Here’s CodeLobster IDE the perfect program for editing and editing programm

Programming languages are very many, programs and tools that allow you to edit and modify them much more than the programming languages themselves, if it is correct, and the free ones that do not live up to the hope of programmers and the paid price and cost is very high, in addition to the very limited advantages that do not amount to dealing with all programming languages at the same time One!
So it is rare and impressive that one finds a program that contains everything he wants with a simple interface free from any complexity and advertisements and completely free, then the user will fly with joy and pleasure and will not give his joy to anyone because these distinctive programs cannot be found easily, but after a long and bitter search in the Internet sea Vast and full of lies.
Fortunately with us today is one of these programs that you will not find unparalleled in advantages, speed, ease and comprehensiveness in the field of programming, coding, editing and modification of many programming languages if not all of them, which is the simple, light and free CodeLobster IDE program as well, so that we immediately know what it can do.
What CodeLobster allows you to do?
Simply this program allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files and highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags and functions and their parameters, and this editor also easily deals with files that contain mixed content, if you insert PHP code in the HTML template, the editor will highlight both HTML tags and PHP functions.
The program includes an auto-complete function that speeds up the work of the programmer to a large extent and eliminates the possibility of errors occurring, which is desired by many programmers after mastering a language, the speed of work is very required in the age of speed that we live with today, and it also provides contextual help on all supported programming languages and uses documents The most recent at the moment and downloads it from the official sites.
So we can quickly get a description of any HTML tag, CSS attribute, PHP or JavaScript function via F1, and the built-in PHP debugger allows you to execute scripts step-by-step and go sequentially through lines of code, and you can set checkpoints, display the looping process and monitor the values of all Variables during script execution.

Other useful IDE functions and features you should know about
Highlight the brackets and tags, meaning that you will never have to calculate the parentheses or quotes and the editor will take care of them for you, highlighting the blocks, choosing code snippets and bookmarks to facilitate navigation in the edited file and learn about the entire structure of the projects and build them.
The program supports 17 languages for the user interface, including English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, and others, and this giant works on any system that you may think of, such as Windows in all its versions, Mac and Linux with all its basic and popular distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian as well.
It does not stop there, but rather offers more
The Professional edition of CodeLobster IDE provides the programmer with more advantages: For example you have the opportunity to work with projects on a remote server using the built-in FTP client, you can edit the selected files, preview the results, and then synchronize the changes with the files on the hosting.

In addition to the above, the professional version includes a wide range of plug-ins: Full support for JavaScript application libraries such as jQuery, Node.js, AngularJS, BackboneJS, VueJS, and MeteorJS, CodeLobster IDE also has a Bootstrap plugin.

A wide range of plugins that help work with PHP frameworks - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Phalcon, Smarty, Symfony, Twig and Yii, and plugins for working with the most popular CMS such as Drupal, Magento and WordPress.

In conclusion, did the program get its description?
I do not think that the answer will be yes because such programs will only know their importance with the slightest idea of programming and web languages and how to closely deal with them, so we invite you to download the program from its official website and explore it because of its great importance and exciting advantages that have been absent from our mention of this .

In general, for a year of work, the program team did not have any complaints against this giant editor in its mighty specifications, as it was and still works with unparalleled speed and smoothness and does not crash and allows the programmer to work even with large PHP projects, meaning that the possibility of facing problems is very small .

edit this code for me i want input calculate the value of ‘speed’.

import time
#this inports time for the sleep command in line number three...
print("This Program is a speed calculator")
#This Program Will take user input as distance and time and gives output as speed
#this line adds a puase in the print funtion so the user can readthe line before another comes
distance=input("Enter Distance")
time= input("Enter time")

Pleease edit this code for me i want input calculate the value of ‘speed’.

import time
#this inports time for the sleep command in line number three...
print("This Program is a speed calculator")
#This Program Will take user input as distance and time and gives output as speed
#this line adds a puase in the print funtion so the user can readthe line before another comes
distance=input("Enter Distance")
time= input("Enter time")

Gutenberg’s Faster Performance Is Eroding Page Builders’ Dominance

WordPress’ block editor, colloquially still widely known as Gutenberg, is making inroads into the segment of users who have heavily relied on page builders for years. For the most part, page builder plugins have either declined in growth or stagnated in 2020, with the exception of Elementor. In contrast, block collections with page builder features are gaining more users. Performance is becoming an important factor in this migration.

In a post titled “Damn. Gutenberg Smokes Elementor,” Kyle Van Deusen published benchmarks from his experience building a simple landing page using Elementor and then Gutenberg.

“Like any Elementor user, I’ve become increasingly anxious about the future of Elementor and just how bloated it is,” Van Deusen said. “I think Google PageSpeed Insights agrees.”

After recreating the same design with Gutenberg and GenerateBlocks, Van Deusen saw a small difference in GTMetrix scores.

GTMetrix scores: Elementor vs Gutenberg

He found the most profound difference when testing with Google’s PageSpeed Insights, where Elementor scored 46% on mobile, and 83% on desktop.

