DocRaptor vs. WeasyPrint: A PDF Export Showdown


I recently published an article comparing HTML-to-PDF export libraries. In it, I explored options like the native browser print functionality, open-source libraries jsPDF and pdfmake, and the paid service DocRaptor. Here's a quick recap of my findings:

If you want the simplest solution and don’t need a professional-looking document, the native browser print functionality should be just fine. If you need more control over the PDF output, then you’ll want to use a library. jsPDF shines when it comes to single-page content generated based on HTML shown in the UI. pdfmake works best when generating PDF content from data rather than from HTML. DocRaptor is the most powerful of them all with its simple API and its beautiful PDF output. But again, unlike the others, it is a paid service. However, if your business depends on elegant, professional document generation, DocRaptor is well worth the cost.