Mulesoft Dataweave: filter vs takeWhile

filter Vs takeWhile

Both of these functions can be used for selecting elements from the array for a given condition, The difference is "filter" returns all the element which matches condition but 'takeWhile' returns all the elements till the first failure. 

input :
        "id": "100",
        "name": "Dataweave by"
        "id": "100",
        "name": "Arpan"
        "id": "200",
        "name": "Kumar"
        "id": "100",
        "name": "Sharma"

%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
// use 'takeWhile' when you wants to select the element till first failure of given condition.
"takeWhile" : payload takeWhile ((item) -> == "100" ) ,
//use 'filter'  when you wants to select all the element for given condition.
"filter": payload filter ((item, index) -> == "100")

  "takeWhile": [
      "id": "100",
      "name": "Dataweave by"
      "id": "100",
      "name": "Arpan"
  "filter": [
      "id": "100",
      "name": "Dataweave by"
      "id": "100",
      "name": "Arpan"
      "id": "100",
      "name": "Sharma"