“Because I’ve had such poor luck getting any kind of decent scores with Elementor sites (especially on mobile), I’ve given up using this tool,” Van Deusen said. “Not because it’s not a valuable metric (in fact, it may be the most valuable since this is how Google sees things), but because there wasn’t much I could do about it.”

In contrast, the page built with Gutenberg gave him a 94% score on mobile and a 99% on desktop.

“In terms of performance, straight out of the box; Gutenberg absolutely smokes Elementor,” Van Deusen said. “However, each time I’ve taken Gutenberg for a spin, I’ve left frustrated. As soon as I feel like I’m getting the hang of it, eventually the wheels come off and I’m back to installing Elementor.

“But when your PageSpeed Insights scores go from 46% to 94%, it’s time to perk up and pay attention.”

Van Deusen said it took him more time to recreate the design in Gutenberg and he had trouble with mobile views. At the moment, he doesn’t see switching as an advantageous move for his business.

“While I think we can conclusively say, at least for performance, Gutenberg is the clear winner — it’s just not at a point where a guy like me can jump ship,” Van Deusen said.

“Gutenberg is fun to play with, and I enjoy dreaming of the day when it’s viable for me— but I like to put food on my table. Elementor still helps me do that more efficiently.”

In another experiment, WordPress developer Munir Kamal rebuilt Elementor’s homepage in Gutenberg to compare the HTML markup both page builders generate. The page built with Elementor includes 356 div’s in the markup vs 77 for Gutenberg. Kamal found that Elementor generated 796 lines of code vs Gutenberg’s 206 lines, resulting in a difference of 99kb vs 28kb respectively.

In August 2020, DearHive, the makers of the DearFlip WordPress plugin, left CodeCanyon to sell plugins from their own site. DearHive’s company site was built with Elementor, but suddenly Google ranking mattered for their product site now that they were selling independently from CodeCanyon. Deepak Ghimire, a software developer at the company, cited performance as the chief issue that impacted their ranking and drove them to switch to Gutenberg.

“Our page speed went from 83 with Elementor to 98 with Gutenberg,” Ghimire said.

Page builder plugins may still have more features at this point in time, but performance is becoming a critical consideration for those who are doing business online. In May 2021, Google plans to introduce a new ranking signal for Search, based on page experience as measured by Core Web Vitals metrics. Performance is an important part of delivering the kind of scores necessary to pass the Core Web Vitals assessment. This ranking signal update from Google may compel even more site owners to migrate away from slow page builders.

For the past two years, WordPress users have been asking if Gutenberg will replace page builders. It looks more and more likely if the most popular ones remain bloated alternatives and the smaller ones keep on the same trajectory of attrition. It won’t happen overnight, but it is bound to accelerate when full-site editing makes its debut in WordPress core.

For those who build websites for clients, the best way to future-proof your skills is to learn how to build pages within the framework of the block editor and, if you can, learn how to build custom blocks. It’s also a good time to be experimenting with different block collections to streamline your setup so that you don’t have to sacrifice high performance in order to build sites efficiently.

Preemptive Scheduling Coroutine Programming Language

The concept of coroutine must be familiar to everyone now. After all, not only LUA, Go, and Kotlin but also C++ all support coroutines.

But different languages have different implementations. Such as LUA, coroutines will be scheduled when someone called yield() or resume().

Private vs. Public vs. Hybrid Cloud: Which One to Choose?

Most enterprise IT departments now manage applications across multiple environments in a dizzyingly complex overall IT architecture. They also must constantly reevaluate their unique mix of on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud infrastructure to meet new business goals and determine how applications can be migrated to the public cloud in a cost-effective way.

This is no small feat. Dozens or even hundreds of applications built at different times, in different languages, and by different teams need to be evaluated for migration to the cloud. It requires deep knowledge of the existing IT infrastructure as well as the public cloud resources that could replace these functions.

Why Choose Ruby Development for Your Next Project

If you are considering Ruby development for your backend tech stack, you want to be aware of advantages and disadvantages before you start contacting teams. Ruby is a universal language, but it’s not the perfect fit for any project. So, let’s see its weak and strong points - and talk about ways of leveraging Ruby’s enormous potential. 

Main Ruby advantages:

Laravel Sanctum SPA API Authentication: Part 1

Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight package to help make authentication in single-page or native mobile applications as easy as possible. Where before you had to choose between using the web middleware with sessions or an external package like Tymon's jwt-auth, you can now use Sanctum to accomplish both stateful and token-based authentication.

Installing Laravel Sanctum

First, let's actually install the package using Composer:

How to Integrate SharePoint With MuleSoft

This tutorial will help you integrate SharePoint with MuleSoft (Mule 4) and perform some basic operations. 

Microsoft SharePoint Connector supports both SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online for the use in the cloud and on-premises. 

