6 Security Predictions for 2021—And Why They Matter

Understanding industry trends is important for any IT professional, but it’s especially critical for anyone working in security. Teams need to be able to stay a step ahead of a wide range of security threats. With the global COVID-19 pandemic altering the way enterprise organizations do business and their employees work, it’s been a particularly challenging year to achieve this, all while ensuring that the new tools employees need to stay connected and productive don’t put individuals, or the enterprise, at risk. 

Just as the nature of our work style and lives have changed, so too has the threat landscape and the security tools we use to combat it. We’re constantly learning about emerging and ongoing security trends that will impact businesses and customers globally, but with breaches du jour, it’s often hard to know which are the most important. That said, there are six factors that IT and business leaders should keep top of mind to kick off the new year right.