Web Application Architecture Best Practices in 2021

Web application architecture is a high-level structure that determines the way your product and business will operate, perform and scale. These days, the stage of choosing web app architecture is often where you get lost in a variety of options available on the software development market. The more new names and trends appear, the harder it becomes to decide. Isomorph, Progressive Web app, SPA, or SSR – what’s the best modern web app architecture for you, and which criteria to use for evaluation? In this article, we cover the major front-end architecture types available for the Web and explain the peculiarities of their implementation.

What Is a Web App vs Website?

First, let’s define a web app. It’s a client-server application, where there’s a browser (a client) and a web server. The logic of a web application is distributed among the server and the client, there’s a channel for information exchange, and data storage located locally or in the cloud.