AWS Lambda Error Handling

In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about the basics of AWS Lambda error handling and some popular methods using StepFunctions and X-Ray. Regardless if you’re an AWS Lambda expert or if you’re a new Lambda user, there’s always something new to learn. You’ve probably already encountered Lambda errors that may seem pretty challenging since the mechanism that runs Lambda retries will often make it incredibly difficult to follow up on changes that occur within your serverless application.

Serverless is not all about straightforward execution of code on Lambda function, but it’s a different type of architecture of your entire system. Distributed nodes within this architecture that are activated thanks to asynchronous events are what makes this system.

Careful When Changing the Display of `summary`

I got a very helpful bug report the other day (thanks Kilian!) about the <details> element in a blog post of mine not showing the default ▶ icon, and thus looking rather like any ol’ random <p>.

It wasn’t terribly hard to diagnose. I just opened the page in Firefox, inspected the element in Firefox DevTools, and played with properties and values until I saw the ▶ come back. The problem? I was using a (very old) copy of Normalize.css, which must have followed me through several redesigns on this site, and set…

summary {
  display: block; /* the problem */

If you do that, Firefox nukes the ▶:

Way back in 2016, this was fixed by Jon Neal in Normalize:

summary {
  display: list-item;

In Chrome, the User Agent style for <summary> is block, so no problem with setting it to block. But in Firefox, best I can tell, the User Agent style is list-item.

Hence Jon setting it to list-item in the current version of Normalize.

You can also see in the Firefox DevTools that the ▶ is applied with a ::marker pseudo element. As soon as <summary> isn’t a list-item anymore, the ::marker disappears. I guess that makes some sense, as the spec says:

The ::marker pseudo-element represents the automatically generated marker box of a list item.

So the fact that ::marker works on block-level items in Chrome might be the bug? I dunno, but I kinda like having ::marker work on other things. As Šime Vidas once pointed out, it’s rather nice.

In Safari, there is no problem, as apparently the ▶ comes from “Shadow Content”???

Anyway, the Normalize idea of just forcing them to be list-item seems fine (or just don’t touch them at all).

The post Careful When Changing the Display of `summary` appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Tackling Design Debt With Carefully Considered Design QA

Quality assurance is a vital part of any software development project. QA encompasses the entire software development process from defining goals and commitments to release management and smoke tests. Using different approaches, standards, and models such as ISO 9000 and CMMI, your quality assurance team constantly reviews and audits the software solution you’re developing to verify that it meets the set quality requirements. The team makes certain every feature functions as expected and prevents any deviations or potential errors from making it into the release.

Be that as it may, not every quality assurance procedure gets the same level of attention in the world of fast-paced, iterative software development and delivery practices. Today, tech companies quite often trivialize the role of UX/UI designers in the verification and validation procedures despite design verification being a critical component of the development process. Companies tend to prioritize a faster time to market, putting all the focus on optimizing performance and functionality over polishing the design. This means that while the general acceptance criteria are met, the broader user experience issues — inconsistencies between mockups and the developed UI, possible interaction and navigation deviations, etc. — are usually left unattended or postponed in favor of functionality checks.

Calling Java Class Using DataWeave

Recently, I worked on an application to read barcode images from aURL or Base64 encoded payload and provide the result.

For that, I have used a jar from Dynamsoft and created a Java package importing the classes of the barcode reader from Dynamsoft and creating a class for ImageReader.

The Secret of Communicating Incident Retrospectives

In the world of SRE, incidents are unplanned investments in reliability. Why? Because they are valuable opportunities to learn and grow. This perspective can be difficult to communicate to other stakeholders. Some may be upset about the cost incurred or the affected customers. Others might not understand why incidents happen in the first place. It is important to show how the lessons of an incident are relevant to each stakeholder role.

One of the most valuable tools in sharing these lessons is the incident retrospective or postmortem. These documents are built after the incident response process and reviewed in internal meetings. Sometimes an edited version is shared with external stakeholders. In this blog post, we’ll show how to coordinate incident retrospectives across different stakeholder groups, how to cultivate a culture of blamelessness during the process, and how to drive change from key findings.

DataWeave: The map Function Explained

Main Points:

  • The map function transforms data
  • If iterates over the elements in an array 
  • It applies a transformation to each element
  • Applies only to array input
  • It can only output an array

What Is the map Function Used For?

The map function is used to transform the data contained in an array. It does this by iterating over the elements in the array and applying a transformation to each element. The result of the transformation is collected together and output as an array of transformed elements. If you are familiar with Java 8 functional programming approach, a comparison can be made with the the map() method of the Stream class, find out more in my article Contrast DataWeave and Java mapping operations.

How Is the Transformation Described?

The transformation that is applied to each element is described with DataWeave. For example, to change a text value in the source array use the upper() built in function.

How to Create an Automated Sitemap With Node.js

Site maps are a very important aspect of SEO optimization. Google and other search engines can use a sitemap to figure out where all your pages are and how they link together. In this tutorial, we will be creating an automated site map with Node.JS and Express.

I will be using MongoDB as the database tool, but if you use MySQL or something else, you can easily swap these components out.