Why is this regex code case-INSENSITIVE in preg_match?

I'm trying to figure out why the regex code below gives me two different results, depending on where I use it.


On phpliveregex.com, the above regex code matches the following:

When used in preg_match, the above regex code matches the following:

PS I'm not sure this is a relevant forum. I saw a bunch of regex questions on DANIWEB, but now that I'm trying to add my own question, the tags I am offered have nothing to do with PHP or REGEX.

Use Ketch to Deploy Apps on Kubernetes Without YAML

Ketch, a relatively new open source project from application-as-code platform Shipa, offers a simple command-line interface that developers can use to deploy and manage applications on any Kubernetes cluster without writing YAML configuration files.

Kubernetes is the ubiquitous standard for orchestrating containerized and microservices-based applications. However, operating Kubernetes requires developers to overcome a rather steep learning curve. Running Kubernetes successfully means gaining expertise in Kubernetes concepts, objects, and how to write and manage YAML files. Ketch eliminates much of that complexity by deploying applications directly to Kubernetes clusters, rendering YAML files unnecessary and easing entry for developers.

8 Keys to Failproof App Modernization

"God was able to create the world in seven days because God didn't have to worry about legacy” – Enzo Torresi.

Enterprise customers, unfortunately, do not have that luxury. They must deal with legacy in various degrees of complexity and scale. This article presents a practitioner’s perspective of the trends, good practices and gotchas that one must watch out for in a complex (legacy) application modernization program.

Run Hundreds of Experiments with OpenCV and Hydra

Feature Matching Problem

Image matching is an important task in computer vision. Real-world objects may be captured on different photos from any angle with any lightning conditions and may be occluded. But while images contain the same objects they must be categorized accordingly. For this purpose, computer vision gives us invariant feature extractors that help to match objects on different images

Detectors, Descriptors, and Matchers

Image matching is a three-step algorithm. Fortunately, they are all covered in the OpenCV library

5 Types of Software Testing Models

Originally published October 17, 2021

One of the critical aspects of the software development life cycle is software testing. Today, there are a plethora of different software development models to choose from, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. As a result, depending on the project's requirements and difficulties, you must choose just the right model. Let's look at various software testing models, their advantages and disadvantages.

The Right Way to Use Favicons

How to Add a Favicon

To make an icon display, you need to add a file with a graphic image of the icon to a tab. To add an icon to your website, you need to follow the mandatory browser requirements and use a minimum set of favicons, which we will now consider in detail.

Why a set and not a single icon? The fact is that browsers and screens are constantly evolving. More modern formats are usually supported by more modern browsers. For example, you might think that you can add a single SVG icon and the browser will render it correctly. However, not all browsers still support the SVG format for favicons. The following table illustrates the browsers that support the SVG format.

CockroachDB TIL: Volume 3

Previous Articles

Topic 1: Force Lookup Join Instead of Merge or Hash Join

To make the optimizer prefer lookup joins over merge or hash joins when performing foreign key checks, set the prefer_lookup_joins_for_fks session variable to on (merge joins are the default for single-row inserts and hash joins are likely to appear with more rows. There are times when a lookup join will be more efficient than the chosen plan by the optimizer. The lesson here is to test all available options and not to accept the defaults!

set prefer_lookup_joins_for_fks=on;

Externalize Application Configuration With Spring Cloud Config


One of the principles from the 12 Factor App, states that we have to separate our application configuration from the code. The configuration varies based on the environment and it's better to organize them based on the environment your application is running. 

So in this article, we will be looking at how we can externalize configurations with Spring Cloud Config.

How to Use Pattern Matching for instanceof From JDK16

The new LTS version (version 17) of Java was released in September. And since the previous LTS (version 11), many cool features were added. One of the coolest ones is “Pattern Matching for instanceof“.

Until Java 15, when we checked whether an object is an instance of a particular class, the compiler didn’t infer the variable’s type, even if the object passed the condition. Because of that, we always had to cast after the instanceof check.

Building a Holistic Security System for DevOps Projects

DevOps aligns the work of software developers and other IT professionals to ensure better quality, faster time to market, and increased productivity. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, integration, and automation of all aspects of software delivery, from development to testing to deployment.

A DevOps approach to software development enables an organization to have systems in place that support the production of software in a fast, reliable, and incremental way.

7 Steps To Improve Data Security During Cloud Migration

In 2020, there were over 1,001 reported cases of data breaches in the United States alone. In today’s market, data is now the most important asset for all industries. It’s critical to protect this asset at all costs with comprehensive data security, whether you are migrating to the cloud or maintaining your on-premise servers.

Unfortunately, during the cloud migration process, there are times where data is vulnerable and exposed. Consider this case study of Keepnet Lab’s Data Breach, where the contractor turned off the firewall for ten minutes while migrating to ElasticSearch. This move exposed the database to attackers who breached over 5 billion data records. 

Effective Solutions to Backup iCloud to An External Hard Drive

Summary: "Apple Inc. provides cloud storage in every Apple device. This cloud computing service is known as iCloud. Unfortunately, Everyone gets only 5GB of cloud storage for free. Therefore, we need to manage this free cloud space effectively. This article will help you understand how to backup iCloud to an external hard drive and why we need to backup iCloud on an external hard drive?"

iCloud securely stores photos, files, notes, contacts, and more in the cloud space. It keeps your data secure in iCloud and allows you to access the data with any of your Apple devices. However, this will cause your iCloud space out of storage as you have only 5GB of storage space available in it. Hence, you have to backup iCloud to an external hard drive to utilize your iCloud space efficiently.

Kubeflow Fundamentals Part 3: Distributions and Installations

Welcome to the third blog post in our “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series specifically designed for folks brand new to the Kubelfow project. The aim of the series is to walk you through a detailed introduction of Kubeflow, a deep-dive into the various components, and how they all come together to deliver a complete MLOps platform.

If you missed the previous installments in the “Kubeflow Fundamentals” series, you can find them here:

I have a problem with this script


foreach($_POST['JENIS_PERMINTAAN'], reverse_tanggal($_POST['TGL_PERMINTAAN']) as $idx=>$val){
        $params = array($_POST['ID_PASIEN'], $_POST['ID_PENDAFTARAN'], $val );  //--disini input id_pasien=0001 sesuai contoh di form
    sqlsrv_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query, $params);

there is an error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' in 

Please help