Faster Maven Builds

Builds require a few properties, chief among them reproducibility. I would consider speed to be low on the order of priorities. However, it's also one of the most limiting factors to your release cycle: if your build takes T, you cannot release faster than each T. Hence, you'll probably want to speed up your builds after you've reached a certain maturity level to enable more frequent releases.

I want to detail some techniques you can leverage to make your Maven builds faster in this post. The following post will focus on how to do the same inside of Docker.

Stateful Microservices With Apache Ignite

Stateful microservices are not a new concept. They have their pros and cons and can shine in highly loaded systems. There are examples of using stateful microservices with Apache Cassandra on board. In this article, I will describe how you can combine this approach with Apache Ignite.

Stateless Architecture

The traditional microservices architecture is stateless. In this case, the database cluster is deployed away from the application instances, as is the distributed cache. In case of increased load, each of these elements is scaled independently.

Solution Thinking Design


You are modernizing a Core System and have defined a Target Business Architecture (BA) that will replace it. You are following the defined modernization roadmap and are in charge of the modernization of one of the Business Capabilities of the Target Business Architecture. Now, you need to understand how the current Core System is addressing the Business Capability, i.e., you have to map which legacy system is providing the business capabilities associated with this system in the BA. 

Usually, the core system will be a set of monoliths, applications, services, and transactions that are integrated and tightly coupled so that if you map all of them and its integrations, you will end up with a picture like this one:

3 Fundamental Components of a Reusable .NET Microservices Platform

Development teams frequently need to build new microservices to either add new functionality or replace existing microservices. However, microservices must support some standard features such as providing insight into their health through logging, allowing monitoring, and following the organization's security standards. A reusable microservices platform can help developers jumpstart the development process by providing reusable components that they can use to build new microservices.

To implement a reusable microservices platform, you can use the sidecar pattern or build NuGet packages that are installed in every microservice. Monitoring, tracing, and logging are the key components that must exist in your platform. We will cover an implementation of the platform consisting of the three components in this article. However, you may build many more platform components to implement standard technical policies such as handling database connections, retries, timeouts, etc.