is usually a very important part of mobile application development. In case the step of mobile application testing is overlooked it could lead to bugs, breaks and also bad customer experience. In case a successful running app needs to be developed, quality assurance needs to be made part of every step of its development. The […]

The post Steps of Mobile Application Testing appeared first on WPArena.

Is the Mobile App Crucial for Business Success?

These days mobile apps can do just about anything, from playing games to monitoring residential security to mobile banking. But with the latest incorporation of this technology in the commercial sector, businesses are beginning to reap the rewards. Ask any business owner, “How do you define success?” The answers typically revolve around economic sustainability and [...]

The post Is the Mobile App Crucial for Business Success? appeared first on WPArena.

Newspack Opens Up Application Process for Phase Two

Earlier this year, Newspack chose twelve publications to take part in the initial rollout phase of the platform. Newspack is a collection of themes, plugins, and features geared towards newsrooms such as revenue generation wizards, mobile delivery, and search engine optimization.

Steve Beatty, head of Newspack Communication says they’re seeking up to 50 newsrooms to be part of phase two which lasts from September 1st – February 29th, 2020.

“What you’ll get: a new Newspack website, including the migration of your existing site; free hosting, security, updates, backups and support on WordPress.com through February 2020; membership in the Newspack community of users; access to Newspack developers; exclusive performance benchmarking against your peers; and more,” Beatty said.

Organizations that are selected are expected to provide feedback, test new features, and help shape the overall direction of the platform.

Free hosting for charter members will expire on February 29th, 2020. News organizations with revenue under $500K can expect to pay $1,000 per month and organizations that generate revenue of over $500K will pay $2,000 per month. Newspack is currently in negotiations to provide subsidies for organizations that encounter difficulties with the pricing structure.

Those interested in participating in the charter program have until August 15th to fill out the application.